The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 543: The mantis acts as a chariot

Under Jimmy's arrangement, this force had been waiting outside the city during the day. They entered directly from the castle gate after dark and settled directly in the castle.

Of course, this cannot completely conceal the news. In theory, the troops can still be seen by others when they are marching and stationed.

The most lacking thing for Xu Lai has always been the lack of troops.

His soldiers were powerful, but their number was too small. After guarding the city gates, teleportation arrays and other important facilities, they were basically powerless if they wanted to do anything else.

It was precisely after seeing this weakness of Xu Lai that the leaders of these mercenary guilds had the confidence to fight Xu Lai.

They didn't really want to fight Xu Lai head-on, but wanted to take this opportunity to combine the strength of all the mercenaries to break through Xu Lai's blockade.

They do have the means to sneak out of the city, but this means can only allow a small number of people to leave.

Just like the invisibility spell, just because the person cannot be seen, it does not mean that the person has disappeared.

In the limited passage after the blockade, if you squeeze one or two invisible targets, it may be possible to sneak through. If you squeeze in more than ten or twenty targets, the guards will not be able to see it unless they are fools.

So unless they can abandon their relatives and friends, abandon the family fortune they have worked hard to accumulate over the years, or even abandon other people in the mercenary group to escape alone.

Anyone who has experience fighting in a mercenary guild knows that in that completely closed environment, no matter how many people there are, they cannot be Xu Lai's opponent.

But if the combat environment is expanded to the whole city, and with the help of the city's unique street fighting environment, a local situation can be formed where more attacks are needed and fewer attacks are available.

What mercenaries are best at is this kind of scenario. They use their own skills and skilled cooperation to combine the advantages of multiple professions to hunt enemies and prey.

In addition, they have a group of powerful allies if they choose to stay and resist.

Several members of the mercenary group have secretly met with the leaders of the Dark Alliance and the Thieves Guild.

They agreed to wait for an opportunity to assassinate Xu Lai and the officers of Xu Lai's troops while the mercenaries occupied Xu Lai's attention and strength.

Compared to the mercenaries, these guys from the underground alliance are more afraid.

Because judging from the existing intelligence, Xu Lai would not specifically target ordinary mercenaries. The mercenary guild would be brightly lit until 12 o'clock at night on the third day.

Before this point in time, any mercenary who comes to apply for withdrawal procedures will be approved by the Mercenary Guild as soon as possible without even needing the signature of any group leader.

It can be seen from this that Xu Lai does not want to target those ordinary mercenaries, but just wants to attack Aini's supporters in the name of offering rewards.

However, because he took over the mercenary guild's intelligence system and received numerous reports from ordinary mercenaries, Xu Lai arrested a total of 36 thieves guild members in the past three days.

Although the number of people was small, it was because Xu Lai still needed to obtain information from these people, so he spared one life.

In fact, during the arrest operation, if anyone dared to resist, they would be killed on the spot without any nonsense.

Therefore, although only 36 people were arrested, more than 300 Thieves Guild members were killed, nearly ten times as many as those arrested.

The mercenaries accepted the bounty mission. Some may want to show their loyalty to Aini, while others may have the mentality of not picking up the bounty.

But basically, they are unlikely to take the initiative to attack Xu Lai. It's not that they are not greedy for the bounty, but it's just that the gain outweighs the loss.

On the other hand, those underground killers, when they accepted the reward, most of them came with the idea of ​​how to kill Xu.

If Xu Lai showed mercy to such a person, he really didn't take his own life seriously.

Xu Laicai had just felt the beauty of life and had no idea of ​​death, so he could only kill these people.

Early the next morning, Jimmy, who was fully dressed early, led the army from the castle to each mercenary station.

Jilong brought the helpers of the mercenary guild, as well as several large mercenary groups that had defected to Xu Lai in the past two days, and the city guards who were reorganized into the security team to maintain order in the city of Conaston.

Announcements and notices have been posted for a long time, and today all shops and civilians are required to close their shops throughout the day.

The city gate will not be opened today. Xu Lai will take advantage of today's opportunity to conduct a thorough cleanup of the entire city, targeting not just the five mercenary groups.

