Xu Lai calculated that except for a dozen ogre warriors in this village, the rest were female ogres and ogre cubs.

From this point of view, the size of this village is at least 500 people.

These 500 people are just ogres. If you include the big-eared monsters, there will be thousands. It is a very big village.

The big-eared monster they planted covers an entire hillside.

But thanks to the big mushrooms on the hillside, there is still a rare touch of green in the col.

The cavalrymen took their mounts and gnawed the green grass at the foot of the mountain, while Xu Lai took a nap and went from house to house rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

There are still a full 50 trainee knights, each advanced level costs 400 gold, and 50 is equivalent to 20,000 gold.

Twenty thousand gold is enough to wipe out all Xu Lai's gold coins, but this is just the beginning. After all the trainee knights are upgraded, there will be 64 knights.

One costs 800 gold, which adds up to more than 50,000 gold. If you upgrade from level 6 to level 7, choosing a Paladin will cost you 2,000 gold, and 64 will be a full 130,000 gold.

This is just the cavalry, don't forget that Xu Lai also has 14 griffons.

That's really not unknown. I was shocked when I calculated it. Such a huge sum of money could only be collected slowly by rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

Elvi and the others chased them all the way to the top of the hillside. After encountering the ogres in another mountain col, they flew to high altitude again.

Elvi and the griffons followed Xu Lai and the others all the way, but this was the first time they took part in the battle seriously.

Not to mention Elvi, even Yu Lan was not willing to accept the remaining ogres and took them away. Together, the two of them led the griffons in another wave of fighting dives.

The power of the combat dive is very terrifying. The first batch of ogres rushing up the hillside are all strong ogre warriors.

But in front of the gryphon, which possesses advanced offensive skills and comes with 200% combat dive damage, it is as fragile as tofu.

However, the griffon is only powerful in this round of diving. In hand-to-hand combat, it is no match for the ogre warriors and ogre warriors.

However, Elvi only needed this round of dive.

Having completed its mission, the griffin, under Elvi's order, forcibly escorted Yu Lan away.

When the giant eagle transformed into Yu Lan flew away from the hillside, Elvi also landed on the top of the hillside.

The ogres who came were immediately stunned. The two pairs of snow-white wings behind Elvie clearly represented her identity.

Elvi was not in a hurry to attack, she even inserted the sacred sword into the rocks at her feet.

Orcs are indeed orcs, and courage has never been lacking in this race.

After being stunned for a moment, a level 6 ogre leader raised a big stick full of spikes in his hand and shouted:

"What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful the archangel is, there is only one. There are no timid cowards in our Blood Barbarian clan!"

As soon as the words fell, all the ogres roared together, no longer ignoring the intimidation of the archangel, and raised their sticks.

At this time, Elvi not only did not rush to draw the sword, but took off the hood she had been wearing on her head with great interest, revealing a face that even Xu Lai had never seen completely.

The hillside was not too steep, but it still greatly affected the ogre, who was not considered agile to begin with.

Elvi looked at the sky quite speechlessly. Even the sky here looked withered and yellow, without any vitality.

"What are you pretending to be, you damn angel?"

There was finally a look in Elvi's eyes, but it was a bright blue.

"Yes, angel, chief!"

When the nail bar was about to fall, Elvi's hand finally grasped the hilt of the sacred sword.

The next moment, the sacred sword slashed away the ogre's club.

Just when the ogre was still unresponsive, the sacred sword twisted in the air and sliced ​​off the ogre's big head with his backhand.

Elvie is already tall, and she is located on the top of a mountain, commanding a commanding height.

The Holy Sword didn't even activate the Holy Flame. Just Xu Lai's 30% offensive bonus gave Elvi the ability to kill these ogres instantly.

Even a level 5 ogre warrior, with the Assault Necklace and morale bonus, will never need to use the second sword.

The stronghold is an extremely martial camp.

There is no way, in this camp, as long as you are a little weak, you can only be someone else's slave for life, and even like the big-eared monster, you can only be reduced to food.

Therefore, all the creatures in the stronghold firmly believe that the sword master who defeated countless orc warriors with a long sword is the most powerful swordsman in the world.

Wind step, shadow clone, fatal blow and invincible slash, blade storm, which one is not a magical skill that resounds throughout the Engeta continent.

But they don't know that among all the priests, only those with the best martial arts are qualified to be promoted to high priests, and the rest can only turn to the bishop.

Therefore, the high priest has a very high and special status in the temple.

Because only the best among the high priests can be promoted to angels.

Angels are qualified to be trained individually by the God of War. Only the best among them are qualified to be promoted to Archangels. The strongest among the Archangels are allowed to advance to Seraphs, known as the strongest angels.

The God of War is a noble god, so of course he cannot do everything himself.

In fact, those responsible for training the martial arts of angels, archangels and even seraphs are the angels specially selected by the God of War to manage these angels, that is, the legendary archangels.

