Xu Lai still remembered that when he moved from the Pingfeng Mountains to Qingfeng Castle, there were almost no stops along the way, and he only had a few battles with wild monsters.

At this time, after crossing the Stubborn Stone Castle, the group of knights that Xu Lai was obsessed with diplomacy had long disappeared. Naturally, no one knew whose hands the silver treasure chest they were guarding fell into.

In line with the principle that wasting mana every day is also a waste, Xu Lai also released a see-through atmosphere near the original group of knights.

Because he doesn't specialize in air magic, Xu Lai's perspective of the atmosphere can only display treasures within a 5-kilometer radius, and they can only be ownerless treasures.

But it was obvious that this 5-kilometer area had been cleared out long ago, and not even a single bird feather was left for Xu Lai, let alone any treasures.

When approaching the Pingfeng Mountains, Xu Lai and the others encountered a group of prairie wolves.

These should be natural creatures. When they saw Xu Lai and the others from a distance, they started running, but they couldn't be as fast as Xu Lai and the others. Xu Lai led a group of trainee knights to charge, and most of them fell in a second.

Sure enough, after the battle, the bodies of the group of prairie wolves did not disappear.

Xu Lai immediately asked Ta Han and Yan Feng to follow him and skinned a few prairie wolves on the spot.

Wolf meat is sour, and even if Xu Lai brought a lot of seasonings, the taste is very bad.

But as a food reserve, there is no problem at all. Anyway, as long as the group of recruited cavalry have food and it is not poisonous, they will not care whether it tastes good or not.

In addition to the battle with the prairie wolf, Xu Lai and the others also encountered a battle after approaching Pingfeng Mountain.

This battle could have been avoided. Because Xu Lai and the others acted day and night, the enemy did not discover them.

That is a pass, which is considered the best place to pass near the Pingfeng Mountains.

However, this pass is not big. Not to mention the large-scale transportation team, even the Cyclops can barely pass through, and the Behemoths have to change places.

However, even so, there are more than a hundred orc infantry guarding here.

It is not appropriate to say that there are more than a hundred orc infantry. In fact, there are only one third of the real combatants, about 30 people, all of whom are 4th and 5th level orc warriors.

The remaining ones are basically big-eared monsters that are the orcs' backup rations.

Judging from the mobility of the orc infantry, it was impossible for them to discover the enemy earlier than Xu Lai, who had intermediate eagle eye skills and was riding a tall horse.

What's more, the food of this group of orcs seems to be unsecured, and they have no intention of moving. There are only a group of big-eared monsters on duty at night.

Along the way, in order to avoid being discovered, Xu Lai moved early even if he encountered wolf cavalry during the day.

He teamed up with Tahan and Yu Lan, and Erwei teamed up with Yan Feng. The two teams took turns patrolling and keeping watch at night.

With high-altitude vision and intermediate eagle eye, Xu Lai and the others have not yet met the wolf cavalry.

Xu Lai was able to avoid alerting these infantrymen at this pass, but judging from the map of the wilderness, although the next entrance and exit were not far away, they had to climb over the Pingfeng Mountains.

Even if the entrance is a gentle mountain peak, it can be used by cavalry.

But it is a mountain road after all, and it is easy to encounter dangers at night. It is difficult for the knight to launch a charge, because the tilt angle and the rocks blocking the road cannot be restrained by pathfinding skills.

Xu Lailong only had so many people, so of course he was not willing to take this risk.

After comprehensive consideration, Xu Lai felt that he should attack this post directly, which would also make the Orc Wolf Cavalry fearful.

After all, everyone's escape is blocked. No matter how rampant the wolf cavalry are, they will still worry about not being able to return home.

This charge was not as simple as setting up an outpost. It was rare for Xu Lai to start the deployment before the war.

"Tahan, later you will take those senior knights and charge one step behind us. It is best to rush into the orcs with us."

Tahan had cooperated like this once before when he eliminated the group of horse thieves, and immediately replied: "Yes, sir."

"Yan Feng, you are still wandering around the periphery with your heroes.

The task I give you is to ensure that no orc escapes. I don’t want our movements to be known. "

With the intelligence of the orc infantry, they should not have the brains to think of turning back to investigate after escaping.

But who cares, Xu Lai has too many cavalry that can charge now, and there is no need for Duo Yanfeng and the others to do this.

Moreover, in Xu Lai's plan, they mostly implemented such tactics when entering the wilderness, so as to prevent the enemy from escaping and cover up their traces to the greatest extent.

“Elwee, take Yu Lan and fly over the outpost first.

The task I give you is to keep an eye on the direction of the wild land. Just like Yan Feng, no one is allowed to escape in that direction. "

The two of them responded one after another. Only Yu Lan looked at Xu Lai pitifully, but without Xu Lai's permission, she could not even restore her body.

Xu didn't even look at Yu Lan. After confirming that everyone heard the order clearly, he controlled all the trainee knights to raise their spears.

There was no immediate charge, the not-so-fast horse speed, and the shock-absorbing grass prevented Xu Lai and the others from being discovered immediately.

