The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 251 Sacred Novak Mountain

As soon as Xu Lai finished speaking, the infantry and militiamen on the opposite side immediately started to commotion.

Some people even drew their weapons directly, and finally hid behind their shields under the stern gaze of the Sheriff.

The sheriff did not carry a shield, but he carried a two-handed giant sword behind his back. Xu Lai guessed that he should be a swordsman of at least level 5.

"Your Excellency, you don't know Mount Norwalk?"

Xu Lai had obtained some information from the temple and had some impressions of the important cities in the empire, but he really didn't remember that much about the mountains, rivers, etc. of the empire.

The territory of the empire was too vast, almost wider than a complete continent on Earth. It was unrealistic for him to memorize so much information in a hurry.

What's more, Xu Lai is not interested in these yet.

"Do I have to know Mount Novak? Or do you think that because I don't know Mount Novak, I am not a member of the Empire? Could it be that I'm a demon?"

As soon as Xu Lai finished speaking, the infantrymen on the opposite side all drew their weapons.

On the arrow tower behind these infantry, the alert archers may not be able to hear what they are saying, but they must have seen the scene of the swordsman fighting at the door.

Yu Lan on the ground raised her wings, and she also saw the arrows aimed at them.

To be honest, although Xu Lai went to the wilderness for his own personal gain, part of it was to repay the temple's kindness.

Moreover, what he did at least brought back an army of ogres and an army of wolf cavalry for Count Aini on the front line, and successfully caused serious problems in the orcs' logistics.

It can be said that as long as Count Aini is stable and does not allow the orcs to obtain too much food and grass from the grassland, the orcs will retreat within a month.

Or, the orcs will use all their strength and concentrate the power of the entire camp to invade.

It's hard to say what else. Once the main force of the orcs leaves, the wild land will definitely be occupied by the fortress.

This possibility cannot be said to be nonexistent, but it can only be said to be very low.

Therefore, Xu Lai believed that he had made great contributions to the empire. Now that he had just escaped from the wilderness and was being treated like this by his own people, Xu Lai could not help but be angry.

It's just that he is no longer what he used to be. After all, he is a person who has experienced countless big scenes, and he will not be overjoyed for such a small scene.

"If you all sheath your swords now and put away the bows and arrows aimed at me, I will treat this as a misunderstanding.

If you are unable to do it within ten breaths, I can only regard it as a provocation to me, and I will use all means to maintain the dignity of myself, the Imperial Baron, and the Lord of Qingfeng Castle. "

Xu Lai was afraid of any misunderstanding, so he specifically stated his identity.

Sure enough, when Xu Zizi revealed his identity as the Imperial Baron, the Sheriff coughed and motioned to his men to put away their weapons.

"Sorry, we are being invaded by demons. If you are really an imperial noble, please don't make such a joke."

"Invaded by demons? Is this the Western Empire or the Northern Empire?"

The Sheriff glanced at Xu Lai with an unusual expression. Just as he was about to answer, the mayor of Green Forest Town finally arrived late.

The mayor did not come alone. He was followed by several knights. Except for the one beside the mayor, the knights behind him were all dressed in standard ranger attire.

Xu Lai was so familiar with this outfit, and he could tell at a glance that they were all recruiting soldiers.

When serious rangers are recruited into the army, even if they have to wear uniforms, they must wear more conspicuous medals and ribbons on their chests, arms and other places to identify themselves and distinguish them from other noble troops.

You can only recruit soldiers, and you cannot equip them with any additional equipment. You can only use different battle flags to distinguish them.

As for the real knight next to him, Xu Lai also recognized it at a glance. He was dressed in a nondescript outfit, similar to Xu Lai's own, except that the other knight's equipment could not be as good as his.

"What is the Baron of the Empire, the Lord of Qingfeng Castle? The empire has been established for so long, and I have never heard of such a Qingfeng Territory.

Since you say you are an imperial baron, where is your noble coat of arms? "

The coat of arms of the nobility represents the status of a noble and should generally be issued by the Parliament of Nobles.

However, the empire has been divided, and the noble council will certainly not be able to do such a thing anymore, so Xu Lai should ask who canonize him.

Count Aini has recorded Xu Lai's emblem, which is the image of a knight stabbing Behemoth to death, but the noble emblem was not able to be sent to Xu Lai for a while.

After all, the two of them had not seen each other since the end of the war.

Count Aini couldn't just send someone to deliver this kind of thing to Xu Lai.

Even if Count Aini really sent someone to deliver it, Xu Lailonggong didn't stay in his fortress for a few days, so it would be difficult to meet him.

Seeing that Xu Lai couldn't answer the question for a while, the mayor was even more proud. He snorted coldly:

"Don't think that I can't recognize your identity. Judging from your attire, you should be a hero from heaven.

However, although the fallen heroes can also control the recruitment of soldiers, they are not nobles after all. Pretending to be a noble is a very serious crime in the empire! "

Xu Lai didn't bother to argue. Anyway, his flag was right behind him and it would probably be in sight in an hour or two at most.