There are a total of 13 mercenary groups of different sizes registered in Conaston. Except for the 7 mercenary groups that took over the mission in the name of the mercenary group, the remaining 6 invested in Xu Lai with the rent of the entire year's residence. .

Because this year has come to an end, Xu Lai only received one month's rent, and the rest was as usual.

Xu Lai did not have any clear requirements for them, but some people were very optimistic about Xu Lai and actively asked to join Xu Lai's camp.

Among them, the Yongye Mercenary Group is currently ranked number one.

That night, the second-ranked Rainbow Mercenary Group announced its disbandment, and nearly one-third of the high-quality mercenaries were taken over by the Evernight Mercenary Group.

Xu Lai didn't know how Lin Qiu persuaded him, but since the Rainbow Mercenary Group announced its disbandment, he canceled the team name on the spot and dismissed all the mercenaries before nightfall.

Xu Lai also kept his promise and did not kill them all. He even took the leader of the mercenary group and Lin Qiu into his pocket.

This couple will be responsible for leading the small mercenary group who have taken refuge in Xu Lai tonight, and will cooperate with Yong Ye and the people from the mercenary guild to go to the slums to clear out the thieves guild.

This area is very complex, and he will definitely not allow this kind of place to exist for a long time.

But it is not advisable to ban it directly. We must first find a way for people living here to make a living.

It just so happened that today, he and the heroes killed many people in small towns and villages, and took all the land into their own hands.

Xu Lai's first policy for demolishing slums is that all members of the guild who report thieves and those who live in the area will be given land. Those who have merit will be rewarded with more land, money and housing.

Unfortunately, time was too hasty and the policy was only spread out in a hurry, and we don’t even know how far it spread.

Because Jimmy sent several propaganda teams into the slums, almost all of them were wiped out, and more than a hundred people only stayed for more than an hour.

Today is definitely not a peaceful day.

Xu Lai did not stay in the relatively safer castle, but took a chair and sat on the tower with Roland's escort.

The so-called standing high and seeing far away, sitting on the tower, Xu Lai can overlook the battle situation in the entire city, and can send out the angel army for support at any time.

Moreover, placing yourself in the most conspicuous position can also attract the attention of enemies, especially underground killers who are good at assassinations.

This will greatly reduce the pressure on Jimmy and others. Otherwise, if the enemy really targets Jimmy and the others, Xu Lai will have a headache.

Of course, by doing this, he also put himself in danger.

Fortunately, he also had Roland and the Paladin Guards he led.

Hundreds of Holy Light Knights, each with Roland's blessing, can release their sacred armor for more than a minute, asking who else can kill him.

There were fires everywhere in the city, and the people of the Thieves Guild were used to doing sneaky things. It was impossible for them to confront them head-on.

Even if they are forced to the point where they have no choice, they will try their best to confuse the audience first.

Fortunately, Xu Lai was prepared in advance. He hired all the mercenaries who could not go to the battlefield through the mercenary guild.

What they have to do is also very simple, which is to assist the security team to handle various situations that may arise in a timely manner while maintaining good order.

These include deliberately setting fires, causing chaos, etc.

Xu Lai even went out of his way to say hello to the mages from the Mages Guild and ask them to help deal with some emergencies.

With the mages around, a water spell can easily extinguish a large fire source.

However, doing so would also put these mages in danger.

Relying only on ordinary guards and some low-level mercenaries for protection, the safety factor is really very low.

Xu Lai has no ability to restrain the mage.

However, after occupying this city, it is impossible for these mages to receive salary from Aini.

If they don't help Xu Lai, let alone getting money, it's not certain whether these people can continue to stay in the magic guild.

Although the empire's mages are far inferior to those in the tower, they are still quite numerous. Otherwise, Nofa would not have been able to help Xu Lai find so many mages so quickly.

Kaunaston Castle is much more attractive to mages than Qingfeng City.

Otherwise, the original president is a magician after all, how could he agree so easily and go to Qingfeng City to set up the teleportation array.

Sure enough, just as Xu Lai expected, the flames burning everywhere could not last at all.

