The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 516 Capture of Conaston

The siege of Kaunaston Fort was easier than Xu Lai imagined.

Although Xu Lai was very confident in taking over the city, after all, this huge city still had countless defense forces.

High-level ballistas and catapults are extremely high-damage items, and Xu Lai doesn't have the defensive talent like Reina.

But whether it was because he was caught off guard or because he had some scruples, the generals guarding the city didn't even have the courage to launch an attack.

So, Xu Lai made multiple copies of Dill and provided them to the temple and the noble council, including the magic image for Xu Lai.

With the help of countless onlookers, Xu came to invite Elena and played it in front of everyone.

Even with the help of magic, most people would not be able to see this image clearly. Fortunately, with Elena's sufficient supply of mana, the voice was loud enough.

The conspiracy between Count Ani and the orcs was made public.

In fact, the content of the conspiracy between Aini and the orcs had a relatively small impact on Kaunaston Castle.

Because Aini could say that he had to give up Xu Lai for the safety of the entire grassland.

In addition to taking the initiative to reveal the location of Xu Lai's territory, promising not to harass the orcs' logistics lines and sneak attack troops, and taking the initiative to release the defense line of Stubborn Stone Castle, Aini did not betray the interests of other people on the grassland.

But first of all, the prairie people and the orcs have had a hatred for thousands of years. Even if it was only an outsider like Xu Lai who was betrayed this time, it would be a crime of colluding with the orcs.

Secondly, Xu Lai only needed to highlight his image as a victim and explain to the people in Conaston that he was forced to resist.

Otherwise, it would be easy to capture this city, but it would be too difficult to rule this city. This is the base camp that has been run for who knows how many years.

After the magic video was played, Xu came to the city solemnly and loudly declared war on Count Aini and all his supporters on the grounds that Aini had colluded with the orcs to persecute him.

At the same time, Xu Lai said that everyone, including Kaunaston Castle.

As long as he repented in time and gave up colluding with Count Aini, he could forgive those people without any regrets.

Of course, that's what he said, but Xu Lai didn't give them any time to think.

After declaring war, he directly ordered the siege of the city.

Elvi then took the more than a hundred Seraphs and Archangels and flew towards the city with a roar.

When Xu Lai played the magic video, there was already a commotion at the top of Kaunaston Castle.

What Xu Lai didn't know was that most of the troops in the city, especially those who recruited soldiers, were basically taken away by Aini to undertake the siege mission with heavier casualties.

Recruiting soldiers will not be swayed by emotions. Unfortunately, most of the people standing on the top of the city are soldiers from Stubborn Stone Castle.

And the people in this place have just experienced the pain of being robbed by orcs. Countless relatives died tragically under the blades of orcs, countless villages were destroyed as a result, and they have become lonely since then.

As a result, Xu Lai suddenly told them that they were working for the murderer's accomplice.

Therefore, when Seraph, who symbolizes the highest honor of the empire and can boost the morale of countless people just by appearing on the battlefield, leads a group of angels to fly up to the city.

I don’t know who took the lead first. Anyway, there were only a few people resisting on the city wall. Instead, there was an endless sound of clanging and falling weapons.

Upon seeing this, the kind-hearted Elvie would not take the initiative to attack these civilians who put down their weapons.

Under Elvi's control, as long as they don't attack these angels, the angels will not attack anyone.

It's just that on this city wall, there are inevitably many people who are loyal to Count Aini.

The soldiers recruited will only be affected by morale and magic. Connors gave the order, but it doesn't matter whether you are an angel or someone else.

Elvi is not polite to those who dare to take action.

The lowest level 7 angels are, and ordinary 5th and 6th level units are already very difficult to break through.

If coupled with the support of Xu Lai and the Angel Alliance, except for the top-level soldiers who still have some hope, ordinary soldiers cannot break through the defense even if they are equipped with the best magic equipment.

Besides, if even a minor injury cannot be treated by the paladins, there are still several senior priests here.

Of course, Xu Lai brought Elena and the others not to help him with treatment, but to appease the people.

Xu Lai always believed that it would not be difficult for him to capture Fort Kaunaston.

This was indeed the case. After helping to clear a space on the city wall and occupying all the catapults and ballistas, Elvi led Seraph down the city wall.

There are quite a lot of soldiers guarding the city gate, more than 300 heavily armed troops.

Unfortunately, before the fight started, morale dropped drastically, and at least half of the people ran away.

The remaining half, with the ultimate prayer blessing of the Angel Alliance, is not enough for this group of Seraphs to kill in one minute.

