The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 248 The Road to Escape

One man killed nearly half of the wolf cavalry. By the time Xu Lai landed back on the ground, the mess on the top of the mountain had been cleaned up.

As soon as he landed, Xu Lai didn't give Yan Feng, Tahan and the others a chance to apologize, and said directly and seriously:

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone get on their horses and evacuate to the west immediately!"

Xu Lai could see clearly from the sky that the fast running wolf riders were covered with cyan light, and they were obviously blessed with some kind of magic.

The effect of this spell is also very obvious. The speed of this group of wolf riders is really terrifying.

In the time it took Xu Lai to get up and down, they ran for more than a kilometer.

Seeing that they were about to reach the foot of the mountain, Xu Lai dared to waste time.

"Lord, our horses haven't had time to gather them yet!"

The second task of the wolf cavalry is to do everything possible to entangle Xu Lai and the others and prevent Xu Lai and the others from escaping.

The acceleration technique of Ogu Shaman is still very powerful, and it can increase the movement speed of Wolf Rider by 30%.

In addition, Talosi had already assigned the low-level Wolf Knights to the two directions of the Pingfeng Mountains to garrison them in advance, bringing with them all Level 7 Wolf Warriors.

The distance of 5 kilometers can be reached within two or three minutes. Even if the time required for climbing is added, the fight will definitely be started within 5 minutes.

Therefore, in addition to arranging people to raid Xu Lai, the wolf cavalry general also arranged for people to raid the place where the horses rested.

As long as these war horses are driven away, Xu Lai and the others will not be able to escape even if they want to.

The two rangers guarding the war horses had been brutally killed, but what the wolf cavalry did not expect was that 13 royal griffins were lying where the war horses were resting.

With the blessing of the hero Xu Lai, the attributes of the royal griffon are even better than those of these seventh-level wolf warriors. Coupled with the unlimited counterattack ability, it is really not something that a dozen wolf cavalry can take down at the moment.

Helpless, this group of wolf cavalry could only throw some prepared props such as Molotov cocktails.

But the war horses Xu came here were all at the lowest level 4, and most of them were paladins. Of course, the mounts of the knights would not be driven away by some flames.

If they didn't have wolf-like claws and teeth, these tall wolf warriors might not be the opponents of these war horses.

"There is no time. All the horses that have not been gathered up should be abandoned. No tents or anything else are needed. Everyone mounts up and sets off immediately!

This is an order! "

Xu Lai roared loudly and angrily. He was usually too tolerant and failed to carry out his military orders well.

But at this moment, he was not in the mood to worry about this. He used the magic scroll to leave a wall of fire on the way up the mountain, and after setting the tent on fire, Xu Lai also hurriedly mounted his horse and galloped down the slope.

Almost within seconds of Xu Lai's large army leaving, Talosi's troops were already rushing up the hillside, but they were faced with a wall of fire blocking their way. Before that, Talosi did not dare to try the damage of the fire wall.

By the time he led the team around the hillside from both sides of the fire wall, the place was already empty of tents, leaving only burning tents, horses being chased by the flames, and the remains of corpses.

At a glance, they were basically the wolf riders he sent out.

Taloshi's expression was stern, showing no emotion at all.

With a pointed sword, the wolf cavalry, which still had the acceleration effect, swarmed towards Xu Lai and the others.

There was a wolf riding general who seemed to want to ask if they wanted to collect the corpses of these wolf warriors. However, as soon as they raised their heads, they saw Talosi's cold eyes, and they all fell silent.

Delayed by the wall of fire for a while, the Wolf Rider needed to accelerate again, but because it was downhill, it accelerated quickly.

In less than 5 minutes, Talosi and the others had caught up with Xu Lai's troops.

When driving at night, there are rocks everywhere on the Gobi ground. Except for a few people such as Xu Lai who have night vision devices, it is difficult for others to see the ground clearly.

At this point, the wolf cavalry have an advantage. Although they can't see too clearly, the orcs have the genes of beasts in their bodies, and every one of them has green eyes when they look at it at night.

Although both sides were carrying torches, the effectiveness of the torches was actually very low at such a high speed.

Xu Lai was the last one to leave, so he was also at the end of the team at this time.

Their morale lost in the sneak attack has not been restored, and the battle settlement has not yet come. If Talosi drags them into the battle again, the battle settlement will be even less likely to arrive.

In desperation, Xu Lai could only order everyone to charge.

Charging can increase the speed by at least 100%, and the physical consumption of the war horse will also be greatly increased.

Once the war horse is exhausted and loses its charging skills, it will be a major blow to the knight's combat ability.

But Talosi's wolf cavalry had been attacking for a long time before, and their endurance was inherently inferior to that of war horses. Xu Lai thought it was still worth a gamble.

