The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 202 Heading to the Wilderness

However, Wei Yihong told Xu Lai an unexpected bad news.

Count Aini had already begun to offer rewards for the Ring of Life and the Ring of Vitality, but several years had passed and no one had yet unveiled the reward list.

After meeting Yan Feng and others outside the city, Xu Lai and the others galloped towards their Qingfeng Castle without stopping.

Wearing new knight gloves, the whole army once again increases their movement speed by 3 points.

And without the burden of the caravan, they could run at full speed, almost as fast as a car at a hundred yards.

In addition to the fact that their physical strength and comfort may not be as good as cars, with the blessing of Xu Lai's talent and many treasures, the speed of high-level knights is no longer comparable to that of ordinary cars.

However, with the fourth-level trainee knights as a burden, the high-level knights still couldn't let go of their horsepower.

The most exaggerated thing is Elvy. Because she has been promoted to Archangel, she has completely independent action capabilities.

However, she did not ride a horse. It was not that she did not want to, but that she could not ride.

As early as when he arrived, in order to deceive others, Wei Yihong specially found a packhorse for Elvie that did not require any riding skills.

But the packhorse couldn't even stand firmly in front of Elvie, and her legs became weak as soon as Elvie got close.

Not only this pack horse, but even the noble war horse that can turn a blind eye to the dangerous battlefield is very weak in front of Elvie.

Currently, the only horse that can withstand Elvi is the Holy Light Knight. However, the Holy Light Knight is not Tahan and cannot give in.

Tahan's heroic horse is not afraid of Elvi's holy light, but they simply don't let anyone except Tahan ride it.

Even Jean, with Elvie's zero-level riding skills, would not be able to ride a war horse of this level.

So Elvi could only fly on the ground with two legs, but her speed was not slow at all. Not to mention the fourth-level trainee knights, even the fifth-level equestrian retinues were left behind by her.

It was too late when we set off, and we would definitely not be able to reach Qingfeng Castle today.

After three months of hard training in the military academy, Xu Lai's ability to recognize directions is first-rate and he will never lead the wrong team even at night.

But at night, after galloping for most of the day, Xu Lai ordered to camp and rest.

Even if a person can persist, the horse still needs enough time to rest to regain its power.

Eight hours later, at dawn, Xu Lai and the others set off on time again, and they could still have a hot breakfast when they arrived at Qingfeng Castle.

What Xu Lai regretted more was not copying the attack acceleration spell, otherwise they might have been able to come back earlier.

But this first-level spell costs 3,000 gold coins, which is more expensive than many second-level spells, not to mention that Xu Zi believes that he already has an absolute advantage in speed.

Of course, the most important thing is the lack of money. If you have money, you have to get this spell no matter what.

At this time, the fortress of Qingfeng Castle has been completely built, and it is much smaller than Conaston Castle. Even the walls of the fortress are not as tall and majestic as others, and are even worse than those of Stubborn Stone Castle.

Xu Lai built a standard fortress, while Stubborn Stone Fort built a strengthened fortress. The height difference was not big, but the thickness was 100 centimeters more than that of Qingfeng Fort.

Don't underestimate this 100 centimeters. Xu Lai doesn't have the qualifications to increase it unless he reaches the base camp or has the blueprints to strengthen the fortress in advance.

The fortress is 5.2 meters high and 2.4 meters wide. However, the area where Xu Lai built the city gate was widened, almost doubling the width. There is also a large gate tower 3 meters high.

The gatehouse can be used for observation, and can also be used to arrange shooters and city defense weapons. The other areas are too small and can only accommodate ordinary ballistas at most.

Catapults can only be placed behind the city wall. For example, in the reinforced fortress of the Stone Fortress, small and medium-sized catapults can be placed on the widened platform at the turn.

The blacksmith shop in Qingfeng Castle cannot produce these two kinds of city defense equipment for the time being anyway. Many of the ones in Stone Castle have been destroyed by Thunderbirds and Dapeng, and there is no excess for sale.

After the final rest, Xu Lai sorted out the supplies one last time.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, after having the last hot lunch, around 4 o'clock, Xu Lai drove west with 14 griffons and his own knights.

With the cover of the griffon, Elvi finally didn't have to be so tired. Lying on a griffon didn't attract too much attention.

Of course, the mere presence of the gryphon is enough to attract attention.

In order to stagger the wolf cavalry operating in the Pingfeng Mountains, Xu Lai decided to stay out at night and use night vision goggles to carry out activities at night.

The field is not at home. There are magic lamps at home to light up, and fighting will not lose morale at night.

Fighting in the wild, especially at night without a lot of torch lighting, is a very dangerous thing. Not only will you lose at least 10 points of night morale if you start a fight, but your morale will also drop much faster than during the day.

It's okay if Xu Lai is recruiting soldiers, and the loss of morale is not a big deal.

