The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 283 Spell Scroll Showdown

The sudden dive bombing almost scared Fiona.

Although she is located in the center of the demon army, as the only army commander, her position is still relatively high.

In order to prevent the attack from failing, Elvi's estimated position was relatively far back, and the royal griffons' swarm dive was right in front of Fiona.

Of course, with the elite guards covering her, she was not harmed.

However, in front of her were her carefully prepared long-range troops, more than 2,000 Magog and Gog.

Fiona was deeply shocked by Xu Lai's cavalry.

Facing the invincible and fearless knight, Fiona didn't know what she could do to stop him.

After much thought, she couldn't find a good way to restrain the cavalry without using magic.

In the end, Fiona decided to bring more flying troops and long-range troops.

Long-range restraints everything. No matter how ferocious the cavalry is, as long as you have enough firepower, you can kill the cavalry before they get close.

The flying force is a snake oil force and can be used in any situation.

However, Fiona never expected that the opponent's flying troops would be even more powerful than hers.

Although the fire elves haven't attacked yet, judging from the outbreak of the royal griffon just now, even if she sends out all the fire elves, it won't be enough.

Of course, as the demon lord of hell, Fiona couldn't possibly be unaware of the power and characteristics of the Imperial Griffin.

She knew that after this cluster bombing, this group of griffins would not be able to dive again for a long time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she decisively sent out fire elves and fire elves to pursue them.

Griffins are melee attacks, and all melee units will be restrained by the Fire Elf's Fire Aegis, except for units that are immune to fire, such as Seraphim.

Thinking of the Seraph, Fiona hesitated, but after all, there was only one Seraph, and the role it could play was limited.

However, the fire elves' attack was not successful, because even the fifth-level battle griffins and the seventh-level fire elves could not catch up, let alone the sixth-level fire elves.

Xu Lai's speed talent is no joke, not to mention that he also has knight gloves, magic boots and a morale bonus.

After the gryphon flew back to the imperial camp, Fiona recalled her elves in time, but was still targeted by the enemy's long-range troops.

At first, these griffins circled back from the left, and Fiona thought that the opponent was afraid that she would take advantage of the situation to attack his long-range troops.

Unexpectedly, the real human trap was ambush on the left side. Nearly two hundred units of mages were arrayed here.

Generally speaking, archmages in the wild like to use flame rays, which are fast and do high damage.

Fire elves happen to be completely immune to fire damage, but who says this is not the wild? Archmages and higher-level magicians all use energy rays without attributes.

Nearly 200 energy rays burst out, but our own side was still a flying unit. Others fired volleys from bottom to top, and the mages behind them were not blocked.

With the blessing of Xu Lai's advanced archery skills, the energy rays burst out with extremely high damage. More than 60 fire elves who were at the forefront were reduced to ashes on the spot.

Not to mention that Fiona's defensive skills are only elementary. Even if they are ultimate, they have no defensive effect against spell damage.

To reduce spell damage, she could only rely on resistance, but she didn't learn this ability.

At the same time, Yu Lan's random spells were also released.

Unfortunately, it was not the slowness that Xu Lai wanted. If he was hit by the slowness, the archmages might be able to launch a second volley at the fire elves.

What Yu Lan released was just the most common acid technique.

As a water spell, acid caused twice the damage to fire elves and fire elves, and the damage reduction was more than 50 points after deducting part of the physical constitution.

Although not a single fire elf was killed, the damage caused by this acid was almost as much as that of the archmage's volley, not to mention the 3 points of armor weakening.

After suffering this frustrating loss, Fiona no longer dared to let her flying troops act alone.

But the gryphon's swarm dive killed at least more than 500 units of her long-range troops.

Together with the human shields around the long-range units, at least more than 800 units were killed directly, and the number of other injured units was close to a thousand units.

There was no way around it. A group of griffons would do a lot of damage when they dived. Xu Lai also had a master-level offensive technique to support him. The demon army was so dense that it was really difficult to kill less.

How could Fiona accept such bad temper?

She originally came to take revenge, but she didn't expect that before the revenge was achieved, she lost thousands of monsters, nearly a thousand long-range troops and more than 60 level 7 flying troops.

Fiona was so angry that she took out two scrolls from her body on the spot.

As indigenous lords who have accumulated many years of experience, Fiona and the others have a much deeper accumulation than heroes such as Xu Lai.

Fiona not only has several sets of equipment to deal with various situations, but also has many more consumable props like potions and scrolls than Xu Lai and the others.

With a cry, Fiona looked extremely heartbroken.

What she just tore open was not an ordinary scroll, but a level 4 fire spell scroll, which was also famous in Hell for its Hell Flame.

It's not that she doesn't want to test the waters with low-level spells first, it's just that the large army is still far behind at this time, and ordinary spells can't hit the opponent at all.

