The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 262 Salary and Bonus

The level 7 firebird's health is not low, not as good as the angels, but it still has 300 health.

However, these 200+ lives were first reduced a lot by the swooping of the Royal Griffin.

Then he faced an 8th-level knight who ignored 35% of his defense, and with the blessing of charge and master-level offensive skills, his attack power was increased to 4,500, a terrifying figure.

For a long time, Elvi's strength made Xu Lai think that all the top units were very powerful.

Although the top-level troops are indeed very powerful, Xu Lai also brought top-level troops with the blessing of a powerful hero.

Under a wave of charges, more than 50 firebirds, with almost no ability to resist, were pierced by spears and turned into flames.

Such a charge completely awakened Xu Lai, at least making him no longer superstitious about the hierarchy of living things.

The ability of a hero, especially a powerful hero, brings to his soldiers a leap beyond the ordinary sense.

The 8th level heroic knight and the 8th level holy light knight bully a group of firebirds, which is basically bullying the small ones.

The key is that these stupid firebirds are still standing on the ground, and the knights are charging. Not to mention the 8th level knights, even the 7th level knights can easily kill these firebirds with Xu Lai's blessing.

With the invincible shield, after killing the firebird, the troops did not stop at all, and destroyed the phoenix behind the firebird in one breath.

After the large army passed by, there were only scattered flames and ashes on the ground. Even the flames around the Firebirds were blocked by the invincible shields. The entire army did not suffer any damage at all.

But the battle was not over. Elvy in the air chopped off the head of the immortal Phoenix with a sword.

Among the ashes on the ground, the two phoenixes were reborn and stood up again.

The two phoenixes flapped their wings twice and flew into the air. After being beaten, they finally knew how to fight back.

However, they still did not fly high, and the mounted archers could still shoot them. Moreover, while the two phoenixes were being restrained by the mounted archers, the royal gryphons in the air of Xu Lai were still chasing after the phoenixes. beat.

Unfortunately, after Phoenix was reborn, the previous sluggishness seemed to be cleared away.

With a full 21 points of movement speed, even without the support of a hero, the Cavalry Archer and Royal Griffin cannot keep up.

Forget about flying a kite. Instead of wasting time running around, just have a head-on fight.

Although one minute of invincibility has expired, it is just a matter of killing two mere Phoenixes with more than 50 health-increasing units behind them.

Xu Lai didn't have much of a problem here, but Elvi had a big headache.

In addition to the inevitable rebirth of the immortal phoenix for the first time, which is equivalent to having two lives, the chance of rebirth will be reduced to half, that is, 50% after dying again.

The key is that this is not the end. The immortal Phoenix still has a 25% chance of getting up after it dies for the third time.

The probability of 25% is actually not low, at one quarter, Elvi's luck is not very good. She killed the dead phoenix for the fourth time despite the rebound damage, and she got up again.

Now that he has achieved this level of virtue, Xu Lai can no longer back down.

Otherwise, after 12 o'clock tonight, people can start again and start from the 100% probability.

No wonder this thing is called the Immortal Phoenix. If it meets an ordinary Seraph, the final result is hard to say.

After all, even if one Seraph can defeat two immortal phoenixes, the outcome of defeating three or four is hard to say.

There is a 25% chance of death, and a 12.5% ​​chance of resurrection, which is also the last chance of resurrection.

Fortunately, this kind of unfortunate thing finally didn't happen to Xu Lai and the others again.

In fact, when people get up at 25%, Xu Lai's probability of being unlucky is only 12.5%. If he gets up again at 12.5, the probability of encountering it is only 1.5625%.

If this happens, Xu Lai will just beat him to death again, but he will definitely find a place where he can gamble and buy a lottery ticket.

The immortal phoenix finally died, and even Elvy, who had always been invincible, was exhausted.

Looking at the puddle of ashes on the ground, there seemed to be shadows, and they deliberately walked farther away when walking.

As a level 7 creature, the Firebird must no longer be like those skeletons and stone men who drop some bone powder and stones to fool things around.

Xu Lai asked everyone to collect together, and the efficiency was indeed much faster than before. He also obtained a lot of gold coins, more than 6,000 gold coins, and a dozen firebird feathers.

[Firebird Feather]*5: Advanced magic material for making fire magic equipment and arrows.

[Phoenix Feather]*2: A very rare fire magic material that can be used to make high-level magic equipment.

[Immortal Phoenix Feather]*1: Top-grade fire magic material, which can be used to make top-grade magic equipment. It is one of the necessary materials for rebirth props such as rebirth ankh and rebirth emblem. (The basic explosion rate is 1 in 10,000. Every time the immortal Phoenix is ​​reborn, the probability increases by 10 times)

Xu Lai's hardship was not in vain, and the time he waited was not wasted. Including the inevitable first rebirth of the immortal phoenix, it was reborn a total of 3 times, which meant that the explosion rate increased by 1,000 times.