And when the sound of horse hooves rumbled, it was already too late for the orcs to react.

There were even orc warriors who thought it was just a muffled thunder in the summer, but those squeaking big-eared monsters were really annoying.

When the orc warrior was impatient with the noise and walked out of the outpost with an angry look, he happened to see a flash of silver light coming towards him.

Today's moonlight is not bright, but Xu Lai's flag is very high-end, with a spear head made of a mixture of fine gold and mithril.

It takes one kilogram of gold mixture to extract more than ten grams of fine gold. Its sharpness and strength are unparalleled in the world.

Needless to say, mithril has strong sturdiness, weighs less than half of ordinary metals, and has excellent mana conductivity comparable to oak. It has always been known as the best metal.

Of course, this is not the pioneer flag originally given by Count Aini, but one modified by Xu Lai in his own blacksmith shop.

It took a piece of sincere mithril to resmelt the vanguard flag with the help of the recruiting blacksmith.

The length of the newly smelted Vanguard Flag has not changed, the weight has dropped from the previous 50 points to 40 points, and the damage has increased from the previous 91-120 to 101-135.

Don't underestimate the fact that the weight has only dropped by 10 points. It should be said that the weight has dropped by 20%. If it was 100 kilograms before, it is only 80 kilograms now.

Without these 10 points of weight, Xu Lai relaxed a lot and became more comfortable to use. Even if the damage is not increased, the power can be greatly increased.

Level 6 Riding Sprint plus Level 6 Pole Weapon Assassination make this gun extremely powerful.

Even if it is just the additional damage of superimposed sprinting, the basic damage of this gun is as high as 300 points. With advanced offensive skills and treasure bonuses, the damage is already as high as 400 points and upwards.

In addition, the defense of orc warriors is relatively low, even an archangel wearing sacred armor may die suddenly after being hit by this, let alone a mere fifth-level orc warrior.

The morale of these guards at the stronghold was not high due to lack of food.

This night attack was combined with a sneak attack, and a large number of soldiers were taken away in a wave of charges. The morale of the remaining orcs and big-eared monsters instantly fell to the bottom.

The big-eared monsters and orcs, who were panicking, covered their heads and ran outside, some to the grassland, and some to the pass.

Fortunately, Xu Lai had made arrangements in advance.

Otherwise, in such a dark wilderness, with everyone fighting together, it is really possible for some cunning orcs to escape.

Elvi and Yan Feng, wearing night vision goggles, each mobilized their troops to pursue them.

They are already fast, one can fly and the other can shoot. It is really easy to chase down these fleeing defeated soldiers.

Xu Lai and the others were not idle either. Although the pass here was passable, the two sides were too narrow.

As long as there are ambushes arranged on the surrounding peaks on both sides, and they wait until they pass through, it will be difficult for even the high-level knights to escape, except for the flying soldiers.

Tahan took some cavalry and spread out with torches to investigate.

Xu Lai jumped off his horse and used the special effects activated by the intermediate pathfinding technique to track.

Suddenly, hundreds of messy footprints suddenly appeared on the dark, invisible ground.

Such messy footprints did not allow Xu Lai to obtain much useful information, but of course the pathfinding skills were not limited to this.

After waiting quietly for a moment, these footprints began to be gradually classified, and finally summarized into four lines of cavalry footprints, corresponding to level 4, level 5, level 7 and level 8 knights respectively.

After a while, all the information was sorted out, and Xu Lai got a prompt with an arrow:

"Half an hour ago, a group of 60-100 cavalry, ranging from level 4 to level 8, passed by in the → direction."

The location pointed by the arrow is exactly where the trainee knights are waiting, in the direction of the pass.

Having never learned the art of pathfinding, Xu Lai had no idea that such messy and unclear footprints could actually give such a clear and obvious message.

In this world, he is not the only one who knows how to find paths.

Once he went to the wild land and was tracked by multiple heroes who knew how to find paths, no matter how fast he was, he could not escape being surrounded.

But fortunately, he had learned pathfinding, so he could think of covering his whereabouts.

After a while, after Ta Hanyanfeng and others arrived, Xu Lai called them down and even Elvi in ​​the sky, leaving only Yu Lan to be on guard in the sky.

You guys dig out a layer of the turf around here for me.

Then, Tahan, take the trainee knights and knights' retinues with you, go south from this outpost, make a big circle, and come back from the other side.

Later, Elvi, you and Yu Lan will use this supply truck to spread the excavated soil where Tahan and the others turn. After our large force enters the pass, they will spread some behind us.

The tracking function of pathfinding is very useful, but it also has shortcomings. As long as the footprints are completely destroyed, information cannot be obtained.

On the contrary, some tracking experts who do not rely on these magical abilities can deduce the movement of Xu Lai and the others through the direction in which the turf is crushed.

As for whether the soil covering method worked, Xu Lai didn't know. He only knew that when he did the experiment just now, there was indeed an error in the data.

But Xu Lai only has intermediate pathfinding skills, and the tracking function is the most basic.

The commander of the Wolf Cavalry, Taloshi, is a super master with the ultimate pathfinding technique. (End of chapter)

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