The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 219 Camping in the middle of the night

Xu Lai did not choose to alarm these wolf cavalry.

Taking advantage of his vision, Xu Lai bypassed the group of wolf cavalry and planned to enter the city from the other side.

In order to avoid being ambushed, Xu Lai waited for a period of time and let Elvi and Yu Lan, two guys who could fly, fly over first to investigate.

Xu Lai was quite satisfied with the investigation results. Yu Lan soon came back to report, telling Xu Lai that the town was still in the hands of humans and giant werewolves.

Indeed, with the city wall, hundreds of crossbows should have been made in one day today, and there is actually no shortage of high-level professionals among the hard workers.

Like Harris, who follows Xu Lai all day long, the reason why he can become the representative of everyone is because he was actually a sixth-level halberdier, which is the advanced level of heavy armored halberdier and heavy armored spearman. unit.

Heavy armor and halberds cannot be made in the small town, but if Harris can find a longer piece of wood, put a steel spear head on it, and stand on the wall, his combat effectiveness will not be lost much.

This is the case for the human race, and the same is true for the fortress. Although those elves are just civilians, as long as they pick up a bow and arrow, they are no lower than level 3 or even level 4 archers.

There is no way, the elves are too long-lived. They only need to dabble a little bit in other things in their spare time, and they will eventually reach a certain level.

Therefore, it is not easy for the orcs to capture this town. Who made Xu Lai build the wall so quickly? There are also quarries near the monsters, and there are too many stone resources.

Compared to Feilan, Elvi's return was much slower.

Yu Lan was responsible for flying into the city to connect with Harris, while Elwe, who was faster, had to ensure that there was no orc ambush near the city gate that Xu Lai was about to enter.

Because Yu Lan had already greeted Harris and the others, Xu Lai was not in such a hurry to enter the city.

Although the morale in the city would definitely be low without others, it would not be completely despairing.

Without worries, Xu Lai was also very patient.

Finally, after waiting for more than half an hour, Elvi flew back.

With Elvi's speed, Xu Lai thought she would be back soon, but Elvi was still late, so Xu Lai guessed that there must be problems in the west as well.

Sure enough, Elvie came back and reported:

"Your Excellency, there are a large number of orc troops operating about a hundred kilometers away from here."

Xu Lai frowned and said, "A large number of troops?"

Elvi replied firmly: "Yes, judging from the scale, there are at least tens of thousands of people.

However, I didn't dare to stick too close, and the specific number cannot be counted, but every orc carries a weapon, mainly orc warriors, half-orc ax throwers, and half-orc warriors. "

The Orc Warrior is already a level 5 long-range unit. Although the range is not even comparable to that of level 4 humans and elf shooters, the throwing axes are more powerful.

Moreover, compared to the shooters who had been patched together on the wall, these level 5 orc warriors at least would not suffer too much.

If Elvi can be said to be the main force, the number of orc warriors is probably not small, there should be at least 23,000.

Elvi has night vision goggles, and Xu Lai still trusts her judgment.

With just half-orc warriors and half-orc ax throwers, the small city in front of them may not be able to be defended. If there are also a large number of orc warriors, even if the city builds crossbows and catapults, it will definitely not be able to hold it.

Xu looked at Elvi who was hesitant to speak, frowned and asked, "Anything else discovered?"

Elvi nodded and said: "I was worried, so I flew to the north and south again.

Not much was found on the south side, but in the north near Kuba City, there were bright lights.

I didn't dare to get too close, it was too bright over there, and I was worried about being discovered, but I could vaguely hear shouts.

According to my guess, it is impossible for the people in Kuba City to stay up late at night, and to make such a big noise, there must be something going on. "

Xu Lai drew a simple topographic map on the ground based on Elvi's description.

After watching for a while, he asked again: "What are those orcs doing?"

Elvi replied: "They are setting up camp. They are infantry and have brought a lot of baggage. The road in the wilderness is not easy to walk.

With their distance, even if they could barely reach the city tonight, they wouldn't have much fighting power. "

Xu Lai continued: "It's better to just take a good rest, and when it gets dark, we will attack from both sides with Kuba City's troops.

It would be best to spread suspicion in the south, get some orc warriors and ogres, and pretend to attack the city.

In this case, we can only run from the east, just in time to dive into the ambush of the Wolf Cavalry. "

After hearing this, Yu Lan's eyes lit up and she said, "Lang Jun's plan is brilliant. There are infantry in all three places. Once we break through, they will definitely not be able to stop us or catch up.

The east side is empty, and it is only separated from our territory by a mountain. If it were me, I would definitely be able to break through from the east side.

When the time comes, they are attacked by the wolf cavalry. Let’s not talk about whether they can beat them. At least they won’t be able to get rid of them in a short time.

Even if we can get rid of the entanglement of the wolf cavalry, the losses may not be small if we are attacked by a sneak attack.

As long as we are damaged and lose our scale, and the orcs send more teams of wolf cavalry to continuously encircle and suppress us, it will be difficult for us to make a difference in the wilderness. "

Xu Lai rolled his eyes and said, "This is not my plan, okay?"

