The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 240 The magic witch’s spell

After having lunch at noon, Xu Lai saw the teleportation array not long after running.

The teleportation array was not big, and it was indeed a one-person teleportation array. But what made Xu Lai frown was that the teleportation array was constantly emitting light.

Xu Lai had seen the teleportation array before, and he knew that a teleportation array that was not running would not have any light.

Once the light lights up, it means that the teleportation array is operating.

In other words, someone is currently using this teleportation array.

In a second, there was an extra person outside the teleportation array, obviously teleported from the other side of the teleportation array.

However, what made Xu Lai frown again was that this person was not a human, but an orc, and he was an orc that Xu Lai knew.

The teleportation array is connected to Pingfeng Grassland. Although the teleportation array is being used, as long as the one who comes out is a human being, it will be fine.

Jebadas blew his whistle, and a dozen thunderbirds suddenly flew up from the hillside behind him.

Jebadas calmly climbed onto the Thunderbird's body and flew straight into the sky, followed by a large group of rocs and golden eagles, estimated to number in the hundreds.

"My knight, let me kill him!"

Elvi's eyes were hidden under her hood, but her tone was full of murderous intent.

Since she became an archangel, no one has dared to challenge her in the sky.

Xu Lai shook his head and decisively rejected Elvi.

The opponent had hundreds of mid-level and high-level flying creatures, led by heroes, but Xu Lai only had Elvi and 13 griffons, plus at most Yu Lan after his transformation.

Maybe he won't lose, but he will definitely suffer losses, which is what Xu Lai doesn't want to see.

Moreover, at high altitude, Xu Lai couldn't even support him if he wanted to. Even a top cavalry archer like Yan Feng could only shoot a thousand meters away at most.

"Let's retreat and find another way back."

"No need for this teleportation array? Why don't you let me take the archers to explore the road first? Even if the orcs are ambushing there, with our speed, there shouldn't be any danger."

Xu Lai thought for a while and refused again: "We don't know if there is an ambush on the other side of the teleportation array, nor do we know how many teleportations this teleportation array has.

If there are only a few teleportation opportunities, you will not be able to come back. You will have to wait until tomorrow for someone to support you.

Moreover, this small teleportation array can only teleport one person at a time.

Don't talk about you, even if Elvi goes over, as long as a group of high-level orc warriors are ambushed next to the teleportation formation, it will be difficult for Elvi to escape unscathed.

Besides, we use this teleportation array just to hope that the orcs don’t know about it.

We don’t have a mage here, and the teleportation array can only transport 30 people a day. Unless we divide into two teams, we can only stick here until tomorrow.

Our only advantage is mobility. We must not go head-to-head with the orcs. Give up! "

After that, Xu Lai turned around and left without any nostalgia.

When the others saw Xu Lai leaving, they naturally had no choice but to follow.

Xu Lai did not go back directly because he was afraid of running into the pursuing orc troops.

However, not long after leaving, Xu Lai noticed the Orc flying troops in the sky at Yu Lan's signal.

Elvi dutifully explored the path for Xu Lai and glared at the troops following behind her several times. Xu Lai wouldn't let her attack, so she could only endure it.

Xu Lai pondered slightly and said, "Can your spells work that far?"

Yu Lan smiled slightly and said: "If it were before, it would definitely not be possible, it would only be 2,300 meters at most.

Now, although the power of the spell is much worse, the coverage is the same as that of the strategic spell. As long as the troops are within the field of vision, it can be covered. "

"Very good, you can randomly cast two rounds of spells and see."

Yu Lan had never used magic to fight before becoming a magical female tutor, so she was even more excited than Xu Lai when she heard this.

In order to cooperate with Yu Lan's spell casting, the entire army stopped, and Elvi in ​​the sky also stopped when she saw this.

When Jebadas saw them all stop, although he didn't know what Xu Lai wanted to do, he stopped instinctively.

Yu Lan's spells are directed at all targets.

Therefore, it didn't matter to Yu Lan that Jebadas and the others kept going.

As long as they don't take the opportunity to fly into the clouds and hide out of Yu Lan's sight.

The first random spell is the acid spell.

The acid spell can cause 35 points of corrosive damage to all targets, including Jebadas and Thunderbird, while reducing armor by 3 points.

Yu Lan's mental value is 30 points, so the effect of reducing the armor by 3 points can last for 300 minutes, which is a full 5 hours.

As the upgraded version of Yu Lan's previous default spell, the acid spell has a very high chance of being randomly used.

Moreover, the effects of acid spells cannot be superimposed.

In other words, if Yu Lan releases another acid spell at this time, it can only cause 35 points of damage to all enemy targets and cannot reduce the armor again.

To be honest, Xu Lai would rather Yu Lan randomly choose the acid spell again, because this spell consumes less money, only 80 mana points in total, and Yu Lan can cast it 30 times.

35 points of damage once, 30 times is 1050 points of damage.

Acid spell is corrosive damage, which is a type of spell damage. Only legal resistance is calculated, and the defensive ability of physical armor is not calculated.

Deducting some of the resistance added by his constitution, even if Jebadas has ultimate resistance, he will still have to withstand about 400-500 points of damage.