From the moment the angel flew up the city wall, in less than 3 minutes, he had captured the city head and successfully opened the city gate.

As soon as the city gate opened, there was no way to stop the torrent of steel coming.

With the blessing of the illusion, more than 600 paladins, knights of the Holy Light, poured into Kaonaston Castle with heavy horse hooves.

Connors also wanted to make a final resistance and sent a total of 3,000 heavily armored spearmen to launch a countercharge against the Paladins.

Xu Lai didn't know if the sacred armor had any effect on the illusion. Anyway, he didn't dare to take the risk, so he only kept the Holy Light Knights, including Roland, by his side.

The 200 paladins, after turning on their invincible armor, rushed towards the terrifying spears.

Lancers, especially pikemen, are a profession that is very restrained against knights.

Their spears can feed back the extra damage caused by the knight's charge to the charging knight in exactly the same way.

The extra damage caused by the knight's charge is very terrifying, especially for the heroic knights, the bonus can be as high as 300%.

This means that while the pikemen cannot bear this horrific damage, the knights cannot bear it either.

And even if there is a one-on-one exchange, a pikeman for a knight, it will be a big profit for the defender.

After all, the pikemen are only at level 4, and the recruitment price is only the same as that of level 3 cavalry. Even if they are exchanged with level 3 rangers, it won't be a loss.

However, the Paladins do not have the worries of ordinary knights, because they all have one-minute invincibility.

Under the invincible golden light, the spears of the heavily armored spearmen were all bent and broken.

The neatly arranged spearmen were also smashed into a huge gap by the charging paladin.

With 3,000 heavy armors, there were quite a lot of people, and the formation they formed was impossible for the Paladins to penetrate.

After losing the bonus brought by charging, the damage of the Paladins immediately dropped sharply.

Fortunately, there are Xu Lai's offensive skills, the Angel Alliance, and the bonus of high morale.

This allows the Paladins to cut down those spearmen after breaking through the heavy armor with low attack power.

It's just that one charge of the spear before could skewer several of them. If they were caught in the formation of spearmen, they could only use the knife to cut them one by one.

One minute is both long and short.

The invincible armor of the Paladins quickly disappeared.

But even without invincible armor, the Paladin, who is already good at defense, cannot be stabbed by a mere level 5 heavy-armored spearman.

To be honest, the pikemen use long-handled weapons. The damage of long-handled weapons is better than that of one-handed weapons, but the attack speed is much lower than that of one-handed weapons.

After all, the troops brought by Xu Lai were too few.

Except for the Holy Light Knight, everyone around him was an illusion.

It's okay to bluff, but if you really want to fight, it will break at the touch.

At this time, Elena needs to take action. As the bishop of the temple, Elena is very experienced in appeasing the people.

In addition, the original guard seemed to have no intention of guarding the city at all, and retreated directly towards the castle.

So under Elena's comfort, more and more soldiers put down their weapons.

Especially those crossbowmen and shooters on the city wall.

Dozens of angels, archangels, were pressing on their heads. As long as they raised their crossbows a little, they would end up with the same fate as those recruited soldiers, with their heads and bodies separated.

Under such huge pressure, as long as someone dropped his weapon, it would immediately spread to ten, ten to a hundred, and a group of people would all drop their weapons.

Seeing that most of the people had dropped their weapons, Xu Lai breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they are all human beings, and Xu Lai is not a careerist. He came to rob Kaonaston Castle out of self-preservation. Deep down in his heart, he is not very willing to see bloodshed and sacrifice.

Of course, he also knew that no battle could avoid bloodshed and sacrifice.

So when it was time to take action, he would not be lenient and gave Elvi and the others a death order. Anyone who used weapons would be killed without mercy.

But if possible, Xu Lai still hopes that there will be less bleeding.

Besides, shedding too much blood would be extremely detrimental to Xu Lai's rule.

After all, the majority of Conaston's defenders were from nearby areas, and they must be related to the residents of the city.

If Xu Lai caused too much killing, he would have to use the army to suppress it, otherwise it would be impossible to rule the city.

Seeing that almost everyone had put down their weapons, Xu Lai nodded and announced his first order since entering the city.

"All officers, soldiers and defenders in the city who surrendered to me will be temporarily reinstated and will continue to hold their previous positions.

Everyone, civilians, please go back to your homes. Officers and soldiers, please put down your weapons and return to the military camp to garrison. Municipal officials will immediately maintain order and security on the scene. "

Xu Lai raised his voice and shouted loudly. Several priests from Qingfeng City and Roland helped Xu Lai spread the word quickly.

