The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 205 No grass grows

As soon as he came out of the pass, Xu Lai was stunned by the sight in front of him.

On the other side of the mountain, there is a blue sky, dark green grassland, and vigorous vitality.

But when they came to the wild land, they were filled with gravel and gravel, scorched dead trees, and dead bones everywhere.

When you step on the ground in the wilderness, you will find either nutrientless sand or hard gravel.

The only hints of green that can be seen occasionally are cacti and vines, which are tenacious plants.

In the July sky, the wilderness was obviously much hotter than the Pingfeng Grassland. Xu Lai did not dare to delay, and aimed his bow at a strong orc on duty from a distance.

The strong orc man was dozing off. Xu Lai, Yan Feng and others shot heavy arrows at the same time. He fell to the ground without even a grunt.

The strong orc fell to the ground with great movement, and all the orc warriors lying outside the house got up, including the golden eagle.

But Xu Lai had already killed the strong orcs guarding the alarm bell, so the other orcs were not to be feared.

There was also an orc who planned to escape on a golden eagle, but suddenly his vision went dark, and a huge figure blocked the sunlight above his head.

When the orc raised his head, he saw only a faint blue flame falling from the sky.

The golden eagle and the orcs were chopped off with one sword. When Elvi looked up again, all the orcs had fallen to the ground with arrows in their heads.

Yan Feng, Tahan and others went to search for supplies available at this outpost.

Xu Lai climbed to the top floor of the outpost, first took off the alarm bell, and then used the intermediate eagle eye technique to look around.

The terrain of the Gobi is farther than the grassland. There are no weeds on the ground to cover the ground, and there are no orcs grazing nearby. There is only a little smoke floating in the far distance.

Xu Lai opened the map and looked at it. The place where the smoke was rising should be an ogre tribe.

The terrain behind Pingfeng Mountain is the most barren, but as you go deeper into the wilderness, the land gradually becomes fertile again.

Of course, compared to the entire wilderness, there is still too little fertile land.

However, this land has bred land beasts like Behemoth, and only the beast king who can tame Behemoth is qualified to occupy the most fertile land.

Nothing grows in the fringe zone, except for a monster called the Big-Eared Monster.

Big-eared monsters are also called goblins. They are goblins grown from the ground, so they are called goblins.

Adult big-eared monsters have green skin, are about half a person tall, and their customary weapon is a big stick made of wood or bone.

The juvenile Big-Eared Monster is in the form of a plant, which is a large mushroom that uses elastic spores to reproduce.

The orcs in the stronghold camp generally don't like to eat vegetarian food, so this kind of big mushrooms breed everywhere, except for the barren desert under Xu Lai's feet.

A big mushroom can produce several big-eared monsters every year, and the ogres living here feed on the big-eared monsters.

The big-eared monsters are symbionts of animals and plants. Even if they are used as food, they will not resist at all. They will also actively collect the feces from the ogres, which is the best nourishment for their companions.

The ogre tribe is huge, and most of the area on the map belongs to the ogre territory.

After passing the ogre territory, there is the territory of the warg tribe. Some other crops can be grown there, and there is soil for the creatures to survive, but the staple food is still big-eared monsters.

However, on Xu Lai's map, there were not many warg tribes drawn. It is probably because the original investigators did not go too deep.

The ogres live in the mountains. Except for the cold Pingfeng Mountain, the large and small hills in front of Xu Lai are basically ogre tribes.

These hills are not high, the largest is only 5,600 meters.

Moreover, the ogres do not live in the mountains, but in the cols connecting the mountain tops.

In the wilderness, not only the sun is vicious, but the wind is as strong as scraping the bones. Not only can it not dispel the heat, but it constantly stings the skin like a knife.

With Xu Lai's current physique, he would feel a bit of pain after blowing for a long time, and he would feel thirsty not long after setting foot in the wilderness.

The ogre's skin is much more durable than Xu Lai's, but with this kind of exposure to the sun, even the ogre can't stand it.

They use the mountains to block the wind and sunlight, and only in these mountain valleys can Xu Lai see faint touches of green.

Therefore, each of these mountain cols is a small ogre clan.

Add all the ogre clans nearby, and you have a large ogre clan. The name of this clan is written on Xu Lai's map, called Bloodthirsty.

The wilderness has more than one end point. It is also connected to the swamp and the sea on the other side.

Therefore, there are three large ogre tribes in the stronghold camp, but the ogres that appear on the battlefields of the human race and the stronghold should all come from the bloodthirsty tribe.

The reason why this tribe is called Bloodthirsty is because the leader of this tribe is an ogre who is good at bloodthirsty thaumaturgy. The largest number of his subordinates are ogre magicians who can release bloodthirsty thaumaturgy.

