Compared to a normal archangel, Elvi has 189 more health points.

Coupled with the powerful armor of the Archangel on her body, Xu Lai could not imagine any level 8 being able to confront the Archangel head-on, except for the Behemoth that could ignore the defense.

Even the Behemoth can only scream on land, and its flightlessness means that it will always be passively beaten.

And the Archangel is not a fool. The Archangel's agility is so high that even in a head-on battle, it is impossible for him to fight the Behemoth with one sword and one claw.

What is likely to happen is that after the Archangel slashed the Behemoth several times, the Behemoth got a chance to take action.

And with the flexibility of the archangel, it is really unknown whether the Behemoth can hit it.

Behemoths are only stronger on the battlefield. At first, there were only a few Behemoths appearing on the battlefield, and most of them were low-level Behemoths.

But even so, these Behemoths are like bulldozers. Their thick arms and claws allow them to attack with the attack efficiency of several archangels in one swing.

The most important thing is that it is basically impossible to dodge on the battlefield, especially in a tight defensive formation, which allows the Behemoth to maximize its advantages.

If you really want to fight alone, let alone the archangel, even the archangel's defeated archdemon can easily play with the Behemoth.

Well, Xu Lai is thinking a little too far. Anyway, he still only has one archangel.

The city in the clouds where the angels live is the only city in the entire empire that has one, and it is guarded by the temple.

If others want to build Yunzhong City, there are only two ways. One is to establish an independent country and upgrade their castle to the capital level.

The reason why the human empire fell apart so quickly was not only because the Supreme King did not inherit the bloodline, but also because several ambitious nobles wanted to found a country.

Another way is to destroy the ultimate troop nests of other camps. Maybe there is a chance that a blueprint can be exploded.

With the blueprints, Yunzhong City can be built to recruit angels without being the capital of the country.

However, the latter method may be even more difficult than the former method.

At least now that the empire is falling apart, if you take the opportunity to establish a country, you might actually have a chance to hold it together.

But if you want to destroy the ultimate nests of other camps, not to mention entering the capital, you must at least destroy the more powerful cities in these camps.

The light of the bonfire is very bright and the area it shines is very warm.

The griffins lay in a circle around the fire, and a dozen tents on the outside circled around again. The firelight actually couldn't shine very far.

Erwei, Tahan and Yan Feng took turns keeping vigil, and unanimously rejected Xu Lai and Yu Lan's participation.

Anyway, Xu Lai was the main attacker during the day. The workload and physical exertion of these three people were not large, so Xu Lai simply let them go.

Just after Xu Lai fell asleep almost by the second, a large group of elite wolf riders finally arrived at the original orc outpost in the Pingfeng Mountains, separated by a mountain.

The orc commander guarding here quickly went to report, but Tatarod frowned and kicked the orc commander away.

If the big-eared monster is the lowest level in the stronghold, it is food.

Then half-orcs are third-class citizens in the stronghold camp, and are discriminated against by almost all orthodox orcs.

Tatarod followed in his father's footsteps, and his studies were very different.

The main offensive technique is already at the master level, but the pathfinding technique is only intermediate. After all, he is only level 15, three levels lower than Xu Lai.

As soon as the tracking skill was used, the scene that appeared in Xu Lai's eyes suddenly appeared in front of Tatarod.

But what was different from Xu Lai's time was that the footprints that appeared in front of Tatarod were extremely dim, and their direction was not towards the mountain pass behind the outpost.

Xu Lai's cover-up worked, but the biggest cover-up came from time.

Although tracking can view footprints within 24 hours, the longer the time passes, the blurrier the footprints will become.

Tatarod snorted and said to the orc leader: "Go get some food for my wolves, hurry up!"

I hurriedly hurriedly and slowly hurriedly, and finally I didn't miss 24 hours. However, the wolves were not good at running long distances, and most of them collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

In such a state, it was definitely impossible to continue tracking. Tatarod grabbed the orc leader's armor again and said:

"Let me ask you, have you sent anyone to the outpost opposite to inquire."

The face of the orc leader changed immediately, and he said with a bitter face: "We are worried about destroying the traces left by humans, so we dare not act rashly."

Tatarod snorted coldly and said, "I'm afraid you are lazy!"

Having said that, Tatarod looked at the dark mountain pass, but did not continue to criticize.

The Pingfeng Mountains are a continuous mountain range of several thousand meters. Although a pass here leads directly to both ends, it would take at least a day to pass through it on foot.

Back and forth, day and night, even if the orc leader really sent someone there, he still couldn't get a reply.

Moreover, the enemy's footprints have clearly appeared, and the enemy should not be stupid enough to go to the wilderness to die.

Thinking of this, Tatarod asked again: "Have the other outposts been attacked by sneak attacks?"

