The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 218 July and a half

Xu Lai didn't know the orc's plan, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

From the beginning, he knew that this town could not be defended, even if Harris and the others started building the city wall overnight.

Xu Lai had already told them to take a good rest, but Harris only arranged for two shifts, and everyone in the town had to work for more than 12 hours.

Before the orc corpses were cleaned up, after a day of fermentation, Xu Lai smelled something disgusting as soon as the sun came up today.

Today he was going to take a long detour, planning to go to the west of Kuba City. There were more wild buildings there, and there might be special buildings that would never be seen in human territory.

Because of the long detour, Xu Lai certainly couldn't leave Elvi and the others in the city.

Hearing that Xu Lai was leaving and taking the archangel Elvi away, all the rescued laborers in the city looked at him with helpless eyes and looked pitiful.

Sighing, Xu Lai had no choice but to say to them: "Don't worry, if you hurry, we will be back in the afternoon.

Even if we are slow, we will definitely arrive before it gets completely dark. "

At the current construction progress, the wall can definitely be built in less than a day.

The town wall is only over three meters high and not very thick.

People can stand on the top of the wall, but it is definitely not enough to run a horse.

But even such a wall can give people a strong sense of security. At least Xu Lai doesn't have to worry too much about keeping vigil.

Moreover, this town is connected in all directions. Unless an army of tens of thousands of orcs is mobilized, it is impossible to surround this town.

Even if they can barely be surrounded, with the impact of Xu Lai's cavalry troops, they can get out of trouble quickly.

If the mobilization of tens of thousands of orcs cannot be discovered by the people in the city who have no sense of security at all, then Xu Lai deserves his bad luck, and at worst, he can use the escape route to run away.

Xu Lai didn't feel confident now, especially after destroying dozens of orc villages and massacring nearly 10,000 orcs.

He estimated that his hatred level with the orcs was already at full capacity, and he didn't know how many orcs wanted to kill him right now.

It is certainly impossible to say that he does not have psychological pressure. Not only does he have psychological pressure, this pressure continues to increase as time goes by.

What can be expected is that the orcs in the stronghold must be gnashing their teeth and trying to find a way to kill him, just like Count Ani hates Taloshi.

The difference is that Talosi has tens of thousands of wolf cavalry in his hands, and there are tens of thousands of ogres, orc warriors and even Beamon and Cyclops in the base, who have the ability to compete with Count Aini again.

Xu Lai only has about a hundred people under his command, so even if they are all eighth-level Holy Light Knights, he doesn't know for sure.

Looking at Elvi and the others flying in the sky, Xu Lai thought with envy, it would be great if he could fly too.

I remember that when looking up the information, Xu Lai saw that there was an artifact in the history of the empire that not only allowed heroes to fly, but also took the heroes' troops with them.

Unfortunately, there are no detailed records of this treasure in the relevant information.

If you are stressed, you must find a way to get rid of it. Xu Lai is now very grateful for Yu Lan's appearance.

But Yu Lan could only help him relieve the pressure at night. During the day, Xu Lai could only relieve himself by selflessly fighting again and again.

Xu Lai was now not only the first, he was even far ahead of the units behind him.

Tahan and the others received orders from Xu Lai and led the high-level troops to the rear. Elvi and the Griffins were even ordered not to take action.

Unprotected, Xu Lai rushed into the orcs again and again.

Orcs are not a friendly, cowardly race, and there are ogre villages nearby.

Xu Lai had seen the bravery of ogres from the first day he came to the wilderness, and that was still on the edge of the wilderness.

As Xu Lai deepens, every village here has at least 5,600 ogres, strong ogre warriors, and the number of ogre warriors is not too low. Basically every village has at least 5,600 ogres. , 60 pieces.

It was too dangerous for Xu Lai to rush into the ogre pile alone.

The big stick with spikes hit Xu Lai again and again.

The spikes scratched the skin, and blood flowed bit by bit.

However, with the ultimate defense technique and advanced armor protection, Xu Lai looked embarrassed among the ogres, but in fact his health dropped extremely slowly.

After the trainee knights and knight retinues behind him rushed over, he was almost no longer in danger.

At this time, Xu Laihui simply dismounted and fought on foot, even throwing aside the vanguard flag.

Xu Lai's health dropped slowly, but that didn't mean that the war horse was so resistant. The defense of the noble war horse under Xu Lai's crotch was not as high as Xu Lai's.

While letting the war horse rest, it also allowed the feeling of danger to return to Xu Lai.

The constant stinging pain in his body helped him vent over and over again.

"Haha, it's so enjoyable, so enjoyable!"

Xu Lai felt that he was a little broken. A few months ago, he was a person who was even afraid of needles, but now he could stand up and face a big stick full of spikes.

After defeating the ogre warrior, Xu Lai raised his sword high and waved it down expressionlessly.

