The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 515: Secretly crossing into a warehouse

Count Aini wanted to capture the city of Martell and let other wavering nobles see what would happen if they betrayed him.

But what he didn't know was that when he was staring at other people's cities, the city that his family had been running for hundreds of years was also being targeted by others.

The one who was eyeing Kaunaston Castle was Xu Lai, who took advantage of the lack of people in the middle of the night to attack secretly.

With the speed of Xu Lai and his knights, if they galloped at full speed in one night, it would be enough for them to get close to Kaunaston Castle, and they could even attack the city directly before it was completely light.

There was no way, Xu Lai brought the lowest level 7 paladins and 7th level cherubs.

Their speed, with the blessing of divine speed, logistics and treasures, they can reach over 150 yards at top speed without even charging.

If the charge were to start again, it would probably be comparable to the high-speed train at high speed.

However, this state consumes a lot of physical strength, and the war horse is still flesh and blood after all.

And the team is not just Xu Lai and his knights.

Xu Lai also took Elena and several of her priest apprentices from the cathedral on the road together.

I have to say that the professional quality of pastors in this world is very good.

Xu Lai knew that Elena was good at riding. After all, even with the help of magic, it only took him half a day to reach Gram Village.

But his master was a priest after all, but he didn't expect that Elena, the priests under her, and even the apprentices were all pretty good at riding.

They can also use spells to help the horses quickly recover their physical strength, and the level of the mounts under their crotches is not low. The speed may not be as fast as the knights, but the endurance is better than the knights.

If acceleration spells are used, in a short period of time, the explosive power can even exceed that of a knight who does not charge.

However, most of these priests are women after all. The key is that Xu Lai is not in that hurry.

After traveling all night, when approaching Kaunaston Fort, Xu Lai ordered the entire army to rest.

The horses were resting, but Xu Lai himself did not rest. He summoned all the angels, including Elvi and the angels he had just recruited this month, a total of 102.

After gathering the angel troops, Xu Lai used the mirror magic scroll in his hand to cast spells on them.

This time, Xu Lai used Bello's ultimate mirror magic scroll, so he made a perfect replica of the entire angel army.

102 angels, many of them, were recreated by Xu Lai.

Of course, these angels are all fake. They are real angels that will break at the touch of a hand. If a handful of arrows come over, none of them may be left.

However, Xu Lai was not afraid, because he did not intend to use these angels. At most, he would let them stay behind to release the resurrection technique that might be needed.

After recreating these angels, Xu Lai still did not stop, but waited for enough time before casting the spell again.

It is still the mirror method, but the angel can no longer be reproduced, so what he reproduces is the knight army.

On the second day after the formation of the legion, Rena pulled all the troops out of the city to organize and train.

She did not directly integrate the troops she recruited later, including those knights, infantry and archers.

Xu Lai didn't take them with him either, and all of the 100+ knights were left behind in Qingfeng City by him.

In most cases, the knights were already very powerful troops, and Xu Lai didn't want to touch them for the time being because he thought they were of a lower level.

Around him were 100 Holy Light Knights, 200 Paladins, and 100 Angels, totaling more than 400 warriors.

However, after copying, Xu Lai was surrounded by more than 200 angel legions and more than 800 paladins.

It is not very difficult for a legion composed of 1,000 top troops to capture a city that is likely to have no soldiers or generals.

If the leader is an extremely powerful hero, then the difficulty can be said to be almost zero.

What Xu Lai is worried about now is whether other unexpected situations will occur, such as Count Aini's troops suddenly coming back.

After resting for several hours, waiting for daylight to come out, all the troops had eaten breakfast, and their physical strength and various conditions had all returned to their best, Xu Lai set out to move closer to Kaunaston Fort.

The place where Xu Lai was parked was more than ten kilometers away from Fort Kaunaston.

Usually, there must be patrol knights from Fort Kaunaston patrolling this place, but this time, Xu Lai only saw the caravan that got up early and was on its way.

It can be seen that Aini is really short of manpower now, especially knights.

The caravans looked at Xu Lai's team with curiosity and a hint of fear.

Obviously, a force of thousands of top-notch soldiers would be a source of curiosity and fear to anyone.

With the combat effectiveness of this unit, no matter how strong the caravan is, if the opponent cannot defeat it with a single charge, it only means that there is something wrong with their level.

