The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 209 Bloody Gold Coin

Facts have proved that Xu Lai's strategy was right. Taking advantage of the chaos in the ogre town, the only defensive weapon, the catapult, failed to work.

It's also because these ogres are so vigilant. They may have never thought that humans would cross the Pingfeng Mountains and come to this poor place to rob their orcs.

Xu Lai was calculating the cost of promotion, and robbing these orcs would definitely result in a loss.

But in fact, not counting this account, only the loss of food, water, and weapons and equipment consumed during the long distance. I'm afraid you won't make much money just by robbing the orcs.

If there are casualties on one's own side, a pension will be paid to the other person's family as compensation. If it is not fully guaranteed, you will lose money.

For people like Xu Lai, almost all of them are recruited soldiers. They can use houses and marching tents to slowly restore health and equipment durability.

But food and other supplies are still bound to be lost.

Moreover, the orcs are brave, Xu Lai has figured it out, and it is estimated that there are not many ogre warriors in the entire ogre tribe.

But even though there were only a few female ogres and ogre cubs left, they still resisted tenaciously. Xu Lai almost lost his soldiers even with the ultimate defense technique, and his own health was once only less than 50 points.

This massacre did not last long.

First, it was inconvenient for the cavalry to run up the hillside. Later, Xu Lai simply asked all the cavalry to dismount and pursue them.

Secondly, it was getting late, and after destroying the town, Xu Lai had to find another place to spend the night.

This town is very large, with many residential buildings, and the corresponding risk factor is also high.

The only way out is at both ends of the col, with hillsides on both sides.

If the ogres were smarter, they could hide on the hillsides on both sides and roll down boulders, which might inflict heavy damage on Xu Lai.

If there was a fire attack, and the two entrances and exits were blocked, Xu Lai would either break out, or the whole family, except the flying soldiers, would be burned to death in this mountain col.

Moreover, having his position clearly known was also a very disadvantageous situation for guerrilla warfare. Xu Lai couldn't rest well even if he didn't want to.

Before the heart of the stronghold could be dug out, the settlement golden light arrived. In addition, it was dark at this time, and everyone hadn't even eaten dinner yet.

Xu Lai gritted his teeth, simply set another fire, and left with at least tens of thousands of gold coins seized from the town.

The night in the wilderness gets cold very quickly.

An hour ago, Xu Lai was so bored that he wanted to take off all his clothes immediately. An hour after, Xu Lai was even trembling a little.

He prepared clothes for himself according to summer standards. Who knew it could be so cold at night in the wilderness.

Fortunately, his current physique is no longer the same as before.

Finding a shelter from the wind, Xu Lai ordered people to light torches and set up a tent.

Setting up camp is like eating, and even recruiting soldiers can be completed without any problems.

It's a pity that I didn't bring any farmers with me this time, otherwise I wouldn't have to do anything when things come up, and I wouldn't have to prepare dinner myself like now.

Tahan and Yan Feng definitely had no time to spare. One of them fed the horse and the other fed the griffon.

The only thing that was better was Yu Lan who turned back into a human body and made Xu Lai's bed herself.

Elvi couldn't bear to do these trivial tasks, so she applied for a patrol mission and flew to who knows where.

In the wilderness, even the moonlight seemed dim. Outside the lighting range of the campfire, everything was dark.

After a simple dinner, Xu Lai really wanted to take a bath, but water resources were precious and he couldn't replenish much even in the ogre's town.

Holding back the smell of sweat all over his body, Xu Lai opened his space backpack and took out all the resources he had collected from the town.

The gold coins are sorted into the gold coin box, and other resources, jewelry, etc. are marked and put back into the box.

As for the daily achievements that the ogres showed off, the skulls of various races were buried in the ground by Xu Lai, so that they could finally rest in peace.

In the end, a total of 23,000 pieces of gold were seized, nearly 10,000 more than Xu Lai expected.

Among them, Xu Lai also found a special gold coin.

[Blood-stained gold coin]: A strange object. This gold coin is stained with the blood and resentment of at least a thousand dead souls.

After using it, you can immediately exchange it for any treasure you want, which is no more than "high-level", but the user will obtain a curse "Blood Vengeance" that cannot be dispelled.

Blood feud: At any time and in any place, the enemy (ogre) who has a blood feud with you can sense your location through the blood sacrifice ritual.

In the battle of the Blood Barbarian Clan, Xu Lai and the others killed thousands of ogres, mostly female ogres and ogre cubs.

Xu Lai didn't have any particularly deep feelings. It was just like eating roast suckling pig. Could he still regard the man-eating demon as a human being?

Thousands of ogres contributed a lot of experience to him. His own experience increased from 35% to 51%, which was not a big increase.

However, in his army, 3 knights, 5 trainee knights and 5 griffons were qualified for promotion.

A knight costs 800 gold, a knight's retinue costs 400, and a fighting griffon costs 200. The total here is 5,400 gold.

After encircling a town, the harvest was much greater than that of the village. Even after paying the advanced gold coins, Xu Lai still earned more than 15,000.

It's just a small matter that the balance in his hand has increased to 35,000. The key is that once this blood-stained gold coin is used, he can immediately obtain a high-level treasure he wants.

