The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 253 Gate of Time and Space

"There is no problem with the food and grass. Although Viscount Nordin only collected a wave of food and grass before he went on the expedition, the crops grew fast enough.

Your Excellency, Baron, don't say whether you want to buy it or not. As an offense to Your Excellency before, I will decide how much food and grass you need and give it to you. "

Xu Lai glanced at the other party with a half-smile and said: "It's better not to give up. We heroes always pay attention to a fair deal.

Besides, I may need a lot of food and grass, and the mayor may not be able to provide it. "

Normally, the mayor might just borrow Poxiadonkey, but what happened now? It was like the whole town was staring at him.

Therefore, knowing that Xu Lai did it on purpose, the mayor still gritted his teeth and said:

"Your Majesty is laughing at me. I dare not say that there are too many. Green Forest Town can still afford to provide you and your men with food and grass for a week or two."

Greenwood Town is located in the southeast of the Northern Empire and is a relatively prosperous area of ​​the Northern Empire.

Assuming 2 units of food per person per day, 30 people can only eat 60 units a day, 420 units a week, and less than 1,000 units in two weeks.

As the mayor of the town, he decided to send out a thousand units of food. Even if Viscount Notting found out, it would not be a big deal.

"Well, I may have a lot of subordinates."

Although Xu Lai was telling the truth, in the view of the mayor of Green Forest Town, it was just Xu Lai, an outsider, who was greedy and wanted to make more after knowing that he was giving it away for free.

However, Greenwood Town has been in peace for a long time, and even the militia guards were recruited because the demons have been causing trouble recently, so the mayor still hopes to save money and avoid disasters.

At worst, after Viscount Nordin returns with his large army, he will report properly to the Viscount.

"How much do you want, you might as well give a number, and all the citizens of Green Forest Town will get it together for you."

Xu Lai smiled slightly and said, "Look, you think I'm lying to you, but actually I've always told the truth.

I won’t hide it from you. I have more than a hundred troops like this under my command.

But just supplementing the food and fodder of these more than 100 people is still far from enough.

I need to feed 3,000 people for at least a week. Can Mr. Mayor afford it? "

"More, how much? 3,000!

Are you kidding me? You have 3,000 troops at the level of Hero, not to mention Greenwood Town. Even if you occupy Viscount Nordin's White Rock City, Sir Aled will still have to bite the bullet and grant you the title of earl. "

Xu Lai, with less than 100 knights, dared to roam on the edge of the wilderness.

Xu Lai really didn't dare to imagine the spectacular scene if he brought 3,000 heroes.

With his speed, coupled with the hero's high hit rate and high damage, it is really possible for gods to block gods and Buddhas to block Buddhas, and it is impossible for others to even get close to him.

The mayor of Green Forest Town was willing to provide food and grass, so Xu Lai was not angry and said with a smile:

"Mr. Mayor, you heard wrong. I only have more than a hundred such troops, and the remaining 3,000 are just relocated villagers."

"More than a hundred. Do you know how many gold coins it costs to recruit a hundred top-level soldiers?" The mayor still didn't believe it.

Xu Lai has never directly recruited a seventh-level hero, but just to advance from a low level to this level will cost about 4,000 gold coins.

Xu Lai has not yet calculated the experience needed to advance this way. If he recruits them directly, Xu Lai would believe it even if he has ten thousand gold coins.

So, more than one hundred means more than one million gold coins.

Not to mention the mayor of Greenwood Town, even the Viscount Nordin, as he calls it, cannot afford such a huge sum of money at once.

"I don't need to lie. If you don't believe it, Mr. Mayor, you might as well wait and see.

It is estimated that in about an hour, you should be able to see it from the arrow tower.

While I'm waiting, why not ask the mayor to tell me about the recent war situation in the Northern Empire, how I should go if I want to return to Pingfeng Grassland, and whether there is a faster shortcut. "

Seeing Xu Lai's confident expression, although the mayor was still reluctant to believe it, he couldn't raise any more questions.

“I don’t know much about the situation of the war, so why don’t you ask our Sheriff later.

Oh, by the way, the head of Nanshan Village, His Excellency the Hero Luo Mingru, should also know very well. "

The mayor of Nanshan Village, who wanted to sneak away quietly after being called out by the mayor, smiled and did not dare to talk.

“As for Pingfeng Grassland, I have never been there.

However, I did meet a horse team from Pingfeng Grassland in Emerald City, and I bought two horses from them. The price was much cheaper than ours. "

The mayor talked a lot absent-mindedly, telling everything he knew about Pingfeng Grassland.

However, there was not much useful information. At most, it told Xu Lai the general location of Pingfeng Grassland, which was located southwest of Emerald City.

As for how long it would take to get to Pingfeng Grassland and how far the distance was, the mayor had no idea.

