The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 247 The God of War in the Big Tent

Talosi was waiting anxiously. There was no signal coming from the hillside, and he did not dare to make any rash move.

All the wolf cavalry are getting ready, including a thousand of the most elite wolf warriors, who will be led by him personally.

At the moment when the signal appeared, Ogu Shaman gave him the acceleration technique and headed straight to the top of the mountain where Xu Lai was.

The remaining wolf cavalry were divided into two groups by Talosi, who had set off half an hour ago to ambush at the two exits of the wilderness.

Chasing and blocking, Talosi made up his mind this time to leave Xu Lai in the wilderness forever.

Finally, Talosi saw the signal he wanted, and a fire appeared on the top of the mountain.

Aogu Shaman also saw it. Without saying a word, he cast an acceleration spell that he had already prepared.

But obviously, an acceleration spell cannot cover the entire orc army. He immediately tore up a scroll in his arms and added an acceleration spell stored in his staff.

Three acceleration spells finally covered all one thousand orcs inside.

Talosi said to Ogu Shaman: "Teacher, please be careful, there is a very powerful angel beside this human being."

Augu smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't stay here any longer."

After saying that, Aogu waved his hand. This time he didn't even recite a spell. Two huge ghost-like wolf spirits appeared next to Aogu.

Taloshi nodded slightly towards Ogu Shaman, raised the sword in his hand, and then swung it hard towards the mountain.

The moment the fire light came on, Xu Lai stood up suddenly.

He was not asleep to begin with, and he was always lying down with his arms folded during the march. Elvy was also in this tent anyway, and he was too embarrassed to bully Yu Lan in front of Elvi.

As soon as they got up, several wolf warriors rushed into the tent. The two Holy Light Knights outside the tent only had time to scream before they fell down.

As they fell, the figures next to the Holy Light Knights gradually emerged. There were at least three Wolf Warriors near each knight.

The wolf warrior who rushed in gradually grew larger. Xu Lai knew that this was one of the characteristics of the wolf warrior.

Slightly expands the body size, while removing all defense power, it is no longer affected by negative status spells, including dizziness, paralysis, etc.

In other words, even if Xu Lai now wants to use the spell of blindness to control this group of wolf warriors, it will be ineffective. Even the slow spell has no effect on them.

The only thing that worked was the damage spell. Xu Lai raised his hand and saw a magic arrow without even thinking about it.

With the blessing of equipment, Xu Lai now has a full 23 points of mental power, and the magic arrow with primary earth magic effect can cause a full 250 points of damage.

The most important thing is that this thing can be fired instantly, and it immediately seriously injured a Wolf Warrior who rushed in.

Seraph, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes at this time.

Elvi directly skipped the first wolf warrior, and stopped several wolf warriors behind the orc with a burning flaming sword.

These orcs never dreamed that a ninth-level Seraph lived in Xu Lai's tent.

The Wolf Warriors, who had removed all their defenses, were seriously injured and fell to the ground under this sword.

Xu Lai didn't care about anything else at this time. He picked up the Storm Ax in his hand and threw it out.

Huge damage, killing the wolf warrior on the spot.

However, even though this wolf warrior was killed, more wolf warriors rushed in, especially the leader.

He only had a single sword, and the other short sword enchanted with lightning strike remained in the body of the Holy Light Knight.

With Xu Lai's blessing, the Holy Light Knight with a constitution of 45 points has a life of 406 points and a physical defense of 45 + a full 75 points of armor.

In addition, there is 50% physical damage reduction from Ultimate Defense and 20% physical damage reduction from Rune Armor.

To instantly kill a Holy Light Knight, you must have at least 1760+ physical attack power, because there is no hero around the opponent.

The only general, like Su Ya, should also have the ability to give certain units stronger attack power.

But even so, even if three Wolf Warriors attack at the same time, it is theoretically impossible to cause this level of damage.

Therefore, Xu Lai never thought that with two holy light knights guarding the door, they could not even release the sacred armor.

Not to mention the Holy Light Knight and Xu Lai's ultimate defense bonus. In theory, he would have to be damaged at least twice to die.

However, Xu Laishao had forgotten that compared to the powerful physical defense capabilities of the Paladins, their resistance to spells was relatively weak.

In order to prepare for this sneak attack, Talosi spared no expense and prepared five mithril daggers enchanted with powerful lightning strikes.

Ordinary knights will die if they take a hit. The Holy Light Knights have Xu Lai's 20% spell resistance bonus. In addition, the physical attacks of the dagger are basically exempted. Two consecutive physical and spell double attacks, a total of 4 times. The damage was barely done.

Fortunately, the people who came this time were all elites. Although the sneaky things were not as good as those of the sword dancers, they were still dealing with the Holy Light Knights who had poor reaction ability.

The timely last hit prevented the Holy Light Knight from using his holy armor.

