The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 31 Cavalry Archers

"Go ahead and collect the loot. You can't miss the biggest reward after working so hard in this battle."

Su Ya nodded and called on the farmers to collect the loot.

Although there were more gains in this battle, the loot was not too much. It was incomparable to the battle with Steppe Wolf, which had a treasure chest at the bottom.

However, in this battle, all the undead were lured out. Even if there was a treasure chest in their lair, they still needed to go into the woods to search.

To be honest, Xu Lai is not too brave now. Firstly, the main melee defense forces have been injured, and secondly, the archers have basically exhausted their first quiver.

If we enter the woods and encounter another battle, the losses will be really hard to estimate.

The combat power of level 0 skeletons is almost zero, and the loot is almost zero. The farmers cleaned for a long time and only collected a dozen units of bone meal from the piles of skeletons.

[Bone Meal]: A one-time item that can increase farmland yield by 50% after being used on farmland.

The first-level skeleton soldiers are considered to have some combat effectiveness. Nearly 100 skeleton soldiers dropped a total of about 7 gold coins, plus three rusty daggers.

There is no way to be precise about the gold coins. After all, almost all the skeletons died together, and the attributes of the dagger are really not worth mentioning. No one would want it if it were sold. The only use is probably to melt it and recast it.

The level 2 Skeleton Warriors were finally able to give some goodies. 79 Skeleton Warriors plus 34 zombies gave a total of 70+ gold coins and three pieces of junk.

The only thing that is somewhat useful is a piece of heart armor that protects the chest. Although it only adds 1 point of armor, it can be superimposed with the outer armor.

Xu Lai doesn't care much about this thing, and he still equips Su Ya with it.

In order to protect him, Su Ya could only use her body to resist where the shield couldn't block it. Xu Lai couldn't maximize the effect of this thing when he used it.

The level 3 skeleton archer broke out two bone bows. They were in pretty good condition. One of them had a high-quality prefix bonus and had better attributes.

[High-quality bone bow]: Range: 100 meters, kill 18-25, load 5.

The range is probably not as long as the archer's bow, but the damage is already stronger than his short arrows. It's a pity that it can't explode the bone arrows used by the archers.

But it doesn't matter, Xu Lai's backpack has collected a lot of arrows shot by previous archers, and he can continue to collect them now when he is cleaning the battlefield.

Some arrowheads have been deformed and are completely unusable, while others have not yet deformed and can continue to be used.

Whether it can be used or not, it doesn't matter to Xu Lai, because he doesn't know how to shoot arrows now, and these arrows are just for practice.

Since we are practicing using arrows, it doesn't matter whether they are lethal or not.

Xu Lai still gave the other bone bow to Su Ya. Anyway, there was no one else besides her.

And I don’t know if it’s because of Su Ya’s professional relationship as an all-powerful person. She, a person who doesn’t know how to ride, learned to ride a horse and mastered it faster than Xu Lai.

Xu Lai has been riding a horse for several hours, and the level 1 riding skill only has 3% experience. Su Ya, who rides with Xu Lai, has accumulated more than 30% experience.

Different levels must have different difficulty levels. It just so happened that neither of them had long-range weapon skills, so they took this opportunity to see who could progress faster.

The level 3 skeleton warrior burst out with an iron-clad bone shield, which was of better quality than Xu Lai's knight buckler.

[Bone Shield]: Range: 75, Durability 180, Weight Bearing 5.5

It is larger than the one-handed shield used by Su Ya now, and its durability is 30 points longer, which means it is stronger. Even the load-bearing weight has increased by 2 points.

Xu Lai is not clear about the weight units in this world. Judging from Xu Lai's actual experience, the weight of 1 point should be less than one kilogram, but more than 1 kilogram.

Xu Lai's own round shield can still be used. The most important thing is that this shield is a knight's shield. It is very convenient to use immediately and will not be in the way. The bone shield should be given to Su Ya as a matter of course.

The zombies were as stingy as ever and didn't drop anything. However, the drops of these third-level undead gold coins were still very generous. About 50 gold coins could be confirmed.

Such a large wave, nearly 500 undead of all levels, except for some scrap metal that could not be sold anywhere, dropped a total of 132 gold coins, most of which came from level 2 and 3 undead.

With these 132 gold coins, Xu Lai's gold coin reserves have once again increased to nearly 500, but he also has many places to spend money.

Apart from anything else, after this battle, Xu Lai's archer unit, which was Xu Lai's main output, also received a major upgrade.

Before upgrading, Xu Lai first took out all the arrows from their quiver. These are all intact arrows and can be used directly in battle.

Xu Lai had no experience before, so he advanced directly. Later, he discovered that after these trainee archers advanced, all the arrows that had been used would be restored.

After all, even the quivers they used were directly upgraded, so the original arrows naturally had to be replaced.

In line with the principle of maximizing the use of 50 gold coins, this time he captured all the arrows of the trainee archers and archers who were to be upgraded.

It's not possible to take away their quivers. It's tied to their bodies and can't be taken off unless someone is killed.

It's easy to pull out the arrow inside, it just requires Xu Lai to do it himself.

There are a total of 3 trainee archers who can be upgraded. This time Xu Lai only upgraded two level 3 archers, and the other one spent 50 gold coins, plus his original ordinary horse, to upgrade to a level 3 bow. cavalry.

As Su Ya told Xu Lai before, the level 3 horse archers did not have any special abilities. They just had an additional level 3 riding skill and the ability to ride and shoot.

In addition, the short sword on his body has become a long sword, and its damage and length have increased a lot.

The size of the short bow has not changed, but it has changed from a short bow to a steppe bow, and its damage has increased by 1 point.

The clothes on his body were upgraded to cloth armor, a round breast shield was sewn on his chest, and a cloth hat with a pointed cone was added to his head.

The most obvious change did not come from people, but from the ordinary horse before Xu Lai, which was directly upgraded to a grassland horse. Not to mention, it was even a few centimeters taller than Xu Lai's mare.

With so many equipment upgrades, Xu Lai felt that the 50 gold coins were worth more than the shooters, but the disadvantage of having to equip them with a horse prevented him from upgrading on a large scale.

This is not over yet. A lot of experience not only allowed Xu Lai to obtain three level 3 shooters, but also allowed the level 3 shooter who was first upgraded to be promoted again.

"Discovered soldiers who can be upgraded:

At the cost of 100 gold coins, the level 3 archer can be upgraded to the level 4 long archer. "

Good guy, the price will double directly. If he upgrades to level 5 or level 6 in the future, he will cry to death.

There is nothing he can do about it even if he cries to death. Xu Lai must pay for these 100 gold coins.

In the previous battle, the killing efficiency of the level 3 shooter was far higher than that of the level 2 trainee marksman. Even if the number was less than half, the undead killed were more and of higher quality than the trainee marksman.

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