The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 542 Reclaiming Villages and Towns

Hearing the shouts from behind, Xu Lai hesitated for a moment.

Lin Qiu's quality seemed to be pretty good, and his abilities were recognized by Xu Lai.

The key is that this woman has no ambitions and has been serving as the deputy of the Rainbow Mercenary Group An An.

Compared to men, most women want a stable life.

Xu Lai felt a lot more at ease with a woman who didn't have much ambition, especially since he didn't often stay in this city.

But then again, women are the most vengeful creatures.

The Rainbow Mercenary Group has passed the deadline given to them by Xu Lai. Xu Lai will never let this mercenary group continue to exist.

Disbanding the mercenary group is the lightest punishment and can only be given if Xu Lai is extra merciful.

But in this case, Xu Lai felt uneasy about using this woman.

"What guarantee can you give me that I won't regret this decision?"

After much thought, Xu Lai decided to give her a chance. From his heart, he was not a person who liked to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"I can't guarantee it, the most I can guarantee is myself, and I will always be grateful for the opportunity you gave me."

Xu Lai pondered and said: "There is still one day left. After you have disbanded the mercenary group, come back to me."

It was said to be one day, but in fact Xu Lai could wait until 9 or 10 o'clock tonight at most, because after this time, he would have to rest.

Lin Qiu and the Rainbow Mercenary Group were not worthy of him wasting his rest time.

The most important thing is that one or two hours after this point, it will be 12 midnight, which is the early morning of the next day.

"Thank you!"

Lin Qiu didn't know how to describe her current mood. It was clear that the other party was going to kill them all, but she still wanted to thank him for the chance she had gained.

Xu Lai shook his head and did not accept Lin Qiu's thanks, but said:

"Actually, if I were you, I would take them and leave secretly.

Although the city gate is closed, I think you should have other ways to leave. "

Xu Lai had sealed the city gate, but the omnipotent mercenaries would definitely have a way to get out of the city.

For example, use stealth props, or change your appearance, etc.

Anyway, except for the killers and thieves who have been exposed.

In the past two days since Xu came, he had never captured a single member of the Thieves Guild at the city gate.

There was less than 12 hours, which was not enough time, and the conditions he agreed to were stated in a rush without any discussion with anyone.

But when she thought that her captain accepted such a fatal task without consulting her, the little guilt in Lin Qiu's heart disappeared in an instant.

Having no sense of guilt does not solve the problem. The Rainbow Mercenary Group is the man's lifelong effort, and it may not be easy for him to disband it willingly.

"Escape? Can we escape?"

Lin Qiu had also had this thought before. If he couldn't survive in this place, he might as well find another place.

However, in the past two days, Xu Lai's angel has been hovering overhead.

Moreover, Elvi and the others deliberately lowered their height, so that they were in a position where they could be seen clearly but could not be attacked.

Even if they could attack, who would dare to take the initiative to attack these angels?

But no matter what, everyone in the city knew that someone in the sky was watching them.

In this case, unless you get Xu Lai's permission, if you run away, you will have to become the leader who dies first.

Xu Lai shrugged and said nonchalantly: "I probably can't run away."

Lin Qiu smiled bitterly and didn't bother to pay attention to Xu Lai's bad taste. He cupped his fists and said, "Please allow me to go back and disband the mercenary group."

Xu Lai waved his hand, indicating that Lin Qiu could leave.

And he took the remaining heroes and ran to the next manor.

Compared with the village, the manor Xu Lai and the others went to had a larger area, but the population was much smaller.

This is a farm dedicated to producing food. The people living here are Aini's serfs and hired farmers who have lost their land.

The former works for Aini for free and will not receive any remuneration except for barely getting enough food and clothing.

As for the latter, the treatment was slightly better than that of the serfs, and they could get a little extra pay in addition to food and clothing.

Just such remuneration allows them to live a more dignified life than serfs. If they want to support a family, it is no different from dreaming.

However, at least in such a manor, both serfs and wage farmers can at least survive.

In some places, those who are exploited really cannot survive at all.