Seraph's wings spread out, and the six wings directly covered the entrance of the tent, separating Xu Lai who wanted to rush forward and the orc general who rushed over.

Facing the suddenly unfolded wings, Xu Lai instantly understood what Elvi meant. She didn't want Xu Lai to rush forward and take danger.

Xu Lai had no choice but to change his equipment first, replace the gold box with the life talisman, and then recover the storm axe.

After thinking about it, he forgot about the other Blade of Destruction and took out a large shield from his space backpack.

This is a shield collected from the battlefield. It is a very ordinary level 6 shield. Apart from high physical defense and durability, it has no other special attributes.

The wolf cavalry were all powerful. Yu Lan, who stood up in a hurry, had no need to cast spells. Most of her spells were curses.

At Xu Lai's signal, Yu Lan transformed directly into a magical war eagle. Its huge body and sharp wings tore through most of the tent in an instant.

At the same time, the wolf cavalry, who were determined to capture Xu Lai, also tore the tent apart from the rear and sides, bypassing Elvi who was as strong as a copper wall.

Yu Lan, who transformed into a giant eagle, swept across with a pair of eagle eyes and struck out with a chain of lightning, instantly hitting a dozen wolf cavalry who rushed into the tent.

Under the gaze of the wolf cavalry, Xu Lai quickly climbed onto the back of the giant eagle and easily escaped from the wolf cavalry.

The magic signal from the sky lit up the entire mountain.

Whether it was Yan Feng and others who were in charge of patrol at this time, or Tahan and others who rushed out of the tent, their eyes were all fixed on the giant eagle.

The orc general snorted, rolled to avoid Elvi's sweep, and took out a huge throwing net from his waist.

When Yu Lan transformed into a giant eagle at level 5, she could barely carry Xu Lai on her back, but Xu Lai needed to carry armor and was extremely unstable when flying.

When he transformed into a war eagle at level 6, Xu Lai, who was worthy of his armor, basically had no problems.

Now that he has been upgraded to a magic war eagle, whether Xu Lai wears armor or not has no effect on Yu Lan.

However, it was too hurried, and before Yu Lan could fly high, more than a dozen throwing nets were thrown at her.

These wolf cavalry all keep their mission in mind and always treat Xu Lai as the most important target.

If only one or two sides were thrown into the net, Yu Lan might still have a chance to dodge, but with more than ten sides, there was really nothing she could do.

At this moment, Elvi, who had knocked down the wolf knight in front of her, did not follow the trend to chase the orc general who rolled over, but thrust the flaming sword into the ground.

The two Holy Light Knights who were originally lying on the ground were instantly resurrected with full health under the golden light.

Once they are resurrected, they raise their hands and see two sacred armors.

Dozens of golden lights instantly enveloped the knights who hurriedly got up.

With invincible knights, even in infantry combat, they are not afraid of the wolf riders rushing over, especially those lower level rangers.

They reacted faster than recruiting soldiers. Some of them jumped out of bed directly. Not to mention their armor, even their clothes were not complete.

Relying on the invincible shield on his body, he pounced directly on the wolf cavalry.

With the invincible protection, Xu Lai and Yu Lan completely ignored the net and flew high again.

Wearing night vision goggles, Xu Lai also has the bonus of high-altitude vision and intermediate eagle eye skills.

As expected, he saw Talosi coming at full speed, and the wolf riders blocking the way in the other two directions.

There were wolf cavalry setting up ambushes on the left and right sides of the Pingfeng Mountains. If they approached that way and were blocked by Taloxi, they would really be helpless.

At this time, Xu Lai did not dare to hesitate at all. Even if he knew that Talosi would block him back into the depths of the wilderness, he could only lead the team to evacuate first.

Because of the sneak attack, they lost ten points of morale. Many people did not react to the first round of fighting by the wolf cavalry, especially the low-level rangers.

High-level knights and paladins, with Xu Lai's ultimate defense skills, can last longer, and with their invincible body protection, there is no loss at all.

When these knights and paladins came out of the tent, Yan Feng and the others who were patrolling the outside also came over. These one hundred wolf knights who had removed all their defenses could not hold on for long.

They had focused too much energy on Xu Lai. There were nearly 20 wolf riders who raided Xu Lai's tent alone, and two teams of people broke in from behind and from the side.

But he didn't expect that a giant eagle and an invincible Seraph would suddenly fly out of Xu Lai's tent.

This invincibility is not invincibility with an aura of invincibility, but real invincibility.

Elvi chased a dozen wolf warriors alone. In less than a few minutes, she even cut off the head of the leader of the wolf riders before the slow-moving rangers had even put on their armor.

If these orcs are as ferocious as beasts, then Elvi is as despairing as the God of War.

Talosi also did not expect that the archangels under Xu Lai's command had advanced to Seraphs. After all, none of Elvi's scouts could return alive. (End of chapter)

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