As soon as Tatarod walked out of his tent, he witnessed the wolf blowing up the camp.

At this moment, these evil wolves are no longer their close partners, but the biggest murderers who take away the lives of the wolf riders.

The size of the evil wolf is not small, it is bigger than the warg, otherwise it would not be able to support those high-level orcs.

Being hit by such a ferocious beast and a Wolf Cavalry with weak defense, it is normal to vomit three liters of blood on the spot.

The most terrifying thing is not these wolves, they are just frightened for a moment. With the comfort of their owners, they can quickly regain their composure.

Not to mention that among these wolf riders, there are still many recruiting wolf riders.

Although these recruited wolf cavalry lost a lot of morale due to attacks and sneak attacks, they were the least affected during the night attack.

As long as morale remains, they can provide stable combat effectiveness.

But when Xu Lai and his knights broke into the camp with an earth-shattering charge, Tatarod knew it was over.

If both sides charge, with the wolf cavalry at its maximum attack power, Tatarod will not be afraid at all under the absolute suppression of numbers.

But there is no mount, no charge, no huge damage increase, and even a wolf cavalry without armor.

In front of a heavily armed knight, he is not much different from a sheep.

I guess the only difference is that if a sheep bites these knights, it will only break its big teeth, while the wolf cavalry can more or less cut off a piece of flesh from these knights.


Tatarod suddenly let out a wolf howl. Although the orcs were blind in spells, they also derived some things from spells.

For orcs, the most difficult thing about casting spells is not condensing magic power, but the lengthy spells and spell models.

Therefore, they used an alternative technique and asked the high priest to use spell materials to draw spell models on their bodies.

The orcs call it a war cry, and those of other factions call it a magical tattoo.

Compared with spells, war cries have a smaller range of action and are much less powerful than spells. However, it also has the advantage that it can be released anytime and anywhere.

Tatarod has such a magic tattoo on his body, and the wolf howl at this moment is the activation spell of this magic tattoo.

[Wrath of the Wolves]: After being released, the morale of all the hero's troops will increase, and their attack will increase;

Basic morale increases by 3 points, basic attack increases by 3 points, and 1 point is added for every 5 hero levels. The effect lasts for 3 hours.

Tatarod's level is not high, and Wrath of the Wolves can only add 5 attack points to the troops, which is far inferior to his father.

But when he released this war cry, it was not to increase his attack power, but to increase his morale by up to 5 points.

These 5 points of morale are so important to the current army.

Otherwise, the morale destroyed by the enemy's charge will cause the recruited wolf cavalry, which is the main resistance at this time, to collapse instantly.

The Wrath of the Wolves attack, coupled with the encouragement of advanced leadership skills, almost instantly stabilized the situation that was about to collapse.

With the huge bonus of charging, recruiting wolf cavalry is simply vulnerable.

But they also used their lives to successfully block this deadly charge.

Nearly 200 recruited wolf cavalry fell forever, but this gave the wolf cavalry in the rear some time to tame their mounts again.

In the sky, Yu Lan, who transformed into a giant eagle, spread her wings and shot out a lightning chain, targeting Tatarod who had just released his inspiration again.

This goal is really too conspicuous.

However, Tatarod is, after all, the young patriarch of the Wolf Tribe and the heir of Taloshi, and he has many high-end treasures and equipment.

Although orcs are not good at magic, some advanced magic equipment can still be found in treasure chests in the wild.

In front of Tatarod, a transparent shield automatically appeared. It was a protective magic shield that came with his belt. It was automatically triggered when encountering spell attacks.

No one died under the lightning chain. The guards beside Tatarod suffered secondary damage and were only injured.

However, Yu Lan was not discouraged. Anyway, the magic shield was broken by the lightning chain. She did not believe that Tatarod had a second or third magic shield on him.

After transforming into the giant eagle, although she can no longer cast spells, chain lightning is the giant eagle's own spell with a very short cooldown time.

With a flutter of wings, Yu Lan was moving away from Tatarod, waiting for the lightning chain to cool down.

However, Tatarod's eyes flashed and he ordered loudly: "Quickly, cast the net!"

One of the unique skills of the orcs to tame so many birds in the wild land is also one of the characteristics of the wolf rider, throwing the net.

The function is very simple, it pulls units in the air to the ground to attack.

Of course, there are limitations to casting a net. One is that it consumes relatively high mana, the other is that the hit rate is not high, and the other is that high-altitude targets cannot be netted.

With a command, dozens of throwing nets flew out. Although Yu Lan reacted quickly, she was still trapped by one of the throwing nets.

In an instant, the wings were unable to swing under the influence of the magic net, and the whole body fell straight towards the ground.

