The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 531 Knight of the Rising Sun

Xu Lai is not easy to use the wealth of the city hall.

After all, Xu Lai had just told Jimmy that he wanted to reform a series of municipal facilities, including road repairs, sanitation improvements, etc.

All of this requires money. The key point is that Xu Lai also specifically emphasized that farmers were not allowed to be recruited directly, and they had to spend wages for employment.

Forget it, after all, there are no nobles who do this. Those who are paid are definitely much more enthusiastic than those who work for free. They can work well and quickly, which can save a lot of time.

The key is that Xu Lai also canceled almost all exorbitant taxes and retained only some necessary expenses.

For example, the city entry tax for the largest number of people has been cancelled, and even the city walls will be cancelled. Others can enter from wherever they want.

But sanitation and cleaning fees are necessary, because if it were completely free, I can’t believe how much garbage the residents in the city would throw away.

Therefore, this health work cannot be one-size-fits-all, and appropriate and reasonable reward and punishment policies must be formulated.

For example, the garbage produced by ordinary residents is definitely not as much as that of restaurant merchants, so a public garbage station can be set up for residents to put it in.

Those who are willing to walk over and throw away garbage can be exempted from part of the garbage cleaning fee. Households that keep clean and hygienic for a long time can be fully exempted or even rewarded.

Merchants should charge more and impose fines on those with serious pollution and strong smell.

Of course, it must also be fair, just and open. Once the right to impose fines is given, it will not necessarily only be fined for merchants with serious sanitation pollution.

This phenomenon is not an isolated case. After all, it is impossible to say that people in other worlds do not have greed. Xu Lai can put an end to corruption with just one sentence.

This is impossible, but things still have to move forward, and we can't give up eating because of choking.

Xu Lai was worried that the reserves in the city hall might not be enough, so how could he use them.

Fortunately, Xu Lai has other ways to make money.

Those nobles who surrendered and did not want to serve Xu Lai, although Xu Lai wanted to occupy their cities, it was not necessary to kill them now.

Given their status, paying a ransom would cost tens of thousands of gold coins per person.

Even if someone can't get it together, the key is that there are hundreds of people locked up in the dungeon with some status.

Although not all of them are nobles, and many are just ordinary officers, they are still richer than ordinary people. It is easy for them to pay a ransom and collect millions of gold coins.

With this savings, coupled with the just-collected autumn tax, Xu Lai estimates that he should be able to reach the stage of self-sufficiency.

Over at the manor, we haven't had time to check, so we haven't been able to count them yet.

These things in the castle, if you don't count the decorations and convert rare resources and the like into gold coins, they are probably worth 3 to 4 million gold coins.

However, I heard that Aini also deposited a sum of money at the temple, which was used for loans to advent heroes and people with a certain status.

Although the temple later stopped cooperating with Aini, it was impossible for the temple to give the money to Xu Lai.

In addition, Xu Lai also found a large number of sophisticated equipment, weapons and treasures from Aini's castle.

These things are not easy to value because many of the equipment here have antique properties.

In Aini's treasure house, there are many sets of heavy armor, chain armor, and high-end armor such as full body armor.

Each set is carefully crafted. In Xu Lai's familiar words, it is made piece by piece by hand, and every texture is different.

The exquisite appearance and fairly good attributes are obviously very uneconomical when measured only by the value of ordinary magic armor.

There are many rich people in Kaunaston Castle, but the only ones who need to hoard these equipment are probably the nobles and heroes.

Advent Heroes probably have money, but they may not want these low-cost-effective equipment.

For example, a cross sword that Xu looked at had its entire hilt wrapped in dragon skin, and a full 81 gems were inlaid on the guard.

The handguards protruding from both sides of the sword hilt are used to block and protect when fighting with people.

There are so many gems inlaid on it. Do you want to block it or not?

Moreover, the cross sword has a long and slender blade, which is better for stabbing. It is obviously not as good as a two-handed sword or broadsword for chopping.

The key point is that the battlefield swordsmanship that Xu Lai learned was not good at thrusting. He was used to opening and closing, and even the Prophet Sword felt a little constrained when he used it.

Only the Doomsday Blade, burning with blazing flames, was easy and enjoyable for Xu Lai to use.