It was equivalent to Xu Lai having a one-tenth chance of obtaining this immortal phoenix feather, but he actually obtained it.

And from this immortal phoenix feather, Xu Lai obtained another very important information, that is, there is a magical prop in this world that can bring the dead back to life.

As soon as Elvi was recruited, Xu Lai asked her whether the resurrection spell could resurrect him.

As a result, Elvey said no, ordinary resurrection spells could not directly resurrect the hero.

If Elvi could resurrect Xu Lai, then he would definitely not allow Elvi to resurrect anyone else, and would definitely keep it for him as a guarantee.

Unfortunately, according to Elvi, because the power of rules is condensed on the hero, ordinary resurrection spells cannot resurrect the hero at all.

Of course, there is no way to resurrect the hero. As far as Elvy knows, His Majesty the Pope definitely has a way to resurrect the hero.

On the contrary, undead heroes are easier to resurrect. In other words, they are already dead, but they are just corpses that can move. The so-called resurrection only requires the replacement of a corpse.

But then again, if the souls of undead heroes are purified directly, no resurrection technique can resurrect the undead, including those magical resurrection props.

According to the previous rules, all materials seized outside naturally belong to Xu Lai.

But it doesn't work now. The troops under Xu Lai's command no longer all belong to him as they did before.

He now needs to learn to share the harvest with others, which includes distributing the captured gold coins to all those who contributed today.

Tahan, Yulan, Erwei, Yanfeng, and Yinyi and his elf brothers.

Relying on their gratitude, Xu Lai could of course put all the money into his space backpack as a matter of course. In fact, he did this when he harvested the gold coins guarded by the skeleton soldiers.

But this approach is the most unwise.

The iron rooster still knows how to pluck out his hair. If Xu Lai doesn't pluck out his hair, no one will be willing to follow him in the future.

Besides, it is impossible for the soldiers to go back to farm. If Xu Lai does not pay them wages, it will be useless even if they provide food and shelter. They will not have the ability to spend freely.

Now that the Knights have been established, all affairs must be formalized.

However, there is no one in Xu Lai yet, so the logistics bureaucracy of the traditional knights cannot be arranged yet.

The statistics of meritorious service, salary payment, and material collection are all temporarily handled by Xu Lai, and he can only make do with it haphazardly at first.

Xu Lai will not be paid based on merit for the time being, but only based on position. As the squad leader, Yin Yi will receive 15 gold coins as a bonus, and the other ordinary elves and rangers will all receive 10 gold coins.

As the squadron leader of the third cavalry, Joseph received slightly more, 20 gold coins, 15 for the other squad leaders, and 10 for ordinary rangers.

Finally, there are Yan Feng, Tahan and the others. In addition to the duties of squadron leader, Xu Lai also gave them the appointment of deputy captain, so each of them received 50 gold coins.

Yu Lan did not hold any position in the Knights, so Xu Lai assigned him the identity of an accompanying mage.

Yu Lan is Xu Lai's woman, but since it is business, Xu Lai cannot do business privately.

Fortunately, the status of the mage is much higher than that of ordinary knights. As the mage accompanying the army, Yu Lan received a bonus of 100 gold coins. I believe no one will be speechless.

Elvi is special. It's really hard to identify this archangel. If she wants it, Xu Lai will give it to her no matter what.

But she just said she didn't want anything. Even if Xu Lai gave her gold coins, she wouldn't have anywhere to put them.

Once I heard that Elwe didn't want it, how could captains like Ta Hanyan Feng who were die-hard loyal to Xu Lai accept it?

As managers and elders, they are unwilling to accept it. So how can Joseph and the others, the newcomers and those rescued by Xu Lai, accept it?

The leader refused to take it, and the rangers below were even more embarrassed and did not dare to take it.

Forced by this situation, Xu came to find a bag, grabbed a large handful, estimated to be about 200, and stuffed them into Elvi's arms himself.

"You keep this money, even if you throw it away later, it's none of my business.

Even if you have no place to use it, you can still save it first. When you want to do something later, you can use it directly. Anyway, you have to keep it. This is an order! "

Elvi obeyed 100% of the orders that had nothing to do with Xu Lai's life.

Since Xu Lai said this, Elvi could only accept it.

Now that the money has been paid, Xu Lai can't favor one or the other. He can't say that the infantry won't be paid if they don't follow.

But they are infantry after all. According to the tradition of this world, the salary of infantry is not even one-tenth of that of cavalry.

Of course Xu Lai would not be so harsh, but he could only give half of the bonus to the infantry and cavalry, which was 5 gold coins.

Moreover, Xu Lai must explain in advance that the bonus this time is a bonus, not a daily salary.

Xu Lai must decide the specific salary based on the situation of other nobles and his own financial ability.

This is not the case with bonuses. If the reward for going out for adventure today is relatively high, give out more. If the reward is less tomorrow, give out less or not at all.

Salaries are used to ensure basic combat effectiveness, while bonuses are used to temporarily mobilize enthusiasm. The two must be clearly distinguished.

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