He now also has a ring, a shield, a cloak, and the necklace can also be replaced with high-level treasures. Although the Assault Necklace is a universal treasure, it only adds 5% damage after all.

He still has a lot of gaps in high-level treasures, especially after checking the information about the temple.

There are Tianyu arrows and golden bows that increase archery skills, statesman medals that increase diplomacy, traveler's rings that increase speed, gold bags, gemstone rings, etc. that provide resources.

Especially the gold bag, as a high-end treasure, is two levels higher than Xu Lai's gold box and can provide 500 gold coins every day.

With the blessing of the Golden Moon, in the last half of the month, I can get 1,000 gold coins every day.

However, with the curse of blood revenge, he will always be positioned as an ogre. After all, this curse cannot be dispelled.

If it were in human territory, of course Xu Lai would use it without saying a word, but in a wild land, he was somewhat hesitant.

After all, it's just a high-level treasure. To be honest, it's not worth the risk.

With blood feud, not only would he be targeted by the ogre at any time, but it would not be easy for him to sneak attack on the ogre.

Ordinary ogres are not afraid of it. Ogre magicians should all master this blood sacrifice ritual.

After muttering to himself, Xu Lai suddenly saw the Ring of Life in his hand.

He had been confused by high-level treasures before, but he had forgotten that among the intermediate treasures, there was one thing he particularly needed.

If it is a Ring of Vitality, this price is not unbearable.

He tried using it, and sure enough, the blood-stained gold coin slowly started to rotate in Xu Lai's palm.

At the same time, the blood stains on the gold coins also penetrated into Xu Lai's skin bit by bit.

Finally, when the blood on the gold coin disappeared, the gold coin also disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a ring lying on Xu Lai's palm.

[Ring of Vitality]: An intermediate treasure that increases the health of the entire army by 6 points.

Xu Lai took off the agility ring on his other hand, threw it to Yu Lan, and put on this precious vitality ring.

Looking at the attributes of the Ring of Vitality, it is nothing more than 6 points of health, which is a relatively good mid-level treasure.

But if Xu Lai also possesses the synthesis scroll of the Ring of Life, Holy Vial of Vitality, and Holy Blood Bottle.

The value of this vitality ring can even exceed that of ordinary super treasures, the kind of super treasures that can only be found in gold treasure chests.

After obtaining the Ring of Vitality, Xu Lai couldn't wait to take off the Ring of Life and took out the Holy Vial of Vitality.

Finally, he took out the scroll and carefully tore it open.

The light from the scroll instantly enveloped the three treasures.

The three treasures on the ground also disappeared little by little in the light emitted by the scroll.

When the three treasures disappeared completely, a bottle-shaped object that was much more noble than the Vitality Holy Bottle appeared in its place.

A man in a cloak was holding a bottle that was narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with a pair of small wings on its head.

Different from the Vitality Holy Bottle, the Holy Blood Bottle has light flowing across it constantly.

When Xu Lai was looking at it, the blood bottle was just an ordinary bottle, but when he wasn't looking at it, from the corner of his eye he would occasionally see a little starlight on the sacred blood bottle.

At first he thought it was his imagination, until he touched it with his finger, and little starlight gradually moved along with his finger, leaving a faint radiance in the air.

[Holy Blood Bottle]: Provides 21 points of basic health for all troops (including undead). On this basis, it also provides 25% health for all troops (this effect is invalid for undead), and at 24:00 every night Restores 21 health points to all troops.

Note: After equipping this holy weapon, the two ring slots on the left and right hands and one carry slot will be locked.

After possessing the sacred blood bottle, although Xu Lai still had nothing on his hands, no matter how many rings he wore, it would no longer take effect unless he stuffed the sacred blood bottle into his space backpack to completely isolate it from the natural world.

At the same time, when Xu Lai held the sacred blood bottle tightly, he clearly felt a majestic power being injected into his body.

This power was extremely pure, so comfortable that Xu Lai almost groaned.

He knew that this was pure life energy, and his life also experienced a huge increase at this moment.

His life before was 50+5*18 (level) +5*21 (physique) =245+3 (Ring of Life) +5 (Ultimate Defense) +12 (Holy Vial of Vitality) =265

Now, his life is 245+21 (sacred blood bottle) +5=271*125%=338.75

The health value after the decimal point will not be displayed, but as a concrete manifestation of vitality, it does not cease to exist just because it is not displayed.

Xu Lai's health points, which were originally more than 200, suddenly increased by more than 70 points. The most important thing is that the increase of more than 70 points was not just for him alone, but for his entire army.

Not to mention others, Archangel Elvi's health alone has increased to an exaggerated level.

Previously, with the increase of her own speciality, her health value was 393.75.

Now, she needs to increase the base life of the Ring of Vitality by 6 points, and on this basis, increase it by another 25%.

That is, 300 points of basic life + 21 points of sacred blood bottle + 5 points of ultimate defense bonus, a total of 326 points of basic life.

All amplification effects will only increase the basic value, so the Archangel's specialties plus the sacred blood bottle will increase by exactly 50%.

Therefore, Archangel Elvi's actual health point is 489 points, which is 11 points short of breaking through 500 health points. (End of chapter)

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