The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 252 Mountain Fortress

[Mountain Fortress]: The force that occupies this building can upgrade all the upgradeable creatures under its command here (only the recruited creatures are included).

Note 1: After meeting the experience requirements, first-level warriors can be upgraded in the mountain fortress unconditionally. If the experience is not met, they can be promoted at half price.

Note 2: All creatures can only be advanced once in the Alpine Fortress. Creatures that have been advanced in the building cannot be advanced in the Alpine Fortress (for example, if the level 3 archer has been upgraded to a long archer in the longbow camp, it will not be allowed). You can continue to advance in the mountain fortress)

Note 3: Level 8 creatures can be advanced to level 9 creatures in the mountain fortress, but level 8 creatures cannot be advanced to become the only level 9 creatures in the mountain fortress, unless other conditions for the only level 9 creatures are met.

Note 4: The mountain fortress cannot be destroyed or moved. Creatures that need to advance must enter the mountain fortress before they can advance.

It wasn't until the other party mentioned the mountain fortress that Xu Lai knew where Lao Shizi's sacred Novak Mountain was.

Because Xu Lai mainly develops in the wild, he pays special attention to treasures of all levels and wild buildings.

Among the treasures, the one he was most interested in was the flying treasure mentioned earlier. Among the outdoor buildings, what Xu Lai was most interested in was the mountain fortress that allowed all creatures to advance once.

It is mentioned in the information that this mountain fortress was granted to his youngest son by the first Supreme King Aled.

Also relying on this mountain fortress, among Aled's countless bloodlines, this one is the only one that has never been lonely.

The current patriarch of this branch is still the younger brother of the late 36th Supreme King Aled in terms of seniority. Although the bloodline is somewhat distant, he is indeed qualified to inherit the throne of Aled.

Xu Lai only remembered that the mountain fortress was located in the middle of the Northern Empire. It should be near the castle of the Grand Duke of Aled. No, it should now be called the castle of the Northern King Aled.

Because of the indestructibility of the mountain fortress, the Nowak Mountain where the mountain fortress is located, also known as the sacred Nowak Mountain, cannot be destroyed.

This is a solid mountain. Even if it is a stone on the mountain, no one can move it down.

The first Duke of Aled could only choose to build a castle near Norwalk Hill, but could not build it on the mountain.

But from what the mayor said, this sacred Novak Mountain has been occupied by demons.

Now that Mount Novak has been occupied by demons, what about the Emerald Castle at the foot of the mountain, which is famous throughout the empire?

"Emerald Castle? His Highness Aled's Emerald Castle was controlled by the great demons who teleported into the city with the help of the demons at the beginning of the war."

"The devil's agent? Is he a hero from heaven?"

The mayor shook his head and said: "I don't know about that. Anyway, demons can turn into human forms. They just need to hide their devil horns and cover up their aura."

Xu Lai was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "So you think that I might be a devil in disguise.

But if I am a devil pretending to be a devil, why am I here talking nonsense to you for a long time? Do I want to take advantage of your town?

With all due respect, your town doesn't even have a wall. It doesn't take me half a day to defeat it. It's far better than me talking nonsense to you here. "

The clay figurine is still angry and has been targeted until now. Even if he knew the reason, Xu Lai couldn't help but make a little sarcasm.

"Brother, you sound too crazy.

Your griffins are very big, so they must all be advanced combat griffins.

I heard that the combat gryphon's dive damage is very high, it is also group damage, and it can fly away after the fight. In the wild, it constantly relies on dive damage to kill enemies, and it can indeed kill many wild monsters across levels.

But if you think that these flying gryphons can boast freely in Greenwood Town, you are not taking me seriously! "

Xu Lai finally turned his head, no longer staring at the mayor, but at the fellow from Earth.

"So, who are you?"

Silence, deafening silence.

The man said with a constipated expression: "You don't need to care who I am, as long as you know that the rangers behind me are all perfect archers."

Xu Lai still recognized the ranger's strength, so he nodded and said:

"So, you too?"

Finally, the man was offended by Xu Lai and shouted loudly:

"Is it interesting for you to pretend to be stupid? I don't believe you don't know who I am. You are obviously a hero, but you have to pretend to be a native. Why? Are the natives nobler than us?"

After saying this, the natives in the man's mouth all looked at him with unkind expressions.

This man probably knew that he had said the wrong thing in a hurry, but the words had already been said and could not be taken back like water poured out.

But at this time, Xu Lai waved his hand and said with added jealousy:

"Why do you understand so much? I said I was from the Empire, but I didn't say I wasn't a hero.

