The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 228 The Magical Female Tutor of the Tactical Mage

All four gates of Kuba City were wide open, and orcs or ogres were constantly escaping through the gates.

Xu Lai did not send cavalry to chase them. After clearing the base camp, Xu Lai sent all the knights out.

Tahan led these knights and fought from East Street to West Street, and from West Street to North Street.

In short, as long as the war horses still have strength and as long as there are orcs in the city, their killing will not stop.

If Xu Lai wanted to completely occupy this city, it would be impossible to accommodate so many orcs.

Even if you really want to keep some orcs or ogres as slaves to do hard labor, the number cannot be too many.

Otherwise, Harris and the others only have a few thousand people in total. Even if all the orcs' weapons are removed, they will not be able to control so many orcs.

What's more, Xu Lai still lacks experience.

Xu Lai wants to upgrade all the hundred knights to the top level. The experience gap is so big that killing two or three more cities may not be enough.

The orcs had lost their fighting spirit and their morale had completely collapsed. They had no intention of fighting back.

Even if they were forced into a corner by the knights, they would just hold their heads and wait for death.

Xu Lai did not close the scattered city gates, which was his greatest kindness to the orcs.

If he had more people now, he would definitely close all the city gates and beat the dogs. None of these experience points would be able to escape.

At night, Harris hurried to Kuba City with the 300 people temporarily transferred.

Xu Lai didn't say much. He personally guarded the base camp and handed over the task of sorting out the city to Harris.

After the knights massacred for most of the day, the entire city fell into an eerie silence.

Except for the base camp, no torches were lit anywhere in the city, and no sound was made anywhere.

The city was filled with blood and corpses. It was conservatively estimated that Xu Lai and the others had killed tens of thousands of ogres and orcs. The specific statistics would have to wait until the battle was settled.

And sporadic fighting never stopped. After all, this is a huge city, and you can hide everywhere.

Even if there were hundreds of people like Harris, it would be very difficult to clear out the base camp for most of the night.

After 12 o'clock at midnight, Elvi, who could use the resurrection spell again, pulled a battle griffon back up.

It's a pity that even though Elvi's resurrected health value is higher than that of ordinary archangels, she can still only resurrect one combat griffon.

Without the freezing spell, Xu Lai could only watch the griffon continue to rot.

As the victor, your body will not disappear casually.

Xu Lai couldn't bear to watch the battle griffon rot little by little, so he simply held a cremation for it overnight.

After struggling for a long time, after Harris and the others took over the base camp, Xu Lai could finally take the people to have a good rest.

Unfortunately, not long after he lay down, the golden light of the battle settlement came quietly.

Just as he had guessed, in this battle, Xu Lai killed more than 40,000 orcs and ogres. Those who were driven away and those injured could not be counted at all.

Among the more than 40,000 orcs, except for a few such as half-orc warriors, most of the rest are ordinary orcs, without even a combat profession, basically around level 2 or 3.

Ten of these 2nd and 3rd level ordinary orcs are not worth one high-level orc.

However, most of these orcs and ogres are natural creatures, and their experience points are much higher than those of recruited creatures.

Taken together, the experience points given are actually quite generous.

However, in the entire Kuba City, there are no heroes like the wolf cavalry and the orc army before. At most, there are a few priests and ogre magicians of the legal system.

The huge experience has given more than half of the knight's retinue the opportunity to advance, and a full 16 knight's retinue can advance.

The advanced level of one knight retinue is 800 gold coins, and 16 is 12,800 gold coins.

Apart from the knight retinue, the battle griffin that has advanced the most is the battle griffon. Because the battle settlement is slow, even the battle griffin that was just pulled up has been advanced to level 6.

There are a total of 10 battle griffins, each worth 400 gold coins, which adds up to 4,000 gold coins.

Then there are the knights. There are not many knights with advanced qualifications, only 6, but each of them requires 2,000 gold coins to advance, which costs a total of 12,000 gold.

Finally, there are the paladin and Yu Lan. After this woman transformed into a giant eagle, she killed many orcs and ax throwers with chain lightning. After accumulating for so long, she finally advanced again.

It takes 5,000 gold coins for a paladin to advance to the Holy Light Knight, and 1,000 gold and a gem for Yu Lan, a magical witch, to advance.

Xu Lai didn't carry many rare resources with him, and some of them were just captured mercury, crystals, etc.

However, in the lord's palace of Kuba City, Harris and the others found a large amount of gold coins and rare resources for Xu Lai.

There are seven or eight boxes containing gold coins alone, and the remaining boxes containing rare resources are actually no less than gold coins.

The gold coin boxes are divided into different sizes. The small box contains about 8,000 gold coins, while the large box contains more than 30,000 gold coins.

In total, there are more than 150,000 gold coins alone.

It cost 35,000 gold to advance. The gold coins I had obtained from Mercury Town were almost the same.

Most of the rest is pure gold and silver and cannot be used directly.

Now that more than 100,000 gold coins, thousands of units of mercury, and thousands of units of other rare resources have been added, Xu Lai's wallet suddenly bulged again.

What needs to be mentioned in addition is that these hundreds of thousands of gold coins and nearly 10,000 units of rare resources are by no means all of Kuba City.

Here, at best, it is just part of the private collection of the Lord of Kuba City.

Not to mention the entire city, even here at the base camp, not all rooms and warehouses have been searched.

Tahan discovered an arsenal, which contained more than a dozen complete sets of armor, boots, and weapons.

Xu Lai estimated that it would take several days just to excavate this base camp, let alone search such a large city.

No matter how poor the orcs are, they are still low-level orcs. No matter how poor the rich and powerful class are, they will not be that poor.

