The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 263 Diamond Treasure Chest and Artifact

Xu Lai gave out a bonus today for a good reason, because after destroying the group of firebirds, he found a diamond-level treasure chest.

This thing is rarer than the golden treasure chest. After all, a group of ultimate soldier guards can obtain the gold treasure chest, but the conditions for the appearance of the diamond treasure chest are completely unclear.

He had no clue at all. It was not that he, Xu Lai, had never seen it before, but that countless nobles had identified it after reading the information.

The ultimate unit in the wild is rarely encountered.

Even if they meet, they are usually guarding their respective lairs and high-end buildings, or otherwise guarding various resources.

There are only a few people guarding the treasure chest, let alone wild monsters that are more powerful than the ultimate unit. This world simply does not exist.

Therefore, diamond chests will only appear in rare and special circumstances.

For example, the three-star consecutive moon triples the number of ultimate wild monsters, and the supplies of guards also triple.

Theoretically, even in this case, the chances of getting a diamond treasure chest and three gold treasure chests are 50% each.

The golden treasure chest can obtain super treasures. Xu Lai doesn't know what super treasures are, but he has checked the temple information.

For example, the four-series magic book that allows the wearer to fully unleash the spells of each system, such as the fire magic book, the water magic book, etc., is a super treasure.

There are also off-hand crystal balls that can greatly increase the power of certain spells, such as fire spirit balls, water spirit balls, etc., which are super treasures.

However, the information on the super treasure is either unclear, such as the unknown treasure that can fly with heroes and heroic troops.

Or there is only one name, and the origin and function are almost nonexistent, such as war shackles.

Just hearing the name is very deceiving. Xu Lai has no idea what the specific effect is.

In short, there is no clear record of all the information that Xu Lai can read on the super treasure.

But it doesn't matter, Xu Lai knows at least one thing, that is, the treasure above the super treasure is far more powerful than the super treasure.

Of course, no matter how powerful the treasure is, there is only one, and its value may not be comparable to three super treasures.

Xu Lai couldn't hide his excitement. After finding the diamond treasure chest, he had no intention of continuing to fight in the wild and ordered him to return to camp immediately.

He had just received a reward from Xu Lai Lai, had just escaped from being a hard laborer and became a serious warrior, and had his first private property.

All the soldiers were very happy. Even Xu Lai ordered to return, but everyone was still unwilling and wanted to continue fighting at night.

Even people like Tahan, who were completely loyal to Xu Lai, always had a smile on their faces after getting gold coins.

Being die-hardly loyal to Xu Lai doesn't mean they don't have their own needs.

For example, they also have love needs. Even if they don't have to consume it themselves, they still have to consume it for their partner.

Another example is that they suddenly want to eat something particularly delicious, or there is something they particularly want, but it is just their own personal hobby and they are too embarrassed to go to Xu Lai to pay for it.

In short, no matter how loyal they are to Xu Lai, as long as they have their own personality, they will have their own ideas after all.

Now that Xu Lai gave them the money, it was equivalent to giving them the opportunity to realize their own ideas.

Everyone was in a good mood, and some people boldly asked Xu Lai to take a look further, because when Yan Feng and the others were investigating, they seemed to see a group of monitor lizards ahead.

The level of the giant lizard is not low, and its ability to petrify enemies makes many high-level warriors afraid.

Because even if you are of a higher level than others, you can't move if you are petrified and can only be beaten passively. No matter how thick your defense is, you will still be beaten to death.

But that's only for individuals. If you fight in groups, the effect will be much worse. After all, you are not 100% petrified.

What's more, Xu Lai also has magical healing skills that can remove petrification.

Therefore, to other people, monitor lizards may be very dangerous creatures, but to Xu Lai, it is just a job that requires patience.

Like most creatures in the fortress, the giant lizard's thick lizard skin is very thick and will not be easier to fight than the Tin Man or something.

"Go away, you all. Go back and have a good rest today. We will continue cleaning up tomorrow."

Xu Lai laughed and cursed, but still ordered to rush to the camp.

All the nobles have been mobilized, which is probably good news for Xu Lai and other heroes in the opposition.

This means that the wild monster resources that were monopolized by them in the past can finally get a share of the pie today.

This cup of soup was so wonderful that Xu Lai was no longer in a hurry to leave. Compared with grasslands and wild lands, the resources here are so rich.

There is no need to run around like on the grassland, and there is no need to be as nervous as in the wilderness.

Sitting on the war horse, Xu Lai kept stroking the diamond treasure box in his hand.

He originally wanted to wait until he returned to the camp and settled down before opening it. But when he was halfway walking, he couldn't help but opened the diamond treasure chest as soon as he touched it.

[Diamond Treasure Chest]: 1. You can get 20,000 gold coins from it.

2. You can get level*1 experience points from it (that is, no matter how many levels you have, you can immediately upgrade it to another level).

