The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 250 Imperial Town

Xu Lai had never wanted to use the escape route before, not only because it was his escape route, but also because this escape route could not be bound to the escape route.

Xu Lai had also seen this building, it was in Kuba City.

However, how could Xu Lai dare to tie his escape route to Kuba City, which was destined to be destroyed, so he could only let this prop take him to teleport randomly.

Fortunately, even if it is a random teleportation, this prop will ensure that Xu Lai is teleported to a safe location.

Within a radius of 3 kilometers, there are no groups (more than 3 people) with favorable or hostile (including hostile) or below.

Such an explanation was enough to let Xu Lai know that no one would actively attack them within at least a three-kilometer radius.

But beyond a radius of three kilometers, it’s really hard to say.

Because there were people around, Xu Lai ordered everyone to gather as soon as they landed, and each gathered with people he knew to make it easier to count people.

When the people around him dispersed, although Xu Lai still didn't know where this place was, he was at least certain that this was not a grassland.

Xu Lai's Qingfeng Castle is still on the grassland. Only on the grassland can Xu Lai feel safe enough.

The first priority is to find out where this place is.

He took the Yulan into the air again to gain a wider view, and soon saw an imperial town about 6 or 7 kilometers north of here.

Strictly speaking, that town only looks the same as an imperial town, but it's hard to say whether it is an imperial town or not.

This distance, of course, has already broken away from the safe distance included in the escape route, and the entire empire is now in a state of war.

In comparison, Pingfeng Grassland, which may have driven most of the orcs back to the wilderness, can still be regarded as a relatively peaceful area of ​​the empire today.

By the time Xu Lai landed, everyone on the ground had already organized his team.

Not counting Xu Lai's troops, the escape route also brought out more than two thousand people, most of whom were humans, with a few elves, giant werewolves, and lizard people.

Xu Lai didn't care how they got a seat. With so many people, even though they had prepared for a period of time in advance and everyone had brought something, the most lacking thing was still food.

More than 2,000 people, even if they were all civilians, needed the same amount of food as his cavalry team needed for five full days.

Even if Xu Lai gets a large supply truck, the space backpack will also be expanded, which is equivalent to about 7 times the initial backpack, which can support the consumption of so many people for 3 or 4 days at most.

Therefore, Xu Lai had no choice but to move closer to the nearest city.

Xu Lai didn't want to abandon the human race he brought out. These people were all young and middle-aged labor force.

Even those big werewolves and lizardmen have a very high opinion of Xu Lai. If they are absorbed into the territory, they will all be very good citizens.

Xu Lai is an imperial noble now, and towns in the empire generally dare not lock him out.

Besides, he has a lot of money in his space backpack now, so it shouldn't be difficult to use money to buy food and maps.

These people can be brought back to the empire by Xu Lai, which shows that they are recognized from the bottom of their hearts to become Xu Lai's subordinates, otherwise they cannot be brought out by the escape route.

Becoming Xu Lai's subordinate, among other things, at least the movement speed can be doubled.

Even if this is an extraordinary world with a straight-line distance of 6 or 7 kilometers, and the actual distance may exceed 10 kilometers, it will take at least half a day to walk there.

The main reason is that there are too many people. Although there are only more than 2,000 people, it is much more difficult to manage a cavalry that is 200 smaller than before.

Even with Xu Lai's acceleration effect, the normal acceleration should be twice the original, but in fact it is considered good to have the original 1.2 or 1.3.

Because sometimes, the reason why you can't get faster is not speed at all.

For example, narrow intersections, congestion caused by traffic, various accidents during the march, twisted feet, falls, lost, etc.

Xu Lai was determined not to care about these shabby things, but he knew that unless he no longer led a large army or recruited all soldiers, he would have to face this scene sooner or later and must learn it.

Of course, even at that time, Xu Lai could only lead those troops who had received certain military training and who at least would not have any problems marching.

For this kind of army, which is mainly composed of farmers, the more people there are, the more problems there will be. Even if the gods come, it will take time to slowly train them.

Fortunately, there were many managers in the queue. In addition to the rangers brought out by Xu Lai, these hard workers were also managed by the orcs.

In addition, Harris and other representatives elected by everyone came forward to restrain the team. At the end, the team finally had order and was no longer stagnant due to trivial matters and accidents.

Seeing that the march was already taking shape, Xu Lai left Seraph Elvi here to hold the battle, and he took a group of royal griffons and Yu Lan to rush to the human town first.

There are 2,300 people. I don’t know if that town has such a large population. Of course, it is impossible to block everyone’s home.

So Xu Lai wanted to fly over first to negotiate with the other party and try not to cause conflicts.

After all, there are foreign species such as wolf-headed men and lizard-men in his team, which can easily cause misunderstandings.

