The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 955 Titan Arena!

Good luck to the team!

It means that they suffered no losses along the way, but it does not mean that there were no deaths.

The bandits, who had long since turned into corpses, expressed that they had something to say.

"It seems that your family has a strong opinion on your 'superior position'!"

Zhao Hao teased Yakov, who was also riding a horse next to him.

Along the way, the number of 'bandits' encountered was unexpected. In terms of strength, they could easily take down the Sequoia caravan led by the opponent ten times, which was more than enough.

Naturally, the only ones who can spread the information in advance are his clan members.

Redwood collar!

An independent territory with a population of only one million people.

However, because of the large redwood forest and the mastery of the unique redwood wine brewing method, he is considered extremely wealthy, and the patriarch also has a baronage recognized by various countries.

It's just that the previous Baron Sequoia died unexpectedly and no heir was designated.

So several heirs began to fight openly and secretly.

Yakov chose to go to the Shadow Auction to sell redwood wine to prove his ability.

So everything happened in the later stages.

This is why the other party hugged Zhao Hao's thigh without hesitation.

Because the other party has no choice. If he doesn't hug him, he will die on the way.

“As long as you have your support, it’s useless even if they have opinions, and ‘dead people’ won’t have opinions!”

Yakov's tone was cold.

Without ambition, he would not have been able to take on this mission. At the same time, he also showed Zhao Hao his future plans.

The two have negotiated a deal.

In the future, one-fifth of the Sequoia Wine production will be given to the Storm Leader in exchange for Zhao Hao's support in inheriting the Sequoia Baron.

It's not that he is unwilling to hand over all his output, but because the shares of the major forces cannot be reduced.

Forces such as the Silver Federation, Falcon Empire, and Irollan all have their share. Unless the Storm Territory dares to steal their share, it will only get one-fifth at most. This is already the limit given by Yakov.

Thousands of bottles!

In other words, the entire Sequoia Territory only produces a few thousand bottles per year.

In addition to the special redwood trees from Sequoia Collar, brewing also requires a large amount of precious materials, so attending the Shadow Auction is also to acquire those rare materials.

It was precisely because of the price the other party paid that Zhao Hao and the other party became as close as family so quickly.

No matter who he is, as long as he can offer such benefits, he can become his half-family member.

"Indeed, dead people have no opinion!"

Zhao Hao nodded, which was regarded as a promise to help the other party deal with the trouble.

They have contributed a lot of benefits, so naturally they need him to do something, otherwise why would they give him such a large share?

As for those big forces? .

The share given is the 'protection fee', which is just to keep the other party from causing trouble. If you want the other party to take action, you have to pay more.

After entering the Silver Federation, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Because from time to time, patrols composed of extraordinary-level soldiers like the 'Lord of Gods and Monsters' flew over the sky.

Safe place!

At least until the auction begins, Silver Federation can hold the audience.

Several core legions and ace legions are stationed not far away, and anyone who dares to explode will die.

Of course, even with such a powerful force, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen.

After all, there are everyone involved.

The teams that came all had a tacit understanding that there wouldn't be too many people.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the auction is placed within the powerful sphere of influence of the Silver Federation.

By using the other party's intimidation, it is guaranteed that such a situation will not occur if a legion is brought to participate.

The smaller the number, the less attention it will attract.

There are hundreds or thousands of carriages like those, all of them are flying the flag of power openly and without fear of being noticed.

Teams of motorcades came together, turning this remote border area into a prosperous place.


Amidst the sound of wheels rolling, countless caravans appeared in sight.

"Tsk tsk, if the Silver Federation does something, there may be no shortage of research funds for hundreds of years!"

Zhao Hao said with extremely greedy eyes.

And he didn't say anything nonsense, because there were so many good things in these caravans that even the Silver Federation was extremely jealous.

"But then the Silver Federation will become a public enemy!"

Yakov shook his head slightly, not taking the joke to heart.

If the Silver Federation really dares to make a decision, it is guaranteed to cost them their lives, because there are major forces behind these caravans.

There are even teams from the three evil camps. Even if the opponents don't show up openly, they will wear vests and participate in the auction.

Once the Silver Federation dares to act recklessly, it will offend more than just the Justice League.

Therefore, the Silver Federation not only cannot act recklessly, but also strictly restrains itself for fear of causing misunderstandings among major forces.

While the two were chatting, the convoy also arrived at the place where the Shadow Auction was held.

Titan Arena!

A vast rocky basin.

It is called this name because in legend, this is an arena for ‘Titans’ to fight.

The basin with a radius of several kilometers is just an arena for Titans. One can imagine how powerful these creatures are.

Of course, Titans are a race as famous as dragons.

Like the tower camp represented by the Silver Federation, the champion unit of the fourteenth-level evolutionary form is the Titan.

However, the Titans mentioned here are not real Titans, but the crystallization of alchemy.

There is a layer of barrier visible to the naked eye over the basin. It feels indestructible just by looking at it, which shows how solid it is.

"What a generous act!"

Zhao Hao's eyes showed surprise.

Because this kind of main city-level barrier is not easy to create, let alone such a short time.

For example, those main cities that we own have been successfully built because they took a long time and resources.

But this place was chosen by the Shadow Guild as the auction location, and it would definitely not take more than a month. The other party had already set up such a terrifying barrier, which was really amazing.

How to describe defense? .

Even Anroth's 'Meteor Shower' and Feida's 'Fireworks Burning the City' are like a breeze to this kind of main city-level barrier.

Yes, the defense is so overbearing.

If it weren’t for this kind of confidence, the Shadow Auction wouldn’t have been possible countless times with only a few accidents.

Main city level defensive barrier!

On the other hand, outside the main plane, there are many big guys who can be easily crushed.

The problem is that this is the main plane, a place where the upper limit of strength is locked, and it is almost impossible to break through it by force.

At the entrance of the passage, carriages entered slowly.

There was no inspection, they were simply allowed to pass by the mysterious and weird guards on the cliffs on both sides who were wearing standard leather armor and pale masks.

Occasionally someone is evicted without the other party explaining the reason.

Obviously, this is to eliminate hidden dangers.

But I don’t know what means the other party used.

"Okay, it's time for us to separate. I wish you good luck!"

Zhao Hao saw a team coming from the side and whispered to Yakov beside him.

Once here, the other party is no longer in danger. As long as the other party solves those troubles, the share of Sequoia Wine can be securely obtained.

And this matter can be easily accomplished by both yourself and Sin Domain.

After thinking about it, he decided to hand over the commission to Sin Domain.

Although he has subordinates with strong assassination abilities like Ellie under his command, it is better not to get involved in such dirty things, especially when he has to take redwood wine from the other party later.

I didn’t have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person!

That's pretty much it.

In the beginning, there was nothing to worry about, but as the power became stronger and stronger, it was natural to have a good 'reputation'.

Isn't the Storm Legion's active performance just to gain a good reputation? .

If it weren't for this reputation, the development of the Storm Territory would not have been so smooth.


Yakov wisely led the Sequoia Chamber of Commerce team away.

He understood that what came next was something he didn't want to get involved in.

After the other party left, Zhao Hao took Freya and Feida to the convoy on the side, which was composed of players and the leader was an aborigine.

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