The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 229 Abandoned City

In the past, Yu Lan's spells could only affect a few people, but now Yu Lan's spells can cover the entire battlefield and affect all enemies.

This is why Xu Lai felt that Yu Lan had become a tactical mage.

Of course, in order for the spell to cover the entire battlefield, Yu Lan had to make a huge sacrifice.

The first is that the previous optional spell casting has become random.

Yu Lan told Xu Lai that she had forgotten how to recite the mantra now, but the amazing thing was that she had never forgotten the mantra.

From the moment she recited the first character of the first spell, Yu Lan didn't even know what kind of spell she was chanting.

Moreover, if the spellcasting fails, the penalty for failed spellcasting will still be there.

For example, she only had 500 mana points left, but after chanting the spell, she discovered that she had cast an oblivion spell that cost 600 mana points.

At this moment, Yu Lan can of course cancel the spell, but this spell will still cause her to enter the spell shock period. Not only will she be unable to cast for a period of time, her mana will inevitably be emptied.

Even because Yu Lan only had 500 mana points left, which was not enough to consume 600 mana points, she would still bear the consequences of spell backlash.

Spell backlash has various consequences, perhaps extending the spell shock period, which is the spell casting cooldown that is common when playing games.

Perhaps the ability to restore mana has been temporarily deprived, and the upper limit of mana has been temporarily deprived. There may even be situations where health is used to deduct mana.

Of course, generally speaking, spell backlash will not cause the death of a mage, but if a certain mage's health happens to be relatively low, then you can only admit that you are unlucky.

Spells become random. Not only will the caster Yu Lan suffer from it, but it may not be a good thing for those who need the spell.

For example, Xu Lai often needs the slowing spell. Originally, this spell can only affect a small area at level 4 or 5, so it is not very useful.

But after Yu Lan reached level 6, the slow spell became very powerful. It not only greatly reduced the enemy's speed, but also covered a wide range.

Nowadays, the coverage area of ​​the slow spell has been increased by an unknown number of times, but the speed of reduction and the duration of the spell have been greatly reduced.

This is another big drawback after upgrading.

More importantly, sometimes Xu Lai needs this specific spell to accurately control the enemy.

But after the spell casting became random, the enemy was about to catch up with them. As a result, Yu Lan randomly released a spell that lowered defense or attack. Maybe Xu Lai would really be pissed to death on the spot.

The uncertainty of random spells is actually the most troublesome feature for commanders.

Secondly, in order to increase the coverage, the power and duration of the spell are greatly shortened. What is even more frightening is that the burden of the spell is also greatly increased.

Yu Lan's full mana point is only 2,400 points, most of which comes from equipment.

In other words, after deducting 500 points of life-saving mana for transforming into a magical eagle, there are actually only 1,900 points of mana that can be used by Yu Lan.

Among them, at the last 1099 points, Yu Lan could no longer cast spells.

Because if 600 points of mana were randomly forgotten, Yu Lan would not be able to use transformation spells to avoid danger.

The equivalent of the amount of mana that she can completely ignore is only 1,300 points.

Of course, if you are lucky, 1300 points will be enough to get all of the hypnosis, curse, slowness, weakness and disintegration.

However, all these shortcomings cannot offset the benefit of increased spell coverage.

Perhaps in small-scale battles, Yu Lan's role will decrease instead of increasing.

But in large-scale operations, the larger the scale, the greater Yu Lan's role.

On the contrary, the transformation skill was upgraded to Magic Eagle, the lightning chain was upgraded to a more powerful one, chaining more chain lightnings to enemies, and an invisible life-saving spell was added, which made it feel a little unworthy of mentioning.

After harvesting a lot of wealth, his subordinates and Yu Lan were also promoted one after another.

Xu Lai slept particularly soundly this time.

Moreover, because I have been fighting continuously for the past few days, I often stay up all night to continue fighting.

Xu Lai, who almost never slept in when he came to this world, rarely slept until three o'clock in the morning.

After he got up, not to mention breakfast, lunch was eaten one after another.

Although he has not yet dug into the heart of Kuba City, Xu Lai still decided to abandon Mercury Town and concentrate all his efforts on this new city.

Needless to say, there are several advantages to doing this.

First of all, the city defense system of Kuba City is basically complete. Only the catapults and ballistas in one corner of the city wall were affected by the swarm dive of the griffons.

In addition, Kuba City's more than thirty high-level arrow towers, base camp, spiked city walls, and even the city gates were not affected at all.

The second reason is that our forces are weak, with only a few thousand people in total, and there were hundreds of casualties in yesterday's battle.

To put it bluntly, their strength is still too weak and they cannot divide their forces to manage two towns.

To solve this problem, we need to increase manpower, but first we must concentrate our efforts and stick to the existing territory.

