The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 972 Horrible spell improvement!

27000 proficiency!

Since it is randomly distributed to the graveyard spells, the final result is as follows.

Skeletal Structure +3000

Summon the Undead +9000

Death Sky +6000

Soul Science +3000

Resurrection of the dead +3000

Corpse Explosion +6000

A distribution plan that is not too good, but acceptable.

If they were all put into one spell, maybe there would be a direct qualitative change.

Skeletal Structure (Proficiency: 214/10000 Advanced): Improves all attributes of summoned and transformed undead by 15%.

Although this spell is inconspicuous, it is extremely effective.

A fifteen percent increase in all attributes is considered a good improvement.

Although it is not as high as the 50% strength increase of epic equipment, it is not surprising that the proficiency can be upgraded in the future. When it reaches the ultimate level, it may be higher than 50%.

It should be noted that one improves ‘attributes’ and the other improves ‘strength’. There is a big difference between the two.

Just like the speed type troops, the agility is increased by 10% and the combat effectiveness is increased by at least 30%.

The potential is endless!

This spell is considered a pillar-type passive.

Summoning the Undead (Proficiency: 7520/10000 Advanced): Consumes 30 (60) magic points to summon 4 skeletons (10+5 vampires), lasting 2 minutes*Knowledge.

Although this spell is a low-level spell, it is the basis of the summoning flow.

In the past, at the intermediate level, it cost 10 magic points to summon 2 skeletons, and the duration was 1.5*knowledge minutes.

Now the magic power consumption has been increased to 30 points, but the number of summons has doubled, and the duration has also been increased by one-third.

At the same time, with the blessing of soul science and equipment, it becomes the attributes in brackets.

Spend 60 magic points to summon 15 vampires.

The magic value consumption is reduced by half under the effect of the Hand of Death equipment. If you summon a vampire under Homan's command, the consumption can be reduced by another half. The summoned quantity is the final number with the blessing of equipment and soul science.

In other words, Zhao Hao can now summon 15 seventh-level vampires at one time, which is half faster than before.

At the same time, the vampire is summoned, and the combat effectiveness is increased by half (skeletal structure + Crown of the Dead bonus).

These two spells alone have improved his strength a lot, not to mention other improvements.

Death Sky (Proficiency: 2130/10000 Advanced): Consumes 300 magic points and 1 minute of singing time to cast a Death Sky that covers (knowledge * 5 meters) radius area. Visibility is reduced and cannot be dispelled by spells below the top level. Space movement spells, Skill blockade lasts for knowledge*3 minutes and has a cooling time of 5 minutes.

When the death canopy is upgraded from the basic to the advanced level, the coverage range changes from the knowledge *3 to the *5 meter radius, which is definitely a big improvement, and the duration is doubled.

The biggest improvement is that it cannot be dispelled by spells below the top level. In the past, it could not be dispelled by spells below the top level.

Spell proficiency is extremely difficult to gain, just like Zhao Hao used to summon the undead to eat and drink. He has only gained 520 proficiency points in more than half a year (hero world time), which shows how difficult it is.

The proficiency is upgraded to an advanced Death Sky, and the field control ability is fully enhanced.

Soul Science (Proficiency: 3100/30000 top level): Allows you to summon seventh-level vampires, with the number of undead summoned +5 each time.

This spell has not changed at all. It is a top-level proficiency in itself. It is too exaggerated to upgrade it to the ultimate required proficiency, and it is impossible to achieve it by normal means.

Resurrection of the dead (Proficiency: 2000/3000 Intermediate): At least 100 magic points and three minutes of chanting time are consumed. The time to resuscitate the dead body shall not exceed knowledge * 1 minute. The strength of the corpse will decrease according to the injected magic power and completeness. Basic duration knowledge *3 minutes. The stronger the aura of death, the longer the duration will be. The spell range is knowledge *1 meter radius, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

After learning it, the detailed data of this high-level spell will be displayed.

At the same time some places are blurry.

For example, 100 or more magic points, but there is no upper limit.