Most of those thieves and killers use alchemy bombs or incendiary bombs and other alchemy props.

This kind of prop is easy to set on fire, burns quickly, and catches fire quickly.

But if there is magical intervention, it will be very easy to extinguish it.

Mages are always more dazzling, and it is no surprise that they have become the targets of thieves and killers.

But one thing is that Xu Lai set the time for settlement during the day.

He is upright and does not need to do any sneaky tricks at all.

This is extremely beneficial to Xu Lai. The thieves can use their stealth skills to quietly set fires, but what they do will definitely be seen by the angels in the sky.

Once or twice, these thieves may be able to escape.

But if they dare to reveal themselves again, they will definitely be targeted by the angels.

Under the control of Elvi, with the addition of Xu Lai, and under the holy light of the ultimate prayer, the speed of the angels was astonishingly exaggerated.

Any target targeted by them will be doomed unless it can become invisible multiple times.

Of course, the thieves are definitely not willing, and they will do everything they can to resist.

However, the poisonous dagger, which is usually invincible, cannot even penetrate the wings of the angel.

The ultimate defense technique, the rainbow-like morale after raising the battle flag, as well as the attributes brought by tactics and the blessing of ultimate prayer, make these angels' defense far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Thieves are not a profession known for their strength, and their attacks all rely on stealth-breaking blows, sap attacks from behind, daggers coated with poison, etc.

However, no matter how poisonous the dagger is, it still needs to penetrate the defense and pierce the flesh and blood.

Now they don't even have the ability to break through defenses, and no matter how good the magic equipment they wear is, they basically can't withstand a random sword attack from the angels.

It is even more difficult to block with a small dagger. Even if you have mastered short weapons such as daggers, it is impossible to have a head-on confrontation with a big sword.

What discourages these thieves the most is that the speed that they were so proud of in the past has become vulnerable to these angels.

Especially those thieves who attack mages, even if they still retain the ability of invisibility, they often cannot escape death.

These mages know very well who wants their lives, so before casting spells to put out the fire, they often lay down true-sight spells.

Those who really don't know this kind of magic can only sprinkle a handful of revealing dust.

Once there is an invisible unit nearby, it will become invisible under the influence of the invisible dust.

It's such a good prop, but it's a pity that only mages can make it.

Although Xu Lai also bought some self-defense, the quantity was not large and it was impossible for him to have fun with it.

His gem of true seeing is with Giselle, and not everyone can use the special spell of true seeing.

Xu Lai really didn't have the ability to show his invisibility around him.

However, Roland had already asked the Paladins to press their bodies against the entrances to the tower, leaving only the Holy Light Knights to protect Xu Lai.

This seemingly seamless protection was still full of flaws in the eyes of those killers.

Xu Lai could no longer sit still. He stood up, held on to the wall and observed the situation in the city.

The battle between the mercenaries and Jimmy almost collapsed.

In front of the powerful regular army, the mercenaries had no ability to resist at all.

The skills they were proud of could not even be released close to each other. Thousands of elite archers and crossbowmen each took turns to release arrows.

Arrows covered the group of mercenaries like raindrops. Even if they used the tower shield warriors as cover and slowly approached, they could not penetrate the spearmen in the front row.

In the rain of guns and arrows, the mercenaries' personal combat effectiveness was almost useless.

However, although they cannot win in a head-on battle, they can easily escape as long as they are willing to abandon their base.

The surrounding buildings restricted the performance of the sharpshooters. The mercenaries' strong posture and various skills also allowed them to spread out to every corner easily.

At this time, the cooperation of the Mercenary Guild and the Evernight Mercenary Group is needed.

Otherwise, even the knights could only overtake them when going straight and would not be able to catch up with these mercenaries in street fighting.

Looking at the once famous mercenaries, they fell like grass in the rain of crossbow arrows.

Lin Qiu, who led a group of idle mercenaries and hundreds of elite guards, said to the man who had just disbanded his mercenary group:

"Well, I didn't lie to you.

Not to mention they only have one or two thousand masters, just ten or two thousand, with no organization, no records, and no queue.

In front of such a regular army, they are just mantises acting as chariots. "(End of chapter)

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