Even if the hell flames hit an extremely wide range, Fiona still found a way to release it to the farthest distance.

But there were still a small number of fireballs that fell on the open space in front of the imperial troops.

Unfortunately, this Hell Flame is released with a spell scroll and does not enjoy the bonus of a hero. As a level 4 spell, the ordinary Hell Flame has a wide enough attack range, but the damage is barely significant.

Fireballs filled the sky, endlessly hitting Xu Lai and his troops, it was really like entering hell.

Fireballs fell to the ground and exploded, and the flames burst out, causing fire damage to everyone around them.

Each exploding fireball can cause about 20 points of fire damage to the surrounding units, and the damage reduction after deducting the physical damage is about 17 or 8 points.

As for the fireballs brought by the flames of hell, it is impossible to count them. Even if you don't count the number of fireballs that fall on the open ground, there are hundreds of them.

If they all explode and can hit people, they will cause at least tens of thousands of damage.

However, this hellfire that Fiona had high hopes for was not as powerful as she imagined.

Xu Lai's primary resistance combined with the anti-magic cloak and rune-patterned trousers gave him a full 20% chance of resisting spells.

It is equivalent to 5 fireballs exploding around you, but only 4 of them cause damage to you, which is only about 80 points in total.

However, even if the other four are not resisted, their damage will be reduced by 20%. This is regarded as physical damage reduction, and the 25% reduction is always available.

In this way, 5 fireballs exploded around him, but they could only cause 60 points of damage.

According to the average level of Xu Lai's units, at least 20 fireballs would have to explode in the surrounding area to kill a unit.

If someone is really so unlucky, it really can only be said to be God's will.

After all, there is still such providence, but it is not that they really fell into the fireball array, but that the resistance was not triggered, and two people who were loading ammunition for the ballista died.

These two people were unlucky, mainly because they were civilians. Even if their attributes were much better than those of ordinary farmers, their health points were still too low and there was no room for error.

The flames of hell descended, and Xu Lai's entire front row was injured. He did not dare to delay, and took advantage of the enemy's second scroll before tearing it open, and tore off a healing scroll first in time.

Xu Lai brought a lot of these scrolls with him before going to the wilderness. They were half sold and half given away by his friends in the temple.

I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t need it even once when I went to a wild place.

He can heal his own injuries, and the Paladin can also heal. Not to mention the healing scroll, he has not even used a bottle of healing potion.

There are two kinds of Xu Lai's healing scrolls. One is group healing with instant recovery, which directly covers all units in the front row and instantly restores 35 health points to each of them.

After Xu Lai's healing technique was finished, Fiona also tore open her second scroll.

There was nothing I could do. A level 4 hell flame was thrown out and only killed two civilians. Fiona vomited half a liter of blood, which was nothing.

Moreover, a level 4 spell scroll has already sunk. Why don't you kill it quickly while most of the enemies are injured? Why don't you wait for others to heal it slowly?

Doesn't that mean that the opponent used a level 2 spell scroll to offset her level 4 spell scroll?

But what fell this time was no longer a harmful spell, but another powerful level 4 fire spell, which was heartbreaking.

This is a fire-based mental spell that will not cause any harm to the enemy. Its only function is to turn your people into mine.

Psychosis is equivalent to an enhanced version of hypnosis, directly controlling your mind.

The troops controlled by Fiona were the front-row infantry phalanx headed by Ed.

Firstly, this distance is already the limit of Fiona's control, and secondly, the large werewolf warriors don't seem to be as powerful as this infantry phalanx.

After all, there was no elf knight riding a Pegasus in front of the big werewolves.

The frenzied effect appeared instantly. The human shield that was originally protecting the mage in the front row immediately turned around and pointed the butcher knife at the fragile mage behind him.

Xu Lai was horrified. He urgently took out a piece of Dispersing Dafa and tore it into pieces.

The master-level dispersal method is very terrifying and can cover the entire battlefield.

The madness among Ed and the others was instantly dispelled, but the soldiers in the last row had already turned around and waved their butcher knives at the mage in front of them.

As front-row human shields, these warriors use shields and one-handed weapons, and their damage is much lower than that of two-handed weapons.

However, as Xu Lai's units, they also have the effects of Xu Lai's advanced offensive skills. Although the mages also have ultimate defensive skills, they are still fragile after all.

If you are lucky, you only get one stabbing, which is basically no serious problem, but there are also those who are unlucky and encounter a massive fire.

Under the influence of the Speed ​​Force, Xu Lai's movements and reactions were extremely fast, but more than a dozen mages were still seriously injured, barely surviving with the last bit of life blessed by the ultimate defense technique.

There were also three unlucky Archmages who couldn't even save their last bit of life and were hit by some slow guys. (End of chapter)

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