The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 524 Pressure and Persuasion to Surrender

The Knight's Sword increases the morale of the whole army by 5 points and increases the attack and movement speed by 10%, which is a pretty good flag.

Even such attributes are not ranked among the best flags.

But if you take into account the increase of the Knight's Sword on the Knight's troops, the effect is terrifying, almost no less than a holy weapon, or even a divine weapon.

With 20 points of knight morale, 20% attack and movement speed bonus, and 25 points of attack and defense life support, this flag was instantly promoted to the top ranks.

Xu Lai had captured the king's flag of the stronghold camp. Relatively speaking, the attributes of the Knight's Sword were not much different from the attributes of the King Behemoth's flag.

Especially the terrifying effect of King Behemoth's neglect of defense and its restraint effect on defense techniques are really too strong.

If the flag owned by Aini was the flag of King Behemoth, then Reina and Aini would never be able to win a head-on battle, and they could only rely on the guerrilla warfare of the horse archers to consume them.

But the increase of King Behemoth's flag on Xu Lai is definitely not as effective as that of the Knight's Sword.

Xu Lai's main force, whether it is his own troops or the Qingfeng Legion, are undoubtedly knights.

Therefore, the bonus this flag can bring to him is extremely terrifying.

On the contrary, it is the Ani tribe, because there are not many knights at all, and some are just a ragtag group of people who are disobedient and of a low level.

No matter how powerful the effect of the knight's sword is, it can at most be equivalent to improving the knight by one or two levels.

As for Count Aini's own specialization ability, there is really a big difference between him and Reina. This flag only slightly makes up for the gap, but it cannot change the reality that his own knights are far weaker than Xu Lai's knights.

Besides, there are also knights like the fearless knights in Xu Laina who have terrifying halo effects.

Xu Lai directly absorbed the King Behemoth flag to Tahan.

Equivalent to Xu Lai's knight troop, it comes with one King Behemoth flag and also enjoys the additional effects of two flags, the Sea King flag.

However, although Xu Lai captured this flag, he could not use it immediately.

Tahan captured it completely and did not leave the flag incomplete, but what was depicted on the flag was the ancestor of the Aini family.

The fact that people were able to obtain such a flag in the first place was obviously due to their great contributions to the first generation of the Supreme King.

What is embroidered on the flag is an extremely heroic-looking knight, holding a shield in one hand and an unsheathed sword in the other. Countless charging knights can be vaguely seen behind him.

If that's all, Xu Lai doesn't care. As long as Aini can't speak anymore, who will know that this person is the ancestor of his family.

However, this flag also has the signature and seal of the Aini family, including their family's coat of arms.

Xu Lai would definitely use this flag, but before using it, he would have to find a tailor who was at least a senior or above to modify the flag.

If you destroy the properties of this precious flag in order to modify the flag surface, it will be more than worth the loss, so you must find a tailor with a high-level or above.

But before modification, the flag serves another purpose.

"Come on, take it with you and follow me for a walk."

Xu Lai went a bit far this time. Not only did he go around the main roads in the city and the garrison points of the city guards, but he also made a special trip to the military academy he had visited before.

These places are all places where Aini has troops stationed.

Although the people here have surrendered to Xu Lai, they may only be forced by the situation and may not really surrender to Xu Lai.

It might be okay during the day, but at night, they might be plotting some small tricks.

Xu Lai was short of manpower, so it was impossible to find someone to watch them.

What's more, even if you look at them, if they want to make small moves, you have no way to stop them.

They are local snakes, and there are countless more people than them, so it is not easy to make small moves.

It is said that it takes a thousand days to make a thief, but there is no way to prevent a thief in a thousand days.

Xu Lai didn't want to guard against thieves for a thousand days, so he could only eliminate the hope of these people from the root.

"The human race has defected, the orc puppet, and the former empire count Aini has been defeated by the grassland coalition forces.

Now, there is evidence of the captured Aini family flag.

If there are still those who stubbornly resist and are half-hearted, they are all guilty of the same crime as Aini. Their homes and families will be confiscated and exterminated, waiting for you. "

Xu Lai asked Tahan to carry the big flag and a group of knights with loud voices. They walked around and shouted, insisting on passing these words to everyone.

More than 20 big men took turns shouting. When they reached the castle, they couldn't stand it anymore and their voices were almost hoarse.

Xu Lai thoughtfully let them rest, and then asked them to find Joseph and replace them with a new group of people.

The commotion caused by Xu Lai was not small. Not only the people in the city heard it, but also the people in the castle had already heard it.

Guard Connors even called Aini to confirm the matter.

