The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 942 Lord of Hell: Mephisto!

"Are you ready?"

Mo Kai, who landed on his flying mount, asked.

"Of course, but Legion Commander, you seem to have more archangels under your command?"

Zhao Hao nodded and wondered at the wrong number of archangels.

Not less, but more. Almost half as much as before in the Wolf Principality.

"As the legion commander, I have the authority to temporarily call no more than half of the reserve archangels to join the legion!"

There was a hint of madness in Mo Kai's tone.

Although he could do this within the scope of his power, the prerequisite was to pass some procedures, but this time he decided to kill first and then report later.

That's right, he's ready to go dark, so how can he care about these things.

He even made a lot of arrangements.

In other words, the 'family' is all over there in Heaven Mountain, otherwise they can take revenge on the way.

Only then did he understand why he had been stationed at Huiyu Fortress for a long time and rarely had the opportunity to return to his 'home' in Tiantang Mountain.

Home is definitely home, but whether it is your own is another matter.

But revenge is like fine wine, the longer it brews, the better it tastes.

"I see, let's go!"

Zhao Hao led the way forward.

At this time, what was wrong with the other party was completely staged. The archangels may have noticed it, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Before the final control is used, the hero has supreme control over the units.

Of course, Zhao Hao did not use his true face to deal with the other party.

At this time, the four of them were all wearing Demon Court uniforms, and he and Anluosi were wearing masks representing official members.

If the other party knew his identity, it would be a fatal weapon. He would not believe the other party.

Even if the other party has no history of breaking promises after his fall, with his crazy character, it wouldn't be surprising if he actually does it.

For the evil camp, betrayal, deception, etc. are completely commonplace. It is not necessary not to do it, but they will not give up when it is really necessary.

The team moved forward quickly.

The archangels levitated to a height of about ten centimeters above the swamp ground and followed.

Of course, it would be impossible to do this if it were a flying unit that relied on wings.

The flight of archangels relies on levitation + wings, so it is not surprising that they can do this.

After several hours, the team arrived at the target location.

Regarding the remains of the corpses along the way (minced meat after the birth of the skeleton soldiers), Mo Kai's eyes did not waver at all.

In the past, he wouldn't have said anything. After all, he had killed a lot of people, but he would have been a little displeased with this act of desecrating corpses.

But now that his heart has darkened, these are nothing at all, and he even feels happy from the bottom of his heart.


Under the ghost car mask, Anlos stopped and pointed to the dilapidated circular Colosseum building ahead.

If she hadn't led the way, it would have been hard to imagine that this would be the place where the Hell Lord was imprisoned.


As you can imagine when you hear the name, it must be a dark and cramped environment, which is nothing like it here.

"Is there a no-air rule?"

Mo Kai asked immediately and received a positive answer.

In a place like the Heroic World, where flight abilities and spells are constantly emerging, it is completely standard to have air restrictions in important places.

Although after the air restriction, the archangel's combat effectiveness was reduced by more than half.

But the price is well worth it!

Because the rules don't distinguish between friend and foe.

Rather than giving their enemies a chance to escape, they prefer to hunt in areas with air restrictions so that their prey cannot escape.

It should be noted that the "empty" in the forbidden air rules that Mo Kai asked about not only represents "sky", but also means "space".

Space is not forbidden, and there are many ways for the hell lord to escape.

And if the prison can restrict the other party for such a long time, there will definitely be restrictions in this regard.

"Let's go!"

Mokai took the lead to enter with the archangels.


Zhao Hao, who followed the opponent in, saw a faint light emerging from the archangels. If his five senses were not relatively sharp, he would not be able to see it.

"Sir, be careful, the environment here has been polluted!"

As a spell caster, Anluosi was more sensitive to these issues and reminded her in a low voice immediately.


The Hell Lord itself is a source of pollution, which can continuously emit the breath of hell and turn the creatures in this environment into hell creatures.

Abyss of hell!

Actually all in one place.

But just like there are multiple parties in a country, the Abyss is also divided into two forces.

Demons of the Abyss represent chaos, bloodlust, destruction...etc.

The devil in hell represents order, evil, cunning...etc.

Although both are evil creatures from the Abyss Hell, they are subtly different.

Even the civil war between the two has never stopped.

Of course, not only the players, but even the ordinary aboriginals don’t know these inside stories.

It's just that players in the future are seeking death, and many players who have joined the Abyss Hell have revealed this, so these are no secrets.

The pollution speed will be determined based on the target's strength, race, etc.

With their strength, polluting them into hell creatures is not something that can be accomplished in a short time, so there is no need to worry.

As for the situation of the archangels, it is because the Holy Light and evil are natural enemies that they have such an overreaction.

After entering the Colosseum-like prison, the view suddenly broadened.

The ground turned into extremely solid masonry with no trace at all, and the edges turned into smooth walls standing like mountains.

Space to expand!

There is definitely the blessing of space laws here, otherwise it would not be so huge, with a radius of at least two kilometers, and from the outside it is only about a few hundred meters in radius at most.

[System prompt: You have entered the ancient prison (in a dilapidated state). Any flying or space abilities are prohibited here and cannot be destroyed! 】

The information that appears on the property interface makes people understand the environment here.

As for the target, it is in the center of the prison.

So conspicuous!

Four phantom shadows of iron chains emerged from mid-air and pierced into the other party's body, making it difficult for people not to see the other party.

The other party looked like a human wearing noble clothes, with a pair of small horns on his head, snake-like pupils, and a triangular arrow-shaped tail on his back.

"Today is such a lucky day. There are so many 'guests' coming to the door. I am Mephisto, welcome you all!"

Mephisto saluted with a somewhat excited tone, and his words and deeds were no different from a human noble who was excited to see his guests.

If it were the Abyss Lord, he wouldn't talk nonsense at all, he would just rush over and start slashing.


Mokai didn't answer and directly gave the order to attack.

As the leader of the Huiyu Army, he naturally understands what the Hell Lord is and doesn't talk nonsense with him at all.

Anyone who believed in the devil's words would die miserably, and he didn't want to follow in his footsteps.


An archangel rushed out with a shield on his left and a sword on his right.

When dealing with other enemies, the archangels may just 'execute orders', but when dealing with evil creatures, they (genderless, I don't want to use them to describe them) are not in trouble.

Holy light and evil are natural enemies!

Faced with this kind of natural enemy, there is no need to worry about the archangels fishing or paddling to ensure 100% combat effectiveness.

Even if he can't fly, Archangel is very agile and his sprint speed is amazing.

As for Zhao Hao, they were all observing from behind.

Lord of Hell!

Just look at the previous battle at Devil's Gate to understand how strong the opponent is, and that was under the premise that the opponent's strength was greatly restricted.

Now they don't know anything about how much strength this person has left or whether he can act. Of course, they have to test it out first.


The golden spiral sword in the hands of the archangel rushing at the front was flashing with faint flames.

Holy flame!

This effect can defeat evil targets.

And the Hell Lord is definitely an extremely evil target.

Of course, no one thinks that they can kill the opponent instantly with one sword.

After all, if it were that simple, the other party couldn't be the Lord of Hell.

But the scene that followed completely surprised Zhao Hao and the others who were observing from behind.

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