The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 530 Aini’s Wealth

“To defend a city, it’s never the walls, but the people.

Therefore, I not only need you to make achievements in domestic affairs, but also need you to make achievements in the military.

I have found the soldiers for you. Many nobles who want to surrender to me are still imprisoned in the dungeon of Conaston.

You can optionally accept the surrender of these people, provided they hand over their territory.

Of course, just by giving up the ownership of the territory, they can still control their respective territories and even have most of the income in the territory.

It's just that I need to unify these territories. They will implement a unified system, a unified law, a unified policy, and they will only listen to my voice. "

Jimmy swallowed. He didn't expect Xu Lai to have such thoughts. Was he going to directly break the aristocratic culture that had been passed down for thousands of years?

"My lord, no one will agree to your request."

Xu Lai frowned and said, "What? Is my request too much?

Since they have surrendered to me, of course they can only listen to my voice, and I still return the territory to them. They can get the benefits of the territory for nothing without doing anything. Is there any dissatisfaction with this? "

Jimmy thought for a while and said: "You take away the freedom they value most, and it will make them feel that they are no longer the masters of the territory. This is what the nobles value most."

"What matters most? Is it more important than their own lives?"

Jimmy swallowed and said: "That's not clear. Probably, maybe, there is no such thing."

Xu Lai sneered and said: "Whether they are more important than my own life or not, I don't care.

The first thing after the establishment of the new legion was to wipe out all the prairie nobles, including Count Aini.

By agreeing, they could save some trouble and continue to enjoy the rest of their wealthy life. "

"Then if you don't agree."

Even though he knew the answer, Jimmy still couldn't help but ask.

After looking at Jimmy, Xu Lai replied: "Actually, I hope they don't agree, so that I can take back all the cities in the grassland and manage them in a unified way.

As for them, of course there is no need to exist. Let them be judged by the people under their rule. "

"Sir, law enforcement and judicial power are the sacred and natural rights of nobles. Don't you even have this in your own hands?"

Xu Lai said with a smile: "We will talk about this later. At this stage, there are not many civilians who are even literate, and we still need these nobles to assist.

As long as they are willing, officials such as sheriffs, judges, city lords and other important positions can be handed over to them.

But if they think that I can only use the words of nobles like them, don't be polite to me. Even if you kill them all, it's best to leave none of them for me. "

Jimmy looked at Xu Lai speechlessly, is this polite?

Moreover, Xu Lai was so harsh on the nobles that Jimmy inevitably felt sad.

At this time, Xu Lai didn't bother to take care of Jimmy's mood, so it happened to keep him awake.

Xu Lai continued: "When the teleportation array is built, I will leave Conaston, and I will hand everything over to you.

You can set off when your legion is ready. If you find it difficult, please inform me at any time and I will come and sit in for you. "

If Xu Lai is in charge, if nothing else, at least the attributes will be greatly improved.

Jimmy had never fought with Xu Lai, and he didn't know how terrifying the attributes Xu Lai could give him.

Even Lena and Jimmy can only cooperate with each other.

At the beginning, he was neither Rena's subordinate nor joined Reina's legion, so he could not enjoy the attribute blessing from Reina.

The most Jimmy can know is that Rena's attributes should be far stronger than Aini's.

Otherwise, there is a large gap in the number of soldiers on both sides. Even if there are fewer high-level soldiers and lower morale, they should not be so crushed by the other side.

Reina's attribute bonuses are already so exaggerated. Xu Lai, who dares to take down Aini's base camp with just a few hundred people, will have such exaggerated attributes.

Besides, if Xu Lai came here in the teleportation formation, he wouldn't be able to bring many people with him at one time. He dared to come and sit for himself. How could he be so confident without any strength?

"Okay, I will complete the reorganization of the army as soon as possible. Since I have my old foundation and I am familiar with those people in the dungeon, it should be easier to persuade them to surrender.

I estimate that the reorganization of the army should be completed in about a month.

It’s just that by then, morale may be a little weak. "

Xu Lai said calmly: "Don't worry too much about morale. The majority of the mixed legions are prisoners, and they have just suffered a defeat. The morale cannot be high even if we want to.

