The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 501 The idea is clear

In this world, when ordinary nobles recruit soldiers, they usually send people directly to villages and towns to recruit soldiers based on their household registration.

This kind of conscripted soldiers usually only receive some funeral expenses after death, which is the so-called pension.

Nobles with more conscience will wait for the soldiers to give them some rewards and status improvements after they have made meritorious service.

For example, he was promoted from an ordinary soldier to a squad leader.

But in most cases, the lords would not pay any wages to their subjects. At most, they would provide food and accommodation, or they could conquer a certain city and allow them to plunder it themselves.

Of course, wages and settling-in allowances are not Xu Lai’s first initiative.

This system has been in use long before Xu Lai, such as the Empire's Angel Legion, Griffin Order, Knights, etc.

These regular armies are funded by the state and are of a different nature than the private armies of the nobles.

The other type is mercenaries, who are also paid, and the salary may be higher than what Xu Lai paid, or even much higher.

Mercenaries are the kind of mercenaries who work for money. Mercenaries with relatively high credibility can also make people feel a little more at ease.

But if you haven't heard of it, it's definitely possible to screw up your employer. It's no longer news that mercenaries switch sides on the battlefield.

In addition, mercenaries are responsible for their own profits and losses, and employers will not be responsible for the death of mercenaries, but at the same time, employers must also be careful about temporary price increases for mercenaries.

In all three cases, private soldiers, regular troops and mercenaries, I have never heard of them being paid settling-in allowances.

When stacks of gold coins were handed over to these new recruits who were homeless not long ago.

When bowls of hot rice are served to these prairie people who are still hungry, regardless of whether they have joined the army or not.

The cheers from the audience have gradually disappeared, and as more and more people eat the fragrant rice, their eyes gradually become red, and the corners of their eyes begin to moisten.

Being steamed by the heat from the beef soup, my face silently became moist.

This quiet and silent environment made Xu Lai feel a little breathless.

The scene was so depressing that Xu Lai couldn't adapt to it, so he silently led Roland and the others away.

However, as soon as Xu Lai turned around to leave, those who were eating and registering, led by someone who didn't know who, all plopped down and knelt down behind Xu Lai.

He personally came to pay the settlement allowance today, and even asked the kitchen to use the simplest and fastest way to prepare dozens of barrels of rice and soup, just to win people's hearts.

Xu Lai, who was born in modern times and has received countless advanced information, clearly understands how important the so-called "show" is.

Xu Lai originally thought that since he didn't come here with any good intentions, he wouldn't be touched in his heart.

But when he saw the living people standing in front of him, he still couldn't calm down.

After Xu Lai walked away, the scene returned to its previous appearance, but people who had not yet had time to sign up became more and more enthusiastic.

Those who have signed up and are undergoing the test must grit their teeth and pass the test no matter how painful their bodies are.

Those who passed the test, were registered, and were divided into their respective units, carefully collected the resettlement allowance they were given, and silently took two bowls to make rice and soup.

After Xu Lai walked away, the two heroes also came to sign up. However, after Xu Lai arrived, the two heroes who lined up silently looked at each other.

One of them said to his companions in a very low voice: "With just this, these soldiers may really have to sell their lives to him in the future."

"Sure enough, there is still a gap between people. If you scatter a handful of gold coins, it will be worth hundreds of thousands."

The hero was silent for a moment. They also wanted to win people's hearts, but they were both paupers. They could hardly afford to recruit soldiers, so what could they use to win people's hearts?

The same scene also appeared at other recruitment points.

Xu Lai originally planned to visit every recruitment point himself and personally supervise the distribution of every resettlement allowance.

He hoped to let these people know that this was the money he, Xu Lai, sent to them, and hoped that these people would remember Xu Lai's achievements so that they could know who they should be loyal to.

But after experiencing the first recruitment point, he no longer had this idea, and only asked Harris to take the remaining people in the castle to complete the work on his behalf.

Harris is an old man who has followed Xu Lai. There are certain words that Xu Lai knows how to do without saying them.

It doesn’t matter in the name of Legion Commander Reina or Logistics Manager Wang Chao, what does Xu Lai want? Doesn’t Harris, who has matured into a master, still know what Xu Lai wants?

Although he didn't know why Xu Lai suddenly stopped going and gave this task to him.

But Harris, who has always been grateful to Xu Lai, will definitely complete this task well.

Xu Lai, who put the matter aside, did not go to the school grounds to check on Reina who was reorganizing the troops.

He chose to go to the tavern and settle things with the Advent heroes who lived here.

