The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 239 Going home (please subscribe)

This time, Pegasus can be legitimately called Pegasus.

Moreover, although the defense and health of the Pegasus Knight are not as good as those of the Paladin, a holy healing spell of the Paladin can only restore 100 health points to itself, but it can restore 200 health points to the Pegasus Knight.

This job was extremely uncomfortable, but luckily the paladins couldn't speak.

In other words, the Pegasus Knight does not have the ability to cast spells, otherwise this holy power would be the complete characteristic of the holy unit.

After Xu Lai advanced to the level of these two Pegasus knights, the captains looked at each other, each with their own men and horses, and collectively knelt down in front of Xu Lai.

"Your Excellency Xu Lai, we are all willing to recognize you as our master. Please accept us."

Unlike the two long-lived elves, these are a group of herdsmen with little culture and no one to train them in relevant knowledge.

So they used the most direct method, knelt and kowtowed in front of Xu Lai, and swore an oath with their wealth and life, hoping to become Xu Lai's slaves.

To be honest, Xu Lai had the idea of ​​​​promoting these two elves first.

Even if these two elves did not offer their allegiance, Xu Lai would let them stay with him for a period of time after they returned to the empire after being promoted.

His request was not excessive, and he was still confident about the two elves.

Then he used these two elves as a template and did the same thing with the others, but he was actually not sure about the others.

Maybe in the wild land, everyone can still be of one mind. If they really return to the empire, they will find an opportunity to run away, and Xu Lai will catch people wherever they go.

But he still decided to take a gamble. Now he has no shortage of money, and has so many gold coins and rare resources that it even becomes a burden.

There were only 78 advanced units, which was not too much. Plus those rangers, it was nothing more than 40,000 gold coins, which he could not afford to lose.

Even if half of these people did not run away and were willing to stay and help him after returning to the empire, they would be his backbone from now on.

Recruiting soldiers is easy to use, but the upper limit is basically the lowest at the same level. Basically any independent warrior of the same level can defeat them.

Secondly, they cannot do many things, such as digging the heart of the stronghold, collecting trophies, investigating and reporting, etc.

But in some aspects, independent fighters are far inferior to recruited fighters.

For example, when Xu Lai attacked at night, if those wolf cavalry hadn't been recruited to resist desperately, the wolf cavalry behind would have had no chance to fight back, and Xu Lai would not have sacrificed at that time.

Although the sacrificed knight was brought back by the archangel, what if two or three died?

Therefore, a force composed entirely of recruited troops has seriously insufficient combat effectiveness.

This shortcoming is not reflected in combat, but in the formation of combat effectiveness.

To put it bluntly, if these knights were real people and could help him with many things besides fighting, Xu Lai might be able to destroy twice as many villages and towns and kill tens of thousands more ogres. .

Moreover, everyone experienced life and death together, and Xu Lai was more than just a life-saver to them. If he could not save more than half of them, it would only mean that he had failed as a human being.

Therefore, although the approach of advancing these herders is a gamble, in Xu Lai's heart, this is a sure win, no matter whether it is a big win or a small win.

But when these people all knelt down in front of Xu Lai, he felt a little ashamed of his previous calculation.

"Okay, everyone, get up. I won't accept you as slaves."

As soon as Xu Lai finished speaking, many people collapsed on the ground.

They were not so lowly that they insisted on being Xu Lai's slaves. They were just worried that Xu Lai would treat them as cannon fodder when they confronted the orcs. Otherwise, how could anyone not even want the slaves he sent to his door?

"I forgot to tell you before. In addition to being the master of a fortress, I am also a baron of the empire and am qualified to absorb the people of the empire.

It just so happens that my Qingfeng Castle still lacks a large number of young people.

If you are willing, when you return to the empire, you can settle in my territory and become my subjects! "

In order to prevent involution, nobles generally prohibited their subjects from moving to other lords.

The nobles also have a tacit understanding with each other. They prohibit ordinary village chiefs and town mayors from absorbing the population at will. If a noble absorbs the people of other territories, it means provoking the nobles who have lost the people.

Imperial law allows nobles to launch revenge wars for their subjects. In addition to returning those subjects, the loser may also have to cede some land.

However, imperial law does not prohibit the sale of slaves. In other words, if someone is willing to debase himself as a slave, as long as he signs a slave contract, the receiving noble will not have any trouble.

Moreover, the subjects are the people, and the subjects pay taxes and serve the lord, which are their obligations.

It is also the duty of the lord to protect the people of the lord, and if the lord asks the people to work, they must also pay wages.

But slaves are the private property of their masters. Not only do they not need to be paid wages, but even if they are beaten to death, they can only say that their lives are miserable.