I don't have much time to train you slowly, but with Seraph and my ultimate leadership skills, and Aini's flag, it should be above 75 points.

Having this kind of basic morale is enough. If you go back and win a few more battles slowly, your morale will naturally build up. "

Xu Lai spoke so confidently, as if he already had a chance to win, completely dispelling Jimmy's last worry.

No matter what, Xu Lai was going to appear on the battlefield, so he wouldn't be joking with his own life.

"Is there anything else? If you need anything, you can come to the castle to find me.

I have to stay in the castle these days. That old guy Aini still left some good things behind. I have to sort them out.

If I'm not here, I probably went to the manor outside the city. You can send someone there to notify me. "

Jimmy quickly handed it over and said, "I have nothing else to do."

Xu Lai nodded and said: "Then you, the city lord, take office immediately.

What I said before are not things that need to be completed immediately. Before doing these things, you should sort out your personnel first.

Since this city is entrusted to you, I will no longer interfere with it. You can just prepare a list for me to review when it comes to personnel appointments. "

Xu Lai actually gave him the right to make personnel appointments. Jimmy was secretly happy. He, the city lord, was really no different from a lord.

Except for the castle in Ani, which he cherished so much, and he couldn't move into it, the whole city was now under his control.

"Okay, Lord."

Reluctantly holding back the joy in his heart, Jimmy answered calmly.

Xu Lai nodded and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something and turned back to Jimmy:

"By the way, that young man named Jilong is pretty good. I like him very much. I happen to be short of an assistant. Please help me ask him if he is willing to be my adjutant."

What is an adjutant? Jimmy didn't know what the position was for, but that didn't stop him from agreeing immediately.

No matter what kind of official he is, even if it is just a sinecure, it doesn't matter.

Jimmy knew very well what the purpose of Ji Long being brought by Xu Lai was to be used as a hostage.

To be honest, protons are generally not used between nobles and their vassals. After all, there is pressure from the noble council above.

Everyone must abide by the rules and act within the rules, and nothing will happen.

Once you disobey this noble, even if your superior noble does not trouble you, other nobles and the parliament will.

But who told him that Jimmy Martell was a criminal with a criminal record? There was nothing he could do if others didn't believe him.

What's more, no noble before him would give such great rights to his city lords and mayors.

Therefore, when Xu Lai said this, Jimmy was not surprised at all.

In fact, the reason why he sent his son here in the first place was to express his loyalty and heart to Xu Lai.

Otherwise, Reina's troops had already entered the city, and his troops at that time were not only severely wounded by Aini, but also almost lost their morale and the entire army collapsed.

In this state, as long as Xu Lai gives an order, Reina can seize his city and replace it on the spot.

Of course, this is an act of betrayal, but will anyone avenge the traitor?

Even if someone files a grievance, will anyone take care of it?

Jimmy knew that it would not be the case. Even if he had surrendered to Xu Lai before, other people's cities were not as reliable as his own.

Therefore, Jimmy immediately delivered his heir to Xu Lai.

The meaning is actually to tell Xu Lai, don't worry, I will be completely loyal to you.

However, Jimmy didn't know that Xu Lai didn't actually mean this. He really just saw that the little guy Ji Long was more capable.

Jimmy himself is not very old. Although he gave birth to a son early, Jilong is only 16 or 7 years old.

Maybe he is not as talented as Naru, after all, he is still just a trainee knight.

But he was an heir trained by a noble family since childhood, and he was very disciplined in doing things. He could easily use all the people he brought with him and those he later resurrected.

This is of course because these people are all his father's subordinates, but his calmness and confidence are also what wild knights like Naru lack.

The most important thing is that Jimmy Gillon's training is all-round, including etiquette and literature.

In this regard, Nalu is much inferior. He and his thief father do not take the so-called literature seriously at all.

Xu Lai really lacks an assistant who can take charge of his own affairs and help him deal with all kinds of troublesome documents, rules and regulations.

"Lord, you don't need to ask him. It's his honor that you like him. I promise that he will report to you as soon as he gets up."

