The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 968: Resurrection of the Dead and Corpse Explosion Technique!

Chapter 968 Resurrection of the Dead + Corpse Explosion Technique!

Bid on three auction items in succession.


The total amount is more than 400,000 standard gems, and Zhao Hao's net worth is only 480,000.

I don’t know how much money I have until the auction!

This meme is definitely inspired by my feelings.

Now Zhao Hao only has tens of thousands of standard gems left in his hands, and he still needs to save some to cope with subsequent price increases.

In other words, wanting to continue shooting good things is simply overthinking.

So, he thought about it and aimed at the category of 'spells'.

He definitely couldn't afford good equipment. This was the only way to improve his personal strength the fastest.

Spells are divided into low-level, mid-level, high-level, top-level, etc. This is based on consumption and power.

The power of each level of spells is vastly different.

Now Zhao Hao is ready to buy high-level spells.

He definitely wouldn't have dared to think like this before, because most high-level spells have prerequisites.

The problem is that he has a very powerful passive core spell.

Necromantic Spell Specialization (Proficiency: Ultimate Level): All necromancy spells enjoy the following effects, energy consumption is greatly reduced, cooling time is halved, and spells below the top level ignore learning conditions.

Did you see that, the learning requirements for top-level spells and below are ignored.

This attribute directly allows him to avoid the prerequisites and be able to learn all necromancy spells below the top level.

As a result, two advanced professional spells entered his eyes.

The dead rise!

Corpse explosion!

Personal spells are not battle spells, so the price is naturally not high.

20,000 standard gems for reviving the dead and 30,000 for corpse explosion, which are just within Zhao Hao's range.

It can only be said that it's a good thing that all the things he took pictures of were undead wizards, and the only thing he didn't take were ornamental pets. Otherwise, he would have experienced the pain of being 'thrown at with money'.

For those popular auction items, the quotes that jump every few seconds show how many people are watching.

If you look at these photos he took, without changing the price for several minutes, you will know how miserable the cemetery camp is.

But it’s okay!

The cemetery camp is a place where lunatics and perverts are rampant. Apart from being a bit cold, it is also terrifyingly powerful.

Strictly speaking, the three major camps of the Evil Alliance all have the power to destroy the world alone.

It's just that the internal fighting was too serious and various reasons prevented it from succeeding.

Soon, the auction items were successful one after another.

First up is the space elf!

No one has made any bids at all. After all, even the most sophisticated people are not willing to buy an 'ornamental object' at the price of 200,000 standard gems.

Those big guys are treacherous, but not stupid.

And then there’s the Crown of the Dead!

The price will be increased by 5,000 later, which means you can get all 165,000 standard gems.

Two high-level spells were obtained with a total of 55,000 standard gems.

The Cemetery Soul was won last because several people followed suit. In the end, he made a desperate push and used the last 60,000 standard gems to win 9 of them.

So far, no trace of the 480,000 standard gemstones has been left.

It was extremely difficult to collect money, and when I spent it, it was all gone without much reaction.

After the auction is successful, the object will immediately emerge from the shadow turned by the floor.

Except for the stage where you can see clearly, the rest of the palace is covered by shadows. There is no need to worry about being seen by others.

All I can say is that Shadow Guild really worked hard, and I cried to death.

Zhao Hao felt relieved after getting the auction items.

It is worth mentioning that the space elf is sealed in an amber-shaped gem and is in a state of slumber.

I see!

No wonder this elf, which has never been captured before, appears at the auction. This is a coincidence that no one could have imagined.

Since this is the territory of the Shadow Guild, even though other people will be blocked by the shadow, Zhao Hao knows with his own feet that the Shadow Guild itself will not be blocked.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for him to expose his transformation ability to the other party's eyes.

Of course, even if you are not in a hurry to use the Dragon Blood Retinue to transform the space elves, you can still deal with a few other things first.

First is the equipment!

The Crown of the Dead is an epic piece of equipment that looks like a bone crown.

When Zhao Hao switched to a part-time job, he had a strong cold aura. Now with the addition of the Bone Crown, he has an undead boss style.

There is no change in the attributes, because this piece of equipment does not improve the basic attributes, half of the effect of the undead spell, plus half the strength of the summoned undead, all of which need to be fought to show its power.

And then there are spells!

It is only at this largest auction that high-level undead spells can be purchased so easily.

At other times, if you think about how Zhao Hao has only had a few spells for such a long time, you will know how difficult it is to get them.

It's not that he doesn't want to learn more, but because he really can't get it.

The first is the resurrection of the dead.

Resurrection of the dead: consume mana to resurrect a corpse that has been dead for no longer than a certain period of time. The strength of the corpse will decrease based on the time of death, the injection of magic power, and the degree of completeness. The duration is related to the intensity of the aura of death.

Requirements: Necromancer, 50 intelligence, awaken corpse, dominate corpse, control death breath

Did you see that there are prerequisites for learning this high-level spell?

If Zhao Hao did not have the core ability of necromancy specialization, he might have to learn these three necromancy spells first to meet the learning requirements of this high-level spell.

The dead rise!

This is a very special comprehensive spell.

Because the basic version of this spell is to wake up the corpse, and the ultimate version is 'Undead Scourge', which is considered the signature spell of the necromancer.

The effect of the spell will be determined according to the environment.

If used casually, it may have no effect at all.

Because we need corpses!

There are no corpses to talk about.

At that time, it might not be as useful as the primary spell 'Summoning the Undead', but it could at least summon a few skeleton soldiers.

But if it is used in a place with a large number of corpses, the situation will be different.

The corpse that just fell will stand up and fight again in an instant, and it is not afraid of death, and can retain a few percent of its strength in life.

It can only be said that this high-level spell has endless potential, and Zhao Hao naturally cannot let it go.

Compared with the resurrection of the dead, which is a high-level spell that is more summoning, corpse explosion is a pure high-level killing spell.

Yes, it was at this time that Zhao Hao discovered that he was not lacking in defense, field control, and life-saving abilities, but he was lacking in a killing spell.

After final consideration, he chose corpse explosion, which is the most impressive and terrifying high-level spell of the necromancer.

Corpse Explosion: Consumes magic points to cause a flesh-and-blood corpse (it can also be one's own flesh-and-blood undead) to explode, causing plague damage. The damage is determined based on the corpse's vitality and the user's spellcasting attributes.

Requirements: Necromancer, 50 intelligence, plague addition, death air manipulation, corpse deconstruction...

Compared with the resurrection of the dead, the corpse explosion technique has more prerequisites, which makes people feel dizzy.

There is no way, this spell is really terrible.

Even though it is just a high-level spell, it is destructive and terrifying. It is not much weaker than the top-level spell on the battlefield.

The two spells have not been learned yet, so the detailed data will naturally not appear. The detailed data will only appear after learning.

Zhao Hao naturally wanted to go to school immediately.

Only after learning it can you use the Soul of the Cemetery to improve it.

Although it is a random improvement, as long as you can improve it, you will make a lot of money.

After all, the consumption of high-level spells is not as small as that of low-level necromancy spells, and it is extremely difficult to gain proficiency.

Next, it’s time to really fight.

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