Xu Lai didn't know how much luck he had to deal with, but he used a captain's order and an archangel in exchange for an archangel that was rare even in Yunzhong City.

Under normal circumstances, the most you can get by using the captain order is the angel captain, the kind who leads a small team in Yunzhong City.

But there is only one word difference between the Archangel and the Angel Captain. The difference is as big as the Legion Commander and the Captain.

Elvi is usually very low-key. During the past half month, she followed the caravan and Xu Lai and almost never took the initiative to say anything.

Xu Lai only thought that she was like Giselle, Tahan, and Yan Feng, who had just awakened and needed a lot of growth to improve themselves.

What he didn't know was that Elvie just didn't want to talk.

The blue sacred sword was as fast as an afterimage. It was clearly surrounded by a group of ogres, but none of the dozens of big sticks could fall on Elvi.

Not to mention that Elvi's swordsmanship has reached the point of perfection, but against this group of ogres who can only wield big sticks, there is no pressure at all, and she doesn't even need to use any skills.

If she could have unlimited physical strength, and these brainless ogres didn't know how to escape, Elvi was confident that she could destroy all the ogres in the world with her own power.

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible to happen. Elvie, who only ate an ordinary breakfast, was actually hungry for a long time.

When you are hungry, your energy will be depleted faster.

Normally, a normal archangel only needs to consume two units of food a day, but for Elvi, the archangel, only two units of ordinary food cannot satisfy her.

Therefore, when the ogres who had previously vowed that there were no cowards in the Blood Barbarian clan turned around and ran away, Elvi leaned on her sword and did not pursue them.

The white wings were stained with a lot of blood, and the tail feathers were even dyed blood red.

Elvi narrowed her eyes and shook her wings twice. Under the illumination of the holy light, the wings returned to pure white.

After looking at her wings with satisfaction, Elvi's lips curled up into a smile.

But soon, she put on her hood again and kicked away what looked like the head of the ogre leader.

At the foot of the hillside, Xu Lai, who had found the heart of the ogre village's stronghold and chose to occupy it, looked at the sky in confusion. The settlement of this battle seemed to have come too late.

Because Yu Lan used a lightning chain today, Xu Lai did not allow her to transform back into a human form. Otherwise, if she couldn't help but cast a few spells during the battle, she would lose the power to transform into a giant eagle.

Of course, Xu Lai carried mana potions in his space backpack. After searching the entire village, Xu Lai only found about two thousand gold coins and more than a dozen units of crystals and sulfur.

The scale of this battle was even greater than the previous one. The number of ogres killed alone was close to 500, and the number of big-eared monsters trampled to death was even greater.

Xu Lai calculated that for this battle settlement, at least 7 or 8 trainee knights must be promoted, which would cost about 3,000 gold.

Therefore, after two battles, he had lost nearly 1,000 gold coins, unless those rare resources were also counted.

But where can he exchange these rare resources for money now? When it is time to upgrade, the law does not allow Xu Lai to use rare resources instead.

Xu Lai originally wanted to destroy the village directly, but he could still recover some resources.

But his knights are all injured now, and the recovery effect of the marching tent is a little worse than that of the high-end houses.

Besides, this mountain col can block the scorching sun and wind. It is quite good as a temporary settlement, and it also saves the time of setting up a tent.

The most luxurious house in the village was left to Xu Lai, but Xu Lai was not interested in living there. He would rather live in his own tent than look down on the luxurious residence of the ogre.

The corpses of the ogres were piled together and burned, but the smell of blood was still strong.

Xu Lai was a little nauseated by the smell, but he still endured it and forced himself to adapt to the rhythm of the battlefield.

He even used the ogre's barbecue grill to grill the prairie wolf meat he obtained yesterday.

Although the wolf meat is sour and astringent, it is still edible if you sprinkle some cumin and minced chili pepper on it.

Let him roast a big-eared monster or an ogre, and he is worried that he will vomit it directly.

Only half of the dozens of prairie wolves had been eaten. The group of gryphons that had just returned were like starving ghosts reincarnated. They started biting each other before the wolf meat was even cooked.

Xu Lai also understands them. After all, they are large birds of prey that consume two units of food every day. They only ate one-third of the unit of food in the morning meal, so they must be very hungry.

It's just that these griffins are back, why doesn't their captain come back?

Xu Lai is not worried that Elvi will be in danger. Even without his attribute bonus, Elvi is stronger than ordinary archangels. After all, the talent comes with a 25% life bonus.

What's more, if there were really special circumstances, Yu Lan would not have any scruples and would definitely show up to report it.

Fortunately, Xu Lai didn't wait too long. As soon as the wolf meat in front of him was roasted, his beautiful and lovely archangel landed.

After all, there is a kind of beauty called intensity. Even though Xu Lai has never seen Elvie's face, he is sure that Elvie is a very beautiful archangel.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work, my angel. Come and try the antelope meat I just roasted. It's so delicious."

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