In the battle conference room of the castle, many officers who were not qualified to enter were now sitting on the luxurious chairs here.

"The man named Xu only has a few hundred people in total. It's not easy to manage the huge outer city. He doesn't have many troops to attack the city tomorrow, so don't worry."

"Don't have the troops to attack the city? Not to mention that most of the city guards surrendered to him.

Even if he doesn't attack the city, he only needs to besiege the castle for ten days and a half, and all of us will starve to death here. "

Connors had a severe headache. The battle to defend the city destroyed the confidence of all officers and soldiers.

The gap between the two sides is too big. Our 5th-level soldiers are already top-notch, and there are only a few 6th-level soldiers who can loot the whole army.

Xu Lai's side had nearly 1,000 top-level soldiers at once, and one-third of them were angels, archangels and seraphs who could fly.

Seraph is a level 9 soldier. It was a soldier that no one except the Supreme King could touch.

Moreover, angels have always played a role in the history of the empire as the protectors of mankind.

Most of the battles with angels have not started yet, and I can no longer accept it in my heart. Even if I fight very hard, I can't get 5 or 6 points.

That kind of city gate weighs dozens of tons and requires several people to open even the 4th and 5th level infantry. The Seraph can turn the winch alone.

They didn't know that Elvi also carried a huge bonus from Xu Lai.

But even if he knew, what could he do? Now there is no news about his only hero, and even his flag has been captured.

What Connors said was true to his word, but besides himself, who else would believe this kind of thing.

Even Connors himself was doubtful.

After all, as one of Aini's generals, he was the one who had seen the flag with his own eyes, and he clearly remembered the patterns and details on it.

The flag Xu Lai displayed didn't look like a lie.

And if even the battle flag is snatched away by Xu Lai, Aini may have little chance of making a comeback unless there are some big opportunities or changes.

The discussion became louder and louder, and the topics became more and more distant.

Connors just meditated alone for a while, but the officers in the council hall suddenly started fighting.

By the time he reacted, many people had already taken out their weapons.

But just now, soldiers on patrol came to report, and a large number of letters were sent up from outside the castle.

Ordinary soldiers basically couldn't read and write, but some officers could recognize the content written on it. Almost all of it was sent by relatives in the city.

You don’t even need to read the content, they must be all about persuading surrender.

Some said that if they did not surrender, they would be harmed. Xu Lai had already ordered that all officers and soldiers who refused to surrender would not be left alive after the castle was breached. All their property would be confiscated and their relatives would be demoted to serfs.

Some said they did not want their nephews to stay in the castle to die. They told these officers in their letters that continuing to resist would lead to death.

Because they saw with their own eyes that the light of the teleportation array kept lighting up, and more and more Xu Lai's men came to Conaston.

The most important thing is that in addition to the battle flag captured by Xu Lai, surrendered troops and generals were constantly being sent over from Martell City, and there were even captured nobles.

Most of the ordinary soldiers surrendered easily, but for those with a certain identity and status, it was not easy for them to surrender.

Reina didn't have time to deal with them, and she also had to separate them from the ordinary soldiers. Otherwise, with these people standing by to intimidate them, ordinary soldiers would have an extra layer of psychological barriers if they wanted to surrender.

These people, especially those with higher status, are celebrities in Conaston.

They appeared in Conaston, even at night, but under the illumination of Xu Lai's high-power magic lamp, these people were clearly seen by the onlookers.

With so many senior officers and the flags displayed before, most people already believed that Aini's troops had been defeated by Xu Lai, and this was indeed the case.

Xu Lai was also very straightforward. He didn't like these people, so when they were escorted out, he asked his personal guard Roland to ask them one by one.

"Are you willing to surrender?"

The noble who was asked held his head high and said: "I am the Imperial Baron Howell, and I request a ransom in exchange for my freedom."

Roland looked up at Xu Lai, who was above him. When Xu Lai nodded slightly, he asked again:

"So, how much ransom are you willing to pay?"

