A master-level dispelling technique was gone, and it also helped the opponent's fire elf to dispel the corrosive effect on its body.

Xu Lai was furious, but he could still remain calm.

He was just glad now that it was those great mages who died. If Yu Lan had also been set on fire just now, he would have gone crazy now.

A group rejuvenation spell was held in Xu Lai's hand, but he did not throw it out in a hurry, but stared at the opposite camp.

If another madman were thrown out, the only thing Xu Lai could do was to immediately remove the forbidden magic ball and use healing spells to release the control.

However, he did not have water magic, and the healing spell could only work on one troop. If there were more than two troops being charged, he would have nothing to do.

Fortunately, level 4 spell scrolls like Heart-wrenching Madness are a good thing that even if you have money, you don't have the chance to buy them.

Even if Fiona accumulated a lot and got another level 4 spell scroll, she only killed 3 mages and one infantryman, and she wanted to vomit out the remaining half liter of blood in one go.

The infantryman was also really unlucky. The mage who was beaten instinctively launched a counterattack and was blasted with more than a dozen energy rays. He died on the spot and could not die again.

The effect of Xu Lai's ultimate defense technique can only withstand one fatal attack, and there is really no way to save him from ten rays.

At this moment, Fiona didn't know that the other party had ultimate defense protection. They were all elite troops and had ultimate defense protection. Fiona instantly lost interest in revenge.

Although she brought nearly 10,000 troops today, she brought over all the troops she brought from hell.

Even if they can win today, it will definitely be a miserable victory. When the time comes, they won't even have a decent army around them, and they will be on the verge of being on the edge because of luck.

Why is hell called hell? It is a place that eats people.

The ultimate defense technique was too restrained, and the human race on the opposite side dropped another spell scroll of rejuvenation. Seeing that the archmages who were in danger just now, have gradually turned the corner.

The opponent with the ultimate defense technique can no longer just look at the strength of the troops in front of him, but must at least increase the number by about 50%.

At this time, Fiona had already begun to think about quitting.

Who would have thought that she originally just wanted to bring all the troops to take revenge on the human hero who dared to ruin her good deeds by relying on the cavalry.

Even if the human cavalry is invincible, Fiona can still destroy the human town or even the fortress.

However, this human race seems to only own one village. Even if it is slaughtered completely, it will not hurt the muscles and bones. On the contrary, it is her own loss, which is quite painful.

The most important thing is that Fiona did not expect Xu Lai to have so many elite troops at home.

Not counting normal infantry and archers, there are 200 archmages and wizards, 200 paladins, 200 royal griffins, and seraphs. Even the earls and viscounts on the front line don't have this strength.

However, the battlefield is not a place where Fiona has the final say. It is easy for her to come, but it is difficult for her to leave.

The outermost monster army and hellhounds have been attacked by many rounds of mounted archers and marksmen, and only a few are left.

The real human shield of the demon army, the horned devils headed by the horned warlord, the horned devils began to appear.

But unfortunately, Xu Lai set up two rounds of quicksand traps where they passed by.

The quicksand trap is different from other spell traps. It does no harm and its only function is to restrict movement. The advantage over traps such as mines is that its range is relatively large.

At least 7 of the ten traps were triggered, and at least 3,400 horned evil spirits were trapped in the traps.

As a result, the demon army became stratified, and only half of the large group of demons that originally acted collectively stood out in an instant.

Xu Lai carefully calculated this position, which is exactly within the range of the mage, and also within the standard range of the marksman.

As soon as these traps were mixed up, the demon army immediately fell into great chaos.

If you want to retreat at this time, the troops in the trap will definitely not be able to move, and the troops in front will also be blocked by the troops in the trap behind you.

Then the entire front army could only be abandoned, which would be another severe blow to Fiona, who had already suffered a lot of losses.

In the end, Fiona was still unwilling to accept that she led tens of thousands of troops, but was defeated by more than a thousand people, and suffered heavy losses.

Fiona gritted her teeth and ordered Gog and Magog to avoid the horned demon in the trap and rush forward to fight the enemy.

However, Magog's target of attack was changed from the previous archmage to the archers.

There is no way, the Archmage can only be reached by a few units at the front, while the shooters are all attacking, and many of them are within the standard range, and the damage is doubled.

Especially those lizard shooters. If one arrow triggers petrification, those horned demons on their own side will become a burden that hinders their progress.

If the soldiers behind him were accidentally knocked down, they would be shattered into stone slag before they could be saved.

The only tactic Luo Mingru taught his generals was three-stage shooting. After shooting from the front, he immediately squatted down and let the back row shoot.

The big werewolves were all half-kneeling on the ground, only getting up to fight when necessary.

More than a hundred powerful shooters within the standard range are attacking. Compared with a dozen archmages, it is self-evident which one is more important.

And in Fiona's eyes, there is no difference between the two troops. They are both Xu Lai's troops.

If she knew that only the archmage was from Xu Lai, she might have abandoned these archers and specialized in the archmage.

