The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 249 The Returned Hero

As Xu Lai has always relied on, Escape has always been silently in Xu Lai's backpack, playing an extremely important role.

Although this prop has never been used, its existence is Xu Lai's courage.

Without a way to escape, it was impossible for Xu Lai to have the courage to lead his lone army in raids and leveling before the war.

There is no way to escape, and maybe he won't even respond to the war mobilization order. Then he will not only miss a lot of opportunities to upgrade, but he will also completely offend Count Aini and the temple.

In the end, he ended up with the same fate as Dong Shuqin. The basic favorability of the imperial camp dropped sharply, and the difficulty of development increased exponentially.

Without a way to escape, Xu Lai did not dare to come to the wilderness.

In less than a month after arriving in the wilderness, Xu Lai killed orcs, two nobles, one large and one small, three heroes, thousands of elite wolf cavalry, tens of thousands of ogres of all levels, and tens of thousands of Orcs, orcs.

In the end, he destroyed several villages, destroyed a town, and occupied a city. He also swept through countless towns and cities.

Because of this, Xu Lai obtained more than half of the paladin cavalry team, possessed seraphs that many nobles could not possess, and gained more than a hundred war horses of level 5 or above and a group of followers.

Not to mention, his current backpack is almost full, most of which are rare resources and gold coins.

Even though the previous major advancement cost 100,000 gold, Xu Lai's current gold coins exceeded 200,000, not counting those high-end equipment, gold nuggets that were not minted into gold coins, and rare resources.

All these gains were not obtained by him from the wilderness, but brought to him by the escape route.

Those who have a way out and those who have no way out have absolutely different choices.

But today, Xu Lai wants to eliminate this escape route, but while eliminating this escape route, he hopes to take more people with him.

Before, he was unwilling to give up his escape route for Harris and others.

But when this escape route had to be used, he couldn't convince himself to ignore the lives of these people.

In short, Xu Lai can sacrifice others for his own benefit, but he still retains part of the bottom line.

"Brothers! Your fathers and brothers, your beloved relatives and friends are all in that city. Let us charge again, pick them up, and leave this barbaric place."

Although the Rangers didn't know why Xu Lai changed his mind, Xu Lai's decision was exactly what they had been waiting for.

Several advanced mercenaries headed by Joseph immediately shouted: "For the lord, for our relatives and friends, brothers, charge!"

I guess they were afraid that Xu Lai would regret it. As soon as Xu Lai finished speaking, these guys rushed out in a hurry.

Xu Lai slapped his head. There was a strong ogre formation on the opposite side. If he really wanted to penetrate it, he couldn't dig through it from the thickest place.

At Xu Lai's signal, Tahan, the heroic knight, picked up the battle flag again and rushed out bearing the brunt.

Tahan, who activated the charge skill, led a group of high-level Holy Light Knights and surpassed a group of Rangers like flying.

Then came the paladins and knights led by Xu Lai himself, and finally the heroes led by Yan Feng and Ed, the two Pegasus knights, came to the rear.

Elvi protected the giant eagle transformed by Yu Lan and led a group of royal griffins to fly above Xu Lai and others.

Under the leadership of Tahan, nearly two hundred knights splashed countless smoke and dust.

Bypassing the thickest central area of ​​​​Belage, under Xu Lai's remote control, Tahan led his men into the catapult position on the far right.

The light of the charge came one after another, and the bodies of the thousands of ogres guarding the place were scattered all over the place before they had time to fight back.

Shocking cheers rang out from the top of the city, and the tattered city gates were opened to welcome the influx of knights such as Xu Lai.

Seeing the crowd's rapid boost of morale, Xu Lai felt a trace of unbearability in his heart.

But there was no way, someone had to sacrifice. The only thing he could do was to help those who remained to defend the city, destroy those catapults, so that the good people could survive longer.

Xu Lai, who rushed into the city, actually wanted to destroy the stronghold of Kuba City immediately.

But he couldn't take away the resources gained from destroying the city. Instead, he took away all the hope of the remaining people.

Xu Lai couldn't do such a thing due to emotions and reasons, but he still had people dig out the heart of Kuba City's stronghold first.

This city had been transferred to Harris by Xu Lai, and Xu Lai asked Harris to take this stronghold heart with him, and then asked everyone to surround him.

The attribute of Escape Road is that it can immediately teleport the user and the user's own targets within a small range to a random safe location in the own camp.

Xu Lai belongs to the empire, so after using the escape route, he will definitely be able to leave the wilderness.