Take these orcs, of course they are horribly poor compared to human nobles.

The most collected items are weapons, equipment and treasures, or boxes and boxes of gold and silver.

Not to mention priceless antique calligraphy and paintings, not even high-end jewelry, let alone those gold plates, silver cups, ceramics and silks that can be called works of art.

Orcs either wear animal skins or burlap, which is not only rough and ugly, but also extremely itchy and uncomfortable to wear.

But it should be said that Xu Lai would rather have the rags of the orcs than the luxuries of humans.

Orcs' tatters can be used almost immediately, and even those that are unusable can be immediately used after a little processing.

Those things of human beings, if you use them yourself, you will feel at a loss.

Let's take action. The war is in chaos. The caravan can't run far at all. Even if it can run far, it can no longer be sold at a price, and it has to bear the losses of being robbed on the road.

After all the upgrades are completed, although the number of Xu Lai's troops is one less battle griffon, the quality of the troops has been greatly improved.

Another level 8 Holy Light Knight has been added, raising the number to three.

Even if one of them is not as good as Pierce, three of them, three times of partial group invincibility, three times of sacrifice, they are still not as good as the luxuriously equipped Pierce.

The number of paladins has been expanded to 16. Although the number is not enough, Xu Lai has 40 knights in reserve.

Finally, there are the knight retinues. Although there are still 12 knights who have not advanced, the experience points of these 12 knight retinues are almost full, just like the trainee knights.

Even if it's just a small-scale battle, they might be promoted collectively, and they can basically be treated as level 6 knights.

The griffins have all advanced to become royal griffins, and the power of the swarm dive is bound to be even better.

The most important thing is Yu Lan's advancement.

Yu Lan jumped from a sixth-level magical witch to a seventh-level magical female mentor. It can no longer be described as a simple improvement. It is simply a qualitative leap.

First of all, Yu Lan was at level 6 before and could only be rated as a mid-level unit. It had certain damage reduction for high-level units and needed to bear the additional damage of high-level units.

Secondly, although Yu Lan's previous spells were improved every time he was promoted to a higher level, covering an increasingly larger area and affecting more and more enemies, they could only affect some units.

So much so that after being able to transform into a war eagle, Yu Lan herself became accustomed to fighting in the form of a war hawk instead of being a mage honestly.

Chain lightning does good damage, far exceeding the attack power of a level 5 unit, and can also form a chain to cause damage to multiple targets.

The most important thing is that the casting time is almost non-existent, the consumption is not high, and the cooling time is short. It is a very practical spell.

But Xu Lai doesn't need such a little output. Even if Yu Lan can release a round of chain lightning in ten seconds, after a battle, how much mana does she have and how many times can she release chain lightning?

Now, after becoming a magical female tutor, Yu Lan is completely different.

In Xu Lai's words, Yu Lan evolved from the previous combat level to the tactical level in one go.

[Magic Female Tutor—Yu Lan]

Race: human

Faction: Empire

Specialties: Mage Captain, the spell casting time of the mage units managed is shortened by 25%, and the group spell coverage is increased by 25% (the duration of single spells is increased by 20%).

Level: 7

personal attributes

Strength: 15

Constitution: 20

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 40

Spirit: 30

Health: 100 (double the basic health of advanced units) + 5*20 (physical health) + 21 (sacred blood bottle) + 5 (ultimate defense) = 226 * 1.25 = 282.5 (after transforming into a magic war eagle, the health is 470 points)

Mana value: 40*10+2000=2400 (equipment additional)

Equipment: Sorcerer's robe, Sorcerer's leather boots, Sorcerer's belt, destiny prophecy card (obtains random spell sublimation), destiny staff (+2000 mana points), destiny crystal (obtains the characteristic of transforming into a magical war eagle).

Characteristics: 1. A spell-casting unit, the Magical Female Tutor can release designated spells by consuming mana.

2. The magical female mentor can release spells remotely.

3. The magical female mentor consumes 500 mana points to transform into a magical war eagle.

After transformation, physical attack power increases by 120 points, agility increases by 30 points, health points increase by 150 points, and additional spells "Serial Lightning" and "Invisibility" are obtained.

4. The Magical Female Tutor loses the ability to cast spells on a fixed basis. All spells except transformation are randomly released on enemy targets, but the spells will be upgraded to strategic spells with reduced effects and doubled consumption.

Witch's spell list: 1. Acid spell, which causes 35 points of corrosion damage to all enemy targets and reduces armor by 3 points (consuming 80 mana points, doubled), lasting for 10 minutes.

2. Disintegrate the ray, reduce the body armor of all enemy targets by 10 points, and last for 8 minutes (consuming 100 mana points)

3. Weakness, reduces the attack power of all enemy targets by 10 points, and lasts for 8 minutes. (Consumption of 100 mana points)

4. Slowness, reducing the movement speed of all enemies by 25%, lasting for 5 minutes. (Consumes 200 mana points)

5. Curse, reduce all attributes of all enemies by 10%, last for 3 minutes (strength, agility, body, intelligence, essence, excluding non-physical life, basic speed, etc.; consume 300 mana points)

6. Hypnosis, making all enemy targets drowsy (those with higher spirits than the caster are immune to this spell; those with high morale and strong will can resist drowsiness). The hypnotized target will wake up immediately after being touched, and the spirit will last *1 minute . (Consumption of 500 mana points)

7. Forget, all enemy targets, forget skills, forget spells, last 10 minutes. (Consumes 600 mana points)

Note: Forgetting can only forget the skills and spells learned by the creature. Innate abilities and equipment skills cannot be forgotten, such as transforming into a magical war eagle.

Loyalty: 100 (die loyal) (End of this chapter)

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