Using ransom in exchange for freedom is really the default behavior of aristocratic society.

Of course, if you have any special purpose, you can refuse to agree, or simply put forward a condition that others cannot meet.

Just doing this will make other nobles feel in danger and collectively ostracize the nobles who do this.

This is the so-called unspoken rule, which does not need to be spoken, but all nobles will silently abide by it.

Xu Lai didn't like such a group, but he didn't want to offend either.

Therefore, if the price is right, he wouldn't mind letting go of an insignificant so-called baron.

"Well, how about 1,000 gold? You can buy 100 serfs at this price."

Xu Lai rolled his eyes and said simply: "Just chop it off!"

This guy is a baron after all, so he can't really only give out 1,000 gold coins.

It's just that the less the ransom is, the better. He was prepared to bargain slowly. Who would have thought that Xu Lai had no interest in bargaining with him.

"No, how much do you want, we can negotiate, we can negotiate, ah..."

Roland was not a man who kept grinding and whining. If Xu Lai came to chop, he would chop without any delay.

During the first execution, Roland obviously had little experience, so he used too much force and almost scrapped the floor tiles with his sword.

Although the floor tiles were not scrapped, the blood was not shed at all.

The blood spraying from the neck was like a water pump, soaring straight into the sky.

Seeing Xu Lai's decisiveness, the others all wanted to jump up and shout before Roland could ask them:

"I surrender, I surrender."

This group of people is indeed used to living a good life, and they have no backbone at all.

In order to prove to others that he was serious, Xu Lai escorted the group to the busiest intersection.

It was obvious that the largest number of spectators gathered here.

Xu Lai chose this place just to scare the monkeys.

In the end, the chicken only killed one. He didn't know if the monkey he wanted to scare was alerted, but the chickens were in trouble anyway.

Xu Lai didn't know if such a bunch of stuff was useful.

But as long as they surrender, Xu Lai can't kill anymore, otherwise no one will dare to surrender in the future.

He waved his hand half-heartedly and put these people into the dungeon for the time being.

How to use these people, Xu Lai must first understand the identity and background of this group of people.

There were a few familiar faces among them, most of whom they had seen in Stone Castle when the stronghold was attacked.

I don't know if it is possible to ask them to donate their territory. Anyway, Xu Lai is not willing to follow the vassal model like before.

Strategic policies cannot be figured out in a short while. There is still work to be done tomorrow morning, so we need to have a good rest tonight.

But before going to rest, Xu Lai ordered Jilong and others to gather the relatives of the defenders and write a letter of persuasion to surrender and send them in.

Xu Lai didn't care about what happened next. He just happened to think of it, so he gave it a try.

Anyway, no matter whether it is useful or not, he will not suffer any loss.

What the letter said was so conclusive that many officers believed it even if they didn't believe it.

Because Xu Lai just gave an order and didn't give any special instructions, he didn't expect it to have any effect.

Therefore, these letters were basically written by the family members according to their own wishes. As long as they did not deviate from Xu Lai's central idea of ​​persuading him to surrender, no one would take care of them.

After 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Elvi led the angels to complete a resurrection ceremony and resurrected many of Jimmy's elite.

However, even if these people are added, everyone has too many things to do, and there is no time to stare at the letters one by one.

Just a quick glance and the central idea is probably correct.

Therefore, except for a few people in the entire family who couldn't find anyone who could write, and Ji Long and others wrote on their behalf, the rest were all done by themselves.

This familiar tone also convinced these officers even more.

These letters of persuasion to surrender made many officers shaken, and they gradually had differences with their colleagues who were unwilling to surrender.

At this time, Connors also fell silent. Without the person in charge to speak, the conflict completely broke out.

If the conflict had just broken out, Connors might have been able to stop it due to his status.

However, now that the conflict has become irreconcilable, and some people have even drawn weapons, it is not easy to stop it at this time.

I don't know which bastard made the move first. After blood stains appeared in the hall, it became impossible to control the development of the situation.

