The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 30 Itchy skills

Unlike Xu Lai, Su Ya was not only unable to add points herself when she leveled up, but she was not even given attribute points.

Xu Lai's profession is a knight. This profession adds some physical attributes, followed by physical attributes such as strength and agility, and finally intelligence and spirit.

So Xu Lai now has 14 points of constitution and 12 points of strength. After this upgrade, he added 1 point of agility, bringing the agility to 11 points.

Su Ya's profession, however, is that of an almighty person that even the village chief of Lachi and the pastor of Lasha have never heard of.

It is estimated that in the entire history of the Engeta continent, Xu Lai has never directly appointed a village woman as a general, which is why such a strange profession was born.

The characteristics and talents of this profession are all related to farmers, and no matter how improved the peasant troops are, they will never be able to carry the banner on the battlefield.

This seems to be destined that Su Ya will not have great achievements, but all attribute points in her profession are evenly distributed, with no focus at all.

Even after she upgraded two levels, in order not to destroy her body balance, two attributes were directly deleted by Tan Mo, and they did not appear in her personal attributes at all.

The peasant troops have limited attack power, which means that they are slow to kill enemies and do not provide much experience to Su Ya.

And if Xu Lai was a shooter general recruited at the beginning, his talents and characteristics should also be related to shooters, at least it could increase the combat effectiveness of his group of shooters by 10%-20%.

Archers are Xu Lai's main output. At this time, the archer generals are probably higher than Xu Lai.

But Xu Lai didn't regret it, he was just thinking about other ways to help Su Ya grow up.

Unlike heroes, generals' characteristics are obtained based on their profession and the work they do. For example, Su Ya replaced Xu Lai and was responsible for managing all farmers, arranging jobs for them, etc.

Therefore, the new characteristic obtained by Suya at level 2 is called "Collector", and the effect is that all resources collected by his own troops can be increased by 5%.

To put it simply, a farmer could harvest 10 units of food in 24 hours.

But if this farmer is led by Su Ya, then with the manager talent, the farmer will only need 19.2 hours to harvest and obtain 10.5 units of food.

From this aspect, Su Ya seems to be a logistics general, allowing Xu Lai to be worth more than one farmer to others.

However, the characteristics obtained by Su Ya at level 3 are related to combat. After all, Xu Lai fought three battles in the three days since he came to this world, almost one battle a day, and each battle was bigger than the last.

"Defender": Body armor increased by 5%, shield base armor +5, durability +5%, health +5

In addition to the characteristics, Su Ya's shield use skill has also been improved due to her extensive use of shields, reaching level 2.

Shield use: Level 2, affects the damage of the shield, increases the shield's blocking speed and coverage, and increases the damage of shield skills.

Attached skill 1. Block. After successful blocking, the damage of this attack will be reduced by 20%.

It is a pity that in order to protect Xu Lai, the durability of her shield has lost more than 60 points. On the contrary, the durability of Xu Lai's shield has almost not lost at all.

As a hero, Xu Lai cannot choose his attributes due to his profession. At least there is a specialization that he can choose freely.

This time Xu Lai upgraded, another old specialization appeared as an upgrade option, and it was the archery skill that played a great role in Xu Lai.

[Intermediate Archery]: +20% damage to long-range troops, including long-range equipment such as ballistas and catapults. (Note: The melee effect of long-range soldiers does not increase)

Activate the additional effect of archery: 1. When the hero shoots the enemy target from a distance, the enemy's morale will be lost by at least 1 point.

As mentioned before, when one's own troops suffer losses, morale will automatically decline.

This is normal. In ancient times, when friendly troops were killed during wars, who could remain indifferent?

But this drop in morale is related to scale. Xu Lai doesn't know what the rules of this world are.

Maybe one death among 100 soldiers will lower morale by 1 point, but it is unreasonable for one death among 10,000 soldiers to lower morale by 1 point.

The additional effect of archery is to allow the hero to kill the target from a distance. That is, after Xu Lai personally kills the opponent, he can ensure that the morale of the opponent's entire army is reduced by 1 point.

With this effect, Xu Lai has a greater chance of defeating the enemy and achieving a reversal of the battle at certain critical moments.

Of course, the premise is that Xu Lai has the means to kill from a distance. He has heard of some archery skills, such as three-point-one-line and so on. He also played with toy guns when he was a child, but he has never touched a real bow and arrow.

It can be said that intermediate archery has been of great help to Xu Lai now. However, Xu Lai hesitated for a while, but still abandoned this powerful specialization.

If any other specialization appeared together with the intermediate archery, Xu Lai would not be able to give up, even if it was an advanced offensive skill.

This new specialization didn't seem very powerful and didn't help much in combat, but it just scratched the most itchy spot in Xu Lai's heart.

[Basic Diplomacy]: Increase the probability of joining neutral troops, reduce the amount of ransom payment, and gain a "friendly" level of basic favorability when visiting the righteous camp.

Neutral troops that are weaker than you have a 20% chance of joining you (the smaller the military power gap between the two sides, the higher the probability of making additional requests; the higher the friendship between the two sides, the higher the chance of joining you.)

When you are captured, the ransom payment is automatically reduced by 20%.

Note: The basic friendliness of wild monsters in the same camp is friendly, the basic friendliness of wild monsters in the justice camp is friendly, the basic friendliness of wild monsters in the neutral camp is neutral, the basic friendliness of wild monsters in the evil camp is hostile, and the basic friendliness of nature monsters is neutral.

Xu Lai now has no other place to recruit soldiers except the poor wanderer camp, so the emergence of this elementary diplomacy suddenly broke into Xu Lai's heart and he couldn't extricate himself.

Compared with the advancement of archery, the skill of diplomacy was obviously more important, and he immediately chose diplomacy without hesitation.

Anyway, with his current experience, if he casually kills one or two wild creatures, he may be upgraded again. Skills such as archery will still have the opportunity to continue to improve in the future.

Of course, with diplomacy, you also need wild monsters with neutral or above friendly levels.

Regarding the issue of monsters, Xu Lai consulted Lazi and Rasha. They said that if there is no biological activity in a place for a long time, the natural magic will condense into various treasure chests, treasures, treasure houses, etc.

With these magic aggregates as the center, some monsters will gradually accumulate. The longer the time, the larger the monster group will be.

In fact, Xu Lai suspected that there were monsters in the woods in front of him. Otherwise, how could there be so many skeletons and walking corpses in this woods, unless all the people from the nearby villages who had died in the past few hundred years were buried in the woods.

It's just that low-level undead have no intelligence and are similar to monsters. Xu Lai doesn't know whether high-level necromancers know spells such as skeleton summoning.

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