Xu Lai had a good idea. He was a noble, had a huge reputation, and only brought a few flying troops, so there should be no problems.

But when Xu Lai approached, the imperial town still rang with piercing bells.

Xu Lai is very familiar with the sound of this bell. There are such alarm bells on his watchtower and arrow tower.

The alarm bell sounded, indicating that the town was about to enter a state of alert. If Xu Lai tried to forcefully approach again, he would probably be attacked by the opponent.

So, Xu Lai stopped about 500 meters away from the town. With the blessing of the arrow tower, this attack distance was enough for the archer on the arrow tower to attack.

However, this town does not have walls, so if there is a fight, the knights behind him will probably charge and wipe out all the defensive forces in the town.

Therefore, Xu Lai was very confident and took the initiative to stand within the opponent's attack range.

Although Xu Lai's cavalry is still far away, if they really want to come, they will be there in a blink of an eye.

Having played tricks on the former army commander of the orcs, and even killed the careless orc leader, Xu Lai had already gained confidence.

Even if there was no way to escape, even if there were only those two thousand farmers, Xu Lai was confident of destroying the town.

Xu Lai took the initiative to land on the ground and was exposed to the opponent's attack range. He didn't even have a guard around him.

Wearing the life amulet, he has nearly 700 points of life, including the physical bonus, and an average of nearly 100 points of full-body armor, allowing Xu Lai to dare to stand alone in front of other people's towns.

"Stop coming, you are not welcome in Green Forest Town!"

After waiting for a long time, Xu Lai finally waited until someone appeared. A group of fully equipped shield-bearing infantry and dozens of militiamen walked out of the town under the leadership of an imperial general who looked like a leader.

Xu Lai rolled his eyes, but his battle flag was still behind, and he only wore the medal of the honorary knight of the temple. No one had yet made a badge with his noble logo for him.

Therefore, the other party failed to recognize his identity as an imperial baron, and Xu Lai expressed that he could generously forgive the other party.

"Excuse me, are you the mayor of Green Forest Town?"

Xu Lai asked politely.

This man was surrounded by more than 20 heavy infantrymen of at least level 4, and behind him were 5 or 60 level 1 gun-wielding militiamen, but behind Xu Lai there were only 13 griffons.

But even so, it is still the other person who is afraid.

“I’m not the mayor, I’m the Sheriff of Greenwood Town.

Your appearance has seriously hindered our life in Green Forest Town. Please don't come near us anymore. Our Green Forest Town does not welcome outsiders. "

Xu Lai frowned. He had given in repeatedly. In order to show his sincerity, he didn't even have a guard around him.

"Okay, Mr. Sheriff, even if you don't let me enter the town, you must tell me the reason.

Or, your town is no longer an empire town. If that's the case, can you let me meet the mayor of your town? "

Xu Lai's reputation was very high. Killing the leader of the orc clan increased his reputation to a terrifying level of 2630 points.

You know, when Xu Lai annihilated a thousand wild monsters for the first time, he only gained 10 reputation points, and it was only the first time.

As mentioned before, for aborigines, reputation is the most intuitive attribute, just like you can see the opponent's level at a glance when playing a game.

2630 reputation points, in the eyes of this Sheriff whose reputation does not exceed 20 points, is basically equivalent to encountering a level 99 terrifying boss in Novice Village.

"Please wait a moment, your Excellency. I have already sent someone to ask the mayor to come over."

Xu Lai still wants to continue to hang out in the empire. He has finally gained such a high reputation in the empire, and he doesn't want to lower his basic favorability in the empire.

Shrugging helplessly, Xu Lai had no choice but to continue waiting where he was.

However, he still didn’t know when the mayor would arrive, so Xu Lai couldn’t help but continue chatting with the sheriff:

"Your Majesty the Sheriff, if you don't mind, could you please invite the priest from the temple as well?"

Judging from the Sheriff's reaction, Xu Lai's appearance was probably quite scary, and the Sheriff's statement that outsiders were not welcome in Green Forest Town was probably not without purpose.

Xu Lai has a good relationship with the temple. Even if he doesn't know the clergy here, they can at least understand the Knight of Honor medal hanging on his chest.

The medal of an honorary knight is equivalent to the official level of a temple knight. An official temple knight is a sixth-level clergyman. Even if his honorary knight status does not increase his salary, it is at least equivalent to a sixth-level clergyman.

However, the Sheriff on the opposite side shook his head and said: "Sorry, Bishop Beckman of Greenwood Town and his pastor were all recruited to the sacred Norwalk Mountain.

Currently, there are no clergy in Greenwood Town. "

"Norwalk Mountain? Where is that place?" (End of Chapter)

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