The effect of this cross sword is also very good. It adds level 1 tactics and level 1 offensive skills, but it can only increase the basic effects of these specializations and cannot trigger special effects.

It is equivalent to allowing the master-level offensive technique to exert the bonus of the ultimate offensive technique, but the special effects of the ultimate offensive technique are not available.

Moreover, Xu Lai's offensive technique has been fully cultivated, and this thing is also unable to take effect, because the ultimate offensive technique has reached its peak, and it cannot break through the top limit.

On the surface, Xu Lai still liked it very much, but if he really wanted to keep it for his own use, Xu Lai felt at a loss.

He himself is a pragmatist, so he doesn't like things whose price is obviously much greater than their value.

But he doesn't like it, just because it's still in the development stage and money needs to be spent in key places.

When he no longer has to worry about money, he will probably be reluctant to sell out such decorations that can enhance his image.

What's more, it doesn't matter if he doesn't like it, others may not like it.

Among Advent Heroes, there may be more people who like this type of equipment.

Moreover, these people are so poor that they may die of poverty, and they can barely survive on the loan sharks lent by Count Ani.

Rich people, like Xu Lai, may have incredible amounts of money.

Apart from anything else, Xu Lai knew that just by using the ultimate financial management technique, he could earn 1,000 gold coins every day, which is 360,000 gold coins in a year.

If you are also good at financial management, your income can be very considerable.

In addition to these gorgeous equipment, Aini also collected some practical treasures, such as the gold sets and gold bags that Xu Lai also had.

There are always a lot of low-level treasures, so duplication is normal.

Xu Lai no longer has any interest in ordinary treasures. He is only interested in artifacts and sacred treasures.

Not to mention, Aini actually has a treasure scroll in his collection.

[Knight's Spirit Synthesis Scroll]: The Knight's Ring (elementary treasure), Knight's Cloak (intermediate treasure), Knight's Gloves (advanced treasure), and Knight's Soul (super treasure) can be synthesized into the Knight's Spirit.

The Knight's Spirit is a special summoned treasure. After being synthesized, it needs to be used by consuming mana and does not need to be equipped.

Knight's Spirit: It consumes 100 mana points to summon level 8 Rising Sun Knights whose level is *1.5. It lasts for 12 hours and can only be summoned once a day.

Knight of the Rising Sun: Level 8 spiritual creature of the human camp (can be resurrected by resurrection spells and can be treated by mages), no consumption.

Characteristics: 1. The Horse of the Sun. The Knight of the Rising Sun can control the Horse of the Sun. It can ignore all terrain obstacles under the sun and has the ability to fly.

In places where the sun cannot shine, the Sun Horse will be in a weak state, with all attributes reduced by 20% and unable to ignore the terrain.

2. Knight of the Rising Sun, when the sun covers the Knight of the Rising Sun, the Knight of the Rising Sun will not be affected by mental spells such as blindness and grief.

3. Dazzling Charge. When the Knight of the Rising Sun launches a charge, the target locked by the Knight of the Rising Sun will gain a "dazzling" state, and the dodge and block abilities will be blocked (invalid for targets without visual abilities).

4. Spiritual creatures are immune to all physical damage, and the effect of spell damage (including healing spells) received is doubled.

5. Knight Charge, after use, the movement speed is increased by 150%, the physical consumption of the mount is increased by 100%, and the damage of the knight's followers is increased by 10% for every 15 meters moved, with an upper limit of 300% (special effects such as captain's specialties can be superimposed)

The Knight's Spirit is a very special treasure. This thing is not equipped on the body, but like the Hellfire Summoning Stone, it can summon special units to assist in combat.

The difference is that the Hellfire Summoning Stone is a consumable prop that can only be used once, but does not require the user to pay an additional price.

This knight's spirit can be used once a day. With Xu Lai's current level, he can summon 60 knights of the rising sun in one use.

Xu Lai had many hellfire summoning stones, but these were disposable and Xu Lai was reluctant to use them.

In most situations, he can handle it alone and has no need for this thing at all.

Therefore, Xu Lai gave this thing to Su Ya, Yu Lan, and Giselle for self-defense.

But if it can be summoned continuously, just like summoning elemental creatures, then Xu Lai won't feel distressed when using it.