Of course Aini would not admit his defeat, otherwise if he told the other party, he would not only be defeated, but also abandon all the troops and flee back to another castle?

Even he himself doesn't know how many troops he still has, but even if he adds up the defenders of all the remaining territories, he can probably gather 20,000 to 30,000 troops.

Twenty to thirty thousand troops are not enough to defend the existing city, let alone counterattack Conaston.

Even if we immediately recruit soldiers and hire mercenaries, it will take at least a month or two to provide 70,000 to 80,000 troops.

This does not include the reorganization time. If it were included, it would take at least 3 months.

Besides, don’t we need to prepare siege equipment to attack a city?

In order to attack the city of Martell, a large number of siege equipment had been lost, and a batch that was urgently produced was still on the way.

Aini contacted his logistics manager, but after a long time, there was still no news.

In this case, there is probably something wrong, and it is very likely that like his own army, the whole army will be annihilated.

This means that Aini still needs to reorganize the logistics force and rebuild the siege equipment.

The key is that now that the most important and largest Kaunaston has been lost, Aini has lost most of its soldiers and financial resources.

If there is no interference from external forces, the most optimistic estimate is that he seized the time to recruit a group of soldiers and relied on these soldiers to guard the only two remaining cities.

As for counterattack? Even if it is far away.

So he couldn't tell the other party this.

Because once they tell Connors and the others, as long as they don't want to die, they will definitely stop working for Aini.

If they refuse to sacrifice their lives, then the wealth, wife and daughter he left behind in Kaunaston Castle will become someone else's.

So, Aini severely reprimanded Connors in the Magic Stone.

Aini told Connors that the opponent was holding a false flag, and he himself was still attacking Martell.

Aini told Connors to hold on for a while and he would immediately gather soldiers to come back for reinforcements.

As long as he can hold on until he comes back to help, then Connors will be Aini's number one hero. When he returns to Conaston, he will definitely make him a viscount.

The viscount is already the biggest benefit that Aini can promise. If you go further, do you still want to give up your earl to the other party?

Even if he is willing to give in, his so-called concession has no legal effect and will not be recognized by anyone.

The most important thing is that Connors won't believe it either.

Otherwise, Ani doesn't care whether it is effective or not, as long as it can make Connors work hard, he can agree to it.

The empire is in such a broken state. Even when his collusion with the orcs was announced, no one cared about it. Who would care about whether it was effective or not.

Connors was very tempted by the viscount Aini promised, so when Xu Lai and the others appeared, he was not moved at all.

He even mobilized archer troops to take advantage of the city wall to shoot arrows at Xu Lai and the others.

Now that the banner of the Knight's Sword is here in Xu, the knights under his command have added many attributes.

Even if you just stand still and let the opponent shoot, unless it is an armor-piercing arrow, it will not bring less health.

It's just that the mount under his crotch can't bear such a rain of arrows.

These mounts are covered with vests, and the higher the level of the mount, the thicker and heavier the vest.

But after all, the vest cannot cover everything, and it has to expose the eyes, horse legs and other parts.

Xu Lai wanted to persuade him to surrender with good intentions, but he was shot all over his face, which made him feel bad instantly.

"Listen to the city defenders. You are required to surrender tomorrow morning before the sun rises.

Otherwise, I will launch a siege as soon as the sun rises.

At that time, I will execute all those who still have weapons in their hands, leaving no one behind! "

Those with weapons in their hands are warriors, not civilians.

Since he is a soldier, he must have the consciousness to die in battle. Xu Lai will kill them without any psychological burden.

However, there are still nearly 20,000 soldiers in the castle after all.

Even if it is difficult to recruit soldiers to surrender, there are still at least 7,000 or 8,000 soldiers. If they can be absorbed, Xu Lai will feel much more at ease.

We didn't attack the city before because we didn't have enough manpower.

Now that there is a large amount of manpower added, Xu Lai doesn't have to wait any longer.

After leaving enough psychological pressure on the soldiers and officers in the castle, Xu Lai ordered people to open all the blacksmith shops in the city.

By the way, all the catapults, ballistas and other equipment used to defend the city on the outer city wall were removed.

In the prairie city, Xu Lai believed that there was no need to retain city walls. Even if there were, a castle that could accommodate thousands of people would be enough.

His Qingfeng City was built as his hometown, and it was different from Conaston.

Although Qingfeng City's business capabilities have improved, it is still unable to compare with the core cities on the grassland that have existed for hundreds of years like Conaston.

Founder Xu Lai also owns Qingfeng City, and he also plans to build Qingfeng City into a super giant city like Emerald City.