But that's not the case for wolf cavalry. Many of the recruited wolf cavalry have died on the battlefield. Not to mention the rest are all elites from various tribes. At least the ratio of real wolf cavalry and recruited wolf cavalry should increase to 1:1. .

This does not mean that the wolf cavalry will not be active at night, but the activities will not be so frequent and the distance will not be too far.

The huge Pingfeng Grassland and the Pingfeng Mountains alone are dozens of kilometers long. With only more than 10,000 wolf cavalry left at most, they will definitely not be able to guard the entire Pingfeng Mountains.

Xu Lai deliberately chose this time to set off because there were no villages or caravans near Qingfeng Castle, so the griffins and angels were not easily discovered.

In order to facilitate mind control, Xu Lai did not dare to let them fly. They flew more than ten meters close to the ground, and their momentum was quite strong.

This run lasted for several hours, and the sky was completely dark.

If he kept running at this terrifying speed for several hours, he would have almost reached the Stone Castle.

But this time, Xu Lai deliberately avoided Stubborn Stone Castle and even avoided the river, because the wolf cavalry must also fetch water along the river.

There is one disadvantage of bringing apprentice knights with them. In addition to the fact that these knights are slower, the mounts under their crotches do not have as strong endurance as the advanced mounts.

After several hours of galloping, you must rest for several more hours, and there is no way to arrange spare mounts when recruiting troops. It is impossible to change horses without changing people.

In addition to the lack of endurance of these trainee knights, Xu Lai's team also had another problem.

72 knights plus 12 heroes need to consume 85 units of food every day. The griffins in the sky are large creatures. Each one needs 2 units of food every day, which is equivalent to 28 units of food.

This is good, because in the grassland area, the mount does not need to consume food.

The strong magic power in the magical world makes weeds rich in nutrients, but if there is no grass to eat in a wilderness, Xu Lai has to prepare his own food.

Of course, Xu Lai has considered this issue in advance and is prepared, that is, consumption will continue to rise.

In the wilderness, the daily food consumption has to be increased to 200, not counting the necessary water and hay.

Xu Lai added the supply vehicle and space backpack, as well as the five days of dry food brought by each knight, and he prepared a total of 20,000 units of food, water, soybeans, and more hay.

After all calculations, these supplies are enough for them to use for about 40 days.

Allowing at least 10 days for return, he can only be active in the wilderness for a month at most.

This is because he has improved his intermediate logistics skills. The upper limit of each knight's load has been increased by 10%. Carrying dry food for 5 days will not affect the movement, otherwise the marching speed will be reduced a lot.

These were only 100 units of soldiers. Xu Lai could not imagine how he would face logistical headaches if he brought a thousand or ten thousand soldiers in the future.

Relying on high-level knights to move quickly, it is either small-scale or small-scale, or they must bring large troops or even logistics troops to act together.

Just as Xu Lai was thinking about his plans after going to the wilderness, a familiar voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Mr. Lang, it's time to eat."

Xu Lai subconsciously took it, a bowl of mutton steamed buns filled with mutton.

Suddenly, Xu Lai looked at the other party with wide eyes and said, "Why are you following me?"

Yu Lan blinked her beautiful big eyes and bit her small lips, looking weak and scared.

"Mr. Lang, you just don't allow Sister Su to follow you, and you didn't say that others can't follow you either."

Xu Lai rolled his eyes and said, "Shao Lai, it's not like you weren't there at that time.

And why are you looking like this? I didn’t bully you! "

Going to the wild land, you still have to explain it to Su Ya, otherwise Su Ya will go crazy if the dignified lord disappears for several months.

But it was obvious that Xu Lai suddenly unleashed such a big move on Su Ya, and Su Ya returned the favor without saying a word.

Yu Lan continued to act pitiful and said: "If you are angry, you can bully me as much as you want. Please don't drive me away."

Sometimes Xu Lai really admired this woman. She completely understood his thoughts, could exploit even the slightest loophole in her words, and would never disobey Xu Lai's orders.

That's it, Xu Lai still couldn't be angry. Not only was he not angry, but he felt a damn sweet feeling in his heart.

"Okay, okay, I didn't say I wanted to drive you away.

You consume a lot of mana every time you transform, so go and rest first.

We rested for a maximum of two hours, tried our best to travel while it was dark, and then rested again during the day. "

Although Yu Lan guessed that nothing would happen, she still felt guilty. Now that she saw that Xu Lai had not chased her away, she did not dare to disobey Xu Lai's wishes anymore and obediently hid in Xu Lai's tent to rest.

Staying day and night is not completely without danger. In any case, they are still a relatively conspicuous target even with their men, horses and griffons.

Whether day or night, patrolling is extremely important.

Xu Lai now only needs 5 or 6 hours of sleep a day to be full of energy, so he has no idea of ​​resting at all now. He only lets Yan Feng and Elvi rest, while he takes Tahan and the 8th-level Holy Light Knight with him. Patrol the neighborhood. (End of chapter)

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