And this is also the advantage of this spell.

Injecting 100 magic points and injecting 1,000 magic points to improve the corpse are definitely two different things.

At the same time, this spell does not count the quantity, only the range.

And the cooldown time is only 10 minutes, and under the effect of the necromancy specialization, it can only be used once every five minutes. It can be called a melee ultimate move.

Such a move suddenly came on the battlefield, and instantly all the corpses within a radius of hundreds of meters stood up to fight for themselves. The scene was absolutely astonishing, and it was definitely no weaker than the top-level spell.

Of course, if it is a personal adventure, the effect of this high-level spell may not be as good as that of a low-level spell.

And Zhao Hao learned this high-level spell for the following advanced spells.

Undead natural disaster!

A super terrifying top-level spell, the prerequisite for learning is to resurrect the dead.

Finally, there is the Corpse Explosion Technique, the only high-level lethal spell.

Corpse Explosion Technique (Proficiency: 2000/10000 Advanced): Consume more than 100 magic points to cause a flesh-and-blood corpse to explode with a death time of no more than knowledge Double, the damage is doubled, and comes with knowledge *3 per second, plague damage lasting 300 seconds, and the cooldown time is 30 seconds.

After the proficiency reaches a high level, the damage caused by the Corpse Explosion Technique is incredibly terrifying.

for example!

For an ordinary human corpse with 100 health points, if corpse explosion is used, the total damage will be 30*100, which is 30,000 points, and there will also be plague damage.

Calculated based on Zhao Hao's 119 points of knowledge, that is 357 points of damage per second, and the duration is as high as 300 seconds.

Theoretically, a corpse explosion technique created using the corpses of ordinary people can cause a total damage of 137,100 points.

The damage is so terrifying that even a small champion can be dealt a blow in seconds.

Note, this is theoretical.

Because damage needs to be calculated by resistance, hit rate, etc.

For example, for the Golden Dragon, it would be good if it could produce one-tenth of the theoretical data. At the same time, the damage is a range attack and it is difficult to concentrate on one target. However, the plague will not be affected.

Just like this, the lethality of the corpse explosion technique is not exaggerated.

There are far more powerful high-level spells than this.

The problem is that there are two important factors that affect the corpse explosion technique.

Corpses, mana!

The magic value is the most direct. Every time the magic value is doubled, the lethality is doubled. When the magic value is increased ten times, the lethality is doubled.

Not to mention the corpse.

The lethality of an ordinary person's corpse and that of a giant dragon are completely different.

If human corpses are grenades, then dragon corpses are nuclear bombs.

No wonder there are so many prerequisites for learning.

If the learning conditions for such a terrifying high-level spell were not difficult, the necromancers would have conquered the world long ago.

Not one of a thousand high-level necromancers may master the corpse explosion technique, but once mastered, it is a deadly weapon on the battlefield.

Similarly, the corpse explosion technique also requires corpses, as well as fresh flesh and blood corpses.

If the death time is too long, or if there is no flesh and blood, it cannot be used.

And this spell also has an extremely powerful gameplay.

All these advantages were the reason why Zhao Hao chose this high-level spell as his core killing spell.

At this point, the improvement and digestion of spells has been completed.

It can be said that Zhao Hao is now more than twice as powerful as before.


Ordinary players can only gain a few points in a professional guild in one day. With such an exaggerated amount of spell proficiency, it would take decades to slowly gain it.

With this strength, he had the confidence to go to the Fire Chamber of Commerce to cause trouble.

Of course, just to use the Cemetery Soul, you don't actually need to come to this corner.

The real thing to avoid other people is what comes next.

He carefully took out the palm-sized amber.

Space Elf!

This is the biggest gain.

Previously, in a place like the auction house, naturally I didn't dare to transform the other party into a dependent.

It doesn't matter here.

Carefully crack the amber, then bite your fingertips and pour blood into it along the cracks.

Soon the topaz-like amber turned red.

Dragon Blood Familiar, activate!

Because this is not a skill or spell, it can be used even within the barrier.

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