The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 500 Recruitment

Taking advantage of the heated public sentiment, Aaron once again encouraged everyone to join the army.

After yesterday's busy work, today, with the help of Reina, Wang Chao and others, several recruitment points were set up in various corners of the city.

Not counting the floating population, the permanent population of Qingfeng City is only 200,000, and the target set by Xu Lai is almost 10,000.

Most of the existing troops are recruited soldiers.

But apart from farmers, recruiting soldiers can't do many things.

Xu Lai saw so many troops. The recruitment and recruitment of soldiers were usually 1:1 or 1:2, or at least 1:3.

However, those troops were deployed in this way for frontal combat.

Xu Lai's combat troops are still dominated by the Qingfeng Legion led by Reina, which mainly recruits a large number of soldiers.

Even if these people make sacrifices, at least they will not be given pensions.

And as long as their morale remains at the basic state, even if it is slightly unhealthy, as long as it exceeds 40, their combat effectiveness and fighting will will be much stronger than recruiting soldiers.

Of course, the levied soldiers are more explosive, and if they are led well, the upper limit can often far exceed their own level.

But that is based on strict military discipline, long-term training and actual combat.

At least Xu Lai doesn't have this condition yet. The soldiers he recruited are mainly responsible for logistics work, as well as occupation and garrison work after defeating the enemy.

At most, when they meet experienced veterans, they will transfer some of them to serve as officers in the Qingfeng Legion.

In addition, there are not many additional requirements for recruiting soldiers this time, and the assessment standards are not set too high.

Xu Lai also went to the scene to have a look. Of course, he was incognito this time and didn't bring too many people.

In addition to Roland and a paladin, even Elvi, who was accustomed to following Xu Lai, asked Xu Lai to escort Yu Lan back underground because she was too conspicuous, and continued to preside over the work of Mingyue City and Mining Town. .

In addition to going to the scene in person, Xu Lai also had someone pull a whole cart full of gold coins, as well as cooked rice, beef soup, grilled lamb chops, etc.

Each recruitment point is divided into three parts. The first part is the queue registration information, which can also be regarded as a preliminary screening.

At this point, anyone under the age of 20 or over 40 will basically be excluded unless the conditions are particularly favorable.

Xu Lai personally reviewed the applications of seven veterans. All of them were over 40 years old, and the tallest one had become a cavalry lieutenant before retiring.

This lieutenant named Charles is not a military rank, but an official position in the imperial military system. He is almost equivalent to the squadron leader in Xu Lai's compilation team, and is responsible for managing seven or eight cavalry squads.

It must be noted that this is not a title created privately by the nobles themselves, but a position certified by the king and approved by Congress.

Although the lieutenant has retired from the army and may no longer be able to enjoy the corresponding benefits, he can still enjoy the capabilities that have been activated before as long as he re-enlists in the army.

Yes, he can directly command and recruit soldiers, but he can only command cavalry.

Therefore, even though he is over 50 years old, his attributes have begun to degrade. Not to mention compared to the Naaru of the same level who has been nourished by the blood of the holy dragon, even compared to the recruited 7th level great knight, there is no advantage.

However, he has rich experience, a full understanding of the aristocratic system, and an angry heart.

When the old knight was about to retire, he failed to get into the lowest level of the nobles, and finally chose to retire to his hometown. Unexpectedly, his home was destroyed by the orcs, and even Count Ani got mixed up with the orcs.

There is no smoke without fire, and even if it is fake, Count Ani's negative attitude towards the invasion of the orcs cannot be fake.

In addition to the old knight, Xu Lai also made an exception and recruited an infantry lieutenant and a crossbow captain.

The captain let Xu Lai come here and he could become a captain, but the position of the crossbow captain named Yin Lumi was far lower than that of Charles. There were at least two or three big steps between the two sides.

There is no way, the lowest level of cavalry is level 4, while the cavalry of regular troops starts at least level 5, and the main force needs a large number of serious knights of level 6.

Even if the crossbow troops can form a larger legion, they are not as dignified as the cavalry. Unless they can get a position with the rank of general, they are incomparable to the cavalry lieutenant.

Of these three men, Charles was appointed by Xu Lai on the spot as the commander of the Gale Knights and placed under Yanfeng's management.

Yin Lumi went to lead the crossbow troops and served as Fang Yang's deputy. On the one hand, he was a supervisor, and on the other hand, he assisted Fang Yang, a guy who had almost never led troops.

The infantry lieutenant was the deputy in charge of the direction and was responsible for the most important heavy armored spearmen.

The remaining few are all veterans. Although they do not have the ability to lead troops, they can also serve as low-level officers to enhance the overall strength of the army.

Anyway, in addition to filling some militia, most of the logistics force will be composed of these recruited soldiers, so there is no need to have the ability to lead the recruitment of soldiers.