Although Magog would be eliminated by the sharpshooters as soon as it appeared, the devil had too many shooters, and there was always a steady stream of fireballs being thrown.

In order not to hinder the shooters' attack, the big werewolf was never able to get up to cover, and even if he got up, it would not have much impact. They were "thrown" by fireballs falling from the sky.

Unlike the heavy shield infantry of the human race, these guys have the characteristic of covering the teammates behind them. As long as they stand in front of them, they will directly share 50% of the damage of the units behind them, regardless of whether they stand up or not.

Luo Mingru's heart was bleeding as he watched the lizard shooters he had just recruited fall to the ground one after another.

But when Xu Lai glanced at him from the corner of his eye, he closed his mouth tightly and had no intention of opening anything.

In the current long-range bombardment situation, Xu Lai's side has an absolute advantage.

Xu Lai's archmage, Luo Mingru's archers, and the cavalry archers led by Yan Feng were shooting at the demon army from three directions.

The demonic Magog and Gog are the key targets of the shooters, and they will basically die as soon as they show up.

Basically, a big werewolf or lizard shooter fell on the human side, and at least a dozen Magogs fell on the demon side, plus a dozen horned demons.

The battle loss ratio is 1 to 50 or even more. It is unwise to launch a more dangerous charge when one's own side clearly has a long-range advantage.

The gryphon behind took off again, but this time, Fiona, who was close, had noticed it.

She immediately ordered the fire elves to take off too. As long as the fire elves did not attack humans, it would be difficult for the shooters to attack them if they flew into the sky.

After Xu Lai witnessed the group of fire elves taking off, he was not too worried. In addition to the royal griffons, there was also a group of newly joined angels beside Elvi.

What will happen in the air battle in the sky? People on the ground can no longer see it. Both sides have flown to a high altitude that cannot be observed even with intermediate eagle eye skills.

Xu Lai subconsciously raised his wrist. Unfortunately, this is not a modern society, and the watch he often wears is not there.

However, the Hercules Shield, which could only exist for 20 minutes, had disappeared before the griffons took off again, which meant that at least 20 minutes had passed.

He couldn't see the time, so he could only rely on his own estimation. It took more than a minute for the fire elves to fly into the sky. After it was too late to save the savior, Xu Lai said softly to the two people nearby:

"Attention, I'm about to charge. If you don't want to go or don't dare to go, don't force yourself and leave from both sides.

Otherwise, if they rush up later, if you try to leave again, you will only be trampled by the hooves of the horses. "

Xu Lai does not think that fear is a shameful thing. In fact, fear is an emotion secreted by human bodies to protect themselves.

When he first started, he didn't even dare to fight those skeleton soldiers.

Therefore, before charging, Xu Lai allowed them to withdraw.

But the nature of running after charging is different. Even if Xu Lai can get around them, the knight behind him will not allow them to retreat.

The two of them didn't respond, and Xu Lai didn't bother to say anything anymore. Instead, he straightened his clothes and said loudly:

"Brothers, the hell old bitch we beat yesterday is now bullying us at our doorstep. What do you think we should do?"

Except for the nine Holy Light Knights around Xu Lai, the others were only level 6 rangers at their highest.

However, their momentum was even greater than the team of Gale Knights and Paladins next door. That team was all recruited, and their high morale was not reflected on the surface.

Xu Lai's team all came back from the wilderness. Now their morale has been accumulated to the full level, and Ruhong's momentum was reflected in an instant.

Joseph took the lead and shouted: "Kill, kill, kill!"

Xu Lai raised his battle flag and rushed to the front.

He was followed by two Holy Light Knights who were dedicated to protecting him, and behind him were a group of rangers and mercenaries led by Joseph.

After Xu Lai activated, Tahan also roared, and all the heavily armored paladins flattened their erect spears and charged silently.

This time, Tahan did not rush in first, but led the wind knights to silently cover on the flanks.

Xu Lai took away all the Holy Light Knights, so he specifically ordered Tahan not to rush in all directions. His current task is to direct the knights to fight.

Before charging, Xu Lai removed the forbidden magic ball and replaced it with a magic shield amulet.

As he expected, Fiona, who was immersed in the war, did not realize that the spell book was ready for use.

Just now, Fiona released the fire elves. Although her position was not revealed, Xu Lai and the others still rushed towards the fire elves, apparently believing that these high-level creatures must stay by the general's side.

This was indeed the case. Facing the two knights charging from the front and side, Fiona's hair stood on end instantly, and a scroll of the Fire Demonic Wall was torn into pieces in an instant.

This Fire Demonic Wall is not simple. Although it is only a level 2 spell, it is the ultimate Fire Demonic Wall that Fiona commissioned a great lord to personally create.

After the magic wall was unfolded, the length was 4 or 5 times that of Xu Lai's previous Hercules Shield, and the width was more than 5 meters. Even if Xu Lai rushed over at Xu Lai's speed, he would be burned for at least a second or two. (End of chapter)

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