The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 965 Artifact Component: Death Boots!

Shadow Auction!

It looks like a huge black palace, giving people a very strong sense of mystery.

Because this black palace seems to be so deep that light can be sucked into it. Even if you look at it for a long time, it will give people the illusion of being "stuck" in it.

All kinds of strangeness, if people still can't realize its extraordinary features, then it is definitely due to lack of IQ.

No guards!

Since there is no entrance or exit at all, there is no need for guards.

But when Zhao Hao approached the palace.


The invitation in his hand suddenly turned into a black robe and enveloped him.

Of course, it looks like a black robe, but to the person wearing it, it seems like a puff of illusory smoke, without any substance at all.

It has the mysterious feeling of a demon court uniform.

Rules blocked!

Zhao Hao immediately understood the function of the black robe on his body.

With this uniform, which has no substance at all, there is no need to worry about being recognized during the official auction.

And this erases people's biggest worries.

Otherwise, if you spend a sky-high price to capture something that the big guys are so coveted, but you don’t have enough strength, then you have to take it with your life, but it will be useless.

Don’t overestimate the ‘morality’ of the big guys. When the benefits outweigh the costs, these big guys have no moral integrity at all.

With the black robe in his possession, Zhao Hao found that the extremely solid palace wall in front of him had become illusory.

Step, step!

So he tentatively walked forward, touched the wall, and penetrated directly into it.

Yes, the originally solid and thick wall has now turned into water waves, making it easy for people to enter.

In this way, it means that it can be entered from anywhere.

Then you don’t need to worry about being blocked at the exit.

After entering the interior.

The wide and huge space, the smooth and solid floor, and the seats fanned out around the high platform make people feel like they are coming to a real palace to enjoy an opera.

And in thousands of positions.

A black-robed figure wearing the same style, shielding his figure, smell... and other traces of identity that would reveal his identity, sat on it.

At the same time, there are also private rooms distributed on the second and third floors.

The total number of people may only be a few thousand, which shows how few participants there are.

That’s right, this quantity is still called ‘small’.

Because this is not a small auction, but a ‘Shadow Auction’ held every five years.

It is also the largest underground auction.

Big bosses from all over the world came to participate, so you can feel the gold content of the auction.

There are only a few thousand people attending such a high-value auction, which can indeed be described as "few".

That is to say, the selection standards are too high. If the standards are relaxed, not to mention thousands, hundreds of thousands of people will not be a problem.

After looking around, Zhao Hao felt that there was an empty seat calling him, so he walked over.

He knew with his feet that this position belonged to him.

The chair is not big, but after sitting down, it is as soft as sitting on a cloud.

After sitting down, a magical projection about the size of a pillow appeared in front of him, visible only to himself.

Why make sure only itself is visible? .

Because Zhao Hao couldn't see the magic projection in front of other people.

And it’s also a touch-operated projection!

It can only be said that the magic is indeed magical, simulating a system-like operation interface.

A lot of operations can be done from the projection.

Browse, auction, redeem...etc.

In the official auction, countless auction items are divided into categories such as materials, military types, equipment, treasures, etc. The quantity of each category is extremely astonishing.

Only some extremely special items are eligible to be auctioned by the auctioneer himself.

Just like in the military classification interface, Zhao Hao saw an auction item at the top of the list. At this time, people were already going crazy.

[Name: Holy Angel

Level: Level 15

Quantity: 100 units

Bid: 12 million standard gems

End time: 00:05:11]


Take a breath.

Zhao Hao did not expect that such a three-digit epic-level unit would not be eligible to be auctioned on stage, but would be auctioned privately.

But the price is also mind-numbing.

12 million standard gems!

And his total net worth is only 480,000, which is dozens of times more expensive than what he wears.


Until the auction, you will never know how poor you are.JPG

Zhao Hao closed the troop interface with an expressionless expression.

Because in terms of military types, he now has the fifth-level treasure of the God-given Divine Weapon, which is also a battle artifact, and there is no need to buy it at all.

Even if you buy it, you will only buy epic troops.

But with his wealth... even a full stud can only buy a few units of epic units, which is totally not worth it.

‘Hmph, it’s just an epic level, I have a poisonous dragon’s lair myself, I’m not surprised (teary face)’

With a sour mood, Zhao Hao clicked on the battle treasure interface.

The third-level treasures above have almost exceeded three digits, and there are also several fourth-level battle treasures.

Battle treasures are not personal equipment. They are things that can affect the rise and fall of a force. The importance can be imagined.

As for the auction? .

Looking at the "100 million" standard gems under several fourth-level treasures, he had no intention of looking at them at all.

In this respect, he is considered a rich man.

After all, he holds two fifth-level artifacts, the Phantom Divine Bow and the God-given Divine Weapon, plus two fourth-level treasures such as Angel Wings and Earth Spirit Ball, as well as two sets of artifacts that he has almost assembled. In this regard, he is completely superior to the others.

If he wanted to, he could sell the Phantom Divine Bow...that would be weird.

Artifact equipment binding.

Although this attribute is not displayed, Zhao Hao understands that if he unbinds the phantom bow, the opponent will instantly turn into several components and dissipate.

Note that this is a 'post-equipment' binding.

It's not like picking it up and binding it.

In other words, once the artifact is formed and not used, it will not be bound.

"I don't believe that low-level treasures are so expensive!"

Zhao Hao looked away from the coveted fourth-level treasures and began to look at the lower-level treasures.

As a result, when he saw that the standard gemstones of first-level treasures started at six figures and the average transaction price exceeded seven figures, his mind was completely filled with 'who am I', 'where am I', and 'what am I here to do'.

Battle treasures are expensive!

He knew this without anyone having to tell him.

The problem is that he didn't expect it to be so expensive! .

But even after seeing the price, he had no intention of selling the treasure in his hand.

Because the treasure is 'unique', that is to say, it cannot be repeated, and the quantity is pitifully small. It will not be used enough, so how can it be sold.

He has a lot of them because the rules favor players, and he is the strongest among the players, not because the treasures are common, so the price seems outrageous, but in fact it is normal.

The problem was, he saw a treasure that made his heart beat faster.

[Name: Death Boots

Level: third level

Bid: 38 million standard gems

End time: 00:55:11]

It is only a third-level treasure, but its price has soared to nearly 40 million standard gemstones.

As for why Zhao Hao had such a big reaction? .

Naturally because this treasure is special.

Still remember that there is already an artifact in Anluosi’s body that only lacks one component, right? .

That’s right!

The bad component is exactly this.

Death boots!

As long as she gets this third-level treasure, she can get one of the two artifacts of Andrew's super boss.

The question is how to get it? .

At this time, Zhao Hao was extremely anxious.

Tens of millions!

Even if he sells it, he won't be able to raise it.

After thinking for a while, a method he had heard of appeared in his mind.

Find an astrologer!

The other party may not be able to provide help without any information.

But on the premise that the treasure is nearby, and the name and information are known, there is no problem in divination for clues.

Level 3 treasures are not like artifacts and have their own shielding effect.

That's right, he's going to use off-the-table moves.

In order to get together an artifact, Zhao Hao didn't care about moral integrity.

After reading the treasure classification, before he could turn his attention to personal equipment and monster classification, he noticed that the light around him had changed.

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