The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 544 Assassination

The square-faced man, named Hancock, is the leader of the recently disbanded Rainbow Mercenary Group.

At the same time, he was also one of several mercenary captains who were awarded knighthoods by Aini during the Battle of the Grasslands.

It was the knighthood hanging on his body that made Hancock make the wrong choice.

The Rainbow Mercenary Group, which he had worked so hard to form and develop into a large mercenary group, rising to second place in the ranking, disappeared overnight.

In fact, when Hancock heard that Lin Qiu asked him to disband the mercenary group, he was so angry that he almost broke up with Lin Qiu.

However, after learning that Lin Qiu was vouching for him with his own life, plus the large mercenary group that originally had nearly a thousand people, by the third day, there were only more than 200 key members.

With his enthusiasm waning, Hancock simply disbanded the mercenary group.

He knew that even if he refused to disband and successfully survived this crisis, the mercenary group would inevitably be demoted in the future.

Of course, if they win, a large number of mercenaries will inevitably defect to them, and demotion may be avoided.

It's just that Hancock is much calmer than the other mercenary captains. He knows that even Earl Ani can't defeat the opponent, and it is even more impossible to defeat them with these unorganized mercenaries.

There was no hope of victory. The reason why Hancock wanted to join forces with other mercenary groups before was just to use collective strength to force Xu Lai to make concessions.

He could bear to pay the fine, but he couldn't bear the end of the mercenary group's demise, or even the death of himself and his leadership.

Although the mercenary group was disbanded, he also greeted the core brothers and hoped that they would not join other mercenary groups for some time in the future.

When the dust finally settles, he will still find a way to continue creating a mercenary group.

However, it is hard to say how long this period will last and how many people will be willing to follow him by then.

The leader of the number one Evernight Mercenary Group, known as the Prairie Eagle, is also the hereditary knight Lan Luo of Aini.

Not only did they not accept this fatal task, but when Xu Lai announced that he would liquidate these mercenary groups, he immediately expressed his willingness to provide Xu Lai with free services.

Therefore, in the past three days, most of the mercenaries who had separated from the major mercenary groups were eager to join the Evernight Mercenary Group.

Even Hancock had to admire the other party's courage. He was willing to take risks in order to pass on his knighthood to future generations, but he was willing to throw away the title he had already obtained.

Xu Lai is a person who treats others favorably and repays them with gifts.

Lan Luo was directly appointed by Xu Lai as the deputy city lord to assist and assist Jimmy.

Of course, although his Evernight Mercenary Group does not need to be disbanded, he himself cannot continue to serve as the leader.

It's just that the position of group leader was passed on to his son by Lan Luo, which is still equivalent to being in his hands.

This order has not been announced yet. Hancock was able to get the news because Lin Qiu was also appointed, but was demoted from the previous Executive Speaker to the Director of the Department of Taxation.

He, Hancock, didn't even get a damn job, and he could only get a result that would be discussed later.

Originally, Hancock was full of resentment, but after he followed him during the day, all his resentment and grievances could only be swallowed into his stomach.

Just like what Lin Qiu said, in front of Xu Lai, he was like a mantis blocking the car, a character who could be easily crushed to death.

Seeing Hancock like this, Lin Qiu couldn't bear it.

She said to Hancock: "Don't worry, after Lan Luo becomes the deputy city lord, he will definitely control the power of the Evernight Mercenary Group.

And Xu Lai now lacks a large number of capable, visionary, and powerful helpers.

I think this is not his ambition, and he is not stingy with the slightest benefit. If we follow him now, our achievements in the future will definitely be much higher than if you run a mercenary group.

Apart from anything else, he definitely needs one of his own to fill the position vacated by the Yongye Mercenary Group.

Moreover, since he recruited so many mercenaries in one go, he would definitely need one of his own to manage them.

Lan Luo definitely looks down on such a position now. If you perform well today, you will at least be able to command the mercenaries in the entire Conaston and even the entire grassland in the future. "

I don't know if what Lin Qiu said successfully moved him, or if he figured it out on his own. In the next period of time, he behaved much more positively.

She personally led the backbone of the Rainbow Mercenary Group and cooperated with Lin Qiu and her guards to firmly block one of the mercenary group's retreat directions, greatly reducing the pressure at the city gate.

