While still halfway there, golden light fell from the sky.

One day and one night, three battles, killing hundreds of ogres, dozens of orc warriors and hundreds of big-eared monsters, finally a trainee knight was promoted.

Unfortunately, the number is still small, only 4 trainee knights.

But Xu Lai still chose promotion without hesitation, because after promotion, in addition to increased combat effectiveness, physical strength and health will be restored to a certain extent.

It cost 1,600 gold coins for the four trainee knights to advance. Xu Lai and others collected more than a thousand gold coins from the previous village. After removing the 1,600, they still lost some gold coins, but he also got some crystals.

Xu Lai didn't have time to calculate the details now. He bypassed the mountain in front of him and went straight to the next mountain col.

But it was obvious that even if Xu Lai rushed faster, the ogre clan here was already ready to fight.

Almost all the ogres, big and small, had their weapons ready, and there were a few strong ogres with nail clubs in the front row.

Now that the enemy is well prepared, Xu Lai doesn't need to be too anxious.

He ordered everyone to rest on their horses, firstly to restore the strength of the horses, and secondly to use long-range attacks to demoralize the enemy.

The village in front of you is a large village with three to four hundred ogres. The strong ogres in the front row are even level 5 units. With the help of bloodthirsty thaumaturgy, their attack power cannot be underestimated.

The 2nd and 3rd level ogre cubs and the 4th level ordinary ogres in the previous village caused the trainee knights under their command to lose a lot of health points. If the more powerful clan in front of them charges hard, there may be casualties. .

Xu Lai only has so many soldiers and horses in total. If one of them dies, one will be missing. How can he be willing to bury them so easily?

But he couldn't wait too long, lest other clans came to support him.

The hill is not big, and it would take them ten or twenty minutes to cycle around it. But if a clan came over the hill to support them, it would probably only take this little time.

"Humans, why are you here!"

Perhaps seeing that Xu Lai did not attack immediately, the group of ogres suddenly dispersed, and an old ogre magician walked out from the group of ogres.

The bloodthirsty thaumaturgy practiced by these ogres should have come from the hands of this ogre magician.

However, Xu Lai sneered and was too lazy to answer this guy's question. He came here first to accept the reward from the temple, and secondly to find a place to train and level up.

Of course, with this kind of answer, there is no need to explain it to an old ogre.

Therefore, the answer to the ogre magician was an arrow that Xu Lai had just taken out from his space backpack.

With a pop, the feather arrow with the armor-piercing effect pierced the head of the ogre magician.

"Unfortunately, the tree elf's bow is still a little too soft."

Although the tree elf's archery skill increased by 5%, it was not as powerful as his previous recurve bow. Therefore, even if the tree elf's archery skill was increased by 5%, the damage to Xu Lai was still reduced.

Although the ogre is old and still a mage, he is still rough-skinned and thick-bodied.

Under the influence of the vanguard flag and the armor-piercing arrow, this arrow had already ignored 35% of the armor, but still failed to kill the opponent.

However, all the ogres use big sticks, and none of them holds a shield.

Xu Lai quickly added another arrow and killed the mage before he retreated.

The additional effect of intermediate archery. Enemies killed by Xu Lai from a distance will lose at least 1 point of morale.

They didn't have the blessing of master-level leadership skills, so these two arrows killed at least 1 point of morale.

Puff puff, Xu Lai fired two more arrows, killing another ogre warrior.

Being beaten like this, there was no way to fight back, and morale was lost very quickly. Within a few seconds, the ogres couldn't help but start charging.

However, this group of ogres was not fast at all. Their charge immediately exposed the ogre cubs behind them.

Xu Lai waved his flag, and all the knights followed Xu Lai and began to charge. However, this time the charge was not towards the ogre warriors at the front, but towards the cubs hiding behind the ogres.

The highest level of cubs is only level 3. Those female ogres are level 4. However, both defense and attack are much worse than serious level 4 ogres.

In one round of charge, at least 60 ogres fell immediately. The ogre clan immediately fell into a state of low morale and once again received a negative buff.

After breaking up the formation of the ogres, Xu Lai pointed his flag forward, and all the troops ran straight into the depths of the ogre village without stopping.

Soon they were blocked by the ogre's caves and houses, but the distance was enough to launch another charge.

The ogres are still a relatively violent race. Even though their morale is very low, no one still flinches.

After Xu Lai turned around with his cavalry, he frowned, raised the vanguard flag and charged again.

This ogre clan did not recruit ogres.

Recruiting soldiers with uniform standards will inevitably lead to collapse when it is time to collapse, no matter how much you encourage them, it will be useless.

But for individual soldiers, the impact on morale is not that bright. A timid soldier will still run away for you even though his morale is normal. This is how deserters come about.