After being in charge of all the affairs in the city for two days in a row for Xu Lai, after his father came, Ji Long finally couldn't stand it any longer and was called by Xu Lai to take a rest.

From Jimmy's stunned look, Xu Lai seemed to understand that his request seemed to have been misunderstood by the other party.

Xu Laigang wanted to open his mouth to explain something, but people were already around him. Could it be that if Jimmy rebelled, would he hold back and not kill him?

He can hold it back, but will the other party think so?

Obviously not, so what's the explanation?

Shaking his head, Xu Lai waved to the other party and took Roland back to Aini's castle.

As a descendant, Xu Lai has not learned to enjoy it yet.

His Qingfeng City Castle was very simple and plain, and the few decorations were used by Su Ya in his large bedroom.

Whether it is the reception room or banquet hall, or the conference room or your own restaurant, they are all simple and plain.

However, since the castle in Aini has been decorated in such a luxurious way, wouldn't it be a pity and waste to demolish them again.

Anyway, at this time, the prices of these luxury goods have reached a record low.

Even if all the decorations were demolished and rebuilt, it wouldn't be worth much, and they might have to pay for labor, so why bother.

So he just asked Jilong to help him re-screen all the previous staff in the castle and clean them thoroughly.

In the past two days, Xu Laike has not lived in the house for a single day. Even though today is the third day, there is still a faint smell of blood.

With Elvi in ​​charge of the castle for him, she turned the castle upside down in the past few days. All the things found in Aini's secret room and treasure house have been placed in the treasure room designated by Xu Lai.

Giron specially brought all the tax collectors and tax officials on duty from the tax department to the castle.

While Xu Lai was talking to Jimmy about things, Elvi had already supervised the dozens of tax officials and counted all the gold coins, silver coins, etc. found in Aini Castle.

As soon as Xu Lai appeared, Sir White, the former top official of the tax department and Aini's exclusive tax officer, handed Xu Lai a report that was still wet.

It clearly lists the wealth unearthed from Aini Castle.

In addition, this report also contains a public account of Conaston, which is the materials stored in the warehouse of the city hall.

It also includes the taxes that Aini has just recovered in autumn, which are mainly food, supplemented by coins, furs, horses, etc.

That's not all. The old guy Aini has several manors outside the city of Conaston.

Most of these manors produce food. After all, they also need to provide food for Aini's troops.

But there are also a few buildings that have other uses. One of them is used by the Aini family for vacation, and the others are horse farms, shooting ranges, etc. The people in charge are all from the Aini family anyway.

Aini's assets were so large that Xu Lai had tried his best to blockade Jilong and still allowed people from several manors to escape.

Fortunately, the one that Xu Lai valued most should also store the resort estate collected by the Aini family, and most people did not have time to escape.

While the castle was being cleaned up, Xu Lai estimated that the harvest this time would be big, but only after getting this report could he know how much harvest he could gain.

To Xu Lai's expectation, there was not much cash in the old guy Aini's castle.

The gold coins that can be used directly are only a little over 600,000, which is not even as good as the change in his space backpack.

Of course, it is also possible that the castle has not been carefully searched. After all, it seems unlikely that such a large castle has only one or two secret rooms.

It could not be used directly. It was smelted by Aini into gold and silver utensils such as wine glasses, dishes, chopsticks, etc. White estimated that it was worth about 70,000 to 80,000 gold coins.

Most of the rest were turned into pure gold bars one kilogram each by Aini, which contained seven or eight boxes, with a total value of almost 1.2 million gold coins.

Including silver coins and dinars and other private currencies, and only considering these monetary wealth that can be used directly or indirectly, the total amount is more than 2 million.

In addition, Count Aini's resources, including reserves of rare resources, are not high.

The largest number of gems is only 3 boxes in total. One large box contains 500 units, and two small boxes contain 200 units each.

The largest number of items left are antique calligraphy and paintings that cannot be cashed in immediately, except for jewelry that is beautiful but does not contain any energy.

The city hall's accounts are even poorer. The reason is that the autumn tax has just been put into the treasury, and Aini hasn't had time to use it, otherwise it would really leave him a mess. (End of chapter)

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