In Xu Lai's world, if you can't survive anymore, at worst, the princes, generals, and Xiang Ning will have a seed.

But all the extraordinary power in this world is in the hands of the nobles.

As long as there are one or two high-level warriors, no matter how many farmers are armed, they will not be able to break through the defense.

There was no hope at all, and ordinary people had almost no other chance besides being enslaved.

Therefore, even if you are just a serf, I don’t know how many people dream of a good place. At least you can live on.

Of course, there is no motivation in such a life.

Therefore, there is a farm in Nuoda that specially pumps in groundwater, but the farmland is still sparsely planted.

The owner of the manor took all the farmers on the manor early and waited at the gate of the manor.

As soon as they saw Xu Lai's men and horses, a group of people all knelt down on the roadside.

"Welcome to the great lord, the hero who defeated the orcs, Your Excellency Xu Lai!"

The manor owner wanted to shout more powerfully, but the serfs all looked like they had not had enough to eat, their voices were thin and they had no strength at all.

Xu Lai didn't even get off his horse. He sat on the horse and said to the manor owner: "Have you received the notice from Conaston City?"

The manor owner, who was kneeling on the ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Take it, I got it."

Xu Lai nodded and asked, "Why didn't you report to the city hall?"

The owner of the manor rested his head on the ground and did not dare to answer a word.

Xu Lai smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

I think that’s what he thought, but I just said he didn’t dare.

Xu Lai didn't bother to pay attention to him and said to the heroes behind him: "Who is interested in taking over this manor?"

The manor is the smallest unit and does not even have the heart of a castle. Even if it does, it only requires the smallest camp level.

If other places only have smaller development potential, then such a manor has no potential at all.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one stood up.

Xu Lai tolerated it in the previous village, and it is still the same in this manor today.

Fortunately, just when Xu Lai was about to get angry, a friend of Qin Laoliu and the others was pushed out.

"Xu, hello, Brother Xu."

Xu Lai smiled and said, "Hello."

"My name is Zhao Lai. I am willing to take over this manor."

Xu Lai nodded with satisfaction and said: "Okay, I will leave this manor to you. I only have one request for this manor, which is to divide the land among them.

Do everything you can to exceed the previous production on the basis of 30% tax.

If I can do it, I will hand over Xiangshui Town to you. "

There are many villages attached to Conaston, but there are only 5 towns, among which Xiangshui Town ranks second.

Originally, Xu Lai wanted to hand over all five towns to these heroes for management.

But based on the attitude of this group of people, Xu Lai thought about it and let Jimmy take charge of the other four towns first.

After that, Xu Lai said to the others: "There are only 30 villages and manors nearby here together.

I originally wanted to hand over the towns to you, but now it seems that with the temptation of the towns, none of you can look down on these manors and villages.

Also, if something is delivered to your door, no one will cherish it.

I was thinking before that I would help you suppress the battle while I have time and effort.

Now it seems that I shouldn't have done all this.

Well, I won’t take you to the remaining villages. Whichever village you want to manage, just sign up with me directly.

After registration ends, you can go and set off directly.

My request is also very simple. After the land is redistributed, the annual income should be no less than that of the previous year without imposing any additional taxes.

If you think you can do it and have the confidence, you can sign up now.

The four of you with the best performance during the year will be promoted to mayor. "

After Xu Lai adjusted his arrangement in time, there were indeed a lot of followers.

No one is picky anymore. Instead, the poorer the village, the more areas it can improve and its performance will be better. Instead, they are all vying to go to poor villages.

If Xu Lai hadn't still been here, these people might have really fought over it and started fighting.

After following Xu Lai out, of course they did not dare to bring their own troops. Without troops, if they only relied on themselves, even if they fought, nothing big would happen.

Xu Lai asked Qin Laoliu and Ji Long to take charge of the registration, while he pulled Zhao Lai and pointed at the manor owner who was still kneeling on the ground:

"Go and hang him at the entrance of the manor for three days and three nights. If he's not dead yet, let him go!"

Zhao Lai was very nervous. He said to Xu Lai: "It's not easy to live after hanging for three days and three nights. Do you want to give him food and drink?"

