The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 507 The Castle is Completed

After John woke up from meditation, Xu Lai's eyes were a little red. He had not slept for more than 30 hours.

His current physique is more terrifying than that of a giant dragon, and it has only been more than 30 hours. Xu Lai thinks he can hold on for another 30 more hours.

"Lord, why don't you take a rest first?"

Xu Lai shook his head and said, "No need, this month is the Buffalo Month.

The longer we stay, the higher the chance that the buffalo will gather in a herd and the wild bull and the wild bull king will be born. "

As he said that, Xu Lai glanced around. He was surrounded by angels and paladins of the lowest level 7. He sighed and said, "Let's make a quick decision and try to get everything done today and go back to rest early."

To deal with the bulls, long-range troops are the most suitable. If that doesn't work, counter-charge spearmen and pikemen are also very suitable.

In addition to being stared to death and unable to be resurrected, targets killed by bison can also be resurrected.

The most important thing is that even if these infantrymen, spearmen, etc. cannot be resurrected, Xu Lai will not feel bad.

Otherwise, if you get it too easily, it won’t be rare.

In order to obtain these angels and paladins, Xu Lai took them to level up a little bit. How could he be willing to waste them with wild monsters?

For ten hours, Xu Lai's troops were divided into three groups. Except for the remaining troops who only eliminated dozens of lost bison, each of the three teams eliminated at least ten groups of bison.

However, because the buffalo herds they killed did not gather together, the largest group was just a group of buffaloes killed outside the maze this morning. There were more than a hundred buffaloes in total, 3 wild bulls and a wild bull king.

These four wild bulls were all killed by Xu Lai himself.

It's not that he is brave, he just temporarily acts as a mage, a thunderbolt of ice, sending them home from a distance.

Dozens of bison herds gave away more than 20 treasure boxes, a dozen piles of resources and several low-level treasures.

The treasures are very low-level and can add one or two points of morale, a point of luck, or one or two points of attack and defense for the entire army.

Except for a few rare ones, such as the best low-level treasures that increase movement speed by 1 point and increase luck by 1 point, the rest of the low-level treasures are not very valuable now.

So Xu Lai exchanged all of these 20 wooden, black iron, and bronze treasure chests for gold coins.

A wooden treasure chest can be exchanged for 500, black iron for 1,000, and a bronze treasure chest with the lowest quantity, which can give 2,000 gold coins.

From these low-level treasure chests alone, Xu Lai gained nearly 30,000 gold coins.

Recently, I have been upgrading the castle, upgrading the city walls, building Mingyue City, expanding the army and recruiting troops, and I have spent a lot of money.

And at his current level of level 40, that little bit of experience is a drop in the bucket and has almost no effect.

Earning tens of thousands of gold coins in ten hours is not a small income, but if all the wild monsters gather, this harvest can at least be doubled several times.

Pulling himself together, Xu Lai led John through the maze entrance, maze exit, and placed the last reconnaissance eye at the farthest end of the relay control center.

With these eyes around, Moriel wouldn't be able to sneak attack him again, unless she also followed Xu Lai's example and ran away with several people to steal his house.

In that case, it would be difficult to detect using some invisibility spells.

Unfortunately, Moriel did not have such courage.

At this moment, the troops in the underground city were frantically searching everywhere.

Almost all the forks in the direction of the maze are being explored by dungeon troops.

The arrival of the Buffalo Moon was a great help to Xu Lai and caused great trouble to the search team in the dungeon.

It has to be cleaned up and searched at the same time. No matter how many troops there are in the dungeon, the search is estimated to take about ten days and a half.

It is worth mentioning that when Xu Lai entered the maze this time, he not only did not continue to develop the gold mine, but also canceled the previous occupation status.

The purpose is to mislead the dungeon, because generally speaking, few heroes can afford a rich gold mine.

Even if Xu Lai can't transport it, he just needs to hire some cavemen who specialize in mining to come over and take away the gold every once in a while.

A rich-level gold mine can produce at least 1,500 gold coins a day. If you ignore efficiency and keep piling cavemen, you can even produce 2,000 gold coins a day.

2,000 a day, and you can take away 60,000 gold once a month. How many lords can afford it?

Anyway, if the gold mine here is discovered, Moriel will definitely come and occupy it.

But the fact that the gold mine here is not occupied by others probably means that no hero or lord has passed through this passage.