With a scratch, Tatarod pulled out his exaggerated sword with a ferocious smile. The bright light almost hit Xu Lai, who was wearing night vision equipment, under the moonlight.

Xu Lai fiercely took off the night vision goggles on his head, stabbed the wolf rider in front of him to death, glared at the center of the camp and shouted:

"Holy Shield!"

Under Xu Lai's control, the two Holy Light Knights waved their hands and dropped a piece of sacred armor, and nearby friendly units were covered with golden shields.

Under the protection of this golden shield, Yu Lan fell to the ground without any injury.

Tatarod's sword stayed at the top of the holy shield, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not move forward one step further.

The role of high-level warriors is too powerful on local battlefields.

Xu Lai didn't know that Tatarod was the commander of this wolf-riding force, but that didn't hinder his determination to kill Tatarod at this time.

If it weren't for the presence of two terrifying monsters who were invincible as a group, Xu Lai might have suffered the most painful loss in his life.


Under the protection of the invincible golden light, both the knight and the knight's retinue no longer defend themselves, but seize this minute of invincibility to trade lives with the enemy.

Elvi brought the battle griffon and swooped in from high altitude again. Tahan opened the way in front and Xu Lai followed behind.

Tatarod has seen the effect of the Holy Shield and knows that no attack will work under such a golden shield.

This feeling of being beaten without being able to fight back made Tatarod feel a little scared.

He knew that once Xu Lai and others rushed to his side, he would definitely die.

As the heir and future leader of the Wolf Tribe, how could Tatarod be willing to die in such an unexplained way?

"Come on, come on!"

He drove all the guards around him. These more than 30 wolf riders who were personal guards were different from other wolf riders. They were rare armor-piercing wolf riders, and they were the last protection Talosi left for his son.

These wolf riders are obviously the best among the best, and the leading ones are even seventh-level wolf warriors.

Although Xu Lai and others were protected by the Holy Shield, it was not easy to escape from the entanglement of these elite wolf riders.

In the entangled battlefield, there was not enough distance for Xu Lai and the others to launch a charge.

Without the huge bonus of charging, Xu Lai's strength is obviously not as good as these Wolf Warriors or even the Wolf Warriors.

If it weren't for the protection of the golden light, he would have been defeated long ago, and his life might have been threatened.

The sword skills of these wolf riders were too superb. Xu Lai was not as strong as his opponent, and every attack was successfully blocked by the opponent, which meant that he had no ability to break through his opponent's defense.

Xu Lai's two-handed or one-handed weapons were far inferior to long-range weapons and long-pole weapons. If he used a long pole to charge face to face, he might still have a slight chance of winning.

Seeing that Tatarod was about to escape from his sight, Xu Lai decided to cast a spell. The magic arrow would definitely not kill the opponent at once, so he would use blindness to temporarily control some of the enemies.

However, before Xu Lai could take action, two pairs of white wings fell from the sky.

Elvi stepped heavily on the head of the wolf rider under Tatarod's crotch. With the help of advanced offensive techniques, the wolf, whose head was almost exploded by a kick, came to a sudden stop.

The Tatarod on the wolf flew out without any warning, and at this time Elvi just picked up the giant sword.

Tatarod just plunged into the sacred sword, and the powerful vitality blessed by the treasures and equipment made Tatarod still twisting his body.

But when Elvi lifted Tatarod high, all the wolf cavalry suddenly collapsed, losing any fighting spirit and morale.

The wolf riders and the recruited wolf riders dispersed in a hurry, and the golden light on Xu Lai and others also disappeared at this time.

Under Xu Lai's precise control, Yan Feng led a group of knights to chase and kill each other. One after another, the wolves fell off their horses under the deadly arrows.

The personal guards of Tatarod did not flee. On the contrary, they desperately wanted to save Tatarod.

At this time, they no longer waved their sabers to block, but instead waved their swords to attack desperately.

The knights slashed them once, and they must repay the knights with two slashes.

Seeing this, Xu Lai quickly replaced the prepared blindness spell with a healing spell.

Unfortunately, under the desperate attack of this group of guards, Xu Lai and the treatment of six paladins were unable to control it, and one of the knight's followers was hacked to death by the wolf cavalry.

But this was also the last act of madness. Such a desperate style of play made it impossible for these wolf knights, who had good defense and high health points, to last even one minute.

As the last wolf rider was beheaded, Tatarod, who was still struggling on the sacred sword, finally closed his eyes in pain.

Throwing away the already dead Tatarod, Elwe sheathed her sword to protect Xu Lai, fearing that he would be hurt by hidden arrows.

With Elvi's fighting power, she could actually kill Tatarod faster, but killing Tatarod so silently was far less despairing than hanging him on a sword. (End of chapter)

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