However, there are also some soldiers who fight for a long time and can fight tenaciously even if their morale drops to zero. Therefore, troops who win more with less and even destroy the enemy's morale often appear in history.

Relatively speaking, the orc warriors are generally more tenacious because of the harsh living environment in the stronghold.

The lance penetrated an ogre's head heavily, and the ogre's big head exploded on the spot like a watermelon.

Riding on a 1.8-meter noble war horse, Xu Lai could easily poke the ogre's head.

On the other hand, except for a few ogre warriors, these ogres had to jump up to hit Xu Lai's thigh.

Therefore, cavalry versus infantry is basically a massacre.

Those Cyclops back then were not of a high level, but they were able to run rampant on the battlefield. Whether it was level 5 heavy shields or level 5 heavy guns, they all became the rations of these Cyclops.

It boils down to the huge advantages that height and size bring.

After the second round of charging, half of the ogres fell down. The red-eyed ogres in the front row couldn't catch up with Xu Lai and the others, so they rushed towards Tahan and his paladins' front line.

Obviously, even if these Paladins do not charge, the high level 7 suppression is enough for them to easily kill these 4th and 5th level ogre warriors.

No matter how resistant the ogres are, these are not professional warriors after all. With their bravery, they can persist until more than half of the casualties are suffered. If placed on the human side, they can be regarded as the elite of the elite.

But at this time, more than half of the casualties were lost, and the only ones left were female ogres and ogre cubs.

When the first deserter appeared, the second, and then the third, spread like a plague.

Of course Xu Lai did not allow them to escape. In his eyes, these were no longer ogres or humanoid creatures, but moving experience packets.

With a wave of the lance, the fluttering flag fell down again, and the knight behind him launched a third charge without hesitation.

Xu Lai turned a deaf ear to the whines and screams, and the lance penetrated each body without any hesitation.

Some smart ogres jumped directly onto the hill. They knew that the cavalry would be unable to charge on such a hill.

Their guess was correct. Even with pathfinding skills, it would not be a wise choice to rush onto such a relatively steep mountain.

However, they still couldn't escape.

Xu Lai put his fingers in his mouth and blew a loud whistle.

Elvi in ​​the sky reacted immediately. 14 griffins, an archangel, and a giant eagle roared down from the sky.

The gryphon's claws are extremely sharp and have a swooping effect from the sky.

With a pounce of its big claws, even though the ogre is known for its rough skin and thick flesh, it still can't stop such horrific damage.

On the hillside, there were broken flesh and ogre bodies everywhere. The terrifying griffin was like a butcher, constantly tearing apart one ogre after another with its claws.

But after all, there are only 14 griffins, but more and more ogres are climbing up the hillside.

In order to increase the efficiency of killing enemies, Elvey no longer allows the griffons to fly high and swoop, but allows them to kill enemies at a close distance.

After all, griffins are only level 4 creatures, possessing the ability to fly and terrifying claws, and their attack power is extremely terrifying.

As a price, the defensive ability of griffins is not strong, and the ogres are a race with high attack and strong defense. If they turn around and fight the griffins, there are only 14 griffins. They will undoubtedly be weak.

But at this time, the ogre was already focused on escaping and had no intention of fighting.

They just hate that their parents only gave them two legs and gave them such a heavy weight that they couldn't move fast.

Xu Lai, who was down the slope, did not have enough distance to charge again. If he got into close combat, the long pole weapon was not as comfortable to use as the saber.

Moreover, there were only ordinary knight retinues around, and they had no intention of protecting Xu Lai.

Several ogre warriors hit his thighs twice with big sticks. His health points didn't drop much, and Xu Lai was so painful that he almost burst into tears.

Xu Lai's strength value is not bad, but his opponent is a group of ogres, and he cannot sweep away thousands of troops like he did when he swept away the horse thieves.

But after killing the two ogre warriors who dared to resist, the remaining crooked melons and jujubes will not know how to hide even if you stab their brains with a gun.

In the villages down the slope, the ogres have basically been eliminated, and the ogres and griffons on the slope are also killing them one by one.

Even Yu Lan took the time to release a lightning chain, and an electric current thicker than Xu Lai's thigh instantly passed through the bodies of the five ogres.

The first three lay down without making a sound, and the two behind them were blackened even though they were not dead. The key was that they were paralyzed and unable to move, so they were all taken away one by one by the claws of the giant eagle transformed by Yu Lan.

"Everyone dismount and rest, and clean the battlefield."

Counting the previous village, Xu Lai led these knights and launched almost four consecutive charges.

Except for the four upgraded knight servants whose physical strength is relatively healthy and yellow, the rest of them have basically reached the edge of red.

If you don’t rest, you won’t even have anywhere to run later.

What's more, the village in front of me looks relatively wealthy. It would be a shame not to plunder it.

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