Eventually, the farce spreads wider and wider, especially when the women and servants of the Aini family appear.

Looking at the boxes one after another, with no idea where they were being transported, an officer suddenly slashed at them with a knife.

The servant carrying the box was startled and immediately ducked aside.

However, the others escaped, but the box did not.

With a thud, the box hit the ground and bounced open, revealing the glittering gold coins inside, piled full of them.

With a bang, someone swallowed, and the dispute in the hall was instantly stopped.

"Damn it, I'm fighting here to save the old guy from life and death, but this old guy is already secretly collecting treasures and trying to escape?"

By this time, the officers' remaining sanity had been basically lost due to the stimulation of gold coins.

Especially when I thought that there were countless such gold and silver treasures hidden in this castle, my excitement was completely uncontrollable.

When Xu Lai was sleeping soundly, he was woken up by someone.

Aini's castle could not be taken, and of course Xu Lai could not live in his mansion.

Many wealthy businessmen were willing to vacate their homes, but Xu Lai was not interested and simply moved them into the city hall.

This place is spacious and bright, and it is located in the center of the city. No matter how many Xu Lai guards there are, they can fit it in.

There is nothing wrong with it except that there is no dedicated sleeping room or bed.

"Will it be dawn so soon?"

Fortunately, Xu Lai didn't get up and get angry. Instead, he rubbed his eyes and asked Elvi who called him to get up.

With sufficient manpower, Elvi was finally liberated.

And as the main force in attacking the city tomorrow morning, after presiding over the resurrection ceremony at 12 o'clock, all angels are eligible to rest.

However, Elvi shook her head and said, "No, it's Aini's castle that's on fire."

"Huh? On fire?"

This is a magical world, so although there are many wooden buildings such as cabins, and there are no departments such as fire stations, fire prevention has always been no problem.

What's more, Aini's family castle, a building that has been inherited for countless years, how could it catch fire.

Xu Lai quickly realized something was wrong and quickly asked: "Is it an internal strife?"

Elvi nodded and said: "At present, it seems like this.

Roland, Tahan and the others have assembled their troops and are waiting for your order. "

"An order, what order, to attack the city?"

Elvi shook her head this time and said: "It's not an attack on the city. The city gate has been opened. Jilong and the others are leading troops to block the city gate."

Xu Lai frowned and said, "What are you doing? Do they want to burn people alive inside?

Send the order, stop blocking the door, and tell them that as long as they put down their weapons, they will be let out.

In addition, go and call all the water magicians from the magic guild, and ask Miss Elena to take a hard trip and bring the priests out to save people. "

Elvi nodded, not surprised by Xu Lai's decision.

She knew Xu Lai very well. Xu Lai was very harsh on those in higher positions, but very tolerant of those in lower positions.

"Miss Elena should be at the scene already. I'll call the mages up."

Xu Lai nodded and said, "Well, don't worry about me. I'll take Roland and Tahan and rush over first."

When Xu arrived at the castle gate, he realized why Jilong wanted to block the gate.

Good guy, these people are all covered in gold and silver, and their bodies are all shining with gold, and the magic lights shine on them, making them very dazzling.

Seeing Xu Lai, Jilong came over to report: "Sir, it's not that I insist on burning them to death, it's because they refuse to leave the gold and silver.

Those should all be yours. "

Xu Lai has seen the greed in human nature today. It may be that these people have never seen so much money in their lives and are really reluctant to let it go.

Of course, it also has something to do with the fire in the castle.

Aini's castle does have a fire prevention circle, so even if it is deliberately set on fire, the fire is gradually being controlled.

The power of magic is constantly extinguishing the burning flames. There are still a lot of flammable materials in this castle, otherwise they should have been extinguished long ago.

Xu Lai sighed, shook his head and said, "Let's wait for the mages to come over first. As long as these people are willing to drop their weapons and be searched, we will let them out." (End of Chapter)

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