Xu Lai smiled and said: "Here, why not give it to them, but ask them what and how much they usually eat, and then give them what and how much they eat."

After hearing what Xu Lai said, the owner of the manor turned pale and howled on the ground: "Great hero, please don't do this to me. I didn't even run away..."

"Just because you didn't run away, I didn't kill you directly, but gave you a chance to live.

Don't worry, the weather isn't hot anymore, and with so much fat on my body, I probably won't freeze to death. "

Xu Lai didn't know whether the owner of the manor was freezing to death.

But the serfs in this manor must really want this guy to die.

After Xu Lai announced that he would allocate land to them, these civilians cried with joy and kowtowed to Xu Lai.

And when Xu Lai announced that they would hang up their former manor owner, these serfs, who were shaking when walking, fetched tall hemp poles and ropes as fast as they could in their lives.

Xu Lai shook his head as if laughing, and witnessed with his own eyes that after the owner of the manor was hung high, he quickly left with his guards.

The heroes have already gone to conquer the villages and manors they signed up for.

For the remaining heroes who couldn't even tell their names, Xu Lai asked them if they were willing to go to Qingfeng City with him.

If they are willing to go, after the teleportation array is opened, Xu Lai will take them to Qingfeng City and build farms specializing in food production near the water source.

If he doesn't want to go, Xu Lai won't force him, he just assumes that everyone doesn't have this fate.

Just the trivial matters in these villages delayed Xu Lai for a long time.

But even after the village was allocated, Xu Lai still couldn't take any time off.

There are still 4 towns that need Xu Laiqu to recover one by one.

Xu Lai's actions have already frightened the mayors and police officers of these towns.

After experiencing the previous village that was massacred after escaping, the mayors of these towns joined together to form a mutual aid alliance.

It's just a pity that when Xu Lai's paladins rushed into the town, chopped down arrow towers one after another, and killed trainee infantrymen and spearmen one after another, none of the previously promised reinforcements were seen.

Xu Lai even disliked the people in the town who had thin arms and legs. The alarm bell didn't ring too loudly, so he even went to ring the alarm bell himself.

I don’t know how far the noisy sound spread, but there was still not a single person in sight.

Xu Lai originally wanted to save some trouble, but now he had no choice but to lead his troops and fight them one by one.

After the fight, Xu Lai promulgated his policy as usual, which naturally caused waves of cheers from the residents of these small towns.

But the original mayor was abandoned by Xu Lai, so he had to ask Jimmy to send some people to take over.

After running around for most of the afternoon, the Paladin advanced two levels by killing these low-level soldiers. Xu Lai finally took back all the Conaston and nearby towns and villages.

Although Xu Lai's move to redistribute land may increase everyone's production power.

But compared with before, Xu Lai only levied 30% tax, which was much less than Aini's 70%.

Therefore, he had no idea how much he would gain in the end.

But at the very least, instead of easily raising hundreds of thousands of troops like Aini, it should be no problem to raise an army of about 100,000.

Moreover, Xu Lai has no intention of letting go of Aini's other castles.

After Jimmy trains the army and expropriates the lands and cities of the surrendered nobles, Xu Lai may personally lead the army to sweep across the entire grassland.

This time, in addition to recovering 5 towns, 17 villages, and 15 various manors.

Xu Lai also ransacked many people's homes and looted a large amount of gold and silver. Several town mayors, powerful businessmen and village chiefs contributed at least millions of gold coins to Xu Lai.

He even took out more than one million gold coins to directly reward all troops, including those heroes, before tomorrow's action.

Jimmy's subordinates, except for those who were captured as prisoners, received a smaller share, and each of them only received 10 gold coins as a settlement fee.

Each of Jimmy's men who came all the way here received at least 30 gold coins, which was more than the income of many of their families for a whole year.

They had just arrived at Conaston and had obtained such a huge amount of wealth. Each of their faces was filled with happy smiles.

And after learning about tomorrow's combat mission, these guys couldn't wait to rush over as soon as 12 o'clock passed.

In short, everyone's morale is very high and they are full of expectations for the next battle. (End of chapter)

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