Yu Lan smiled slightly and said: "With an orc's elm head, how could he come up with such a good plan.

Even if they had thought of it, Lang Jun, you could see through it immediately after only a little investigation, and you would still be much more powerful than those orcs. "

Xu Lai didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He shook his head helplessly and said: "It's nothing. This is the simplest strategy of surrounding three buildings and attacking in the east. The key is how we crack them."

"Lang Jun saw through their plan so easily, so it must be easy to crack them."

Well, Yu Lan is just a crazy fan, so it seems that you can't count on her.

Xu Lai glanced around. Tahan and Yan Feng both avoided Xu Lai's gaze, obviously not knowing how to break the situation.

Finally, Xu came to look at Elvi, and Elvi said concisely and concisely:

"While their foothold is not stable, we can attack them secretly."

Xu Lai smiled slightly and directly ordered: "Let everyone go and rest first. Don't put up tents or anything like that. Just put on camouflage clothes and sleep for a few hours.

We got up in the middle of the night and attacked the wolf riders first, and then went to camp. "

Everyone didn't understand what Xu Lai meant by setting foot in the camp, and Xu Lai had no interest in explaining. He just found a stone to lean on and began to close his eyes and meditate.

The situation was not optimistic, and it was impossible for Xu Lai to really sleep.

Although his eyes were closed, there was not a lot of worry in his heart.

What worried him the most was the group of wolf knights. Although he was looking at them from a distance, Xu Lai recognized them at a glance. Those were the wolf knights that Talosi personally took with him.

After waiting hard until midnight, Xu Lai opened his eyes on time.

As soon as she noticed Xu Lai's movement, Yu Lan, who was leaning on Xu Lai's arms, woke up immediately.

"Aren't you sleeping too?"

Yu Lan smiled slightly and didn't say anything, but shook Xu Lai's big hand vigorously.

After a while, everyone stood up collectively.

Recruiting soldiers has various shortcomings, but one thing is that they don't carry any emotions. They are like machines. Xu Lai turns on the switch and they execute the program according to the instructions.

Before setting off, Xu Lai said to the generals: "Follow me when the time comes, and charge again when I tell you to charge!"

Tatarod and the others traveled all day long last night, took a short rest in the morning, and immediately set off towards Kuba City.

On the way, he met the messenger from the Bloodthirsty Department, obtained Xu Lai's latest location, and approached the direction of Mercury City.

By the time he arrived near Mercury City, it was already very late, and the walls of Mercury City had been repaired early.

They are wolf cavalry, not siege soldiers.

Just like Xu Lai faced the wall of Kuba City, the Wolf Cavalry had no good solution when facing the wall of Mercury City.

Fortunately, Tatarod had already made contact with the Bloodthirsty Ministry Chief Priest and Gebadas, and learned about their plan to jointly attack the city the next day.

So Tatarod planned to cooperate with the two of them and set up an ambush east of Mercury City.

If Xu Lai escapes, they will attack Xu Lai secretly. If he doesn't come forward, it will be just right, and he will be buried directly in Mercury City with the group of hard workers.

Nearly a week of continuous running has made all the wolf cavalry under Tatarod's command thinner.

Nearly a hundred of the wolves, who often did not receive food supplements, died of exhaustion, starvation or even thirst.

Tatarod's original 500 elite wolf riders were reduced by nearly one-fifth before the battle began, and the remaining ones were not enough.

If the human cavalry keeps running like this, Tatarod can directly declare that the mission has failed. If he keeps running, his wolf cavalry will be useless.

However, this group of human cavalry did not intend to run away, and even robbed one of their orc tribe's towns.

Just kidding, no matter how good Mercury City is, can you still defend it if you just rob the city?

Tatarod had a dream when he was sleeping at night, and he almost laughed out loud. Isn't this the unstoppable path for everyone, to waste one's martial arts and bind one's own hands and feet?

Perhaps he was smiling so happily that Tatarod actually fell off the bed laughing.

As Tatarod got up, he kneaded his body and complained that the Wilderness was really rubbish and that even if he had a good sleep, he would be shaken out of bed.

But then, Tatarod had a clever idea and thought of some terrible possibility, and shouted loudly: "Come here!"

The wolf cavalry outside the camp had also been awakened by the increasingly clear vibrations. The wolf cavalry keeping watch at night did not even bother to look for their own mounts. They picked up two swords and killed them.

However, before they could rush out of the camp, an archangel crashed down from high in the sky.

The giant sword, which was longer than an entire wolf cavalry, knocked these wolf cavalry to the ground on the spot.

There were also clever wolf cavalry who quickly went to release their mounts, but unexpectedly a group of fighting griffins descended from the sky.

The combat dive was like cannonballs, smashing into the wolf's habitat.

Several wolf cavalry could only watch helplessly as their mounts either shattered into pieces of flesh and blood on the spot, or ran around in shock, even knocking over the wolf cavalry who wanted to stop them.

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