Key elemental creatures are affected by magic specialization, and even if the level of magic specialization is higher, it can only summon a few more elemental creatures at a time, but it cannot improve the essence of the elemental creatures.

After all, elemental creatures are of a lower level, and no matter how many there are, they can only be used as cannon fodder.

Unlike the Knight of the Rising Sun, he was a real high-level knight and a knight who was immune to physical attacks.

Xu Lai couldn't even imagine how terrifying damage such a knight force would cause if it rushed into a force without magic attack capabilities.

It's a pity that Xu Lai can't summon such a knight now.

Aini has a synthesis scroll of the Knight's Spirit, but the synthesized treasures of the Knight's Spirit only collected the Knight's Ring and the Knight's Cloak.

The knight's gloves are available in Xu Lai, but the most critical and important knight's soul is not.

Without a key treasure, of course there was no way to synthesize the knight's spirit, so Xu Lai could only covet it.

Fortunately, he had already thought of a way to raise treasures.

Of Aini's collection, Xu came to see very few of them, and he planned to sell the rest.

Ordinary sales, of course, won't sell for much money. The key is that there are too few buyers, and the price will inevitably be lowered.

Therefore, Xu Lai plans to use the auction house he is building to conduct auctions.

It happened that my own auction house was promoting it, but it was a pity that it could only rely on the caravans traveling to and from Qingfeng City for promotion.

Moreover, there is not even a teleportation array. Even if others want to participate, they can only follow the caravan.

This is why Xu Lai couldn't wait to build the teleportation array.

By borrowing from your own auction house, you can not only get more profits, but also add many precious items to your own auction house, increasing the appeal of Qingfeng Auction House.

Xu Lai also plans to hold a grand transportation ceremony for the treasures, equipment and collectibles unearthed in the castle.

Tell those buyers who are interested in these treasures and equipment that these items will be transported to Qingfeng City for auction to artificially promote Qingfeng City.

Of course, it was quite dangerous for Xu Lai to do this. At least he couldn't let ordinary mercenaries transport these treasures.

First of all, although Aini is short of major generals, he has a deep foundation after all. If he puts it all together, who knows where he can get a few hundred elites from.

So even if Roland and his Holy Light Knights were asked to escort him, Xu Lai was not at ease.

Without Xu Lai's blessing, Roland and the others may not be able to compete with the other 8th-level masters, and even the 7th-level masters may not be able to win.

Even Roland and the others may not be able to escort it, and Xu Lai is even more worried about the mercenary group. Maybe they will look at this treasure worth millions or even tens of millions and steal it themselves.

It's not that Xu Lai doesn't trust others, it's the money that really touches people's hearts.

Therefore, he planned to personally escort these treasures.

Of course, we don’t want to start right away. Firstly, the auction house’s publicity is not in place yet, and secondly, the auction house’s construction is not in place yet.

4 or 5 days away from home, according to the progress of the construction workers, the auction house may have been built.

However, as a very important display window, just building the auction house is not enough. Xu Lai also needs this auction house to be able to sustain it.

There happened to be many precious decorations in Aini's castle. There was no need to sell these things, so we might as well pack them up and transport them back for use.

Xu Lai still waited for the teleportation array to be built before setting off as he had planned before.

At that time, whether to transport it back by land and slowly transport it back, or simply spend a sum of money and directly use the teleportation array to teleport all the people and goods together.

Anyway, hundreds of paladins and angels, plus dozens of carriages, will only cost tens of thousands, or at most hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

Just thinking about it made Xu Lai feel extremely distressed. He would just sit in the teleportation array honestly.

The goods in the castle were counted, and Xu Lai had no patience to sit in the castle.

He asked Roland and Giron to transport all these precious treasures and equipment to the busiest streets for display.

While on display, the news about Qingfeng City Auction House was spread.

Conaston's teleportation array can be used now, and it is connected to many large cities in the empire, so the news can spread quickly.

Xu Lai himself took Elvie to visit the outdoor buildings that were enclosed by Aini and no one was allowed to visit.

The ancestors of the Aini family built Conaston here because this place can radiate to several wild buildings.

Among them, there are two outdoor knight training camps, and these are also outdoor buildings that Xu Lai must occupy. (End of chapter)

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