His giant beast killer battle flag was directly stripped away by the golden light. As Xu Lai's family symbol, this pattern was recorded by Count Aini and the temple.

Although there are no clergy in Greenwood Town, the church should still be there, and there should also be apprentices who are not qualified to go to the battlefield.

When the time comes, all he needs to do is let them check the pattern. Wouldn't that be more convincing than his empty words?

"Mr. Mayor, I don't want to discuss the issue of imperial nobles with you now. Can you tell me where Greenwood Town is?"

Although the mayor has indeed never heard of Qingfeng Territory, such a name cannot exist on the land of the empire.

But Xu Lai's reputation was not fake. Seeing that the other party was still so calm after being exposed by him, the mayor felt a little guilty.

"Greenwood Town is located in the north of the empire. It is the territory of Viscount Notting and is protected by His Royal Highness Aled.

No matter who you are, we do not welcome you in Green Forest Town. "

"Your Highness Aled, that means this is the territory of the Northern Empire, so it's not too bad."

What Xu Lai fears most is that he is transported directly to the Eastern Empire or the Southern Empire. If he goes to those two places, it will not only be a thousand kilometers to get home, but it will probably be tens of thousands of kilometers around.

Just the food and other expenses that need to be purchased along the way may be an astronomical figure.

If that's the case, Xu Lai would have to consider settling the people he brought back nearby. Xu Lai still has a lot of castle heart in him.

Some are unused, and some are obtained from destroying orc towns in the wilderness.

Not long ago, Harris gave him a fortress-level Castle Heart, which was supposed to be obtained by destroying Kuba City.

This old guy was much more ruthless than him, and he was worried about those who couldn't be taken away. As a result, in order to take revenge on the orcs, this old guy didn't even care about the hard workers who suffered together.

Of course, this does not mean that Harris and the others are inhumane. Anyway, most of the people left behind are lizards and werewolves.

The human race doesn't have any feelings for these races. Harris will naturally not feel any burden if he tricks them.

Therefore, as long as Xu Lai is willing, he can build another city anywhere at any time.

It just needs to be planned well, otherwise it will be built randomly, offending the local nobles, and probably being punished by them.

But now that we are in the Northern Empire, we don't have to worry too much. Even in the farthest reaches of the Northern Empire, it doesn't take long to return to the grassland.

If we can find a teleportation array, we may be able to reach Pingfeng Grassland in two or three days. Count Aini's castle has a large teleportation array.

"Then, Mr. Mayor, could you please introduce me to Viscount Notting?

Alternatively, Mr. Mayor can tell me where Viscount Notting's city is, and I can visit him myself. "

The viscounty should have a base camp-level city. In a city of this level, as long as the lord is willing, a small teleportation array can be built.

Of course Xu Lai couldn't go back on his own, but since he hadn't returned to the territory for nearly a month, he was still worried about his Qingfeng Castle.

The most important thing is that the large teleportation array in the castle cannot be used casually by him. Xu Lai first finds Viscount Notting, establishes a good relationship with him, and then asks him to introduce him, the success rate will be higher.

However, the mayor opposite him looked like he was looking at a fool.

"Where do you come from? Even if you are a hero from heaven, it's impossible that you don't know the current situation in the Northern Empire."

Xu Lai shrugged and said, "I was about to ask."

The mayor was speechless and glanced at the human hero following him.

The man seemed to understand the mayor's thoughts very well. He took the initiative to get out of the crowd, followed closely by the six rangers behind him.

With Xu Lai's keen perception, he could also feel the gaze from the arrow tower. There should be men of this human hero on top.

"What's your brother's name and where are you from?

The ones you brought are griffins, right? Why is there a big eagle? I remember that there shouldn't be such a unit in the empire sequence. Is it hidden? "

Xu Lai didn't like the other party's familiar way, especially when he greeted him cheerfully on the surface, asking only questions, but didn't even introduce himself.

Of course, there may also be elements of hating Ujiya. After all, they are both human beings. He is treated as an enemy as soon as he appears, which makes no one feel comfortable.

Xu Lailai took care of this guy and once again asked the mayor of Green Forest Town: "Does the mayor have to regard us as enemies?"

The mayor was silent for a moment.

Whether it's the griffons around Xu Lai or the equipment on Xu Lai's body that is immediately valuable.

Or perhaps the pressure brought by Xu Lai's terrifying reputation did not allow him to ignore Xu Lai's questions again and again.

"The Northern Empire is currently being invaded by demons. While we are fighting against the traitors in the Western Empire, we are dividing our forces into two groups.

One way entered the hinterland of the Western Empire, and the other way occupied the sacred Novak Mountain.

His Highness Aled has called on all the lords to encircle and suppress the demons on Novak Mountain. "

Xu Lai nodded and said: "I just heard that all the clergy in your town were recruited. I want to ask is Novak Mountain really so important?"

The mayor glanced at Xu Lai and saw that his face was really full of curiosity. He sighed and said:

"There is nothing strange about Mount Novak. What is strange is that on the top of Mount Novak, there is the only mountain fortress in the entire empire!" (End of this chapter)

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