These mercenaries had already made two plans, either to beat Xu Lai to the point of physical pain, or to take the opportunity to break out and develop in other cities with the wealth accumulated over the years.

If it really doesn't work, the worst possible scenario is to put down your weapons and surrender directly.

Under the vigorous propaganda of Lan Luo, Mohan, Hancock and others, all the resisting mercenaries knew Xu Lai's attitude:

Only the first evildoer will be punished, and the followers will be ignored.

In other words, the only people Xu Lai wanted to kill at the beginning were the mercenary leaders who opposed him.

Ordinary people, as long as they put down their weapons, there is no threat to their lives at all.

As for the leaders of the mercenary groups, no matter whether they put down their weapons or not, they will only die.

The gap-like difference between the two makes it impossible for the superiors and subordinates of these mercenary groups to remain united.

Except for a few mercenaries who were extremely loyal, or who were just junior cadres and were not sure whether they would die if they surrendered, they still resisted fiercely.

The rest of them didn't have much desire to fight.

They ran if they could, but if they couldn't run away, they simply threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground.

The mercenaries who were already in disarray, under the leadership of these people, imitated the others and even didn't bother to run.

Lin Qiu's prediction was absolutely correct. No matter how many experts there were, these rabble could not withstand the blow of the regular army.

There was no collective training, no strict discipline, it was still a mixed group of several mercenary groups, and there was no collective consciousness at all.

But these mercenaries are really good at running.

Jimmy did not disperse his army easily, because once the army dispersed, it would be easy for assassins and killers to find opportunities.

Secondly, there is the scattered army, which is easily defeated by mercenaries with stronger individual capabilities.

In a really crowded alley, Jimmy would rather demolish some illegal buildings.

Anyway, he only needs to be responsible for defeating the opponent head-on. After the opponent escapes, it is the business of Lan Luo, Hancock, Mohan, Lin Qiu and others.

Xu Lai stood on the city wall for several hours. Only when the flames were extinguished and most of the mercenaries knelt down and surrendered did he relax a little.

His spirit has also been in a state of high tension.

Today is not just about attacking the mercenaries, they are just Aini's apparent supporters.

In fact, Xu Lai planned to take advantage of the chaos caused by the mercenaries to wipe out all Aini's forces in the city.

This is also the reason why Jimmy takes his time. He can't resolve the battle neatly yet.

Clearing out the mercenaries already involved the entire city, and Xu Lai wanted to expand the scope of the attack. Xu Lai had no idea how terrifying the resulting chaos was.

He was worried that this city would be completely destroyed under his own carelessness.

Fortunately, the situation is becoming increasingly clear and the situation is increasingly under stable control.

But just when his tense nerves relaxed, a faint sound of breaking through the air reached his ears.

Xu Lai, who has an amazing physique, even this extremely small sound fell into his ears clearly.

The same amazing agility gave him extremely terrifying reflexes.

Having been on the battlefield for a whole year, even if his nerves relaxed for a moment, he would instinctively tilt his head.

With a bang, scarlet blood shot out from his neck.

Xu Lai's timely dodge allowed him to avoid the fate of being stabbed through the throat.

But the speed of this sword was also extremely terrifying. Even if Xu Lai dodged quickly enough, he still couldn't completely dodge it.

And it wasn't until the sword was completely thrust out that the attacker's figure was revealed for a moment.

This guy actually didn't come up from the city gate tower, but flew directly up from the city wall.

An ordinary assassin would flee thousands of miles away if he missed a hit, but the other party was more interested in Xu Lai's head.

The moment the figure was revealed, the whole person suddenly completely disappeared into the air, so that Xu Lai's timely counterattack only hit a piece of air.

After the figure completely disappeared, Roland, who had just woken up from a dream, subconsciously released the sacred armor.

Golden light shrouded the nearby units, and the invincibility effect was added. Only then did Xu Lai have time to check his own status.

It didn't matter. After reading it, his face turned green.

Not only did he lose more than a hundred health points, but he also had a particularly perverted poisoning effect on his body.

"Affected by the skill "Weakness Critical Strike", 125 health points were lost (this attack will definitely trigger a critical hit when it hits the weak point and ignores defense, and is affected by defensive spells.)"

