The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 957 Arena and registration! (Thank you everyone for your tips and votes)

In the process of entering the basin.

Zhao Hao looks as calm as an old dog on the surface, but he is actually very panicked on the inside.

There is nothing he can do, he feels guilty! .

There is an ancient god of death boss who is hitching a ride on Anlos.

It would be over if he was really discovered.

He is very confident in his own strength, but it depends on the situation.

This is a place where champions are inferior to dogs, epics are everywhere, legends are not uncommon, and only demigods can come out to show off.

To put it bluntly, there is no place where the number of powerful people can match the number here.

Demi god!

It is also the upper limit of the strength of the main plane ‘Norend’ in the world of heroes.

No matter how strong you are, as long as you enter the world of heroes, the upper limit of your strength is this.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the boss is, he must enter the main plane with his tail between his legs.

Even in a place where demigods would not dare to stab easily, Zhao Hao helped people sneak in. It was surprising that he could remain calm.

Fortunately, the ancient god of death boss is very reliable, and the entry process was not discovered at all.


After the team walked up the ramp and entered the basin, all kinds of sounds hit them.

"Move quickly in front!"

"Want to find fault?"

"Untouchable, how dare you provoke the great..."

Humans, orcs, elves, dark elves, undead, demons... and other races are all there, giving people a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Even among some rival races, they only have verbal confrontations at most, and no one dares to mess around.

Even if you are not afraid of the war machines aimed at the interior high up on the edge of the basin, you still have to be wary of the patrol teams temporarily wearing Shadow Guild uniforms.

Underground auction!

This is not a regular auction. Those who dare to cause trouble will be expelled at the slightest, or killed at the worst.

The law enforcement is simple and rude, and they will not reason with you at all.

Even if you are dissatisfied, there is no place to complain.

Soon, in front of Zhao Hao and the others, a patrol team wearing different uniforms came over.

"This is the area where your convoy is stationed!"

The other party handed a palm-sized number plate into Zhao Hao's hand.

Because they only have this thing with a convoy.

If there is no convoy, the other party will not care.

The number plate is made of wood, with the numbers 4-5-124 written on the front, and a miniature map on the back, with the location marked with red dots.

It can be seen that the other party has extremely rich experience in holding auctions and has considered all aspects.

Zhao Hao handed the number plate in his hand to Charlotte.

"Take the convoy there and sell the supplies as planned!"


Charlotte took the number plate.

She came here just to do this, and with the manpower brought from the Chamber of Commerce, completing this task is not a problem at all. Plus, there is a squadron of Valkyries following, so there is no need to worry about getting into trouble.

After the convoy left, Anlos also left with the players.

The two of them only maintained an 'ally' relationship in public, so naturally they couldn't stay together forever.

So Zhao Hao and the others were the only ones left there.

He looked at the time first and found that it was still early for the official auction, so he looked around.

Everywhere in this basin is extremely lively, but there are only two most lively places.

Arena and booth area!

The former can be regarded as a repertoire.

Because there are countless strong people gathered together, there will naturally be people with itchy hands, and of course they want to 'compete' with each other.

In addition to the competition, there is also betting.

If it's a battle involving a famous strong person, you can still get a share.

The arena is also an excellent place to become famous. Even if you were unknown before, as long as you can defeat the strong, you can gain fame in an instant.

Of course, to challenge those famous and powerful people, either they will give you a chance, or you will have to gain fame first.

Only if you win ten consecutive games or dozens of consecutive victories can you be considered qualified to challenge.

Note that low-level players can challenge high-level players, but high-level players are never allowed to challenge low-level players, unless it is an unlimited arena or both parties agree.

Some titles of strong men, apart from fighting on the battlefield, can be obtained fastest in places like this.

And Zhao Hao also wanted to let Freya and Feida vent their anger.

Although they fought all the way, the ambushers were just ordinary people, and they were not enough for two people to kill.

Now there is free sparring, so naturally you can’t miss it.

Fighting against strong men of the same level can best improve one's own combat effectiveness.

However, when encountered on the battlefield, it is a matter of life and death, which is really too dangerous.

So people flock to this kind of arena competition.

This is why the city’s arenas are never short of guests.

As for how to protect contestants? .

Magic is omnipotent!

When fatal danger is detected, the losing party will be protected in an instant.

Of course, occasionally there are people who break the rules and kill their opponents, but they are very few and no one is afraid of this danger.

Soon, Zhao Hao brought Freya and Feida to the competitive area.

Competitive area!

There are island-like arenas scattered around, and the arenas are surrounded by countless sea-like players and aborigines, and they are packed to the brim.

There are a lot of players, almost a quarter.

If you don't have a certain level of strength or if you have a need, you won't come to participate in this kind of underground auction.

After all, the road is too dangerous, and there are no rules to protect the weak.

Of course, players who want to commit suicide are another matter.

Among a group of wild beasts, a sheep sneaked in and wanted to watch the fun. Although the wild beasts did not dare to mess around because they were worried about each other, they were all aware of the danger.

On the forum, countless players have said that they disappeared halfway through.

Those who can safely come to the Titan Arena Basin are mostly players at the elite level or above.

As long as there are no strong players who can't get away from things, they will come.

Zhao Hao saw that among the players, there were a few people he was very familiar with.

Ice and snow bear!

At this time, he was sweeping across the ace-level arena. The warhammer in his hand was completely hitting a child, knocking his opponent off the stage with ease.

Well, he is indeed ace-level, but his fighting ability is comparable to that of a champion. He is now warming up.

For top players, championship-level combat prowess is the entry criterion.

It was the appearance of Zhao Hao that stimulated the player's strength to greatly increase. After all, with his role model in front, other players had a goal to catch up.

But still the same sentence.

The championship level is very deep, and it is also the threshold for the strong.

Even though they are all at the championship level, the difference between the championship level and the championship level is completely greater than that from the ordinary level to the championship level.

For example Freya!

She is also at the championship level, not yet at the peak of the championship level.

But once the realm is opened, let alone the epic, even the legendary level can go up and fight hard. I ask you whether the water is deep? .

Therefore, entering the championship level is only the beginning of the road to being strong, not the peak.

In addition to the Ice and Snow Blizzard Bear, the War King is also there.

As the chief warrior of the Raging Dragon Guild and the representative of the powerful Xia Kingdom, it was naturally impossible not to come.

On the ring, he waved the long sword in his hand and directly suppressed the champion-level warrior in front of him. It seemed that he would win soon.

In addition to the two of them, there is also the left hand of God, a strong representative of the powerful country. He is also the representative of the consortium alliance and the president of the mascot.

These three are the representative players of the three major powers.

Even if others are stronger than these people, they cannot represent the country behind them.

Just like Zhao Hao, even if his strength is to defeat the War King, he cannot represent the Xia Kingdom because he has nothing to do with the officialdom in reality.

It can only be said that the original hero competition really singled out all the strong ones.

Especially the top eight!

There is absolutely no one who falls out of the top players.

After sizing it up, they came to the registration office next to a championship-level arena.

"Freya, come and sign up!"

Zhao Hao motioned for his pet to come forward and sign up.

This arena is holding a battle.

That is to say, if you win, you stay, if you lose, you step down, and see how many consecutive wins you can get.

Since the challengers on stage are all of the same level, their gold content is extremely high.

Only by having a ten-game winning streak can you be qualified to challenge some strong players.

If you are unknown and want to challenge yourself, no one will look down on you.


Freya stepped forward excitedly to sign up.

The staff member took out an alchemy tool and pointed it at her, and his eyes quickly became a little weird.

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