The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 506 Buffalo Moon

John used the water mirror technique to directly connect the Eye of True Seeing to the water mirror.

In this way, as long as the basin of water as the carrier is always there and someone continues to provide it with magic power, the spell can be maintained.

With this spell, Yu Lan can call up the images seen by each investigative eye at any time.

Xu Lai also looked at the picture. To be honest, it was a bit dark. It didn't have the infrared function like the surveillance camera.

But the underground environment is like this, and the picture seen through the detective eye is already clearer and brighter than the picture seen with the naked eye.

The Eye of Investigation is a perfect eye, much easier to use than ordinary human eyes.

At this time, John also saw the picture in the mirror and couldn't help but frown and said:

Xu Lai frowned. He didn't expect that this thing would have a distance limit.

To put it bluntly, after the bison charge, they can only rush forward. Even if the hero tells them to stop, they have to wait for a long time.

Suddenly, John became particularly active. Regardless of the fatigue of abandoning the boat and the darkness of the underground city, he took the initiative to propose to Xu Lai to start as early as possible and finish as soon as possible.

You can rest a little longer tomorrow. After we get up, we need to clean up the nearby wild monsters to prevent the control center from being damaged by these wild monsters. "

He originally wanted to take a rest early and leave the task of clearing the wild monsters to Elvi and Roland.

"Of course, I think we still have a lot of time for the time being.

He didn't do anything, he just kept riding on the horse. However, riding a horse was not an easy task.

After asking John clearly about the materials he carried and his mana consumption, he deployed a detective eye at almost every fork in the road.

Therefore, when Xu Lai learned that this month was the Buffalo Moon, his head hurt very much.

"I'm sorry, Lord, it seems it was my mistake.

And don’t worry, if you have better and stronger detection methods, please use them too.

There was no talking all night, and he worked continuously for nearly 20 hours. Not to mention an old man like John, even Xu Lai was a little tired.

Fortunately, the present tense had just been born, so Xu Lai immediately commanded the two of them, leaving a team of paladins to guard the tent.

Xu Lai is usually stingy, but when he should be generous, he is never stingy.

Even though they have only arranged 13, they have been doing so for more than a day. In less than an hour, it will be past 12 o'clock.

This bull's eye must stare at you from close range to have a chance of triggering judgment.

Especially after it reaches a large scale, even the knights have to stay away.

But because of this characteristic, when high-level creatures are used to fight against bulls, the loss rate is far higher than imagined.

I ignored the dark environment of the dungeon. If you are willing to wait for me for a while, I can deploy an enhanced version of the Eye of Detection.

The newly born bison herd has not yet reached a large scale in terms of numbers.

It's very simple. The Barbarian Bull King does not increase the chance of death gaze. On the contrary, due to the improvement of attributes and levels, the number of Barbarian Bull Kings cannot be compared with that of Barbarian Bulls.

Because the Barbarian Bull is only a sixth-level creature, its basic output is much higher than that of higher-level or even ultimate creatures.

It is definitely not cost-effective to use high-level troops to fight against the bulls.

However, the bison charge also has a very fatal flaw, that is, once the bison charge starts, it is difficult to stop and cannot turn.

Not to mention the black dragon that is immune to level 1-5 spells, even if the unit is completely immune to magic, it will not be able to circumvent the judgment of death.

Therefore, all forbidden magic spells are ineffective against Barbarian Bulls, unless the spell can directly ban the God of Death.

John smiled and said: "It just so happens that my mana is a little insufficient, so I'll meditate a little longer."

The odds are not high, just in case.

Xu Lai's words also dispelled John's last doubt, and with a smile on his face, he went to set up a new investigative eye.

But the threat of the Barbarian Bull King is not as high as that of the Barbarian Bull.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, it's all what I should do."

As long as the bison herd does not reach a large scale, there will definitely not be many wild cattle born.

It's just that it's no longer a skeleton, but a swamp creature from the fortress, a bison.

John was embarrassed to say more, so he said: "The detective eyes I have deployed are all permanent, so the materials may be more expensive. Each one costs at least a thousand gold coins."

Only the Pope who is protected by the power of the God of War can snatch a person's soul back from the God of Death.

But when they attack their opponents, any creature that is stared into by their big bull's eyes will receive the judgment of death.