"Poisoning: Being affected by severe poison, losing 30 health points every second, lasting for one minute. Currently under the influence of sacred armor, the toxin is sealed (it will take effect after the effect of sacred armor ends)."

Xu Lai touched the wound on his neck and saw that the tough skin had broken open, but except for a little bright red blood flowing at the beginning, what was squeezed out later was dark green blood that exuded a foul odor.

Obviously, the effect of this poison is very severe. The delay between Xu Lai being scratched and Roland turning on the sacred armor may not be more than a second.

However, in just this second, the toxin had been fused with his blood, so much so that even the sacred armor could not expel it and could only temporarily seal it.

Even Xu Lai didn't see this assassin clearly. He only knew that he was a lanky male assassin. He struck out with two fatal attacks.

If Xu Lai hadn't been able to dodge quickly and receive such a critical hit from his weak point, he would have lost at least 4,500 health points.

Xu Lai's defense, even without the protection of the prayer light, was still a very terrifying value with the support of the Angel Alliance and high morale.

However, the assassin's weak point critical strike ability means that as long as he stabs the weak point, he can ignore the defense and will definitely hit a critical hit.

This kind of damage is really terrifying to think about. Even if Xu Lai's health points exceed a thousand points, he still can't withstand such a torment.

Then there is the poison that can cost him 1800 points in one minute and cannot be dispelled even by the sacred armor.

Invincible has the ability to be immune to all negative effects, but in order to expel the toxin, Invincible can only drain the blood from Xu Lai's body, which is also equivalent to killing Xu Lai.

The sacred armor can only expel toxins, but the prerequisite is that the toxins must be separated first.

Most poisons are fatal instantly, and the toxins go straight to the heart, brain and other places.

Only this kind of poison can be said to be extremely poisonous and can kill people in a short time.

The ability to mix with the body's blood, which is usually an ordinary toxin, cannot make people die in a short time, but can only make people lose health continuously.

The assassin's poison combines these two abilities. It is highly explosive and difficult to clean up.

After releasing the sacred armor, Roland urgently added a holy healing spell.

With the bonus of his own captain's specialty, this holy healing spell is enough to restore Xu Lai's lost health just now.

The skin on the neck has completely healed, which is the effect of poisoning, but it cannot be cured by holy healing.

But fortunately, Xu Lai knew that he would definitely become the target of the killers, so he asked for many antidotes from Elena early.

Because the archbishop of Conaston was "sent" away by Xu Lai, the temple simply issued an official letter and transferred Bishop Elena to be responsible for the temple affairs in the Conaston area.

The reason why Xu Lai used the method of "begging" was because his meritorious service had been basically exhausted.

But who knows that Elena is one of her own who is in Cao's camp but still in Han's heart.

Xu Lai only made a symbolic donation of 100,000 gold coins, but Elena almost gave Xu Lai all the antidotes in the cathedral as if she didn't want the money.

This time, she was originally going to come, but Xu Lai didn't agree with her taking the risk and told them to stay in the church.

At this time, even if you just go to the streets to appease the people, you may be attacked by killers.

After all, almost everyone knew that the bishop Xu Lai brought must be on Xu Lai's side.

As for assassinating the temple bishop, will it anger the temple?

With so much chaos on the streets, what accident could possibly happen?

But breaking into the cathedral by force has a different meaning. Once a killer does this, the temple will have to dig three feet into the ground to find the person and crush the ashes.

Xu Lai realized that he was poisoned, so he was not stingy. He directly picked up a bottle of the most powerful antidote and drank it.

Sure enough, after taking the antidote, Xu Lai felt much better, and the numbness on half of his neck began to gradually lessen.

But in the last ten seconds of the sacred armor, the poisoning effect on Xu Lai's body was still not removed, but the effect was much weakened.

"Poisoned: Being affected by severe poison, losing 18 health points every second, lasting 45 seconds. Currently being affected by sacred armor, the poison is sealed."

He loses 18 health points every second, which is 810 points in 45 seconds. The poison after its weakened effect is no longer able to directly poison Xu Lai.

In fact, even if the effect is not weakened, this strong poison cannot kill him.

Because there are hundreds of Holy Light Knights and Paladins around Xu Lai, and with so many holy healing spells, it may not be possible to poison him to death in an hour, let alone a minute. (End of chapter)

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