The second part of the recruitment point is the actual assessment part.

Reality is not a game, and living people are not recruiting soldiers.

Recruited farmers and soldiers have basically the same attributes as long as they are of the same profession and level.

But ordinary people are different. Their attributes will have different changes based on their birth, exercise status, nutritional status, whether they have joined the military or received other training, and their age.

For example, grassland people generally have pretty good strength. They usually lead livestock, draw bows to hunt, control horses, and often eat meat, so they are generally stronger than people in the Central Plains.

However, in terms of physical fitness, grassland people are often 1 or 2 points behind in attributes. Because they have mounts to travel, their running levels are generally not high.

If your physique is not good enough, your endurance is generally not very good, and you are not suitable for logistics occupations that may require long-term running.

But if you have special skills, such as being good at cooking or managing livestock, then it doesn't mean you can't be admitted.

Another characteristic of the grassland is that horses are relatively cheaper. They cannot run fast or for a long time, so they can ride horses.

Anyway, the logistics team must be equipped with a relatively high number of pack horses, pack horses, and even some patrol and reconnaissance knights riding high-level hunting horses.

The screening in this area also mainly focuses on the three attributes of force-sensitive bodies.

Strength is the simplest. Just find a few heavier objects, measure the weight, and everyone can lift them one by one.

The physical fitness test is based on a calibrated weight, such as a 50 kilogram stone, to see how long you can hold it after lifting it.

Logistics troops carry various materials every day, and strength and physique are the most important.

You can't count on agility anyway. If you rely solely on infantry on foot, you won't be able to go fast even if you want to.

So Xu Lai has ordered blacksmiths and markets to make and purchase flat carriages in large quantities.

During normal transportation of goods, soldiers who cannot walk can also take turns to rest.

The last area of ​​the recruitment point is registration. Each soldier is placed into each team according to their test scores and specialties.

Xu Lai's logistics force was organized with a strength of 10,000 people from the beginning.

Therefore, this unit has many categories. For example, those who are good at cooking should be included in the food camp.

Those who are good at domesticating horses and taking care of cattle and sheep will be assigned to livestock camps and war horse camps.

Then the ones with the largest number of people are assigned to transport battalions, carriage battalions, trench battalions, siege battalions, etc.

At this point, they can basically be identified as soldiers of the Qingfeng Legion, and they are just waiting for the chief officers to take them back and form a team according to the organization.

Of course, at this stage, it is not completely certain, because it still needs to go through a background check by the intelligence agency.

Xu Lai had wanted to set up this department for a long time, but he had been suffering from insufficient manpower, so he temporarily transferred the previous investigators to this newly established department.

The person in charge of this department was handed over to Wei Yihong by Xu Lai.

His negotiations with Naga Town went very smoothly. If nothing happens, he will bring the Naga Queen's delegation to Qingfeng Town in two days.

Xu Lai was waiting in this last area. The clerks temporarily assigned by the city hall would check each person's information and enter them into the military register. Xu Lai would pay the resettlement allowance to the person on the spot.

Xu Lai has not yet decided on the wages of logistics soldiers. Anyway, after joining the army, ordinary soldiers will definitely not have to worry about food and accommodation issues.

But since ancient times, the emperor has always had hungry soldiers. It doesn't matter if the military pay is delayed, but Xu Lai must pay the settlement fee on the spot.

Moreover, he was at the scene, watching the maids and male servants he brought from the base camp personally deliver stacks of gold coins to everyone's hands.

Xu Lai thought about it for a long time, and finally set the standard that the settlement fee for each ordinary soldier was 15 gold coins.

Those low-level officers such as squad captains and cook chiefs who are appointed on-site and are served by veterans or experienced people are charged 20 to 30 gold coins each.

For middle and low-level officers like Charles and Yin Lumi, Xu Lai was also more generous and directly paid them settlement allowances on the spot based on the standard of 50-200 gold coins per person.

15 gold coins is not too much. Anyway, from Xu's point of view, this amount of gold coins cannot buy a person's wealth and life.

Therefore, even if someone takes the money and runs away, Xu Lai will not be too sad.

Of course, you still have to chase what should be pursued, and Xu Lai is also a stingy person.

If you use this money to settle down, coupled with Qingfeng City's current half-price house purchase policy for new residents, you can buy not only an entire house, but also a room in the house.

With such a room, the remaining money can support the wife, children, and children until the next salary payment, even if they don't rent land.

Xu Lai also discussed with Su Ya and the others for a long time last night before they calculated a figure that was enough to settle down and would not cause Xu Lai to lose too much.

You know, even if you don't count the officers, it's calculated at 15 gold coins per person. Ten thousand people are still 150,000 gold coins. (End of chapter)

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