The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 962 Promotion and open-air auction!


Freya couldn't wait to bite off a piece of the crystal pillar in her hand.


At this time, Jingzhu looked like a delicious biscuit in front of her.

Everyone can see how solid the crystal is, but it is extremely brittle in front of her small lips. This image is indeed a bit too impactful.

Fortunately, not many people saw this scene.


Although Zhao Hao was not worried about being seen, he did not want to cause trouble, so he took the initiative to pull her and take Feida away.

After several people around were shocked, they made no other moves.

Because they all understand the truth.

Curiosity killed the cat!

In the world of heroes, curiosity will pay a price, and it is often a price you cannot afford.

the other side!

Zhao Hao led the two of them not far before slowing down.

When there are crowds of people around you, you may not be able to see anyone else within a few meters, so you really don’t have to go too far.


As soon as he stopped, Zhao Hao discovered something interesting.

Freya, who has just eaten the crystal pillar, is slowly getting stronger.

The other party is his pet, so naturally he can detect changes in the other party at any time.

If we use data to describe it, it feels like an improvement of about 10%.

Don't be dissatisfied with this small improvement.

Freya at this time is not the same as before. Now she has championship-level strength under normal circumstances. An increase of about 10% in strength can be said to be a huge improvement.

"What it is?"

Zhao Hao asked.

He didn't feel anything strange about that crystal pillar, but it was able to improve Freya's strength, which was a bit miraculous.

To be honest, if he knew the effect in advance, let alone 100 standard gems, he would be willing to pay even 100,000.

"I don't know!" Freya shook her head and replied, "I just really want to eat!"


A reminder from the dragon's instinct.

This also explains why she made this move.

"Is this so!"

Zhao Hao did not continue to ask.

Because in the world of heroes, there are really countless things that can improve your strength, and you can even reach the sky in one step.

However, this unexpected gain also made him interested in shopping.

It would be great if I could get something to enhance my strength.

Of course, the prerequisite for getting it is that you have enough standard gems or resources.


This is also a feature of underground auctions.

Because some rare resources are all priced and have no market, everyone is naturally more willing to collect materials.

Of course, the premise is that it is useful.

After wandering around for a while, Zhao Hao and the others came to a stall because of the location of the Valkyrie, and saw Charlotte leading a few people to trade with customers.

The stalls were filled with goods brought one by one.

Dark iron ore, heavy armor, sea monster meat, rare ores, battleships (received with tokens)...etc.

To put it bluntly, these are hot commodities.

Naturally, things like jade scale wine, fine gold, mithril, and magic crystals cannot be sold at stalls. If you keep them in your hands, they will be very good whether bartered or auctioned in the open air.

As for why the transaction does not accept gold coins? .

There was no way around it, gold coins were extremely difficult to carry around, and it was not difficult to get them, so they were naturally disliked in a place like this.

For example, one million gold coins would require dozens of pillow-sized boxes to hold, but if replaced with standard gems, it would be a hundred knuckle-sized gems. There is no need to say who is more popular.

Zhao Hao came up to say hello and left with a few boxes.

It's filled with standard gems.

Ninety thousand!

Each box contains thirty thousand standard gems.

The box was all carried by Freya, and to her, it weighed almost nothing.

I brought so many standard gems because I wanted to take the opportunity to buy some good stuff.

Everything in the peripheral trading area is good, but things are a bit expensive.

Green quality equipment, dare to start with 1 standard gem, it is simply inappropriate.

Yes, because of the crazy growth in the number of players, the price of green quality equipment has changed from hundreds to thousands of gold coins in the past to thousands of gold coins each.

But in other places, even if you have gold coins, you can't find a place to buy them.

Because good equipment and resources have long been divided up by major guilds, or else they are traded privately by powerful players.

Ordinary players, let alone attribute equipment, cannot even equip themselves with ordinary equipment.

If the number of fighting players is only tens of millions, there may be no shortage of resources in all aspects.

The problem is that with nearly one billion combat players, this is no longer "more wolves and less meat", but "more wolves and less meat".

Aboriginal people will provide various resources to players.

For example, blacksmith shops and equipment stores do sell equipment.

The problem is that quantities are limited!

As for the life professionals among players, although all major forces have cultivated them, they are still investing heavily and are far from seeing returns.

Like the storm collar.

We had put all our effort into it before, but if we hadn't intercepted those dwarf blacksmiths, we would still be at a point where our investment far exceeded our output.

Now you know why equipment never worries about the market? .

In other words, what Zhao Hao needs is all kinds of resources. Otherwise, there is no need to spend time selling all kinds of equipment to Rannar, the underground world, the major aboriginal forces, and directly transporting them to the Pale Territory. There will be no enough to sell.

Now you know why you can’t buy equipment even with gold coins in other places, right? .

However, there is a lot of equipment here. As long as you have enough standard gems, you can buy a good set of equipment.

After Zhao Hao turned around for a few times, he didn't take action.

Because with his current gaze, most things would not catch his eye.

Freya had never encountered something like this before, so she finally came to the open-air auction not far from the official auction.

The area occupied here is equivalent to several football fields, and it was packed with standing guests.

A stone platform several meters high is located in the center, and an auctioneer with amplification skills stands on it, frothing at the mouth while introducing the auction items.

"Resentful Soul Flower!"

"It is produced in an extremely dangerous cemetery, and it also needs to be cultivated with a strong aura of the undead!"

"Whether it is used as an alchemy material or used directly, it can refine spiritual power. It is definitely a must-have for spellcasters!"

"The current batch of 1,000 resentful soul flowers only costs 100 standard gems. It is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, why are you still hesitating?"

The other party's highly inflammatory introduction made countless people's eyes light up.

But this thing seemed extremely familiar to Zhao Hao.

If he remembers correctly, this thing is among the specialties of the Tomb of Wraiths in the Pale Territory, right? .

Although the Howling Abyss is a forbidden area, there are many good things. However, Anluosi is usually only responsible for dealing with dangers, and tasks such as developing special products are left to the players, so Zhao Hao does not pay much attention to these.

Now that I think about it, this shipment might have been pale ties for sale.

After all, other forces would not devote such resources to cultivating spellcasters.

Zhao Hao was also careless.

Because he didn't care about the pale leader at all, leaving it all to Anluosi, and told the other party to take the 'top-level' route, which means giving the power to the player, and she only needs to be responsible for fighting and attracting fans.

No effort was spent on the territory at all.

Now that I think about it, the pale collar also has a lot of good things, and he can definitely get a hand in it in the future.



Various bids came and went.

The stone platform on which the auctioneer is standing is like an arena and does not prohibit magic. Therefore, he has various magic blessings on his body. His voice, vision, and hearing are far superior to those of normal people, and he can clearly hear all the quotes.

Soon, the price soared to over a thousand, and it was finally won by an alchemist.

Alchemists are definitely the richest profession among spellcasters. After all, this is a profession that focuses on manufacturing and supplements spellcasting.

Scrolls, props, enchantments, puppets, etc. are all within the scope of an alchemist's capabilities. You can imagine how rich he is.

Mental power is the key to the opponent's improvement, so it's not surprising that he is willing to spend a lot of money to fight for it.

The next auction item made Zhao Hao's eyes freeze.

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