The most critical issue now is not to be ambushed by the orcs again. If there is an ambush by the orcs somewhere ahead and they fail to avoid it, it will be really over.

Xu Lai thought for a while and ordered Yan Feng, who was leading the way, to move closer to Kuba City.

Under the city of Kuba, there is also the ogre army of Bolrag. Unless the orcs have so many troops that there is no place to put them, it is impossible to set up an ambush in this place.

As for whether he would get entangled with the ogres, there was no need to worry about it. Not to mention the ogres' speed, they wouldn't be able to catch up with Xu Lai even if they were doubled.

Just say that by the time he arrived at Kuba City, no matter how many wolf cavalry were thrown away, you could still grit your teeth if you couldn't run, but what else could you do if your mount couldn't run?

Xu Lai didn't charge for too long. He got rid of the opponent in less than half an hour, and he was still far away.

When he took off again on the Yulan Giant Eagle, no bright light or shadow could be seen within a few kilometers.

Finding a random place, Xu Lai regrouped his troops and took a short rest.

The result was unsurprisingly bad. Only two of his direct knights died, but they were all resurrected by Elvi.

Other recruiting knights, including the Royal Griffin, also followed.

The rangers brought out by Yan Feng had been on guard and patrol, so there was nothing serious. The personnel and equipment were complete.

After counting, the only problems were those who rushed out of the tent in a hurry and those who escaped during the retreat.

Those who ran away could be caught up in a short period of time, and Xu Lai could continue walking with him.

If they don't know where they went, they can only ask for their own blessings.

After counting, there were three rangers who died. They were killed by the orcs who counterattacked after the Holy Light ended.

There were two others who ran away. Until Xu Lai and the others continued on their way, they were unable to return to the team and could only be treated as dead.

In addition to these five, Xu Lai also lost more than a dozen marching tents, including his own luxurious tent.

Compared with the loss of personnel, a dozen marching tents are nothing at all.

Even Xu Lai lost more than 40 horses and some of the supplies carried by the horses.

Fortunately, the lost war horses were all lower level 4 war horses, and the supplies they carried were food prepared by Xu Lai.

Now that Xu Lai was planning to leave the wilderness, this loss of food was nothing at all.

In the middle of the night, I took two naps on the road, one for half an hour, and two times for a total of one hour.

Finally, after the sky became dark, Xu Lai and the others arrived near Kuba City.

Along the way, as Xu Lai guessed, no enemies were encountered.

Only under Kuba City, a continuous army of ogres was seen.

These ogres were still attacking the city unhurriedly. The ogre army did not rush out, but the two sides used catapults to throw catapults at each other.

But it was obvious that the people in Kuba City did not have the upper hand.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Xu Lai, who possesses intermediate eagle eye skills, can still see the situation very clearly.

The eastern city wall, battlements and towers, as well as the east arrow tower that were attacked by Bolag, have all been destroyed.

Xu Lai remembered that there should be seven or eight catapults and more than twenty crossbows on this wall, but at this time, only when the orcs charged with large shields, occasionally a few thick crossbow arrows shot down from the wall.

Obviously, the catapults had basically been destroyed in the bombardment. Only the catapults dismantled from other city walls in the city could throw some stones.

However, they are not at the top of the city, and their aiming is very poor. Unless the orcs attack in a large area, it is not easy to hit the enemy.

Borag, who had suffered heavy losses in population, could no longer afford to suffer any more losses. The charging orc warriors immediately retreated after seducing the location of the enemy's city defense facilities.

Up to now, the city gate has been smashed into pieces and is in danger of being breached at any time, but Borag has always refused to launch a general attack.

Perhaps it was Xu Lai's location that was locked, or Taloshi contacted Burlage through the communication stone.

When Xu Lai appeared on the top of the mountain, Burage's attack also stopped, and the troops began to shrink and turn, as if to adjust the troops to attack in Xu Lai's direction.

Xu Lai sneered. Even if Talosi's wolf cavalry was chasing behind him, he could lead his troops to bypass the entire infantry formation of Burage.

But it was a laugh, and Xu Lai had to think about how to leave. He was blocked in front of him and pursued by soldiers behind him.

If he could contact Count Aini on the other side of the grassland, he might be able to create a passage through the front and back attacks, but at this time, leaving through the Pingfeng Grassland, he could only be attacked from the front and back.

The teleportation array cannot be used, or they have to rush to the hinterland of the wild land that is not marked on the map. There will inevitably be passages to the dungeon and teleportation arrays there.

Of course, the risk factor has also increased exponentially, not to mention that he is also targeted by the ogre.

Therefore, the only way he could think of to get home now was to retreat through the escape route.

In fact, since he had made up his mind to use the escape route, he didn't need to run so far. He could use it directly on the top of the mountain without losing the war horses.

The fundamental reason why he ran so far was that Xu Lai couldn't convince himself. (End of chapter)

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