It's been two days since I came back, so I can't just leave them alone.

What's more, they ate and lived in the tavern, and all they spent was Xu Lai's money. If they kept putting off dealing with it, it was Xu Lai who suffered the loss.

But after arriving at the tavern, Xu Lai did not immediately summon these heroes to meet. Instead, he first asked the owner of the tavern for the account book.

The owner of the tavern is not from Qingfeng City, but a shopkeeper from a certain chamber of commerce stationed here.

After Xu Lai built the tavern, he had no time to run it, so he asked the city hall to rent it out directly.

The original tavern was not big, about the size of two and a half houses, but after upgrading the brotherhood, it became much larger.

The current Brotherhood Tavern has not only expanded in size to the size of three courtyards, but also has an additional courtyard at the back and a second floor purely for accommodation.

Although the boss was not from Qingfeng City, he did not dare to be careless in the face of the request from the owner of Qingfeng City and quickly handed over the account book obediently.

Xu Lai quickly scanned the pages page by page. With his current memory, he could remember all the contents in his mind at a glance.

Soon, the entire account book had been recorded in Xu Lai's mind.

He smiled half-heartedly and said to the boss:

"Boss, the City Lord's Mansion is your biggest customer. If you don't offer a discount to this big customer, I see that the price in the ledger is higher than that of ordinary drinkers."

The shopkeeper smiled awkwardly and said: "Those drinkers are also regular customers, and I give discounts to some who come frequently.

The City Lord's Mansion hasn't settled the bill yet, so I'll charge the original price first, and I'll give it a discount of about 30% when the bill comes. "

"Thirty percent off, it's not that low." Xu Lai put down the account book and said softly.

The shopkeeper swallowed his saliva and said with a smile: "We usually can't invite such a distinguished guest as you. How much this bill should be is not a matter of your words."

Xu Lai had a smile on his face, but he snorted softly:

"You want to say that I am bullying others, right?

Haha, don't worry. According to what is recorded in your account book, the City Lord's Mansion will not miss you a penny. "

After that, without giving the shopkeeper a chance to speak, he stomped directly upstairs.

The tavern owner wanted to follow him to serve him, but Roland exerted a slight force on his shoulder and almost pushed the owner out.

He glanced at the tavern owner and said, "There are other people waiting, so don't follow me."

The owner of the tavern broke out in cold sweat instantly.

Xu Lai was generous to the common people of Qingfeng City, so that most of the people who first lived here lived a relatively prosperous life.

In addition, the business environment in Qingfeng City is getting better and better, and the business of the tavern is getting better and better, and the profits are getting higher and higher.

However, after offending the master of Qingfeng City, will such good days be possible again?

On the other side, Xu Lai, who was walking on the stairs, also said to Roland beside him:

"Remind me later that when the contract here expires, I will drive people away immediately."

Roland smiled and responded: "Yes, you are too tolerant of these businessmen. In my opinion, they should be driven away directly."

Xu Lai said with a smile: "You are wrong to do this. Even if we hate someone, we should still have the minimum spirit of contract. This will be good for our future development."

After arriving upstairs, Xu Lai knocked on the door one by one according to the rooms where the heroes lived.

As the master of the city, Xu Lai should be regarded as a courtesy corporal by visiting him personally.

The slight grievance I suffered from being ignored by Xu Lai should have disappeared.

The encounter at the recruitment office in the morning made Xu Lai realize that he himself had been looking at others through colored glasses.

In his mind, the indigenous residents of this world are inherently more trustworthy than outsiders like them.

In fact, it's all bullshit. Everyone is valuable, it just depends on whether you can use it.

Xu Lai still has a natural distrust of the advent heroes, but he doesn't want to kill them all at once, but gives them a chance and gives himself a chance.

Even if he doesn't trust him, he won't be entrusted with important tasks at worst. Heroes still have inherent advantages, and Xu Lai can completely regard this as an exchange.

Xu Lai gave them what they wanted, and they gave Xu Lai what they wanted.

Once one day either party feels that the other party can no longer give them what they want, then separation is inevitable.

With such psychological preparation, Xu Lai will not feel betrayed. When he uses these advent heroes, he can feel at ease and have no burden.

This is equivalent to the boss and employees. If their abilities are suitable, Xu Lai will hire them.

But both the boss and the employee have the right to fire and resign at any time.

In this world, Xu Lai, as a boss, has no burden because there is no need to compensate employees for dismissal here.

"Zhang Zhiqiang, right? I heard that you have built three villages. Are you interested in building another one?" (End of Chapter)

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