In other words, the activation probability of the Bull's Death Gaze is only related to the probability of this characteristic itself.

Even if the person fighting against the barbarian bull is a holy dragon, as long as the holy dragon doesn't kill the barbarian bull instantly on the spot and gives it a chance to attack or glare at you, even if it is as powerful as the holy dragon, there is a chance that it will be killed instantly.

The most important thing is that in the eyes of Man Niu, the Holy Dragon is no more noble than a level 0 farmer.

Correspondingly, not only living creatures must be judged by the God of Death, but also the undead, as long as they have souls, they must be judged by the God of Death.

The biggest shortcoming of Manniu's Death Gaze is that it cannot be released remotely like the Finger of Death.

However, although the bison is powerful, it is not to be feared.

If you continue to go forward, I'm afraid it will become more and more difficult to deploy the investigative eye. "

John made a detective eye from materials, cast it, placed it in a hidden corner, and finally connected it to the control center in Bright Moon City.

But we still can’t relax, because the new January is still the month of monsters.

If you miss such a good thing, wouldn't you be punished by God?

Moreover, the body of the unit killed by the Death Gaze is intact, but the soul has been taken away by the God of Death.

Similarly, not to mention seeing clearly, at least if you look carefully, you won't miss anything.

Xu Lai didn't know whether the legend was true. Xu Lai only knew that Man Niu and Man Niu King really possessed part of the power of the God of Death.

My enhanced version can reach a distance of up to 50 kilometers. "

After 12 o'clock, the Moon of Bones, which had caused great trouble to all life camps, finally passed.

Moreover, no matter whether the front of the bison is friendly or enemy, as long as the bison charges, it will not distinguish between friend and foe.

Xu Lai was stunned. It turned out that there really was a night vision version of infrared reconnaissance eyes.

The real headaches are the advanced creatures of the bison, the level 6 Barbarian Bull and the level 7 Barbarian King.

Moreover, Xu Lai only deployed these 13 reconnaissance eyes at forks in the road and did not go deep.

If there had to be a chance, then the Pope would have to perform the resurrection spell himself, because the Pope must be blessed with power beyond this world.

Even if you don't bring a large force, it would be great to just bring Giselle and the phantom shooter she is training.

For Death Gaze, a trait that relies on chance to survive, quantity is always the most critical attribute.

As for the shortcoming of being difficult to turn, that is for a small number of bison.

John nodded and said: "That's no problem. The Eye of Investigation only needs to contact this temporary control center.

Next month is Bison Month, when bison production doubles and there are massive births of bison in the wild.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the bison is a very powerful soldier on the battlefield.

The distance is relatively far. If we go further, we should see a maze, one at the entrance of the maze and one at the exit of the maze. "

Moreover, once the number of bulls increases, the probability of one bull is not high, but what about ten? With one hundred heads, do we have to take away a few high-level creatures?

Compared to the level 6 bull, it is the level 7 bull king. Its attributes seem to have improved, becoming fleshier and with higher health points.

On the real battlefield, there are people everywhere, and the size of the bison is terrifying. You can dodge as many bison as you can, no matter how much you turn to avoid them.

Xu Lai, Elvi and Roland each led their own teams and cleared out all the bison around them as quickly as possible.

What John didn't expect was that Xu Lai had arranged so many eye positions.

On the contrary, it is those new-born skeletons that have no consciousness of their own. No matter how hard the bulls stare at them, they are ineffective.

After finishing this, Xu Lai asked: "Did the mage not have enough mana? Or did he not have enough physical strength? It doesn't matter. I have physical potions and mana potions here."

As long as John's investigation method can increase the probability of discovering Moriel's army in advance, it will be worth Xu Lai's investment.

On Xu Lai's trip, because he wanted to protect John and clear out the wild monsters as quickly as possible, he brought the entire angel and paladin guards with him.

Seeing Xu Lai frowning, John also trembled in his heart. He had already collected the money, and it seemed a bit unreasonable to talk about it now.

He regrets it now. If he had known earlier, he should have brought some shooter troops.

Of course Xu Lai wouldn't have any objections. He was eager to start as soon as possible.

If a barbarian cow has to stare at a farmer 100 times to kill a farmer, then if it stares at a holy dragon a hundred times, it will definitely kill a holy dragon.

