The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 204 The Orcs’ Reaction

With such a cover-up, Xu Lai didn't have much hope. At worst, Talosi would discover him and have them chase him.

This is what Count Aini and Archbishop Duer want to see. It is also Xu Lai's biggest strategic mission this time, to attract the wolf cavalry who are constantly destroying the grassland to return to defense.

These wolf cavalry are more terrifying than horse thieves. They are not just robbing caravans, but there is no grass growing anywhere they pass, and they are completely killing the living forces of the human race.

However, the grassland coalition has been disbanded, and the remaining knights' mobile strength is not as good as the wolf cavalry in terms of quantity and quality.

And these wolf cavalry are also well aware of their own weaknesses and will never touch rocks with their bodies.

But the key point is that even if it is a large town with upgraded walls and arrow towers, as long as it is not a stone fortress, it is basically difficult to defend against the attack of the wolf cavalry.

Tens of thousands of high-level, elite wolf cavalry are really too terrifying.

In order to defeat this group of wolf cavalry, Count Aini and the others could only mobilize a large number of infantry and archers to defeat the rear base of the stronghold and destroy the wolf cavalry's food and grass.

However, the rear base of the stronghold is mobile, and Count Ani's large-scale infantry mobilization cannot be silent.

As long as the wolf cavalry keeps coming to harass them and give the rear base warehouse enough time to move, humans will have no choice but to return without success, and maybe their food route will be cut off by the wolf cavalry.

Therefore, as a last resort, Count Aini could only continue to mobilize cavalry from the rear. Using cavalry to control cavalry was the only feasible method at present.

Anyway, there are three large towns headed by Stone Castle blocking the way, so the wolf cavalry dare not go deep easily.

Otherwise, like before, Count Aini would send out heavy troops to block the middle and cast a net to round them up, and Taloshi and the others would really have nowhere to escape.

However, Talosi's wolf cavalry are now operating separately, and small groups of troops are constantly harassing them. Count Aini is really not tired of it.

It is really not cost-effective to go to war for these small groups of troops, especially since the long-term war with Li Di was fought for more than a month, which delayed production for a very long time.

Now, Count Aini also had to send troops to protect several important towns and major grain producing areas, and it would not be easy to mobilize troops on a large scale.

Fortunately, the grassland is a good place to raise horses. In the entire empire, the grassland has the most knights.

When the cavalry recruitment is used up, there are still knights who can temporarily take over.

With a squadron of about a hundred people, they constantly patrolled the trade road in the rear, and at least managed to maintain a stable trade road.

But Talosi was not prepared to let the humans gain a firm foothold. With enough food and grass piled up in front, they would inevitably launch a large-scale attack on the stronghold again.

By then, Taloshi and the others would have to withdraw.

Otherwise, if Earl Aini blocks the entrances and exits of Pingfeng Grassland, and if he continues to fortify the walls and clear out the wilderness, and shrink all the farmers into the big cities, Talosi and the others will have to starve to death on the grassland.

Horses can eat grass, but wolves eat meat.

At present, the biggest disadvantage of mankind is still the insufficient total cavalry force and insufficient high-end combat power.

No matter how many knights there are in Pingfeng Grassland, the area is only a small part of the empire. It cannot compare with the stronghold camp. They have gathered together several large wolf cavalry legions for use.

“Therefore, what we need to do is to fight quickly and not give the opponent’s cavalry a chance to support us, nor give them a chance to round us up from the rear.

Everyone, remember not to be greedy and withdraw as soon as you take advantage.

These cunning humans, in order to contain us, have sacrificed several villages to set up traps. Ali died at the hands of human knights because he was greedy for merit. "

As soon as the order was given, the messenger outside the tent shouted a report.

Taloshi frowned and called the messenger in.

"General, Lord Ogu Shaman has sent an eagle message."

Taloshi frowned slightly. After the defeat in the frontline battle, the Beast King from far away in the royal court sent the Ogu Shaman.

Shaman is one of the few spellcasting professions among the orcs, and one of the few 8th-level professionals in the stronghold. He is the great disciple of the great prophet Chitar, and the teacher of Talosi.

The Beastmaster sent this man to the front lines, apparently to express his dissatisfaction with Taloshi.

As the commander-in-chief, Talosi has absolute command of the front line, but Ogu Shaman is his teacher, and he is one of the few people that Talosi dare not disobey.

But on the other hand, the Beast King still believed in Talosi, because it was Talosi's mentor who was sent instead of other commanders.

As a teacher, Augu certainly doesn't want his students to lose their power and status, so Augu's arrival will only be an aid to Taloshi rather than an obstacle.

Putting down the letter in his hand, Talosi snorted coldly: "It seems that our previous predictions were correct. Human beings are indeed plotting our retreat.

Aogu Shaman wrote to me and told me that at the foot of the Pingfeng Mountains, one of our remaining outposts was destroyed, and all 150 soldiers were wiped out overnight. "

A general immediately said: "To kill one of our outposts overnight must be the enemy's elite."