What happened to being a hero? Are heroes nobler than Imperials? What’s there to show off! "

The man probably still wanted to explain, but the mayor said: "Your Excellency, Hero, this is the village chief of Nanshan Village affiliated to Green Forest Town."

Xu Lai nodded, made a deliberate sound, and said, "Oh... the attached village."

The sarcasm in his tone made Xu Lai want to hit someone. The man opposite him was so angry that his face turned red and his hand was on the weapon.

Xu Lai smiled slightly and didn't care at all. Even if the other party took out a bunch of spell scrolls, it would take him a long time to tear them apart.

With this time, Xu Lai can control him just by being blind. Is there any need to be anxious?

Seeing the contemptuous smile on Xu Lai's face, the man was so angry that he almost couldn't help but take action. At this time, the alarm bell sounded again from the arrow tower behind him.

Everyone looked behind Xu Lai, and even Xu Lai looked over.

A group of knights are approaching here at an astonishing speed. All of them are wearing white horses and silver armor. The leading knight is also holding a tall flag.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, those are my subordinates.

I flew here, so I was a step faster. They came a little slower. "

Although Xu Lai told them not to be nervous, both the mayor and the sheriff became obviously more nervous.

The mayor and the sheriff are both quite knowledgeable. It can be seen from the costumes of this team of 12 people that they are all the top heroes among the archers.

Although there are 6 rangers on our side, they are still only half the number, not to mention one level behind others.

Moreover, looking at the movement speed of this group of heroes, they are faster than the six rangers before they even start charging. It can be seen that in terms of attributes, our own heroes are also far behind others.

The Sheriff was secretly lucky that he was a professional and understood better than a civilian like the mayor how rare prestige was.

So all along, even if he couldn't tell Xu Lai's identity, he was cautious and polite.

Unlike the later mayor and the pretty boy hero, these two people looked down on others and didn't know what to say.

But it's no wonder that the mayor is a relative of Viscount Notting. The pretty boy fawns over the mayor. He also has a team of elite archers and a team of elite archers. No one usually pays attention to him.

Unlike the Sheriff who was still a little happy in his heart, looking at the galloping heroes, the Mayor's heart was really frightened.

Unlike the griffons, the heroes were top-notch horse archers. There were only 12 of them. With 13 griffons and an unknown giant eagle, the few people in their town might not be their opponents.

The hero was also sweating on his forehead. His face was turning red and he was about to take action impulsively.

But when he saw the galloping hero, cold sweat instantly flowed from the hero's forehead.

He knew best what his own rangers were capable of, but the other knights were obviously more powerful than the rangers.

If he had not held back just now and had taken action accidentally, those knights would have sent him to the west if they had only shot one arrow, not to mention one arrow per person.

Now, the head of Nanshan Village has a big head, and he regrets that he took the lead too quickly just now.

When the flag came to Xu Lai, Xu Lai said to the mayor: "Mr. Mayor, can this flag prove my identity?

Or do you need to go to the church and compare the patterns to see if I am the real Imperial Baron? "

Yan Feng frowned and said loudly before he got off his horse: "Lord Baron, the people in this town actually dare to point their arrows at you, do you want me to shoot them all down?"

Don't worry, even if they hide behind the arrow tower, we can definitely shoot them down! "

The head of Nanshan Village frowned. Not only were all his soldiers on the arrow tower, at least most of them were his soldiers, and there was also an archer general who he had worked hard to train.

If he was shot to death for no apparent reason, let alone whether the unlucky mayor was willing to stand up for him. Even if he was willing to stand up, no one would compensate him for his losses.

"Brother, brother, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

The village chief was stammering and speechless, and Xu Lai didn't bother to talk to him, looking directly at the mayor of Green Forest Town.

The mayor glanced at Xu Lai's flag with a guilty conscience, considered it for a long time, and said:

"Even though your Excellency is an imperial baron, the empire has been divided now. His Highness Aled has established the Northern Empire and has received unanimous support from the northern nobles."

Xu Lai waved his hand and said: "I'm not here to ask for my noble treatment, nor do I have any objections to His Highness Aled's leadership of the Northern Empire.

I just want to tell you that I am a genuine Imperial person. I am here to seek some help from your town. "

"Help? What kind of help?"

Xu Lai said: "I need to buy some grain and grass, whether it is meat or feed for cattle and horses, I need it.

If possible, I would also like to ask the mayor to provide me with a detailed map of the Northern Empire.

I need to borrow Daobei Empire to go to Pingfeng Grassland. "

After hearing Xu Lai's request, the mayor breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Lai's troops looked scary. With nearly 30 top warriors, it was not impossible to destroy his town.

But although these people are of high rank, after all, their number is small, less than 30. No matter how much they can eat, they can eat as much as they want.

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