Of course, it may not really be able to confuse people. After all, the prison where the hero is held in the center of the maze is now empty.

If Moriel or any hero comes over, they will definitely notice this problem.

However, Xu Lai has done everything he can.

A battle with Moriel is inevitable. Xu Lai only hopes to postpone this date continuously so that he can accumulate more strength and create more chances of victory.

After three nights and two days, Xu Lai finally returned to Mingyue City on the second day of the Buffalo Moon.

The bison herd near Mingyue City has been cleared away.

Dill was a shooter general, and the shooter troops he led were large and of good quality. It was not difficult at all to clean up these wild monsters.

The continuous rain of arrows gave the bison no chance to get close to him. Even if he launched a charge, he would only die on the road.

Xu Lai left all the 50,000 gold he had accumulated from underground to Dill.

Together with the treasure chests he opened and the output of Mingyue City, it should be enough for him to advance to the archer who was constantly leveling up.

During the three days he was away, the ground had new changes, and the castle that was built first was completed in the last few hours of the Skeleton Moon.

But Xu Lai did not rush back, but rested in Mingyue City for a night and took a look at the effect of each reconnaissance eye.

The effect did not make Xu Lai very satisfied, because the water mirror was too small and the screen could not be divided.

Although different screens can be switched, the information seen by other reconnaissance eyes cannot be presented after switching.

So John, who had also worked hard for two days, was brought over by Xu Lai to work overtime and directly hung more than a dozen mirrors on the wall.

Now there is no need to use the water mirror, just connect these mirrors to the screen of the control center.

More than a dozen screens, and someone has to come to watch them.

Fortunately, in addition to Yu Lan and Dill, Mingyue City also has the horse thief leader and his brothers.

Find a few good performers to be responsible for monitoring, one person is responsible for several people, it is not tiring and will not delay things.

After a good rest underground for a night, Xu Lai returned to the ground at dawn the next day.

The outer wall of Qingfeng City is still under construction, but this time the farmers who built the castle are also free.

Moreover, with the blessing of the castle and the head of the god of war, the growth rate has increased by 150%, and more than 50 farmers are directly pulled out in the new month.

It’s a pity that the buildings in the wild cannot be upgraded and are not blessed by the castle. Otherwise, the wild manor will also be upgraded, and more than 100 farmers can be pulled out in a month.

A few days ago, Xu Lai had reached an agreement with several heroes.

Xu Lai provided the heart of the castle, and they provided people to build villages around Qingfeng City.

These villages do not need to have many people, as long as they can help Qingfeng City appropriately and share some of the pressure of refugees.

Using the farmers produced by the farm, dig channels along the river, build more farmland, and produce more food.

Even if they don't build a village in the direction of the river, they can spread out in other directions to form more horse farms and raise more cattle, sheep and horses.

They don't need too many armed personnel. Even if they are upgraded to towns in the future, Qingfeng City will send security stations and security teams there.

Xu Lai provides them with security, and they provide Xu Lai with more land, more people, and appropriate food dividends.

It is equivalent to these villages and even towns. Now, the sovereignty of the future has been deprived by Xu Lai.

These villages are not comparable to Luo Mingru's. Luo Mingru surrendered to Xu Lai, which is equivalent to paying protection fees, but the basic sovereignty is still owned.

And they are equivalent to senior workers who can get dividends.

The location of the village they built needs to be approved by Xu Lai first, and it cannot affect Xu Lai's own planning.

Because in every place, Xu Lai must reserve space for them to expand and upgrade in the future.

Of course, the upgrade also needs to be approved by Xu Lai, and Xu Lai will never allow them to upgrade privately.

The village is limited by its size and attributes. No matter how big it is, it can only plant more fields and produce more grain, and can't do much else.

Such an agreement is not acceptable to any hero with a little ambition.

Xu Lai doesn't force them. If they don't want to go out to build a village, Xu Lai can provide them with many positions.

For example, they can become the leader, lead the mercenary guards, and guard the caravan for Xu Lai.

Another example is to use their modern minds to be Wei Yihong's assistant and help manage the market.

It's just that although Xu Lai can give them treatment far beyond that of ordinary people, most of them are not satisfied.

For example, at the beginning of each monster month, if you are lucky, you can catch a group of not-so-powerful wild monsters, and you can get at least 500 gold coins just by destroying them and opening the treasure chest.