Xu Lai's behavior was completely causing trouble for himself.

But he still did it. He believed that no one of these young people who had been working as slaves in the stronghold wanted to be another person's slave again.

If they did this, they must have thought that this was the only way to save their lives.

Therefore, even if they recognized Xu Lai as their master, they would probably feel uncomfortable and unwilling.

With this kind of discomfort and reluctance, it is more likely that you will find an opportunity to bite back.

Especially when their abilities will continue to improve through constant battles, but their status never matches their abilities.

On the contrary, if Xu Lai allows them to become subjects, it will not only not restrict their freedom, but also give them the opportunity to work hard and make progress. They may have more motivation and action.

The most important thing is that they will only feel gratitude instead of resentment.

In the extraordinary world, even if there are rules to protect them, the nobles will invariably choose the magic equipment that is more beneficial to themselves, rather than the treasures that are more beneficial to the whole.

After it was announced that they could become territorial citizens, the cheers in the town were deafening. The newly liberated slaves on the side couldn't help but look envious.

Once upon a time, they were also free people, but unfortunately the lords they were loyal to could not protect their safety, so they became slaves of the orcs.

Xu Lai couldn't take them with him. He didn't even tell them about the liberated Kuba City.

Because he was worried that some orcs would follow them in when they entered the city and easily occupy the city gate.

The Orc Sword Master's Wind Step can make him invisible. Even if he is not an 8th level Sword Master, 7th level sword dancers and 6th level swordsmen also have this ability. It's just a matter of time.

This is why Xu Lai specially chose a small town to camp, and it was wrapped with three layers inside and three layers outside.

He does not have the ability to see through invisibility, but invisibility does not vaporize people, it will leave traces when passing by, and walls and fences cannot be penetrated directly.

Even when he was sleeping, there were two Holy Light Knights stationed outside his house, and Elvy was with him inside the house, making it impossible for him to even do some of the things he loved to do.

The whole night passed very peacefully, so peacefully that even Xu Lai felt a little surprised.

Xu Lai's own position was locked by those ogre priests, so he simply didn't bother to pretend and went straight to his destination.

Yesterday, I played with Talosi for a long time. It was very enjoyable and the experience was rich enough. His team of paladins expanded to 33 people.

But after witnessing the rendezvous between the wolf cavalry and the ogres in the evening, Xu Lai gave up the idea of ​​continuing to play.

Yesterday's situation was quite dangerous. Talosi didn't even have basic wisdom skills, so he didn't learn strategic spells himself.

However, the man who led the group of ogres yesterday, a man twice as strong as Taloshi, took a big stick and hit Xu Lai with a slow magic.

The strategic level slowing method has the same effect as Yu Lan's slowing, and can only slow down by 25% at most.

But even this 25% made Xu Lai feel trapped in a quagmire.

At this time, Talosi, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately changed his direction. Fortunately, Xu Lai also experienced it. Although he was frightened, he thought that healing has the effect of dispelling negative spells.

So he directly launched a healing method on the cavalry and archery troops, dispelling the slowness of himself, the two elves, and the 12 heroes who were currently using bows and arrows.

Without the restraint of slowness, even if Xu Lai turned around a little late, it would be impossible for Talosi to catch up, so he could only give up the pursuit with regret.

Xu Lai was so frightened yesterday, how could he still be interested in playing tricks on Talosi.

He has now joined other troops in the stronghold. There are both flying units and long-range units in the camp.

Even if he can still take advantage, he may be hurt, which is totally not worth it.

Moreover, Talosi has been restrained by him, his strategic mission has been completed, and the upgrade mission has been completed beyond his expectations.

Coupled with the harvest of a full backpack and four supply trucks, this trip to the wilderness can be regarded as a full harvest, and it is time to go back.

If you don't find opportunities to spend this money, how can those rare resources and piles of gold nuggets in your backpack be turned into combat effectiveness if you don't convert them into money?

Therefore, after breakfast in the morning, Xu Lai led everyone and rushed to the teleportation array without hesitation.

As for those hard workers who expressed their desire to go together, Xu Lai could only refuse with regret.

He is not a holy mother, he can save anyone, let alone affect his own safety for others.

Besides, among these hard workers, there are only three or four humans. What does other camps and other races have to do with Xu Lai?

As soon as they were asked, they all knew how to ride a horse, so Xu Lai selected a few horses from the nomads' spare horses and gave them to them, allowing them to keep up.

Gold Flash Town is not too far from the teleportation array. Even if you care about the power, it only takes half a day at most to stop and go.

With the current physical strength of the horses, as long as they don't charge, even if they keep running at full speed, there will be no problem in persisting until the teleportation array, so there is no need to insist on one person and two horses now. (End of chapter)

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