Xu Lai did not intend to let these ogres go, because they were the best training materials.

Ogres are strong and strong, but their only drawback is that they are too slow.

Xu Lai is a high-speed unit, which is perfect for bullying these ogres. Even if they cannot defeat them, they can retreat calmly.

Moreover, the reputation of ogres is extremely bad among the human race. It can even be said that the reason why the human race drove their stronghold to the wilderness in the first place was mostly due to these ogres.

Ogres only eat meat, and it must be fresh meat.

Except for the painless big-eared monster who can accept his fate of being roasted and eaten alive, no other creature can accept it.

What's more, these ogres don't like eating big-eared monsters that look like old cowhide at all. What they love most is human flesh, especially the newborn ones.

No race in the world can accept the slaughter of cubs. Such a heinous act of evil allowed Xu Lai to slaughter these ogres without any burden.

"Tahan, you lead all the paladins to suppress the battle. Your main task is to protect the heroes led by Yan Feng.

Yan Feng, you lead the heroes to roam around the periphery, responsible for sniping and killing high-level targets.

Elvi, protect Yu Lan and lead the griffons to kill those escaping targets.

I will lead the trainee knights and knights' retinues in the main attack. Have you all heard your mission clearly? "

Everyone nodded in unison, and Xu Lai said:

"While it's not too hot yet, everyone should rest where they are for an hour. Yan Fengtahan, you go prepare breakfast, and Yulan Elwe, you go prepare fodder and rations for the griffons."

After an hour's rest, all the knights mounted their horses and ran towards the nearest mountain col.

In the wild land, except for a few entrances and exits where sentries are arranged, the rest of the place is barren and there will be no orcs at all.

Therefore, Xu Lai also put down his scruples and rushed directly.

The strong wind in the wild land covered the movements of Xu Lai and the others very well. It was not until Xu Lai and his knights appeared in front of them that the ogres screamed in disbelief.

This is a very small mountain col, and there are only a few hundred ogres that appear in front of Xu Lai. They are much smaller than the ogres in Xu Lai's impression, and some are even much shorter than normal humans.

Moreover, the ogres in the records, like most orcs, are extremely fierce.

When they encounter an enemy, their first reaction is to pick up weapons and attack, instead of screaming and running away.

Almost instantly, Xu Lai realized that the ogres in front of him were probably just women and children.

The pioneer flag in his hand lowered unknowingly, but after a moment, Xu Lai's eyes narrowed and he held the flag tightly again.

The huge vanguard flag carried powerful charge damage and passed through the back of an ogre. Without any hesitation, Xu Lai tore the ogre's body apart with a flick of his wrist.

Many little ogres also picked up big sticks and rushed towards him with red eyes.

However, their level is too low, and even with the addition of bloodthirsty magic, their attack power is not too high.

The fourth-level trainee knight and the fifth-level knight's retinue, who had the blessing of ultimate defense, slaughtered most of the ogres in one charge. The remaining ogres were unable to cause much damage after breaking through the defense.

Xu Lai healed the whole group, and all the knights collectively recovered 17 points of health. Most of the knights were almost fully recovered.

When the last ogre fell, the big-eared monsters no longer had the courage to fight and fled in all directions.

Xu Lai waved his hand and stopped Elvy who wanted to pursue them. There were too many of these gadgets, and their combat effectiveness was not even as good as that of the militia. It was really not worth wasting time and arrows on them.

The one Xu Lai destroyed should be regarded as a small ogre village.

In other words, after he digs out and destroys the stronghold heart of this ogre village, he should be able to obtain 2-3 camp-level castle hearts and some resources for building the village.

This idea only circulated in Xu Lai's mind for less than a minute before he simply gave up.

The big-eared monster escaping will definitely arouse the vigilance of the nearby ogre tribe, and maybe they will soon unite to encircle and suppress him.

It's not worth wasting time on a village-level stronghold at this time. At the very least, he has to wait until he breaks through a large clan.

"Clean the battlefield quickly, we will transfer in 5 minutes."

There is no strength in numbers, and the only people who can clean the battlefield are Xu Lai and the others.

Therefore, it was definitely impossible to search house to house. We could only pick up those houses that looked more luxurious. Xu Lai went straight to the most luxurious house in the clan.

This should be the house where the clan leader lives. On the human side, it should be the village chief's house.

Unfortunately, there are not many treasures in this house.

A luxurious box that had been carefully collected was actually filled with human skulls. Judging from the size, the largest one was only about ten years old.

Seeing this scene, the last trace of resentment in Xu Lai's heart disappeared without a trace. After searching for hundreds of gold coins and three units of crystals, Xu Lai led people to rush to the next ogre clan.

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