However, what Xu Lai was flying was still the banner of the empire, which made some bold businessmen eager to try.

Xu Lai didn't give them a chance to get close. These guys were very thick-skinned and would pester them endlessly once they got close.

With Xu Lai's speed, if he didn't want these businessmen to get close, they wouldn't even be able to see the taillights of Xu Lai's car.

Only after Xu Lai's troops left at high speed did any businessman dare to speak:

"That direction is heading towards Kaunaston Castle. I heard that Count Ani is busy suppressing the rebellion recently and is not in the castle at all."

Another businessman also replied: "What kind of rebellion are you trying to suppress? I heard that it was because Aini colluded with the orcs, so the people on the grassland did not obey his rule.

If this were true, there would be problems with the intentions of so many high-level warriors. "

The businessman from before suddenly said excitedly: "What's the problem? We are probably witnessing history.

How long has the Aini family ruled the grassland, hundreds of years or thousands of years? Maybe the owner of the grassland will change from now on. "

The businessman from before said: "It's also very strange. When did there be such a powerful force on the grassland.

There are so many high-level knights and angels, even Aini can't imagine them. "

"I heard that there is a new advent hero on our grassland. You know about the horse thieves who were killed some time ago."

"I know, didn't Count Aini make an announcement saying that he sent troops to suppress the bandits with great success?"

The businessman from before sneered and said: "Oh, you also believe the announcement he made. The horse thieves have been running rampant on the grassland for many years. In which year has the suppression of bandits been effective?

Anyway, what I know is a descendant hero who directly wiped out tens of thousands of horse thieves with a large-scale spell.

Many businessmen saw that scene. If you go to nearby villages and ask around, many people have witnessed it with your own eyes.

And you know, it is said that the advent hero is surrounded by many high-level angels. "

"That's not..., there were many angels around that person just now..."

Count Aini was woken up by Parame. He was so tired these days that he couldn't get up in the morning.

Fortunately, it was Parame who came to shake it in person. If it were any other servants, Ani would have to skin them.

"What's the matter, mage?"

"Your Excellency, there is a communication from Kaonaston Castle. Xu Lai has appeared at the gate of the city with his angels and paladins.

Connors asks you, what is he going to do now? "

"What? How many troops did Xu Lai bring?"

Parame swallowed and said hesitantly: "There are only about a thousand people."

Aini breathed a sigh of relief and said: "There are only a thousand people, why are you panicking? Just don't allow them to enter the city. Does he still want to rely on these 1,000 people to attack the city?"

Parame didn't speak anymore, and Aini had a look of disbelief on his face after waiting for no response.

"You won't tell me that he is really going to attack the city!"

Parame did not answer this question, but said:

"I don't know whether he will attack the city, but he has declared war in front of all the soldiers in the city. Connors is eagerly waiting for your response."

Aini's face turned blue and red for a while, then he roared angrily:

"Isn't Xu Lai still in Qingfeng City? How did he get to my castle?

This kid Xu Lai is simply bullying others too much. I tolerate him everywhere, but he targets me everywhere. Do you really think I'm easy to bully! "

Parame shook her head helplessly and said: "Your Excellency, now is not the time to talk about this. You'd better make a decision quickly."

"Decision? Decision for what?"

"Whether it's war or peace? Connors is still waiting for your order."

"Whether it's war or peace, can I decide now that it's my decision?" Count Aini said helplessly.

"Peace talks, peace talks, how can we make peace without talking about it? As long as your lord is willing, there is nothing we can't talk about." Parame said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Count Aini suddenly woke up.

"Master, what do you mean by this? Didn't you say that Xu Lai only has 1,000 troops?

Does he really dare to unleash the Doomsday Judgment on Kaunaston Castle? How many people will die, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands? Is he crazy? "

Parame sighed: "He only has 1,000 troops, but what Xu Lai brought with him was an angel troop composed of more than 200 Seraphs, Archangels and Angels.

The rest are all cavalry, and they are all paladins with a minimum level of 7, with a total of 7,800 cavalry. "

Aini was stunned and said: "How is it possible? There are 7,800 paladins. Is the temple opened by his family? So many paladins?"

There are still more than 200 angels. Do you know how long it took the first generation of the Supreme King to accumulate an angel army of about a thousand people? Been using it for a full 10 years! "

Parame continued to sigh: "Because of this, I suggest you find a way to negotiate with Xu Lai. If a war really breaks out, your chances of winning are really slim.