The ogre villages, each ogre after another, turned into dead souls and withered bones one after another under Xu Lai's sword.

To the west of Bowser City, in addition to ogre villages, there are many ogre towns.

The defenses of some towns are even worse than those of the ogre villages. At least those ogre villages are seizing the time to build fences these days.

In the several towns that Xu Lai passed through, except for some ogre warriors who were waiting in full formation, there were almost no traces of other ogres.

Faced with this strange situation, Xu Lai simply stayed away.

He actually didn't quite believe that the orcs would play such a high-end game, but the town was indeed too big. Xu Lai could not see anything hidden inside the town from the outside.

Unlike a village, no matter how evil the orcs are, a village can only have so many people at most.

Even if the ordinary ogres are replaced by the top ogre warriors, Xu Lai is confident that he will kill seven in and seven out.

Attacking towns now is laborious and time-consuming. The key is that there is no benefit to be gained.

In towns, ordinary orcs would hide in their homes or cellars, and it would take Xu Lai half a day to kill one of them.

The purpose of destroying towns was mainly for loot. The key was that in order to maintain mobility, Xu Lai could not let the knights bear too much burden.

It's like saying that he can't take away the town's biggest gain.

The speed of gaining experience is also much lower than that of villages, the risk factor is even higher, and the attack on orcs is not necessarily that strong.

Considering these factors, Xu Lai simply bypassed the town and specifically attacked the ogre's village.

When Xu came to find a place to rest at noon, the last trainee knight under his command had completed the advancement, and the number of sixth-level knights had also increased to 15.

Basically, Xu Lai's troops completed a relatively large replacement, but it was a pity that Tahan and his Paladin troops still didn't get any chance to take action.

The knight rushed together with Xu Lai, but the experience required for the knight's advancement was too high.

In the afternoon, Xu Lai still stayed away from towns, but some villages were no longer inhabited.

No matter how fierce the ogre is, after Xu Lai slaughtered nearly ten thousand of them and destroyed dozens of villages, he should know how to be afraid.

But Xu Lai was not without gains in the afternoon. After seizing two other orc wild lairs, Xu Lai finally encountered several wild buildings that were useful to him.

[Garden of Truth]: A monk in the garden invites you to meditate with him, which will give you +1 hero intelligence if you realize something.

[Star Axis]: At Star Axis, you met several of the best astrologers.

They are happy to see you and teach you how to use the sun, moon and stars to improve your ability to cast magic, Heroic Spirit +1.

Intelligence and spirit were increased by 1 point each, allowing Xu Lai to heal more times and restore more lives through his healing.

In addition to the Garden of Truth and the Star Axis, the mercenary camp Xu Lai encountered before was also encountered this time.

However, after occupying the mercenary camp, the mercenaries inside said to Xu Lai:

"You've surpassed us. We have nothing more to teach you."

Xu Lai collapsed and wanted to tell them that he was not capable of surpassing them yet, but if they didn't teach, they wouldn't teach. It was useless even if Xu Lai shouted at the top of his lungs.

There is a tall tower not too far away from the mercenary camp.

It was almost dark at this time. Xu Lai had promised Harris and the others, but he was curious about the tower and finally decided to go back later.

[Marit Tower]: The soldiers in the tower teach you some new defense techniques, and the hero's constitution +1.

With 1 point of constitution, Xu Lai felt that this was his biggest gain from coming to the wilderness.

1 point of constitution is not only 10 points of life, but also 1 point of physical defense, which represents stronger resistance and endurance.

Marit Tower, like the Mercenary Camp, is more troublesome and not as fast as the Garden of Truth.

So after visiting Malite Tower, the sky turned dark as expected, but fortunately it didn't become completely dark. With Xu Lai's speed, they should be able to get back at the promised time.

In the middle of July, the moon finally became brighter in the sky.

Half of July is the Ghost Festival for famous Chinese families, and Xu Lai indeed saw a ghost on this night.

Xu Lai's backpack was filled with resources and gold coins. He spent some after being promoted to a trainee knight, but the empty slots could not be replenished in the wild.

In short, Xu Lai did not have a torch and was unwilling to bring it.

Xu Lai, who possesses intermediate eagle eye skills and night vision equipment, saw ghosts from far away.

It was a group of wolf cavalry, and a relatively large number of wolf cavalry.

Looking at the scale, Xu Lai estimated that there were at least 5,600 people.

These wolf cavalry were guarding outside the town, about two or three kilometers away from the town. They could not be seen by the town patrols, and they could rush into the city in a minute or two.

The stamina of the wolf cavalry is not very good, and its ability to sprint short distances is stronger than that of a war horse. A war horse of at least one level higher than the wolf cavalry is required to maintain parity with the wolf cavalry in terms of speed.

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