The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 254 The Pig Raising Tactics of the Hell Camp

Luo Mingru nodded and said: "Theoretically, this is the case, but you need to pay attention to the identification when buying it. You must buy at least an entry-level time and space gate. An ordinary time and space gate can bring up to two to three hundred people.

In addition, casting the Gate of Time and Space requires a lot of physical strength and mana, and it also takes a long time to guide the spell. In addition, it takes a long time to transfer, so it is not suitable for use on the battlefield.

After all, the Gate of Time and Space is not a real return spell. It cannot be released in a few seconds and take away everyone in an instant. "

Xu Lai smiled and said: "Your reminder is very necessary, so I would like to ask, where can I buy the scroll of the Gate of Time and Space?"

Luo Mingru smiled bitterly and said: "In the past, the magic guild in Emerald City would have been for sale.

It's a pity that I couldn't afford it before, otherwise I could give it to you now. "

Xu Lai narrowed his eyes. Even if he had no social experience, it would be impossible for him to believe such words.

Of course, since it is a scene, there is no need to expose it.

"I still want to know where to get the scroll of the Gate of Time and Space."

Luo Mingru thought for a while and said: "The magic guilds in Emerald City sold a lot before, but most of them were bought by nobles. Ordinary people can't afford such high-end gadgets.

If you wanted to buy it before, just go to the castles of various nobles and find them to trade. It may be a bit difficult now. "

Xu Lai asked: "Is it because of the battle with the devil again?"

Luo Mingru nodded and said: "It's not just because of the battle with the devil. The nobles of the Northern Empire just went to war with the Western Empire, and they haven't signed a peace agreement yet. Strictly speaking, they are still at war.

That's why we were so nervous when you showed up before. We thought the nobles of the Western Empire were coming again. "

Xu Lai frowned and said, "Just tell me where I want to find them now."

Luo Mingru glanced at Xu Lai and didn't dare to speak for a long time.

Because he just thought that if his answer was not answered correctly, it might cause unnecessary misunderstandings to the boss in front of him.

Xu Lai frowned and urged impatiently: "Hurry up and say it. No matter what the answer is, it is something I need to consider and it has nothing to do with you."

“Now, all the nobles of the entire Northern Empire, including the heroes who followed the nobles, have been recruited to the Emerald City.

If you want to find them, I'm afraid you have to go there.

Of course, you can also go to the major castles and ask. Some nobles may leave the family's heirs behind, or assign heirs to respond to the call. "

Xu Lai frowned and said: "Apart from these nobles, no one else bought it, such as businessmen and the like?"

The Time Gate Scroll can bring all the troops home. Even if it is not instant, it is a very useful strategic item.

Those merchants, even if they are reluctant to use it, can earn an unknown amount of gold coins by reselling it.

Besides, unless the spell scroll is torn directly, it will always be useful. It will cost you a lot of gold coins to copy it in the magic guild.

Xu Lai just copied a level 2 spell called Blindness, which cost him 5,000 gold coins at that time. If this was a level 4 spell, it would cost at least 5 or 6 times.

Moreover, the transcription also requires wisdom, and the spell scroll only requires you to hold this scroll.

Luo Mingru smiled bitterly and said: "Businessmen? Businessmen are not even qualified to enter the gate. In the magic guild, except for mages, only heroes and nobles can enter.

Of course, there is no guarantee that some nobles will sell the scrolls to merchants.

But His Highness Aled has a rule that the Gate of Time spells and scrolls are strategic materials, and each noble or hero can only purchase them once within five years.

The gate of time and space spell is very useful, but not every level 4 magic guild can research it. In the entire Northern Empire, it is only available in Emerald City.

If you need it, I can find someone to help you ask in a nearby big city, but the probability will be very low, especially since I heard recently that fighting demons is not very beneficial. "

When Xu Lai was still in Hard Rock Castle, he heard Bishop Duer and others say that with the war between the two empires in the northwest, the demons' sneak attack seemed to go smoothly.

The Angel Legion and the Temple Knights were all in a hurry to come back and fight the demons. For this reason, they did not even care about the ending of the final battle and moved before the battle was completely over.

But after adding the Temple Knights, Angel Legion and several priest groups to the temple, there was still news that the battle was unfavorable.

"I don't know the specific situation very well. Although I know a few heroes who hang out with those nobles, they can't even if they want to pass on the news to me.

All I know are some rumors and the information that spread before His Highness Aled officially conscripted all the nobles in the north. "

Now that the conversation had reached this point, Xu Lai took advantage of the situation and carefully inquired about the battle situation in the Northern Empire.

However, Luo Mingru's answer made Xu Lai unhappy.