All the people Xu Lai can use now are here. Without relying on the original government officials, Xu Lai would have no one available at all.

As for whether those people really helped him, Xu Lai didn't care at all.

Things have to be done little by little, nothing is achieved overnight.

As long as Kaunaston Castle is in Xu Lai's hands, he doesn't have to worry about these people.

On the contrary, Xu Lai was more worried about those people who were hiding in the castle. They would poach the heart of the castle.

Of course, it is impossible for all the buildings in Kaonaston Castle to be built based on the heart of the castle. Even the shops in the market in Qingfeng City were specially built by architects.

Castle Heart does not come with buildings such as the Refining Center and Auction House.

There are more buildings of various styles in Kaunaston Castle. Xu Lai glanced over and saw almost no duplicates. Even the houses of each house were different from each other.

In this case, either the original house was modified, or the land was purchased and then built separately.

In this case, even if the Heart of the Castle is taken away, it will not cause the entire city to collapse.

Moreover, the Heart of the Castle is still affiliated with Aini. Even if Aini's men dig out the Heart of the Castle, they cannot directly choose to destroy it like the hostile forces.

Except for the owner of the castle who can directly dispose of the heart of the castle, others must obtain the owner's authorization.

Except for enemies, of course.

Xu Lai could authorize Su Ya without any scruples, but Xu Lai didn't believe that Aini would be willing to authorize his subordinates.

But Aini's men are not the only ones in the castle, his family must also live there.

Xu Lai didn't know whether the members of the Aini family were authorized.

The only thing he can do now is to monitor the castle and prevent the people inside from having a chance to escape.

Anyway, the other party cannot destroy the Heart of the Castle. Even if the Heart of the Castle is temporarily dug out, as long as it does not leave the city limits of Conaston Castle, the impact will not be great.

Although he ordered the officials of Fort Kaunaston to still manage according to their original duties, Xu Lai at least had to know these people.

At first, no one was willing to appear in front of Xu Lai, until Archbishop Pella, who belonged to the Kaunaston Castle Church, walked out of the church and appeared in front of Xu Lai.

There was no way he could not recognize Pera Xu.

At the beginning, Duer concentrated all the temple power in the entire grassland into Stone Castle. As the archbishop who had been stationed in the grassland for a long time, Pella was one of Duer's most important assistants at the time.

However, at that time, Xu Lai was either dealing with Holy Light Knight Pierce, or communicating directly with Crimson Archbishop Duer.

So Xu Lai really ignored the archbishop beside Duer.

"Your Excellency Xu Lai, no matter what the reason is, you did not announce it in advance, nor notified the temple or the noble council, but you directly captured Count Aini's city without saying a word. Isn't it a bit against the rules?"

Xu Lai still has to show some respect to the temple.

Therefore, although the other party's tone was unkind, Xu Lai patiently explained: "Bishop Pella, please forgive me.

I am not going to war without declaring it. As early as last month, I informed the temple of the fact that Count Ani was colluding with the orcs, and I have presented relevant evidence.

Thirdly, it was Count Aini who took the initiative to send killers to attack me, and also took the initiative to send troops to attack my friend's city.

I had to do this. "

Pella frowned and said: "Your Excellency Xu Lai, the temple is still investigating the matter you reported about Count Aini's conspiracy with the orcs.

So far, the temple has not been able to give a clear answer.

Secondly, you said that Count Aini sent someone to assassinate you. Is there any evidence? Is it presented or reported to the temple or the noble council? Is it waiting for our investigation? "

"Archbishop, I can prove this to Your Excellency Xu Lai.

The magical image of Count Ani communicating with the orcs has been personally verified by me. The affected content has not been tampered with in any way and is real and effective.

On the day of the assassination, I and several priests from the cathedral were present at the scene, and I also reviewed the testimony that His Excellency Xu Lai interrogated afterwards.

Even when those assassins were executed, I purified and prayed for them, and I can assure you that their testimony was true and valid. "

Before Xu Lai could speak, Elena, who hurried over to say hello when she saw Pella, couldn't help but explain.

"Elena, Bishop?"

Elena bowed first and said respectfully: "Yes, the bishop who was just promoted some time ago."

Pella frowned and said, "Now that you have been promoted to bishop, do you know where every bishop should stay?"

Elena quickly said: "Every bishop should stay in his own diocese before receiving instructions from the superior pastor."

Pella nodded and said: "Bishop Elena, since you know this, why do you come to Kaunaston Castle, which I am responsible for?"

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