People who have experienced sudden wealth easily lose interest in a stable life.

What Xu Lai gives is only enough for them to make their living standards surpass ordinary people, but there is no way to make them rich.

However, most of these heroes who drifted to Qingfeng City are frustrated.

Regardless of whether they still have dreams or not, Xu Lai at least provides them with a basic development platform. Whether they are willing to accept it is their own business.

If they do not accept Xu Lai's help, they will have difficulty surviving.

With the number and quality of their troops, except for the fact that the monsters did not gather at the beginning of the month, which might give them a chance, they simply cannot beat large-scale wild monsters.

Moreover, it is not their turn near the city.

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Su Ya arranged for the troops to sweep the bison herds around the city.

And until Xu Lai returned, the Rena unit that went out for actual combat training has not returned yet.

Rena did not carry many resources, nor did she choose to leave the city too far. She led the troops to continuously clear wild monsters around Qingfeng City.

In doing so, Rena wanted to quickly familiarize herself with the troops, their characteristics, combat effectiveness, and combat methods, and also let the commanders of these troops get used to and familiar with her orders.

At the same time, this is also a training of Wang Chao's logistics supply capabilities. In the next few days, Wang Chao will receive new soldiers and organize them as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Wang Chao also had to supply crossbows and food to Lena's troops.

Reina didn't dare to go far away because the logistics team had not yet formed combat effectiveness, and the food needed to be kept up, and the transportation was even more important.

Actual combat is the best teacher, and the logistics force has many veterans who serve as the backbone.

It has to be said that although the orc attack caused huge damage to the grassland, it also brought a large number of high-quality soldiers to Xu Lai.

Countless noble troops were dispersed, allowing Xu Lai to recruit many high-quality soldiers.

With their help, the growth of the logistics force is also obvious to all.

The entire Qingfeng City was full of busy figures. Xu Lai, who returned to Qingfeng City, seemed like an idle person.

Of all the buildings in Qingfeng City, except for the city walls, there was nothing that Xu Laiqu needed to pay special attention to.

The only thing left for Xu Lai seemed to be to recruit all the soldiers in each hero building.

After upgrading the castle, the number of angels in Yunzhong City increased to 3, one more than the 2 expected by Xu Lai.

It can be seen that the increase of the golden statue of the God of War and the increase of the castle are not superimposed.

The one left over from last month, plus the three from this month, make a total of four angels.

These 4 angels, plus the 4 angels brought from underground and the 2 recruited by Yunzhong City last month, have made up 10 angels in this month.

With the addition of these 10 angels, Xu Lai's current angel troop size finally exceeded 100, including 30 Seraphs, 54 Archangels, and the remaining 20 or so little angels.

In addition to angels, there are also knights in the harvest.

After upgrading to the knight training camp and castle, the knight training camp alone can produce 15 level 6 knights at one time, plus the 10 in the Hall of Champions, that is 25 level 6 knights.

That is to say, Xu Lai has not yet joined the hands of the God of War, otherwise Qingfeng City alone would be able to gather 30 level 6 knights.

That's not all. There is also a cavalry training camp in the underground Mingyue City. Due to level restrictions, there is no dual bonus of the base camp and the castle, and only 5 cavalry can be recruited at a time.

Xu Lai brought up all the cavalry produced in the past three months, a total of 15, and sent them to the knight training camp for upgrades. There were 15 more level 6 knights.

In the past, when there was only one Qingfeng Castle, Xu Lai had to rely on diplomacy to find these 40 level 6 knights, looking for cavalry such as level 3 rangers everywhere.

Then he took them to upgrade bit by bit, and spent several months in the wilderness to gather dozens of top knights.

Now, after he has a top-level city, he can easily gather a few teams of level 6 knights.

All level 6 knights are like this, and basic infantry and spearmen can even be recruited from towns like Miner Town.

As those heroes build more cities, his troops will snowball into larger numbers.

Xu Lai had a good rest underground yesterday, but there was actually one more thing to do.

Under the negotiation and leadership of Wei Yihong, the Naga Kingdom behind Naga Town sent a mission to Qingfeng Town.

After several days of traveling, they should arrive at noon today. As the owner of Qingfeng City, Xu Lai must come out to greet Yi Er in person. (End of chapter)

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