But Xu Lai is not very clear about how large a range this user can cover within a small area.

He could only estimate the smallest range, because a stronghold hero used escape route in front of him some time ago. Not only did he escape, but he also took away the ogre warriors under his command.

Xu Lai still had an impression of that general range.

The ogres at that time were relatively scattered. If the escaping hero was the center and the ogre farthest away was the edge, the radius would be at least more than 30 meters.

Therefore, this 30 meters is the minimum estimate. It is hard to say if it is more.

However, Xu Lai was leading cavalry. Even if they were crowded together, the huge bodies of the horses would take up a lot of space.

Taking advantage of the ogres being mobilized by Xu Lai's previous charge, Xu Ran asked them to squeeze together as much as possible. They were young and small enough that they could even be picked up by the rangers.

Usually, escape routes are used in emergencies, so there is no time to choose carefully at that time.

However, Xu Lai used the escape route as a scroll to return to the city. Of course, he could take back as much as he could.

The only people surrounding Xu Lai were his own troops, especially Yu Lan, Elwe and the others. Xu Lai wished he could hold their hands directly to avoid losing them later.

After all, this is my first time using this thing, and I didn’t even have any reference before.

Next to Elvy and the others were the Paladins and Holy Light Knights, then the Rangers, Harris and other humans, and finally the elves, lizardmen and other allies as well as neutral troops.

Xu Lai didn't bother to care about cavemen or anything like that. In another place, he would have killed these cavemen as experience.

The royal griffon flew above Xu Lai's head. Since the escape route was centered on Xu Lai, the top of his head must also be included.

Many large werewolves and lizardmen even moved out a large siege vehicle used in the city to attack the city because it was not their turn.

This thing was used for siege. They had no use for defending the city, so they kept throwing it in the warehouse.

Only the materials in the city are enough, otherwise this thing would have been dismantled and used as materials.

The siege vehicles were piled with people everywhere. No one wanted to stay in this city that was destined to be destroyed.

Finally, there are some elderly people who cannot compete with others, or disabled people who have been injured by mining, and can only rely on the outermost side symbolically.

Everyone gathered around Xu Lai, not even the people guarding the city. The city gate had been opened long ago, and a large group of ogres swarmed in.

Xu Lai sighed, knowing that there was no time to continue preparations, so he took out the escape route from his space backpack.

Harris, who was squeezed in the crowd, saw the ogre rushing in, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he smashed the heart of the stronghold in his hand.

The huge city that had been built with countless resources by the orcs began to collapse under this attack. Only buildings that were not built based on the heart of the stronghold could be preserved.

In the cannibal eyes of the orcs, a white light flashed, and a circle of people with Xu Lai as the center dissipated in the white light in front of the orcs.

Through this white light, Harris only had time to take away a fragment from the cracked heart of the stronghold, and then he was taken away from the wilderness by the white light.

What remained in front of the ogres were the still large number of cavemen, giant werewolves and lizard people.

After all, the escape route is a prop for escape. Even if it is stacked layer by layer, it only takes away more than 3,000 people, leaving even more people behind.

Burlage didn't know what the white light was. They were not like heroes, who would come with a prop when they were born.

But as a traditional aristocrat, it's not like Borag has never seen teleportation spells. Their stronghold camp also has teleportation arrays, but the number is not as high as that of humans, and they are only found in a few very large cities.

However, the teleportation spells that Burlage had seen all required a long time to cast, were very expensive, and were very easy to be interrupted.

But just now he had released interrupting spells in time, but he still couldn't stop the teleportation.

"Clan leader, what should we do with these?"

Kuba City was destroyed, and although the resources remained, they were only a quarter of what was needed to build the city.

The most important thing is that countless labor and time were used to build this city.

Not to mention, how long would it take for them ogres to accumulate so many resources in this barren and barren land.

Therefore, all the ogres who saw this scene were angry, especially since this race is famous for its violence.

Bragg is also angry, but he has more sense than ordinary ogres.

Reason told him that these were laborers, and that they had all surrendered and should be kept to build the ogres' new home.

But looking at the pairs of blood-red eyes around him, he couldn't say anything to save his life.

Because of his poor decision-making, the bloodthirsty tribe was on the verge of destruction. If the group was angered again at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Leave it to you!"

In the end, Burlage could only sigh helplessly and sit back and watch the ogres around him pounce on him like mad dogs.

At this time, Xu Lai and the others also left the wilderness and set foot on the land of the empire again. (End of chapter)

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