What's more, your main force can't leave at all now. How can you defend Fort Kaunaston with only Connors's tens of thousands of middle and low-level warriors? "

Aini sat on the chair and said helplessly: "Then what can I do to make him retreat?"

Parame helped analyze: "I think Xu Lai's declaration of war on you at this time must be to help Jimmy reduce the pressure.

If you want the peace talks to succeed, you must first give your stance. It is definitely necessary for us to withdraw our troops.

Even if you don't retreat, if you know that Fort Kaunaston is lost, everyone will definitely have no intention of continuing to fight. "

Aini took a deep look at Parame, and estimated that the mage in front of him was the first person who had no intention of continuing to fight.

"Retreat, what next?"

Parame said: "In addition to withdrawing the troops, we must also give the other party practical benefits. After all, the reputation of the following criminals is not good.

Don’t you care about the Stone Castle? You might as well just give it to him.

With Xu Lai's current strength, the title of baron is no longer worthy of him. It is better to go one step further and simply give him the title of viscount. "

As Parame spoke, she observed Aini's face. When she saw that his face looked normal, she continued:

"Territory and title may still not be enough to satisfy the other party. You must also prepare enough wealth.

Moreover, Xu Lai is a descendant, so he must not have a wife in this world.

Your Excellency, don’t you have several unmarried daughters? Choose the most beautiful one to marry.

By using that wealth as a dowry, not only will your reputation not be lost, but you will also be able to make the person named Xu one of our own. "

After hearing this, Aini looked as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

"Are you saying that I not only want to give him money and land, but also my reputation and daughter, just for a bastard who has only been in this world for less than a year?"

Parame also patiently explained to Aini: "Haven't you seen it yet? Most of these descending heroes have destiny.

Otherwise, as you said, Xu Lai came to this world in less than a year, how could he recruit so many angels and paladins.

If you marry your daughter to Xu Lai, wouldn't this fate also fall on you?

Think about it, if so many angels and paladins were under your command, wouldn’t you be a part of the current four kingdoms? "

Ani frowned. He didn't know why, but when Parame said this, he actually felt a little moved.

“Anyway, let’s talk about it first.

Give an order to Connors to close the city gate tightly and tell Xu Lai first that my troops have been withdrawn. Let him calm down and let everyone calm down and talk. "

Parame nodded hurriedly, but before he could contact Connors, Connors used the magic message stone again, this time it hit Count Aini directly.

Count Aini frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What's going on now?"

As soon as the communication was connected, Count Aini couldn't wait to ask.

Connors said with a face full of horror: "Your Majesty, the gate of the city is missing."

"How could it happen, so fast!"

Aini became anxious upon hearing this and immediately slapped the case and shouted.

"Sir, I have closed the city gate immediately.

However, when Xu Lai arrived at the city, he publicly accused you of colluding with the orcs and tried to kill everyone who knew about it to cover up your crime.

He even played the magical video of you communicating with the orc messenger in front of everyone, and then everyone lost their fighting spirit.

After Xu Lai declared war, he immediately sent a team of angels to climb the city wall.

Those angels were like heavenly soldiers descending to earth, each one exuding golden light.

They just stood there and our men couldn't cut them down.

When the people guarding the city gate saw those angels, they all surrendered without saying a word. I really have no choice, my lord. "

If Ani wasn't a bit physically weak, Connors's crying almost made Ani suffer from a heart attack.

"You can't even do it if you stand there and let me chop you. Are you people who have to work for a living?"

But at this point, Aini knew that no matter how much he blamed, it would be useless, so he followed up with instructions:

"Now, take everyone into the castle immediately.

I tell you, no matter what, you must defend the castle for me. If the sword can't cut it, you can hit me with a catapult and keep them out of the castle. "

Connors swallowed and said, "But sir, everyone outside the castle belongs to us."

Aini looked fierce and glared at Connors fiercely: "If the castle is lost, those people will be Xu Lai's civilians, what are you afraid of.

As long as the castle is not lost, no matter what happens to Conaston, I will always remember you.

Otherwise, you and your family will go to hell together! "

After saying that, Aini hung up the communication.

But then, he immediately said to Parame: "Quick, contact Archbishop Pella immediately. Only the temple can stop him now!" (End of Chapter)

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