Ultimate resistance has a 25% chance of direct resistance. Even if it cannot resist, it can reduce the damage by 25%. Coupled with the physical resistance, this damage has no moisture.

With this damage value, not to mention the more than one hundred flying soldiers, even the more than one hundred Behemoths and Behemoth beasts would still be lying there.

The only problem is that the probability of Yu Lan releasing the acid spell 30 times in a row is almost 0, and the time required to release the spell 30 times in a row is far longer than Xu Lai imagined.

Yu Lan's spell was upgraded to a strategic spell, so the casting time is also the same as that of strategic spells, which requires timing.

For example, when you rely on speed to gain an advantage, you can release strategic spells. However, after your side has released a round of strategic spells, the opportunity is in the opponent's hands, and the opponent has the opportunity to counterattack.

Of course, the reason why timing is called timing is because this opportunity is time-limited and will slip away if you are not careful.

The advantage of Yu Lan is that her opportunity is unique to her. She will not compete with the heroes, but only with other people in her own camp who are also magical female mentors.

An acid spell fell, which startled Jebadas, especially since this spell covered all flying creatures and was obviously a strategic spell.

But then he didn't care anymore. Although he didn't learn strategic spells, he at least knew the difference between strategic spells and ordinary spells.

Xu Lai was able to cast spells, but he already knew the information. A drop of acid on his body was better than a slow spell.

The bloodthirsty thaumaturgy of that guy Burlage is very helpful to us, but his slow magic is something that no one who has experienced it wants to experience a second time.

Although the acid technique reduces the armor by 3 points, for the creatures here that are at least level 5, it is just a defense brought by 3 points of constitution, which is completely worth mentioning.

Therefore, Gebadas hesitated and chose to continue following.

Not to mention completely monitoring Xu Lai, they have the position of ogre priest, but there is no need for him to take this risk personally.

Jebadas was just keenly aware of Elvi's role, so he wanted to restrict Elvi in ​​this way so that she could not fly too far for reconnaissance.

In this way, it will be easier for the orc troops on the ground to make some small moves.

Facts have also proven this. This angel of the human race never dares to stray too far from the ground troops.

Jebadas is not afraid of Elvi rushing over with the gryphon. No matter how scary an angel is, the hero can easily restrain him.

As the boss of the orcs in the stronghold camp, how could he not have a few good things on him? What Jebadas is really afraid of are the groups of archangels, and that is the real doomsday.

After releasing an acid operation, Yu Lan, who was sitting in Xu Lai's arms, blinked her big eyes innocently.

"How about I transform into a war eagle and go up to fight with them?"

Xu Lai glared at her and said, "Why fight? How come you have the same virtue as Elvi?"

Seeing that Yu Lan couldn't cast a second spell for a while, Xu Lai started to move again.

He planned to bypass Jinjin Town, run in the direction he came from, and return to Pingfeng Grassland from the Pingfeng Mountains.

However, Xu Lai knew very well that the entrances where he came had probably been blocked by people.

But he is not afraid. The orcs' strength is limited after all. Even if there are more high-level soldiers and horses from the Royal Court, they will not be able to send them over for a while.

Even if it can be delivered, the Beast King cannot use it easily, because high-level soldiers and horses require several times more food and grass than low-level soldiers and horses.

The food intake of a Behemoth is more than five times that of an ordinary orc, and the food intake of an ordinary orc is more than twice that of a normal human.

Using high-level soldiers and horses means huge logistical consumption, and the edges of the wilderness are extremely scarce, so as long as the orcs still have sense, it is impossible to use them.

Unlike the undead, the stronghold has no food crisis, and unlike humans, the high-level soldiers are not large in size and have high output, enough to support large-scale mobile warfare.

For warlike orcs, food crisis is always the biggest problem.

Therefore, Xu Lai concluded that there would never be many orcs guarding the entrance.

Their most important role should be to use the terrain to entangle themselves and let Taloshi and others behind them come and outflank them.

As the saying goes, the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. Xu Lai felt that if he tried his best, he would have a high chance of getting out.

After all, there are many places where you can climb over the Pingfeng Mountains. At worst, Xu Lai walked on some hills that were relatively difficult to walk and climb.

"Okay, I feel like I can cast again!"

After running several thousand meters, Yu Lan's eyes suddenly lit up.

The troops stopped again, Xu Lai had no hope anyway, but if Jebadas and the others were disgusted with themselves, then he would also be disgusted with the other party.

Hypnosis, the hypnotized target will become drowsy and will wake up immediately after being touched. The drowsy process will last for a full 30 minutes.

To resist lethargy, one of three conditions must be met.

First of all, these Thunderbirds and flying units were temporarily integrated, and their morale was not high.

Secondly, their spiritual attributes, especially the thunderbirds that can summon thunderbolts and lightning, are still relatively high, but unfortunately they do not surpass Yu Lan, who is a witch.

As for the determined ones, Gebadas and the animal trainers from several tribes he brought out can be regarded as the determined ones, but at this time in the sky, it is not up to them to make the decision.

Those who are successfully hypnotized will wake up immediately when touched, but the condition for waking up is that they must fall asleep first.

In fact, these hypnotized thunderbirds and rocs cannot really fall asleep at high altitudes. They just want to sleep, but they continue to flap their wings instinctively. (End of chapter)

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