Simply, he wanted to demolish the walls of Qingfeng City.

After the city wall is demolished, it will be more convenient for the city's commercial development.

Secondly, Xu Lai didn't have that many troops, so it was enough to defend the core castle. The peripheral cities had no walls, so even if they were occupied, it would be easier for him to take them back.

Thirdly, all the large amounts of wood, stone and other resources obtained by dismantling the city wall can be transported back.

Even if Qingfeng City is expanded, it can still be used as reserve ammunition for catapults.

Besides, Xu Lai also plans to build Mingyue City into a fortress-like city and wants to rely on Mingyue City to defend Moriel's attack.

Moreover, demolishing the city wall of Conaston is a huge project.

Not to mention that the Heart of the Castle is not here with Xu Lai, even if it is, he cannot rely on the Heart of the Castle to demolish the city wall alone.

Xu Lai also took advantage of this project to allow his people to become managers of various positions and slowly eliminate the old municipal bureaucrats.

Of course, if someone performs well, Xu Lai will not be unable to stay.

Generally speaking, he doesn't really care about other people's so-called "loyalty".

Loyalty has to pay a price. After all, loyalty cannot be eaten as food. People go to higher places and water flows to lower places. These are the laws of nature.

What he cares about is that after paying the full price, he still can't get loyalty.

That's called betrayal.

Of course, those are all things for later. Now Xu Lai still has to rely on the original bureaucracy.

And demolishing the city wall is now just an idea in Xu Lai's mind, and there is no way to implement it yet.

But Xu Lai dismantled the city's defense equipment and placed the catapults, medium-sized or large ballistas and ballista carts one after another. The people on the castle could clearly see the actions of the people on the castle.

Moreover, every time a catapult or ballista came, the officers and soldiers on the castle felt their hearts pounding.

There were no catapults and ballistae for defense in Kaunaston Castle.

But after all, Kaunaston Castle only occupies a corner of Kaunaston City, and its size is far from comparable to Kaunaston City.

Even part of the city wall of Konaston City is connected to Konaston Fort, but it suddenly rises more than ten meters at the edge of Konaston Fort, so it is not connected to each other.

The night is getting darker and darker, and there are more and more catapults.

The soldiers on the city wall felt increasingly heavy.

Not long ago, Xu Lai's harsh words when he left were not loud, but they were remembered in everyone's heart.

"Do you think that person named Xu keeps his word?"

"You ask me, how do I know, but I don't think the flag they raised is fake."

"Yes, yes, I have seen Count Aini's flag. When the orcs attacked the city some time ago, I happened to be guarding the city wall and saw it up close.

The two flags, even the coat of arms on them are exactly the same. "

“So, Count Aini is really defeated?

But if even the earl is defeated, then why are we guarding this castle for him?

Do we still want to risk our lives here for that vampire-like count? "

The rest of the people were silent for a moment after hearing this, and they all looked at each other unwillingly.

Unlike the small soldiers, the officers were also talking about surrender.

They are not like Connors, who was promised a viscount title by Aini, and their hearts have already wandered away.

However, they, the officers, have to be at the front in the battle, but they don't get half of the benefits.

The most important thing is that they have all heard of Xu Lai's reputation more or less. Even if some people don't know it, it will be popularized soon.

They didn't know how much credibility Xu Lai had. At most, they only knew that the merchants in the past spoke highly of Qingfeng City.

But no matter how much credibility Xu Lai has, if they attack the city tomorrow and they fail to defend it, their wealth and life will probably be gone.

"I was just on duty in the castle, and the servants in the castle were all packing and packing things."

"What do you mean by this?"

"It's nothing. I just want to tell you that they are preparing a way out for themselves. Should we also prepare a way out for ourselves?"

"How can we prepare our retreat? There are still 7 or 8 hours at most before dawn.

At dawn, their catapults were smashed, and we retreated in a hurry. We didn't have many weapons and ammunition, and we didn't have any ammunition left. How many days could we hold on? "

"In a few days, have you forgotten how the city of Conaston was destroyed?

Those Seraphs flew towards the castle. Who dared to take action, and who could take action?

I think we'd better clean up early so that we can be cleaner tomorrow. "

Swish, swish, just as the officers and soldiers were all whispering, suddenly many arrows flew up to the top of the city.

Xu Lai was not lying and launched an attack overnight.

These arrows have all had their arrowheads removed, so they won't hurt even if they are shot at someone.

And these arrows without arrows, without exception, all have a letter tied to them.

The content of the letter is not yet known, but the names on the letters are all from relatives outside the castle. (End of chapter)

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