At the beginning of the war between the Northern Empire and the demons, the core city of the entire Northern Empire, the Emerald City, was directly occupied by the demons.

As the core city of the Northern Empire, Emerald City's long-term settled population alone exceeds hundreds of thousands. Adding in the floating population of merchants and the affiliated villages and towns around Emerald City, this is a large city of over one million.

Of course, the Emerald City cannot be compared with those modern cities, but if such an important city is occupied by demons, it will have a huge impact on the human economy and morale.

Not to mention, demons and undead are inherently evil, and even compared to demons, undead are better.

With a sufficient population, the demons will inevitably reincarnate these people into new demons to replenish the number of demons.

Moreover, the demons also built the Hell Gate in the Emerald City. This kind of building can directly connect to the hell where the demons are located, and connect with other demon cities through hell.

Theoretically, as long as the demons refuse to give up, they can continuously pass through the gate of hell and send endless demons over.

Of course, this is just a theory, and it is still impossible to do in fact.

First of all, the operation of the Gate of Hell requires a lot of mana consumption, and secondly, there are endless demons in Hell, but it also takes time to be born from the birth pool.

However, the demons possess a flesh-and-blood spell that can accelerate the transformation of the population of other races into demons.

It doesn't matter even if these newly born demons are just the most ordinary low-level demons.

There is a powerful high-level demon in hell named Evil God.

What the evil gods are best at is using the flesh and blood corpses of low-level demons to transform into a middle-level demon called a horned demon.

In other words, as long as there is enough mana and the population of other races is sufficient, the demons can continue to use the populations of other races to convert a large number of low-level demons.

Then let these low-level demons die. On the one hand, these low-level demons can consume the enemy's strength. Secondly, after these low-level demons die, they can be converted into powerful mid-level demons.

This is a very famous tactic of the demon clan, called the pig-raising tactic.

This means that the transformed horned demon is like a pig, with almost no other characteristics except rough skin, thick flesh, and strong ability to withstand blows.

But no matter how rubbish they are, they are still middle-level soldiers, and they will be level 4 when they come out.

If the sacrificed demon was of a higher level, it would be upgraded into an armor-piercing horned devil. That would be a level 5 soldier, and it was a level 5 soldier that could be produced in large quantities.

Then take it to the mountain fortress to upgrade it, and you will be able to produce batches of level 5 and level 6 soldiers.

The mayor of Green Forest Town said that as long as Xu Lai has 3,000 seventh-level soldiers, he can do whatever he wants in the Northern Empire.

Then how terrifying should the opponent be if they have 30,000 or even 300,000 level 6 soldiers?

In addition, the Emerald City is the central city of the Northern Empire, and the city's defense construction is certainly needless to say. However, no matter how powerful the city defense facilities are, it is difficult to defend against internal enemies.

The most terrifying thing is that the long-range troops of the demon clan are a species of demon named Magog.

This kind of demon's long-range ability is not that terrible. It can't even compare with the human shooters of the same level, let alone the elves' shooters of the same level.

Human shooters rely on their advantages of range and high damage. It shouldn't be a problem for one to defeat two or three of the same level.

However, Magog is an advanced form. The initial form of this demon is a low-level demon called a flame thrower.

The flame thrower was nothing. At best, he was just a terrorist who threw Molotov cocktails. Even after he advanced to Gog, he was just a long-range demon who threw fireballs farther and was beaten by level 3 shooters.

However, once Gog advanced into Magog and became a fourth-level intermediate demon, their long-range abilities changed qualitatively.

Unlike archers who shoot farther and farther, and the more they shoot, the more powerful they are, Magog's advancement direction is to shoot more and more.

The fireballs thrown by Magog can cause damage to a large area of ​​enemies at the same time. They are similar to the explosive arrows of the Explosive Archer, except that the power is much worse, but the range is much larger.

Magog at level 4 is already very terrifying, especially when there are more of them and they are protected and blessed by the city defense system.

It can be said that the more troops the human race used to attack the city, the more severe the losses would be under Magog's attack.

This is just Magog who has just entered the intermediate level. In the future, he will change his name to a formal demon, that is, a fire demon who is well-known in all major camps.

After the fire demon, there are the flame troll, the lava troll and the famous Balrog, which is feared by many people.

There is no mention here of the demons who are as famous as hell and angels, the Archdemon, and the Hellboy.

As a demon named after his race, he is naturally good at teleportation and appears on the battlefield, making it difficult for even angels to lock onto his opponent.

Relying on this terrifying teleportation ability, the devil is completely unafraid of the enemy's counterattack and is a natural killer and assassin.

Especially when the demons reach a large scale, no commander can help but be wary as long as they appear on the battlefield. (End of chapter)

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