The orc leader quickly shook his head and said: "We have sent people to contact various outposts during the day. All outposts have strengthened their vigilance and patrol range. Currently, no trace of human knights has been found, and no outpost has been attacked."

Tatarod frowned. If the human knights were here to block their own retreat, there was no reason to attack only one outpost.

"You try to find a group of bad wolves for me. My wolves really can't run away. I'll ask my knights to change their mounts and track them down immediately."

The footprints in front of him were extremely vague, indicating that there was not much left before the 24-hour limit. If Tatarod didn't want to lose traces of the human knights, he couldn't afford to waste any time.

Moreover, the orc commander's report just now caused a bad worry to arise in Tatarod's heart.

At the same time, the ogre chief of the Bloodthirsty Ministry appeared outside the tent of Commander Taloshi.

Just now, the ogre priest in the tribe found him, and there was a new blood feud in their ogre tribe.

What happened on the Pingfeng grassland had nothing to do with Xu Lai. He went to bed late and got up early, full of energy.

When I woke up in the morning, I checked everyone's physical condition. Each soldier's personal indicators were basically displayed in green.

After replenishing water and food, his endurance, health, and mental state were all restored to full state.

Yesterday's battle allowed Xu Lai to regain his winning streak, and his morale was once again +5.

It's a pity that there are still at least dozens of battles to achieve a hundred consecutive victories.

The heroic aura of the heroic knight can increase the attack of friendly forces within 500 meters by 3 points and morale by 3 points. The paladin effect of the Holy Light Knight will be replaced by Elvy's morale of 5 points.

This is equivalent to 8 points of morale given to the troops under Xu Lai's command, plus 7 points of morale from the master-level leadership technique, a total of 20 points of extra morale.

60 points of basic morale, plus Xu Lai did not bring troops from other camps this time, so there is still 1 point of human and 3 points of camp morale bonus, plus 3 points of the vanguard flag and 5 points of morale bonus for the duel with the stronghold camp. (Reward for the first victory of the Legion War).

Including the 3-point morale bonus from the God of War's Foot, the total morale is 95 points. Even if Xu Lai does nothing, his morale will remain high.

And if he bears the brunt, with a full 10-point morale bonus, all troops will immediately enter a state of high morale.

Not only the attack, defense, and speed are all increased by 20%, but there is also a 5% chance of a knowing blow, which means there is a 5% chance of causing double damage.

However, a knowing blow and luck do not stack up, and the luck gained from visiting Swan Lake when setting off has long since disappeared, and Xu Lai has no lucky treasures, so the probability of a double attack is not high.

Yesterday, the surrounding villages were cleared away. Today, Xu Lai wanted to go deeper and drill into the more complicated mountains.

On the map, the nearest stronghold city is only more than 60 kilometers away from Xu Lai's current location.

However, these more than 60 kilometers were a straight line distance. Xu Lai led the knights to run around various hills and wiped out three villages. It took two rounds to finally see this huge stronghold city.

It was different from the ogre town that Xu Lai had conquered before. It was just a serious stronghold city, much larger than Xu Lai's fortress.

On the map, this place is marked as Kuba. It is a large ogre base camp-level city and one of the three major branches of the bloodthirsty tribe.

The entire bloodthirsty tribe has three large cities in total: Siqiang, the castle where the patriarch is located, and Ravana, another important branch.

Ravana is the farthest from Xu Lai, and Siqiang is the richest city in the Bloodthirsty Department. It is not that far away. It can be seen by going around a hundred kilometers from Kuba.

However, the sight of Kuba in front of him already made Xu Lai feel powerless. As a castle, it was really difficult for Xu Lai to think of anything else.

The city wall of Kuba is seven or eight meters high, which is much shorter than Kaunaston Castle. The height of that castle is a full twelve meters.

Seven or eight meters is not considered high in a different world. After all, this is a world where there are terrifying giant creatures such as Cyclops, Titans, Behemoths, and giant dragons.

But for Xu Lai and the others, this is a daunting barrier.

The noble war horse under Xu Lai's crotch is already quite tall. Even the heroic war horses of Holy Light Knight and Tahan are only 2 to 2 meters tall. Including the knight sitting on the horse, the height is only more than 3 meters at most.

Not to mention the 8-meter base camp wall, even Xu Lai's 5.2-meter fortress wall is not something the knights can climb if they want. At least there must be a ladder.

However, Xu Lai was really unwilling to retreat after he had come.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look!"

After saying that, Xu Lai took the lead and rushed to the front.

It is indeed a big city. Although Bowser is an ogre city, there are also many other orcs living in it.

When Xu Lai and the others approached, an orc threw a flying ax from a distance.

Of course, even with the bonus of the city wall, Xu Lai and the others were still far behind.

However, the catapult in the corner is a huge threat. It is certainly not easy to hit Xu Lai and the others who are moving at high speed, but it will be dangerous once they stop. (End of chapter)

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