To increase manpower, Xu Lai could only find a solution from the orc mines. In addition to the mercury refining room, there were two forest farms and a large quarry within a radius of 300 kilometers of Kuba City.

Because the forest farm is in a wilderness, its output is not high, and it is estimated that there will not be too much hard work.

But the other quarry is said to be about the same size as the one in Mercury Town. In this case, it would require at least three to four thousand hard workers.

The key problem is that this quarry is relatively far away.

It certainly didn't take long for Xu Lai and his cavalry to get there, but it would probably take at least a day to bring those hard workers back.

This was the data that Xu Lai and the others escorted in person. He calculated his talents and treasures.

Of course, not to mention one day, even two days, Xu Lai had to make this trip if he wanted to defend Kuba City.

Now that they have decided to abandon Mercury Town, this town cannot be left to the orcs in vain.

Besides, there is still some distance from Kuba City to Mercury Town.

Yesterday, Harris brought most of the combatants from Mercury Town to Kuba City, and most of the rest were ordinary laborers with little protective capabilities.

Therefore, after a hearty meal in the afternoon, Harris and the others were left to clean up the city, while Yu Lan and the royal griffons were left to take care of them for the time being.

Xu Lai took the cavalry here and continued running towards Mercury Town.

Harris told Xu Lai that not long after Xu Lai and the others left yesterday, Gebadas led the troops to leave.

Otherwise, even if Elvi came to inform, Gebadas would not dare to go.

If Jebadas had not left, Xu Lai would be very interested in playing with him today. He is currently short of opponents with a suitable number and high experience value.

The bloodthirsty tribe has two large cities on the outskirts of the wilderness, but not to mention the castle-level one, there is also a large base camp with a large number of defenders.

Once there are more troops defending the city, it is impossible for Elvi to open the city gate alone, even with a dozen royal griffons.

Maybe she will fall into it herself.

But if the city gate cannot be opened, everything is empty talk.

The nearby villages have basically been swept away, and only some towns can still be swept away.

Not to mention it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the experience is actually not much.

Therefore, the only suitable target for strategy right now is Jebadas.

And it is not difficult to deal with it. It has only been a day or two, and the morale of his troops will definitely not be restored so easily.

Xu Lai only needs to send Yan Feng and the others to follow Gebadas first and shoot them to pieces with arrows.

Morale collapsed, and what was left was not just cutting melons and vegetables, but there was no threat at all.

Unfortunately, the other party did not give Xu Lai this opportunity, so his wishful thinking failed.

Before coming, Xu Lai deliberately vacated four supply trucks, with a total of 35,000 units of space on his body.

Coupled with the fact that he killed three orc heroes, the space backpack has more than doubled, and he can probably squeeze out one or two thousand units of space.

Xu Lai's cavalry and the rescued hard laborers from Shuiyin Town can also bear some heavy loads.

Therefore, when Xu Lai chose to destroy the Heart of the Stronghold, they took away a lot of supplies from Mercury Town.

Not only the gold coins alone filled Xu Lai's empty backpack, but each cavalryman also brought 5 or 6 bags of gold coins.

There is no way, these gold coins are placed in the supply truck, one has to occupy one space, it is simply funny.

Xu Lai was not at ease if he threw it to others to carry.

The remaining 35,000 units of space carry 10,000 units of food and 20,000 units of wood. The rest are all large items such as catapults and ballistae that are inconvenient to carry.

Others carry equipment, food and water. Those who still have the strength can carry more wood, charcoal or battle axes, armor, etc. captured from the orc warriors.

It took more than half an hour to arrive, and a full half-day to return. When we arrived at Kuba City, it was already dark.

Harris has prepared enough food, but the city is still full of the smell of blood.

It was really not easy to clean an entire city with two to three hundred people, so Harris simply chose a slum in the city and piled all the orc corpses there.

There are not even decent houses in the slums, they are either tents made of rags or simply made of thatch.

It is most convenient to light a fire here. All you need to do is demolish the nearby houses and isolate a flame zone.

The fire started burning at night, and the red flames continued until the next morning. It burned the houses outside the fire zone until they cracked and collapsed, and it still did not stop.

Fortunately, the city is big enough and has enough houses.

Once we have the manpower, we can continue to handle the rest.

Scavenge for supplies, search for supplies, search for stronghold hearts, and tame slaves for slaves.

There is a beast master here at the stronghold, who is very capable of controlling wild beasts.

However, the big werewolves and lizardmen over there in the fortress are all good at taming animals.

Orcs also have the word "beast" in their name, and their temperament is similar to that of beasts. If they are well tamed, they might be able to bite back the stronghold camp.

But just when Xu Lai was working hard here, he was trying every means to find the heart of the stronghold.

Taloshi, who attacked countless caravans and forced Count Ani to order a full contraction, also received a magical message sent from the wilderness. (End of chapter)

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