3. Obtain the artifact, Heart of the Dragon, which increases the wearer's health by 500 points, strength by 20 points, and additional special effects: 3% of health is restored every minute in non-combat status. (You have not been attacked, or it has been more than 1 minute since the last attack and you are in a non-combat state)

4. Obtain the one-time prop "Sacred Potion". After using it, you will be invincible for 30 minutes (invincible, immune to all negative status, not responsible for any damage, existing negative status on the body will be completely dispelled, including hidden toxins and curses and other non- dominant state).

5. Obtain the ultimate treasure, the forbidden magic ball: everyone on the battlefield is prohibited from using magic. Note: The Orb of Forbidden Magic has higher priority than the Orb of Destruction.

This was not the first time Xu Lai had opened a treasure chest, but it was the first time he had gotten such a detailed explanation from the treasure chest.

The diamond treasure chest truly lived up to its name as a diamond. There was nothing in it that Xu Lai didn't want, including the 20,000 gold coins.

Of course, if he could only choose one thing, Xu Lai would give up the 20,000 gold coins immediately, followed by the second reward, which is a whole level of experience.

If Xu Lai was already level 99 now, or if he didn't need level 99 and was above level 50, he might consider this option.

Now, rolling as far as possible is just a mere first-level experience.

What Xu Lai gave up next was the one-time item, the sacred potion.

This thing is really worthy of being a one-time prop. The effect is as good as it can be. It is invincible for a full 30 minutes. With it, Xu Lai dares to challenge the dragon alone, as long as it doesn't run away.

In addition to being invincible for up to half an hour, the sacred potion also has an extra point for Xu Lai, that is, it can remove all negative states on the body after becoming invincible.

What's more powerful than the sacred armor is that the sacred potion is directly called invincibility. The so-called invincibility means that it cannot withstand any threat, including those without attacks.

There is a high probability that after Xu Lai takes the sacred potion, the curse on his body will be removed, so that the ogre priest can no longer determine Xu Lai's traces.

But this bonus point is too few. If he was still in the wilderness, he might have to consider it.

In short, although the holy potion is good, it is a one-time use, and this attribute alone will reduce your points too much.

In the end, Xu Lai hesitated between the artifact and the ultimate treasure.

If you want to put it on other nobles, there is nothing to hesitate about. I must choose the Heart of the Dragon.

A full 500 points of health, and 20 points of strength, which is equivalent to an attribute that only increases the hero by 20 levels.

Finally, it comes with a special effect. As long as you are not attacked within one minute, even if you only have the last 1% of your health, it will be restored to full health in 33 minutes.

Just for the properties of this piece of equipment, Xu Lai had to use several high-level magic equipment to get it together.

Artifacts are also called artifacts used by the gods. The Dragon's Heart is the ultimate piece of magic equipment, so it was named an artifact.

However, it is also the ultimate treasure among the treasures, but it cannot be named as a divine weapon.

Xu Lai has experience and has owned artifacts. The feet of the God of War, which no one in his family has discovered yet, are part of the artifacts.

However, this artifact does not conflict with other artifacts. There are also artifacts among the treasures. He remembered what Chief Lachi told him back then.

Certain treasures can be combined into artifacts in a specific order.

Xu Lai has already synthesized treasures, and also obtained an additional synthesis scroll, but these two synthesized treasures are both sacred weapons, and obviously have not yet reached the standard of divine weapons.

He originally thought that the diamond treasure chest might contain artifact-level treasures just like magic equipment, but he didn't expect that it would only be the ultimate.

Moreover, the description of this ultimate treasure is extremely crude, and of course it is also extremely overbearing.

Forbidding everyone on the battlefield to use magic is equivalent to directly abolishing the mage troops and mage heroes.

This may be a fatal blow to the tower, but it may not be good news for our own side.

Leaving aside others, although most of the mages in the human camp have defected to the tower, there are still a lot of them, and there are also several nobles who are good at magic.

Moreover, in addition to mages, priests also use spells. The so-called divine spells are only light spells.

Therefore, this piece of equipment also weakened most of the empire's strength.

Fortunately, this treasure was not encountered by those stupid guys in the stronghold, otherwise these guys who don't like to cast spells would probably go crazy.

For Xu Lai, the Forbidden Magic Ball is still more cost-effective because he is a knight and a physics professional.

At the same time, most of the specializations he studied were based on physics.

The troops he led were already relatively good at physical attacks.

But once he equipped this thing, it seemed that Yu Lan lost its use.

But it would be even more of a joke if he didn't equip it.

This is the ultimate treasure. What would he do with it if he didn't equip it? You see? It would be better to choose the Heart of the Dragon.

Whether it is for viewing or for helping Xu Lai, the Heart of the Dragon is countless times ahead of the Forbidden Magic Ball. (End of chapter)

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