The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 947 Title: King of Hatred!

On the way out, Zhao Hao resisted not checking the soul crystal.

Afraid of being tempted, I stopped to use it halfway.

So delicious!

A hell lord who has descended into his true form, the soul crystal will definitely be as fragrant as you want it to be.

It would be fine if he were a weak one, but even if he was imprisoned for countless hours, his remaining strength was still above the legend. The strength at his peak was definitely as exaggerated as possible.

What the other party left behind was definitely a valuable treasure.

If the devil's contract explodes when killing the Sky Blade, there may be no need to fight. Then the difficulty will be to wipe out the large lizardman tribe.

But to say that is to 'enslave' Mephisto, the lord of hell, rather than to say that the other party uses the power of the player to escape from trouble.

Zhao Hao didn't get the contract, so he chose to be tough.

Although it seems that the gain outweighs the loss, it is definitely safer and less troublesome than 'slavery', and it is not a power that disappears after use.

All I can say is that luckily the Sky Blade didn’t succeed.

If the other party's 'enslavement' succeeds, he will suddenly be led by Storm like this in the future.

It’s so sour and refreshing that my scalp feels numb just thinking about it!

It can only be said that it was fortunate that the Time Assassin's intelligence allowed the Storm Leader to avoid a big pit.

It is indeed beneficial to make good friends with these forces. If we really don't have any allies, it may be a tragedy this time.


In a remote place far away from Black Prison Lake, Zhao Hao and the others landed slowly.

When we got here, we also deliberately bypassed the possible routes that the pursuers of the Holy Church would take. If they were encountered by the other party, we would have to admit defeat.

Of course, you must find a way to clear the area after landing.


Freya's recovered dragon body roared low, and in conjunction with the dragon's power, it caused countless nearby birds and beasts to scatter.

After all, the giant dragon is a ceiling race, and its power is indeed undeniable.

Of course, if it's a special monster, the other party might be more interested.

But facing their combination, if the monster dares to come, it will lead to death.

It’s impossible to hit an epic or legendary monster just anywhere you land, right? .

After clearing the field, Zhao Hao carefully took out the soul crystal and selected the display mode.

Soul Crystal [Special Item]: It is the soul of Mephisto, the King of Hatred. You will get huge rewards after using it.

Requirements: Intelligent creatures, PS: There are mental risks after use, please use with caution.

A clear introduction and at the same time clearly showing the risks.

Mental risk!

This is almost the basic price for gaining evil power.

If Zhao Hao were a normal player, he might not dare to think about crystallizing the complete soul of such a powerful being.

The problem is that he isn't.

One of his talents is unknown, but actually extremely important.

Immune to mental and psychic influences!

It seems very ordinary, but it is actually extremely important.

Not to mention other aspects, the part-time necromancer's level can be improved quickly precisely because of this attribute. Otherwise, based on his upgrade speed, he would have suffered from "graveyard disease" long ago.

Now players have realized the power and risks of the cemetery camp, so the number of players who dare to choose this camp has dropped like crazy.

Those who continue to choose this camp are either strong or crazy, there is no middle group at all.

And Zhao Hao is not affected by anything precisely because of this attribute.

Therefore, he does not need to worry at all about the risk of soul crystallization.

It's a pity that it's the crystallization of the soul of the Lord of Hell!

The other party was taking the spell-casting route, so soul crystals were destined to be more suitable for legal professions.


Zhao Hao is ready to use it part-time.

Both are spellcasting professions, and they are also in the 'evil camp', so they are indeed more suitable than the main profession.

Switch careers!

Quickly switch from the main profession Druid to a part-time Necromancer.

To be honest, it is not easy to break through in part-time strength, but this soul crystal can definitely make another leap in part-time strength.

"I'm starting!"

After Zhao Hao said something, he chose to use soul crystal.

It looks like an extremely hard transparent crystal melting in your hand.

If you were an ordinary aborigine, you would be able to realize in a minute what it means to be "involuntarily". It may not be that they use the soul crystal, but the soul crystal uses them.

Do you really think there are no flaws in the quick fix? .

If that were the case, the Holy Church would have collectively transferred to the evil camp long ago.


Zhao Hao felt a coldness emerging in his body, but it dissipated quickly, and he could also vaguely hear an unwilling roar.

"System prompts: Your strength +10, constitution +10, intelligence +30, knowledge +30, and you will get the title: King of Hatred!"

A prompt sounded that surprised him.

It's not that the promotion is too strong, but that it's too weak!

What is improved is personal attributes.

The total attribute improvement is 80 points, which seems amazing.

The problem is that personal attributes are not heroic attributes, and the number is too small. At least the benefits are not consistent with the risks.

However, after the accident, Zhao Hao was not only not angry, but also a little excited.

Because these basic rewards are not many, it only means that the rewards later will be better.

What makes him confused is that it is just a title, but it needs to weaken the basic reward. Is it too exaggerated? .

But after reading the title, Zhao Hao had only one thought in his mind.

Too reckless!

The idea just now was too rash.

Because the title is indeed worthy of weakening the base reward, or even not giving the base reward is justified.

King of Hatred (Title): Whenever there is an intelligent creature within ten kilometers that hates you (to the point of wanting to kill you), you will receive 1 point of magic value and 1 point of health recovery. When the total number of the two recovery points exceeds 100,000, you will receive it. 1 point of random basic attributes. When using the title to increase 100 points of basic attributes, the title will be upgraded. PS: All creatures in hell will covet this title, please be careful.

Did you see that he is so strong that he has no friends?

for example!

By slaughtering a city with a population of hundreds of thousands, you can gain several basic attributes, as long as you promote your title while massacring the city.

The temptation is too great!

However, Zhao Hao instantly suppressed the impulse in his heart.

The consequences of massacre of a city would be extremely serious.

First of all, the strong men of the Justice League will hunt you immediately, or they will fight to the death.

If this is nothing, it won't be a problem as long as you are careful.

But the big guys behind the Justice League won't sit back and watch, which is very speechless.

There are many massacres of cities in the heroic world, but usually they are massacred by large armies.

If one person massacres the city, it will soon become a tragedy.

All I can say is that the water is very deep!

Anyway, if Zhao Hao really wants to massacre the city, he will definitely kill everyone.

However, massacre of the city is not possible, which does not mean that there is no way to make people hate you. Anyway, the requirement is to make people hate but not necessarily to kill people, so there is a lot of room for maneuver.

The good news is that this title is part-time, and it would be difficult to switch to the main profession.

It's different if you switch to a part-time job.

Because this profession itself is dangerous, he is also on the Justice League's wanted list.

He is a dangerous person and a wanted criminal, so it is natural for him to do something to be hated, right? .

Title potential is endless!

As long as you use it well, you can make a rapid leap in strength.

Of course, the risk is also very high. The more hatred you attract, the easier it is to be targeted.

Not to mention that there are creatures from hell coveting this title, which is simply a hot potato.

But if you ask Zhao Hao whether to give up the title, he has only one answer.

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