The only valuable information he provided was probably that the horse team had spent more than half a month traveling from Pingfeng Grassland to Emerald City for trading.

They are here to sell horses, so there must be a lot of horses in the team. Not to mention one person with two horses, it is normal for one person to have three horses or four horses.

Such a team would take more than half a month.

Then, it may take two or three months for him to take more people on foot.

If something unexpected happens midway, the Northern Empire is not at peace now, and he may have to travel for more than half a year before he can go back.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Xu Lai.

Putting aside the issue of time, just the food supplies needed for such a long time are an unimaginable burden.

Back in the empire, Xu Lai could at least often see grassland and replenish water resources in the wild, which had saved a lot of money.

However, even so, with more than two thousand units of food consumed a day, even if Xu Lai had money, he might not have anywhere to buy it.

"In that case, is there really no shortcut?"

The mayor fell into silence, and after thinking for a long time he said:

"Emerald City has a large teleportation array. In the past, if you could afford the cost, you could use the teleportation array to teleport to the city closest to Pingfeng Grassland.

But now that the Emerald City is in the hands of the demons, this road may not work.

I also heard before that the magic guild in Emerald City would be upgraded to level 4, and there used to be scrolls for sale there.

Although the price is a bit expensive, it is still more cost-effective than using the teleportation array. "

Xu Lai's eyes lit up and he said, "Can this city return scroll be used to return to the designated city?"

The mayor was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "The scroll of return to the city is an extremely precious item. I have never seen it before, so I don't know how to use it."

"Well, I know. I've seen it before. I've been in the magic guild in Emerald City, and I even asked about the magic of returning to the city."

When Xu Laizheng was disappointed, Luo Mingru, who had looked miserable just now, now looked excited.

Xu glanced at him, silently took out a crystal from his space backpack, threw it to him and said:

"Then I'm sorry to trouble Brother Luo. Please tell me in detail."

Luo Mingru swallowed. Although crystals were not the rare resource most needed by the empire, they were still in high demand.

The crystal clear appearance makes crystal also have powerful decorative properties. Although it cannot be compared with colorful gemstones, it is still a very valuable treasure after all.

This unit of crystal is not too easy to buy the thousand units of food that the mayor just mentioned.

Of course, with the war now, the price of food has also risen.

However, crystals are also a resource needed to upgrade buildings, advance troops, and create advanced equipment. They are not like antique calligraphy and paintings that fall sharply at the beginning of a war.

Xu Lai's generosity was so generous that Luo Mingru couldn't close his mouth. The mayor on the side was also extremely envious.

If Luo Mingru had known, Xu Lai would have only intended to throw a gold coin for the sake of his being a hero.

Apart from mercury, this is the most stuff in his backpack.

However, mercury was not taken seriously in the empire, so they simply threw a crystal out to save the mayor of Green Forest Town from thinking that he was here to fight the autumn wind.

“The scroll of return to the city that Mayor Devlin mentioned just now is actually a level 4 spell derived from a level 4 magic guild.

The effect of this spell is the same as the recall spell we use in the game. It can instantly bring the hero and the troops directly under the hero back to the settlement owned by the hero.

The full name of the spell is called the Gate of Time and Space. I heard from the mage who introduced it that it temporarily opens a space gate, and after passing through it, you return to the settlement.

The Gate of Time and Space is an earth spell and enjoys the bonus of earth magic.

The mage who introduced me didn't tell me much after he knew I couldn't afford it.

He just told me that if I need to pinpoint a certain settlement, I must have at least advanced earth magic. "

"Precise positioning? In other words, ordinary time and space gates cannot be accurately positioned?"

Luo Mingru shook his head and said: "Actually, we can still use even the most basic gate of time and space.

Most of the town-returning scrolls sold on the market are made using elementary time-space gate spells.

Ordinary time and space gates are opened for a relatively short time, and only a small number of people are allowed to enter and exit.

The primary gate of time and space lasts longer and allows the hero and all the troops directly affiliated with the hero to enter and exit, but the settlements returned are still random.

However, if the hero who uses the Gate of Time and Space only owns one settlement, then the so-called randomness does not exist, and he will inevitably return to this settlement as long as he uses it. "

Xu Lai smiled and said: "So is this telling us not to bury the heart of the castle indiscriminately in the future?"

Luo Mingru smiled bitterly and said: "It would be great if us ordinary heroes could have a castle heart. There are still many more we can bury everywhere."

Xu glanced at his ranger troops and said, "Six rangers are no ordinary people."

Luo Mingru's words were stuck in his throat and he didn't know how to speak. He already believed that Xu Lai had more than a hundred such top soldiers.

"That is to say, as long as I can buy a scroll like this to return to the city, I can take all my people away, right?" (End of Chapter)

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