"And being able to pass through the blockade without being noticed by our patrolling wolf cavalry, it must be the enemy's cavalry."

Talosi nodded and said: "After all, this was once the territory of the human race, and our people are not familiar enough with the grassland.

The retreat is very important to us. If there is a problem with the supply of food, the impact on morale will be immeasurable. "

At this point, Taloshi suddenly shouted sharply: "Tatarod."

A young orc followed the order.

This orc is different from other orcs in that his lower fangs pierce his lips, which is a symbol of strength among orcs.

At the same time, the face of this orc named Tatarod is somewhat similar to Taloshi.

"I order you to lead 500 wolf cavalry back. The first task is to investigate clearly whether the human race has mobilized a large number of cavalry to block our retreat.

Secondly, if it is just a small-scale troop harassment, order your troops to annihilate it. "

Tatarod smiled ferociously and said, "Follow the order."

One of the generals under his command was puzzled: "What should we do if we let that group of cavalry escape to the wilderness?"

Taloshi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he glanced at Tatarod but said nothing.

Tatarod understood and said: "Generals, please rest assured. If those guys really escape back to the wilderness, they will dig their own graves. I will never let them harass the tribes of the generals."

At this time, an ogre general came out and said: "Major General, all the adult ogres in our Bloodthirsty Department have gone out with the army. We only have women and children at home. Please take care of us, Young General."

The Bloodthirsty Tribe is an ogre tribe that lives on the other side of Pingfeng Mountain, closest to the human grassland.

Therefore, the orc army came over the mountains and ridges, and naturally recruited the entire bloodthirsty tribe's combat power.

Of course, this kind of requisition is not without cost. The Bloodthirsty Department will definitely take a big share of the spoils and territory after the war.

Moreover, the war between the orcs and humans was instigated by the Bloodthirsty Ministry.

It was the ogre magician from the Bloodthirsty Ministry who made it a fait accompli and gave the Beast King an excellent excuse.

Otherwise, the authority of the Beast King alone would not be able to suppress the opposition forces in the stronghold camp.

Tatarod laughed and said: "Even if all the adult ogres in your tribe are recruited into the army, there are still tens of thousands of remaining ogres in the tribe. What are you worried about!"

The ogre general frowned, worried about Taloshi above, but said nothing.

Talosi snorted and said, "Okay, this is still a few hundred kilometers away from the outpost. You should gather your troops and set off immediately."

Unlike Taloshi, Tatarod was recognized as the heir by Taloshi early on, and therefore inherited the bloodline talent of the Wolf Cavalry.

As for Taloshi himself, he was the clan leader snatched from his father, and he was actually not eligible to inherit the Wolf Tribe before.

Tatarod did not disappoint Talosi either. He possessed level 3 strength at a young age, so once he reached adulthood, he was recognized by Talosi as his heir and awakened his talents and specializations.

The 500 wolf cavalry he brought were not the lowest warg cavalry, but the wolf knights from the wolf tribe headquarters, all of the sixth level.

The 500 level 6 wolf cavalry, plus Tatarod, an outstanding heir, are the key to Talosi's conclusion that he can defeat this elite cavalry.

The function of the orc outpost is to transmit information.

Therefore, when the daily reports from the outpost at the pass disappeared, Ogu, as a rare wise man among the orcs, immediately noticed the anomaly and quickly sent people over to investigate.

But after the investigators confirmed it and passed the information to Ogu, Ogu then passed it to Taloshi through the eagle letter, requesting the support of his wolf riders.

After such a long time, Xu Lai had already led his troops through the pass.

However, he did not pass through the pass rashly. If he were the commander of the orcs, he would never be able to place guards only on one side of the pass.

It was impossible to release people on the cliffs on both sides, but Xu Lai still asked Elvi and Yu Lan to lead a team of griffons to investigate along the way.

It was the same when leaving the pass at this time, but there was only one unit to investigate, and that was Yu Lan, who had transformed into a giant eagle.

The size of the giant eagle is much smaller than the roc of the same level, but it is not much different from the fifth-level golden eagle.

In order to reflect her role, Yu Lan even prepared a camouflage suit made of golden eagle feathers for herself.

After transforming into a giant eagle and letting Xu Lai put it on, it would be impossible to tell the difference unless observed at close range within a few meters.

After a while, Yu Lan flew back, regained her human form on Xu Lai's horse, and fell directly into Xu Lai's arms.

"I found a guard post ahead. There weren't many people there, but there was an alarm device.

There was a sleeping golden eagle near the outpost, but I did not disturb them. "

After crossing the pass overnight, it was just dawning, so the people on duty were probably still resting.

"Elwee, you are responsible for getting rid of that golden eagle. I will lead someone to touch it."

Xu Lai was not worried about the few people. He was worried about the news leaking, so he simply didn't even ride a horse and walked over with Yan Feng and eleven heroes.

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