He didn't know if the sacred armor could protect against the bull's death gaze. If the death gaze was similar to the finger of death, then it would probably be impossible to defend against.

Xu Lai smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I have at most 3 or 4 more investigative eyes to deploy.

Xu Lai was also afraid that something would happen after 12 o'clock in the new month, so he kept spreading the news.

The bison is a level 5 creature in the fortress camp. Its most typical characteristics are rough skin, thick flesh, and powerful strength.

To a certain extent, bison are similar to the tauren in the underground city. After all, they are both cows.

As long as Xu Lai seizes the time to clean up, he can clean up the surroundings before they merge with each other and form a larger bison herd with more bases.

"This place is too far from the control center of Mingyue City. So, can we build an additional control center here and connect this control center to Mingyue City?"

John thought for a while and then said: "You can give it a try.

But he never thought before that Xu Lai would spread his cloth so far?

It's just that the distance between the two control centers is still very far. Even if they can be connected, the external control center cannot send too many images back, otherwise the magic channel will be blocked."

After all, he was born in a modern society. What people of this era did not expect, Xu Lai suddenly thought of trying the relay method.

The new investigative eye took longer to deploy, and Xu Lai waited for more than an hour.

Xu Lai had come into contact with this kind of power beyond the world once. The death finger of the Dragon Lich penetrated even the invincibility of the Holy Light Knight.

They have rough skin and thick flesh, making them difficult to kill, but at the same time, their own attack power is not particularly powerful.

If you are lucky, you can escape. If you are unlucky, no matter how strong your strength is or how high your health is, as long as you cannot resist the power of death, the only way out is to have your soul harvested.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, John smiled bitterly and said: "No, it's because the distance between us is getting farther and farther, and the connection with the control center is getting more and more difficult.

According to legend, the Barbarian Bull is the mount of the God of Death, and his daily job is to carry countless clones of the God of Death, constantly harvesting souls around the world.

It is precisely because of this special characteristic of ignoring defense, ignoring life, and regardless of level that all creatures are treated equally, making creatures like the Barbarian Bull a true high-level killer.

However, the bison is still affected by morale, but it has an advantage that the tauren does not have, which is bison charge.

In other words, swamp creatures are naturally slow. Even if a bison has four legs, it is considered fast among swamp creatures. Speed ​​and agility are still their shortcomings.

The Barbarian Bull and the Barbarian Bull King are extremely special types of soldiers.

In areas with low light, the amount of light can be amplified. Not only can the picture be as bright as daytime, but at least it can be seen clearly.

If this is used as the new center, there will be no problem in connecting the reconnaissance eyes within a 30-kilometer radius.

The buffalo's charge is very powerful. The 5th level charge can even compare to the 6th level knight's charge.

Xu Lai smiled and said: "Then I will pay you 1,500 gold coins each. Please work hard for two days. I may have a lot of places to decorate."

The enhanced version of the Detection Eye has infrared vision, which will have a larger detection range and clearer images. "

Xu Lai nodded and said: "Then let's get started, build the control center first, and then rest.

Moreover, the power of death is beyond this world.

No matter how much spell materials you consume on this trip, I can reimburse you and provide you with an extra hard-earned fee when you return. "

However, the new detective eye is very effective.

Xu Lai not only fully reimbursed him for the cost of casting spells, but also paid a hard-earned fee afterwards, which meant that John was using other people's money to experiment with his own spells.

Therefore, even resurrection spells cannot be revived.

In dark places, it can also display infrared black and white images.

Besides, if the battlefield is crowded, where will there be so much space for you to hide?

Moreover, it is the God of Death who will judge you, not the Barbarian Bull. The Barbarian Bull just glared at you with its own eyes, without any lethality or magic power.

Xu Lai nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's right. Just decorate according to this standard. How much does it cost to decorate one?"

The price quoted by John already included his own hard work, but Xu Lai was willing to add another 500 gold at a time, even after he had already received payment.

The whole process took just over an hour at first, and gradually turned into two hours. By the 13th time, it took a full three hours to complete the connection.

As long as there are no wild monsters nearby and the control center is safe, the more bison gathered elsewhere and the more bison born, it would be a good thing for Xu Lai.

This means that when Moriel comes to this area, she cannot avoid these bulls.

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